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Although it's kind of a sensible concern, it's not exactly the same.

The problem with over-sexualising women isn't just making them sexy, it's making them ALL sexy so that girls feel like there is no acceptable alternative, OR it's making them sexy as their only redeeming trait, OR making them sexy just so that they're an object/prize.

The first problem has more to do with a demographic than any single character. In that regard, because it is still commonly popular that only women are over-exposed, in vast majority compared to men, the examples you've listed do not hold weight.

The second two problems do apply to specific characters, but I do not believe from my understanding of his character that Kratos applies to either of those.

And I can't pretend to know context enough to remark on the men of Killer Instinct.

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ok i don't really mind the sexualization of women as long as we're not making that like a major selling point of the game (or taking away from their character to do that [making her a sexy--but stupid bimbo]) because it's an anime but for example highschool of the dead would have still be super fuckign awesome even if literally a third of the appeal wasn't jiggling boobs and panty shots but i can't say i frequently see high def asscheeks killer bulges or high-rez shirtless anatomically-correct muscledudes in my videogames

i don't think it counts if they dude doesn't even look fully human

the problem with oversexualization of woemn in videogames isn't THAT they're being sexualized, but that they're usually there to be eyecandy and not much else or follow a very binary or man-centric role. There's nothing wrong with sexy women in games, but give them the same depth/importance of men (and sexualize them more for me c; ) and the problem is null.

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I know where the actual problem lies... its just how it is stated or worded by some people...

Which leads to recent another Rant of mine...

It has been getting on my nerves recently when people state how super smash bros Melee is better than brawl... when they can't even tell you why

Hint: saying that melee is faster does not explain why melee is the better game...

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I know where the actual problem lies... its just how it is stated or worded by some people...

Which leads to recent another Rant of mine...

It has been getting on my nerves recently when people state how super smash bros Melee is better than brawl... when they can't even tell you why

Hint: saying that melee is faster does not explain why melee is the better game...

Yeah, especially when the only time Brawl is slow is when you are playing online. But, seeing as how there is no online serever for gamecube games such as SSB: Melee, I can't see what part of it is faster. It has been so long since I have played Melee, but I do remember that it wasn't INCREDIBLY fast. When I played Brawl, I couldn't tell the difference. Since you can't play Melee online, the issue of being faster of slower than Brawl is non-existent as far as I see. I think people are just making any response they can, because they don't have a good reason for liking Melee better. They would have been better off saying that the characters were better or something. I can't really see that much either, especially in Pichu's case, but that might just be my particular opinion. The characters argument would have made a much better reasoning. IMHO opinion, though, Brawls characters were better. I loved Sonic btw. One of the best additions ever...at least for me. I grew up on Sonic, so I loved it. Ahhh, nostalgic moments never cease. :)

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I like Melee better than Brawl. Mainly because of not only Nostalgia but I just love the hell out of the maps better than the newer ones and I loved the characters a little more than on Brawl. Plus the amount of bad reputation, postponing, and crappy wifi service pushes Brawl a little more down under. Provided it's still a phenomenal game but it just falls a little flat to what all the trailers made it out to be.

To be honest, most people nowadays will like something over something else for shits and giggles, inspiration, or to make someone pissed off. Mostly the last option because nowadays people like to make others angry and see someone PO'd for their own amusement. When you wanna back up your opinion, give an honest opinion. That isn't shit talking. But we will talk about that for another day....

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The first time I played brawl at the opening night tourney, I could feel the difference. It felt like so much lag. And it didn't help that I was playing as Ike.

And after mastering as much of Brawl as I had, playing Melee is a huge leap in speed. Which brings up how much I'm against wave-dashing as an exploit, which Brawl did away with. Without wave dashing, the vast difference in tiers within Melee would mostly disappear. If metaknight is the one character that breaks the Brawl competition meta, Wave Dash is the thing that breaks the Melee meta into a select few characters that devolve into a dash-off of very long matches where you watch people constantly dodging each others attacks till someone slips and then it's pretty much kill combo time. or infinite chain grab time. It's like watching those DBZ episodes where they're constantly vanishing and reappearing, striking through after-image after after-image. Sure, there's those dodgy matches in brawl too, make no mistake about that. But there's a lot more slugfests too, trading blows and racking up that damage percent bit by bit instead of borefest ended by sudden overwhelming combo brokenness.

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Brawl is way less balanced than melee imo, and I don't like how floaty brawl can be, and characters do not die... ever...

If I die in brawl, it feels like a huge loss... or worse yet, that I have lost... but if I die in melee I think "I still have a fighting chance"

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>Downloaded Software Token for FFXIV

>I registered

>I plugged the Android to my computer, which closed the token mid-processing

>Server now registers the software token

>Application still asks for the registration code

>In a state of panic, I botch it and leave it for dead

>Now my FFXIV account asks for a one-time password I cannot generate

Oh yeah. My account is SUPER-secure. So secure that the owner can't access it.

And it only gets better: I think of using chat support to speed up the retrieval process... several hours later:


I'm not expecting compensation for my fuckup. I just want my account back...

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A lot of people asked me over PM about what I ment from my last status.

I was battling on the server, aand sure enough, losing a battle. Knew I could not win. So I forfieted. For some reason this is so bloody taboo among some peope that it's worth going into a blind rage over it. Me? My thought process puts it in the case of "hey, Im not gonna win this so why prolong the inevitable?"

And then some of you asked what sparked this ideal into existance.

The answer is that the other games I play have caused this. WoT, because all to frequently Im the last person alive on my team, because the 14 other people on my team cant seem to understand how to use any possible advantage they have, and get killed in the first three minutes of a match after rushing one flank, and losing. Unfortunately, I ususally end up having to go die anyways because one vs 10-15 enemies? lolImnotdoing that. I might take someone down with me, but I know a lost match when I see one. TF2, where everyone on my team insists on being the same useless sniper class and know nothing about team objectives. What do I do? Find another server to play on. Because carrying a team of 14 god damn snipers, spies, and scouts (although scouts dont really annoy me because they have use on the front lines) makes me kick lots of puppies.

tl;dr If I see a match which I know is going to end in complete failure, then I would really perfer to just end it now and move on to my next game. If its going to be loss and Im on a killing spree, then I'll make an exception and go out in a blaze of glory, but chances are, I wont.

Edited by Sakido
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>Downloaded Software Token for FFXIV

>I registered

>I plugged the Android to my computer, which closed the token mid-processing

>Server now registers the software token

>Application still asks for the registration code

>In a state of panic, I botch it and leave it for dead

>Now my FFXIV account asks for a one-time password I cannot generate

Oh yeah. My account is SUPER-secure. So secure that the owner can't access it.

And it only gets better: I think of using chat support to speed up the retrieval process... several hours later:


I'm not expecting compensation for my fuckup. I just want my account back...

I tried two more times. Two more times was I canceled.

If they don't respond to my email. I'm fucking done. My consolation is that I didn't set up automatic payment.

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When I ask my teacher if a picture is what I think it is but I can't tell since it's in black and white and teacher be all like I don't know you tell me. Well I'm not fucking sure, that's why I'm asking you, but you know what I'll write it down since I can't find anything similar to what I need to find anywhere else in my text book.

There's also this girl in my class that annoys the hell out of me since she's probably (what I would call) a generic high school girl, she be like what 5-10 minutes late to class and then say to the teacher I'm not late I just (insert fake ass excuse here). And when she's acting all high and mighty talking down to all the freshman and claiming she has the highest grade in the class, how the fuck would you know that. Honestly idk what she scores on the quizzes and homework but I bet I have a high of grade if not higher than her's, with like 100% of all the quizzes except on one where I got 15/16 and 100% on homework.

Also when my parents are like no you can't go to (foreign country here offered by school) even if you want to go, but later say oh you should have gone there, but later later when I bring it up again they now say no you not going there. I just hate it when people just change their opinion without much reason.

So nice to blow off some steam here.

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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There's also this girl in my class that annoys the hell out of me since she's probably (what I would call) a generic high school girl, she be like what 5-10 minutes late to class and then say to the teacher I'm not late I just (insert fake ass excuse here).

Welcome to 90% of the people in my school

Also why is it that I'm lazy enough to only finish a drawing in class and not fully complete the hands

I don't want to be lazy I want to look at the finished picture and mark a godamn date on it so I can feel like I'm progressing because I have actually gotten a little better but then oh no I haven't done this and I also haven't done any work on the story at home nor the characters or plot or any comic practice storytelling and my self-esteem is slowly leaving me again I'mdrowningakfuakfnkmfjafalenlaefnjlafneafitfweso;dfs

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Welcome to 90% of the people in my school

Honestly that's like my school too, like here's the way i'd describe it

10% Actually nerds/otakus

7% (probably lower) Annoying people that aren't too annoying


Funny story when I was TA for my french teacher I didn't know like 1/2 the class's names since they all seemed soooo similar.

Anyways actually ranting- Someone I was in a class with last year seats next to me in a class this year and when the table were discussing something I heard the guy next to me say something like "I'm not weird I'm normal". It pisses me off when people say something like that unless they follow up with something like "and normal means weird while weird means normal." He didn't do that. Also the two girls when sit with just fucking won't leave him alone which pisses me off more since he'll try to do his work and they'll be all like "So tell us who you like" (this was mentioned earlier in the year just since I think no one would just come out and say that). But he said he didn't want to tell since every time he did it'll always blow up in his face according to him. I know that feel since I remember it happening to me. Also those girls be talking about girl things I probably don't want to know too much detail into like tampons and periods.

Other than a few more things they seem okay to say the less, if they shut up more and do more work maybe they could finish things on time.

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this school is full of people that think I'm either really cool or just avoid me completely there is no alternative

but it's better than being referred to as "mexican" every day or being asked if I jumped the border in time to make it to school or if i rode in on an alpaca


also i've just been hurting a lot of people in soccer like i tried to get the ball down to the other end of the field today and some chick jumped in front of it and it hit her right in the chest and i felt so bad

then got home and my stepmom launched this whole shitstorm about how i lie and steal food and manipulate my family and how she really don't want me to live here and apparently there were woman's undergarments in my dirty laundry in the laundry room? idk it was mainly about how she wants to trust me but can't because she weighs bad things so much more then good and how i basically lost the chance to be part of this family and i told her that if she wants to trust me then to give me a fucking chance to show her she can but on the inside i was laughing at it the entire time because she told me i manupulated my grandma into giving me money when it was offered for me to get it early so i could get my laptop

this woman makes me laugh sometimes

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then got home and my stepmom launched this whole shitstorm about how i lie and steal food and manipulate my family and how she really don't want me to live here and apparently there were woman's undergarments in my dirty laundry in the laundry room? idk it was mainly about how she wants to trust me but can't because she weighs bad things so much more then good and how i basically lost the chance to be part of this family and i told her that if she wants to trust me then to give me a fucking chance to show her she can but on the inside i was laughing at it the entire time because she told me i manupulated my grandma into giving me money when it was offered for me to get it early so i could get my laptop

this woman makes me laugh sometimes

why am I seeing so many asshole parents lately

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I've just been under a hail of work lately. I told myself i'd better myself in homework but now i'm barely gonna hold onto a B at this rate. I have a bunch of notecards to do, multiple homework papers, and assignments I have to do, and I have a bunch of things I don't even know if I finished or not. In short...I'm screwed. This is the punishment I get for blowing off school work for 3 days. Luckily, I have caught up for the most part and if I work hard all throughout today and tomorrow I can finally rid of myself of this tragic workload. But...I don't know if i'll make the same mistake again.

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So the government decided to fuck over our study leave for gcses, and instead force us under specific revision sessions inside school where we revise stuff that is of no use to us and have no freedom over how we educate ourselves in preparation for what could set the gateway to our lives.

shine on school

shine the fuck on

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School likes to think they can understand you and who you are.

And that is the bullshit that needs to stop, NOW. Child Youth Counsellors, "therapists" and all those people who thought they're alpha ended up wasting FAR TOO MUCH of my time that could have been spent learning and approached like a parent would a child, when I could have spent time learning something semi-useful rather than be interrogated.

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