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Well...I've been really off lately. For some reason I feel kinda disconnected to my past community I was in. I was into the anime community of facebook before I came here. It was fun in my opinion and I had made a lot of friends there. Now I come back and it's just...The same. But a different style at the same time. I've just been gone away from facebook that I've developed a strong dislike to stuff that is cancerous in terms of comedy like memes and using familiar phrases for everything. Even my best friends haven't been the friends that I have imagined would be like and they have gotten more worse then when I left. It's just so confusing as to what I feel about this but I do know this. That despite this I will still try to be their friend. Even if I may not get their jokes that doesn't mean I care about them.

But really...I am practically clueless as to what to do. owo

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Im the only one to clean up the metal shop class every day. it's good for me

so when someone tries to usurp my job for the sole purpose to try to get his grades up, I openly shout at him, making sure the teacher hears me loud and clear over the massive vacuum I'm using at that moment:





because I dont clean it to try to get a cheap easy a in a class that's really hard to fail unless you are really terrible at handling tools and cleaning up in which case YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE IN THE CLASS IN THE FIRST GOD DAMN PLACE YOU LAZY ASSHOLE


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am extremely sorry for any people who are still in school - I acknowledge many of you are, and I know there are people who aren't like this.

But I'm fucking pissed.

I want to become an English teacher, because I like to write - and I thought I could share my skills and maybe get nice inspiration from students. When the school found out, they gave me an offer; help out in the English department, get more money. (We get paid for staying in school in 5th and 6th year. They aren't required, you can leave at 4th.) So, naturally, I accepted. I expected it to be okay - I was only helping. But I soon found out the HELL teachers go through, and honestly pity them. I understand there are foolish teachers, but I'm talking about the good ones. There's always at least one. But honestly, they have fucking strength. They get up every day, to be:

  • Ignored
  • Given cheek by their students
  • Trying to teach them crucial things, with those jackass fools just thinking they're perfect, superior, they can ignore this class and be alright, skive, they don't revise for tests.
  • Given those half-baked, and quite frankly, idiotic excuses for not completing simple tasks, or not doing homework. This is going to get me a bit of hate, but I've always been annoyed at the people who use 'I thought it was for _____' as their excuse. No, you fucking didn't think it was for next week, because the right date is in your diary/on your fucking sheet. These stupid fucking idiotic excuses for students just.. make me scream.

I was given a timetable for the day. And one period, I walked in. The teacher JUMPED out her seat, ran to give me papers, and I swear to god she mouthed 'Good luck'.

Naturally, her class was hell. Fucking interruptions. STUPID questions about what was just gone over - 'Where do I place the apostrophe? At the start?'

"OH I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. Use your obviously superior intellect - and your amazing ears, able to hear through those quite obvious earphones! I must say, you must be proud of yourself. You have the best ears on the planet!"

This'll make me get a small(code for large) bit of hate, but honestly, that's the honest truth. I can see why some teachers are like what they are like. I know myself that you can get distracted. It's easy. We're humans, that happens. But can you please just fucking apply yourself, or have the guts to say;

"I'm sorry sir/miss, I got distracted because of ___ and I'm very sorry. I'll bring it in tomorrow." I'm sorry if you're in school, or have to deal with these. I still do. But, I needed that off my chest.

(on another note, 1000th reply! Woo.)

Edited by Alatreon
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My dad takes no shit from his students. If they give him any smack, he flunks them. Of course he cant really kick them out because it's college, but he knows that the grade is mightier than the boot.

Hell now that I think about it, I think he'd rather keep failing students in his class and prevent them from leaving and confuse them by pushing assignment after assignment on them and make them panic when finals come.

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Relevant to this, I have a question of curiosity for any of our European users (I'm assuming Alatreon is from America? I can't remember atm, and if not this is going to be awkward)- and particularly anyone from the Scandinavian countries because I've heard no small amount of praise for that area's educational and social systems:

Is the scenario described above familiar to you?

As an American, I know it all too well but my first inclination is to blame it on our educational system. I can't speak for other states, but I've grown up with my mother as a teacher, and later working as a tutor for high school students- I've consistently seen both sides of the local educational system and to sum it up in a word, nobody involved likes the state of things here- teachers and students are both unhappy. Yet, I know that there are twisted values at the root of our educational structure that essentially corrupt it (its all about good scores on tests to get funding).

But I will with some shame admit that I know little of the European educational system (aside from tumblr infographics that make me want to move to various northern-European countries) or the forces that motivate it-

Is it as cankerous there?

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@Shiri, teachers master specific skills to orient to certain classes. You will learn later on that you will have good classes and bad ones, like life. The only way you can change the class is if you yourself try to change it. Tolerance, Flexibility, Fairness. Let them hang on enough rope as they want but when it comes to crunch time, you tighten the grip. Course, this is your own path to being a teacher, so I wish you good tidings on your journey to becoming a English Teacher!

As for the supposed corrupt school, it's not our fault. Everyone always blames that it's the student's disobedience; It's not. It's the teachers.

A bad teacher is what you saw Shiri. She's spineless, won't take the class in charge, won't show her dominance towards her classmates, and won't be fair about it. Two years ago I had a math teacher who was amazing. I got an A in his class but I was in a room surrounded by lesser-standard peers. (Or we can just call them retards, idiots, bakas. ><) My math teacher was so fed up he yelled in the whole class that other rooms could hear it. He specifically yelled at one student that if he didn't like the class he could get the hell out. I heard him yell a few times before that but I just felt some sort of envy that he just exploded on a student like that. Years end he was naturally more nicer, he even played a few Beach Boys albums during some tests we were doing.

Of course, yelling doesn't always equal results. It is okay to show once or twice that you are the teacher of the classroom and your main goal of your class is to help your students pass your course and succeed in life. Dominance isn't a problem every so often to keep everyone in check. If you abuse that power, students will exploit it. A had another teacher that got fired last year for a threatening comment she retorted towards another student saying that "her husband was in the mafia". Albeit it was very funny when we heard it, but that's an example of someone who cracks under the pressure. You can't let your guard down at any moment or else you'll end up making a fool out of yourself.

You gotta find that middle ground. Know your students and what you are dealing with. Let them hang onto as much support as they can, while being your own fair lenient style. That way, i'm sure you'll be an amazing teacher one day Shiri. ^^

[Funny that i'm a Sophomore and I am giving information to a near adult. Sorry if it seems a bit too unrealistic that i'm giving you tips on this subject.]

Edited by Cowtao
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Don't listen to Cowtao. It's the students. And if there's any corruption at schools, its at colleges and universities where people with fancy named positions get the big bucks and the people who do the work don't, and then there's the college sports bullshit.

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...In comparison to both of your emotional distresses, I realize that the following post is basically going to make me sound like a prissy little bitch.

But it's really bothering me.

Why is it that every time I get a really pretty ring or necklace it always has to go and break within the first day I wear it?! It's not fair...

Also the scale and I are no longer friends... again.


Untitled_zpsc21bf1af.pngI'm so mad, I share the same feelings as you Amethyst, i broke 4 headsets this year, 3 backpacks i used in school now are in the thrash can with a hole somewhere,2 of them died in a month or less, i broke my notebook's cooler, 2 usb cables... jeez man

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I'm incredibly bitter right now...

I have a friend named Gabe. I've known the dude for years and he's a decent person. At least sometimes I think he is. Other days I think he is just vile and an asshat. He basically does all these immature stunts to me, throwing my backpack, spilling water on my food, and joking about everything serious I have to say. He is more to himself and thinks his opinions are right. Not letting any other opinion interfere with his.

But he told me that he hates himself. That he dislikes how much of a butt he is and regrets doing things. But the more I am a friend to him the more I see how hypocritical he is. Like today, he was going to jokingly spill water on my food again and I accidentally spilled his water bottle on the table. It flooded and he was calling me up on the fact of the water deal, claiming he has only done it once. [He has done this on multiple occasions] I up and left the table to go with other friends. I came back later on the opposite side, still close to Gabe and decided to bring some napkins over. Saying that we should both clean the mess up. He says it was my mess and up and takes the napkins for himself anyway and cleans it up. Now he has 5 wet napkins and he decides to be smart and not throw it in the trash. Instead, he put it on the inside of the back of my shirt and says "we are even". I called him up on it, yelled at him, called him an asshole, but it was just honoring him. So, instead of pounding him I did something that I only do to people who deserve something.

I snitched. Clean and simple. I hate snitching on people because a lot of humans have potential for good. But at that moment, I wanted nothing but the worst for him. I didn't even care anymore. You could say I just practically snapped. I told the assistant principal and with the profanity cursing that was spoken to Gabe I got off with just a warning. He however might say other things and claim that I am the bad one.

I'm just up and done with him. I have been his great friend for two years. All those years we had a lot of bad sessions but I am done playing games. This is Sophomore year. It's time to cut the little chicken kid games out and start acting like an actually friend. Instead, he is persistent on being mean, cruel, and careless.

And that is why I refuse to speak to him ever again. Happened all today on Halloween, but hey. At least I can leave on a quota saying "something scary happened to me in Halloween". Thanks for readin' this and I really do hope that you guys have an amazing day.

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A few things to nitpick about:

-After Halloween, I still can't go back to being Manes because I lack the credits for it. Oh bother.

-I downloaded HeartGold intending to play through it. I hoped to use the Randomizer to change all names to lowercase and update moves to Gen V. The latter probably worked, the former, nope! The option was greyed out. You have any idea how long I've waited for Game Freak to stop using CAPITAL NAMES for POKéMON? Ugh, seeing them bothers me so much. :V

-People complain about the Pokémon Aftermath RP not getting any activity... what about Johto Adventures? I mean, dammit, people, if you're gonna complain, don't do it to the same crowd that had the only RP she could participating die out! And worse, I can't even bump it because I did the last bump. Honestly, it'd be better if it was just erased. No more false hope of it ever updating.

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Honestly, I've given up on that RP too if I'm honest. I'll probably ask an auth to lock it if it doesn't be revived (if only slightly) in a week or something. I also can't get a post in the Aftermath because I'm trekking into adulthood, and I'm being swamped with work </3

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Wow so I have never thought about how bad it is when a species goes extinct (don't worry I will not go PETA on you guys, that is a different rant), but today in biology we began to get into out animal behavior unit and my teacher showed a video of some animals that are either extinct or on the verge, and I thought about something that blew my mind. Every strand of DNA, the code of life that has been changing for billions of years, and has became more and more complex, as species change to their environments is gone. Something that is so amazing that drives the life of a whole group vanishes. Yes we do have "samples" of certain genes of extinct animals, but to clone something wouldn't be the same as if it developed over time, as perfection can not be rushed and there are no shortcuts. Just think about the struggle it was for the former species to pass on the genes that allowed the current ones to exist and then just gone. I find this quite sad, and I'm NOT going to put the total blame for species that go extinct on humans, even though we do contribute to it, but mother nature also dictates as well, but I digress. Just ponder on that for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No doubt that we contribute to the extinction of a lot of species, but you can't pin every extinction on humans. Some are just the side effect of nature's course.

Wow looks like I forgot to put the word not in there, that sounded really ignorant of me and I apologize for that.

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"we'll be back in like 15"

hour and a half later

"we're like an hour out but we're gonna come get you"

find out they were at the 7-11 5 minutes away the entire fucking time while kristy kylee and i were left to rot

and then i get home, "Anthony where are you???"


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