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Ranting ahead.


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meanwhile let's not provoke people to do exactly the said action by mentioning it

School. I don't mind the walking into the building. Hey, there's a kid I know from soccer. Awesome. The thing I hater the most is /people/. They aren't mean. They're honestly really nice. Minus the part about how they know my name without me ever meeting them before, that being a little creepy, but hey. French goes by fine, algebra, science, lunch, it's all fine until I;m surrounded by a group of these really popular girls that rather than ignore me, try to drag me into things for "sake of inclusing and being nice"

i made it clear i really don't want to talk

especially about girl things

i don't care if this boy is cute or if someone got their nails done

go away

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Having a backspace key and an infinite amount of time before you hit 'post', there's really no need to let people know you'd like to lash out at them... It only provokes further hostility. Be mindful of how what you say will be received, before you post it.

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Having a backspace key and an infinite amount of time before you hit 'post', there's really no need to let people know you'd like to lash out at them... It only provokes further hostility. Be mindful of how what you say will be received, before you post it.

Who is this being directed to?

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Having a backspace key and an infinite amount of time before you hit 'post', there's really no need to let people know you'd like to lash out at them... It only provokes further hostility. Be mindful of how what you say will be received, before you post it.

Perhaps they shouldn't be so stupid and also realize they have a backspace key and an infinite amount of time before they post too... Sounds fair, yes?

I only get angry when provoked, sheer stupidity is one hell of a way to piss me off.

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No, it doesn't, because nobody else is being provocative, rude, or telling somebody they'd like to send harsh words their way...

The thing about really stupid people is they're so stupid, they don't even realize it. Same goes with ignorant people as well. *cough* special interest groups *cough*

When I'm met with stupidity that is so ridiculous that it almost seems intentional, it makes me want to attack that person. Not physically, verbally...

It's just my instincts telling me; "Hey, this is idiotic, do something about it."... Honestly, that's the best attitude you can have towards todays world.

I'm done now. Just- done... With this topic, the people who I've talked to in it, I can't take it anymore.

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You want to know what I do now when I get angry? I start thinking about ways to torture myself so others can get a fucking clue.

Here's one I thought of today. Take a white-hot branding iron, and write the words "Can't fix stupid" on my back, and maybe on my chest. Once you make a very bad decision, you WILL have scars leftover. And there's nothing you can do to fix them.

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Sometimes playing stupid is the way to go.

Nothing annoys a troll more than someone who they are trying to piss off is not getting pissed off.

And the person that they are attacking's only response is "uh huh? That's cool, are you done yet so I can move on with my life?"

At least that's how I do it.

And for people who missed it, Nagrisa's back space comment is essentially the cliche "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all...

Something tells me that some people here missed that....

And how does verbally attacking someone solve anything? All it does is create more trouble for yourself...

And stating that everyone you argue with is stupid or ignorant... doesn't do you any justice at all...

Jus saiyin'.

On to my own personal life...

Tfw my roommates buy eachother $70 gifts for their own respective birthdays this week and all I bought them was lunch at a fast food restraunt....

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Okay look. Congratulations. Immediately after I say I prefer not to take action because I'm super passive, you go and force my hand. You can have this unnecessary deep rooted hatred of all things stupid, whatever, but the first rule here is to be respectful, and the fact of the matter is you have been anything but respectful, and in doing so you've only made yourself look worse than the people you insist are stupid whether they actually are or not (and more often than not they aren't, and you don't even know them). If you ABSOLUTELY INSIST on retaining your state of mind, the rule says "or at least pretend like it." A less polite method of saying that is "keep the rude stuff to yourself." I always thought I was a shining example of pessimism but you have proven me SO wrong. Personally I'm glad you took that second gif out of your signature because it does not suit your attitude in the least.

Now you have three choices, you can be done with this topic, which is a short term solution; you can be done with your attitude of negativity and insisting people are stupid which would be most preferable; or you can be done with these forums because you're starting things with everyone with baseless accusations or insults.

You're well on your way to the third, and not by choice. Your move.

EDIT: and on what planet is it a good idea to keep up this sort of thing on the backup of a server you were banned on, honestly?

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I'd say something too, but everyone else here has practically summed up my opinion.

On a side note, Year 11 begins; GCSEs and important work galore all the way until the end of spring.

My only problem is that nothing in my curriculum is going to help me with my goal in any way; creative writing in English is over, and I haven't taken GCSE art, meaning I can't take A Level art; and without that, I might have a few problems.

Something tells me I'm gonna have to come up with some sort of plan after this year, if I want my future to be bright.

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Okay look. Congratulations. Immediately after I say I prefer not to take action because I'm super passive, you go and force my hand. You can have this unnecessary deep rooted hatred of all things stupid, whatever, but the first rule here is to be respectful, and the fact of the matter is you have been anything but respectful, and in doing so you've only made yourself look worse than the people you insist are stupid whether they actually are or not (and more often than not they aren't, and you don't even know them). If you ABSOLUTELY INSIST on retaining your state of mind, the rule says "or at least pretend like it." A less polite method of saying that is "keep the rude stuff to yourself." I always thought I was a shining example of pessimism but you have proven me SO wrong. Personally I'm glad you took that second gif out of your signature because it does not suit your attitude in the least.

Now you have three choices, you can be done with this topic, which is a short term solution; you can be done with your attitude of negativity and insisting people are stupid which would be most preferable; or you can be done with these forums because you're starting things with everyone with baseless accusations or insults.

You're well on your way to the third, and not by choice. Your move.

EDIT: and on what planet is it a good idea to keep up this sort of thing on the backup of a server you were banned on, honestly?

I just wanted to respond to you about that GIF that was in my signature. No, I obviously don't feel that way, I never have and most likely never will. However, it is the mentality I strive for, the peace of mind I wish to achieve, hence the reason it was there for so long, as a reminder...

Again, I'm done though. There's nothing constructive for me here, but I just thought I would give an explanation for that.

Have a good day, and sorry for the trouble.

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I'd say something too, but everyone else here has practically summed up my opinion.

On a side note, Year 11 begins; GCSEs and important work galore all the way until the end of spring.

My only problem is that nothing in my curriculum is going to help me with my goal in any way; creative writing in English is over, and I haven't taken GCSE art, meaning I can't take A Level art; and without that, I might have a few problems.

Something tells me I'm gonna have to come up with some sort of plan after this year, if I want my future to be bright.

1) Year 11 is pretty calm dude, don't worry. As long as you get a reasonable portion of your work done, you'll get your grades. Mocks aren't nice though.

2) See if your school has a creative writing club, they're always good. If not, make your own!

3) I'm pretty sure that if you show the art teacher work of a high enough standard, they'll allow you to do A-level Art.

See, year 11 is pretty nice. Year 12? A whole different ball game. Be prepared for that.

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I just wanted to respond to you about that GIF that was in my signature. No, I obviously don't feel that way, I never have and most likely never will. However, it is the mentality I strive for, the peace of mind I wish to achieve, hence the reason it was there for so long, as a reminder...

Again, I'm done though. There's nothing constructive for me here, but I just thought I would give an explanation for that.

Have a good day, and sorry for the trouble.

And you're just a beacon of knowledge blazing across a black sea of ignorance, right?

I've been around this place and known people here long enough to tell you that you're actually a beacon of ignorance blazing across a rich sea of knowledge.

Oh, and to add to your diagnosis document

-After displaying severe arrogance, the subject is manifesting discourtesy and self-victimization, which leads me to believe he's suffering from a greater disease, the one known as pseudo-intellectual ignorance.

Go ahead, I'm pretty sure you're not worth our time either.

Good day to you, sir.

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inb4 ranting ahead is closed again

Time for a serious rant. Ever have that one food you look forward to eating after a long day? Ever have some jackass in your family eat it? Yeah. #firstworldproblems

serious rant is serious

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inb4 ranting ahead is closed again

Time for a serious rant. Ever have that one food you look forward to eating after a long day? Ever have some jackass in your family eat it? Yeah. #firstworldproblems

serious rant is serious

yes did srs rant is totally srs

i mean liek

i still remember

getting to the front of queue, typing pin in

and bein' all "Burger pls."

"We're all out."


EDIT; But um yeah, can we just, stick to what this topic was intended to be used for? This being closed again will make me hide in shame. So, can y'all just.. not?

Edited by Amaterasu
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The message was delivered and I'm not looking for bullshit justifications or half-assed apologies that won't matter a week from now when the attitude doesn't change at all because we give five thousand second chances thinking "He's working on improving let's keep him." A good friend here always says "Don't talk about it, be about it" and I think that's a lot better than "I'm sorry" or "I did x because y."

Show it or you're leaving.

Now, back on topic:


I was referring mostly to my habits in person, but what makes you say that?

I'd say something too, but everyone else here has practically summed up my opinion.

On a side note, Year 11 begins; GCSEs and important work galore all the way until the end of spring.

My only problem is that nothing in my curriculum is going to help me with my goal in any way; creative writing in English is over, and I haven't taken GCSE art, meaning I can't take A Level art; and without that, I might have a few problems.

Something tells me I'm gonna have to come up with some sort of plan after this year, if I want my future to be bright.

The best personal advice I can give is not to sweat it and, with as little stressing as possible, work towards what you can. My 12th grade year was arguably the best year I had of school just because I got pressured into going to prom and grad bash and whatnot when I originally, and very adamantly, intended not to. I figured, hey, if my friends want me to go to the point that they get a form themselves, go around for all my teachers to sign it while I had no idea, and then had me just write my name on it, then sure, whatever, I'll do it. This was the same year I failed two classes because my (home)work ethic was terrible and I could not stand sitting around at home doing work while I was surrounded by distractions. I made them up online after school for like a week and nothing of value was lost. Obviously I'm not saying fail your classes and don't worry about it, but I WOULD say to see if you can't do anything online to make room for the classes you'd actually like, maybe? At least see if there are any ways to get around to the A-level art classes anyway, like Jacze said.

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The message was delivered and I'm not looking for bullshit justifications or half-assed apologies that won't matter a week from now when the attitude doesn't change at all because we give five thousand second chances thinking "He's working on improving let's keep him." A good friend here always says "Don't talk about it, be about it" and I think that's a lot better than "I'm sorry" or "I did x because y."

Show it or you're leaving.

Now, back on topic:

I was referring mostly to my habits in person, but what makes you say that?

The best personal advice I can give is not to sweat it and, with as little stressing as possible, work towards what you can. My 12th grade year was arguably the best year I had of school just because I got pressured into going to prom and grad bash and whatnot when I originally, and very adamantly, intended not to. I figured, hey, if my friends want me to go to the point that they get a form themselves, go around for all my teachers to sign it while I had no idea, and then had me just write my name on it, then sure, whatever, I'll do it. This was the same year I failed two classes because my (home)work ethic was terrible and I could not stand sitting around at home doing work while I was surrounded by distractions. I made them up online after school for like a week and nothing of value was lost. Obviously I'm not saying fail your classes and don't worry about it, but I WOULD say to see if you can't do anything online to make room for the classes you'd actually like, maybe? At least see if there are any ways to get around to the A-level art classes anyway, like Jacze said.

There is one good piece of news in that department; later this September, I'm going to be attending a class for drawing from life; and that is going to save my life, I can tell.

Anyway, thanks for the advice, guys. I'll see if I can actually pull off anything like that when it comes to A-level art, and I won't sweat it too much either; I've had a tendency to overdramatize bad situations in the past.

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Ug... why can I never read an article about a video game without looking in the comment section and seeing someone bitch about "the over sexualization of women."

Do game devs sexualize women? Most definitly!

But one thing these people never look at... is the doods...

Are they Sexualized? Hell sometimes even more than the ladies!

People see Bayonetta losing clothing as she is fighting, people lose their fucking minds!

People see Kratos running around in nothing but a loin cloth ripping mythical beasts limb from limb, and taking advantage of women. Not to mention how he always Grunts and groans at the top of his lungs every time he moves a muscle.

No one sees anything wrong.

The thing I just saw recently that really irked me is that they announced the 5th Killer Instinct 3 character... and it is their first female...

People lost their shit, OH MY GERD SEXY WOMAN ALERT!

Sandira, the new female character, is nearly covered from head to toe... how is she "revealing" or "oversexualized"...

And as you guys can probably guess... did these people look at the guys?

All of the guys announced for this game are quite literally all half naked... with the exception of Glacius... he is practicly naked!

So ya... that's my most recent rant...

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