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Ranting ahead.


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I felt like my servine was underleveled because it was, so I put it first on the team and ran into some trainers. They all had tranquils. except the one with a trubbish. so much facepalm.


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I'm angry at them.

I'm angry at myself.

But I can not take this shit anymore. I swear I'm gonna call truant if this goes on.

Hey, idiots. Can you please stop bitching at me for blocking the football with my hands at the spur of the moment? Yes, I know I lost it for us, but then just let me sit out and do nothing, because I'm honestly pissed off at how retarded you all are. And then after all you do is argue, argue, argue, FUCKING ARGUE!


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So I have a funny story for you... although it's a nightmare to me.

So this one Biology lesson we're talking about antibodies and how they kill micro-organisms and all that shit, and we're putting events into order on the sheet. The asshole person next to me says that I've done it wrong and the memory cells aren't the last thing that happens. I KNOW that it was, and we get into some really deep argument, and then bet on it. I am POSITIVE that I'm right...


The second that teacher says it's the 5th thing that happens, EVERYONE in the class, friends, enemies, whothefucks, just laugh their asses of at me and go "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" and stuff. They think I'm some kind of genius just because I have glasses, and that really pisses me off.

And when I'm pissed off, I shout. I shout REALLY loudly. So after yelling at the idiot, I get laughed at more, because loud voices only work if you're a teacher, no matter how loud it is. And speaking of, the teacher is not amused.

Then I ask him why the hell he said to us that Memory Cells were the last thing in the chain that happened when they clearly weren't. And the motherfucker says "oh, I only told you all about the first half of the process.".

...What. REALLY?

Yeah so I get sent out and everyone laughs their asses off at me. It doesn't help that for this day and the next, EVERYBODY, no matter who it is, will not let it go and will proceed to bully me about it forever. Doesn't help that some idiots from the year about punched me a few times for it.

I lost to a sheet, an asshole and the logic of a fucking teacher. Are all the teachers in this school so incompetent that they tell you the first half and actually claim it's the whole thing, then give you a sheet which is really the whole process? I don't want to know what goes on in any of their brains.

All I can say is, thank god it's the weekend. I want to stay away from any idiots for a long time.

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Advice-- "Eh, not worth stressing over anyways. Let's drop it and wait till the teacher goes over it in class."

Anger avoided

"oh, I only told you all about the first half of the process."

This was gone over in class. THE SECOND he stopped showing us, he gave us the sheet.

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no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no


an autobiography

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I hate Tumblr. I hate any bandwidth guzzling site my sister is addicted to. While I struggle with trying to load a page, she has 6 windows up, playing videos, chat rooms flooding, and doing evervthing to hog what little connection I have. It took 3 clicks and 20 minutes to get to this thread, just to write this post.

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Speaking of sites that are overrated, I'm getting sick of Instagram and Twitter -.-'

Notice Facebook before noting down Twitter >>





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I've been having a fantastically horrible day.

Wake up, get dressed, mom checks grades online. 2 classes falling behind. Goes into a fit and starts lecturing me. Left the home angry, one teacher talks to me about the same deal, just a bit more reassuring more than anything. retake a test that went down the poop hole, and afew missing homework, which was caused by a backup of other classes.

SHortly after that, I noticed that I had no lunch money, so Im literally starving as I am typing this.

Oh, and did I mention that I have to go baby sit the worst kids in town? Good thing they're offering 13 bucks an hour. They must have a large amount of trouble finding sitters. (They chose the right one, just on the wrong day)

WHen I come home and have mom ask me how my day went...? Thats when Im going to explode.

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Black Knight I want you dead ;_______________________;

*3 chapter retries later*


EDIT: FOURTH chapter retry...


EDIT: FIFTH chapter retry and of course crits QQ

6TH CHAPTER RET- you get the point

7th chapter retry: Now Nasir and the Black Knight killed each other, and I'm stuck with using Ena... I saved, but I'm starting to regret doing so...

I'll probably end up doing a second runthrough.

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Seeing as I posted a thread on ti by accident and got redirected here;

Okay so where do I start. I guess it's better I clear the entire story with all the facts and all the truths. And in as much detail as possible without skipping out on anything.

On December 26th 2009 me and a friend online got together. I think both with the intention of making each other happy as friends. We did however end up falling in love with each other (Well, I know I did and she said she did, he truth behind it is about 95%)

We were in an extremely happy stable relationship. I mean, I know I kept a little distance on her because I didn't want to seem to clingy and I yelled at her and said we need a break for a few days whenever she would be, but that's just how I am. It was long distance, if we were too close too much, it'd hurt the longer the relationship went on. (This wasn't my first long distance relationship by a long shot.) Anyway about a year ago. I busted her, big time. A site I used to go on. She was pretending to be a whole bunch of people. All with their own separate boyfriends. And even after I had hard sure fire proof to bust her, she still couldn't admit her mistake. I was a little upset by this, so I forced my hand a little and did what I had to, for the other people's sake. I wasn't proud of myself, but leaving them hanging as their "lovers" disappeared into nowhere would just be worse. Anyway, I had spent alot of time trying to forgive her for this, and it made me get annoyed at her more sometimes. Even more so when something recent happened which caused us to part ways. She had done this whole thing, all over again. The list of fake profiles on Facebook I found is currently totalled around 20. She dated her friends as a means of "support" apparently. However, busted she still couldn't own up and I had to once again step up to a group of friends she made and reveal the real her. I really don't know what to make of this because after tapping into a few accounts she owned and trying to push it out of her. I'm the bad guy. I'm the only one in the wrong. Perhaps I am, trying to help someone change to help themselves, is not the best of things. What doesn't help is, I'm a sensitive person, and feelings for people I hold onto for a while. I still do miss her regardless of what she's done, but I know she's out of my life now, and it hurts. So yeah if I act mopey/upset/whatever. There's my reason why. If there's anything more people would like to know, or discuss on it. I'm open to talk about my perspective...

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Seeing as I posted a thread on ti by accident and got redirected here;

Okay so where do I start. I guess it's better I clear the entire story with all the facts and all the truths. And in as much detail as possible without skipping out on anything.

On December 26th 2009 me and a friend online got together. I think both with the intention of making each other happy as friends. We did however end up falling in love with each other (Well, I know I did and she said she did, he truth behind it is about 95%)

We were in an extremely happy stable relationship. I mean, I know I kept a little distance on her because I didn't want to seem to clingy and I yelled at her and said we need a break for a few days whenever she would be, but that's just how I am. It was long distance, if we were too close too much, it'd hurt the longer the relationship went on. (This wasn't my first long distance relationship by a long shot.) Anyway about a year ago. I busted her, big time. A site I used to go on. She was pretending to be a whole bunch of people. All with their own separate boyfriends. And even after I had hard sure fire proof to bust her, she still couldn't admit her mistake. I was a little upset by this, so I forced my hand a little and did what I had to, for the other people's sake. I wasn't proud of myself, but leaving them hanging as their "lovers" disappeared into nowhere would just be worse. Anyway, I had spent alot of time trying to forgive her for this, and it made me get annoyed at her more sometimes. Even more so when something recent happened which caused us to part ways. She had done this whole thing, all over again. The list of fake profiles on Facebook I found is currently totalled around 20. She dated her friends as a means of "support" apparently. However, busted she still couldn't own up and I had to once again step up to a group of friends she made and reveal the real her. I really don't know what to make of this because after tapping into a few accounts she owned and trying to push it out of her. I'm the bad guy. I'm the only one in the wrong. Perhaps I am, trying to help someone change to help themselves, is not the best of things. What doesn't help is, I'm a sensitive person, and feelings for people I hold onto for a while. I still do miss her regardless of what she's done, but I know she's out of my life now, and it hurts. So yeah if I act mopey/upset/whatever. There's my reason why. If there's anything more people would like to know, or discuss on it. I'm open to talk about my perspective...

To be honest, you pretty much did the best thing you could. With you trying to forgive her and still sucking it up and revealing it is something you should get major respect for.

She needs to know that online sites aren't the only way to get a social life.


Gangnam Style, you're going too godamn far. You've infected my friends, my internet, the whole of Youtube (even the weird part), my neighbours and my family. STOP. STOP


Just get out of my life ;______:


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I personally hate it when see a person complaining out there teamates in League of Legends like its bloody Call of Duty or somethin. It is a game that gives you a option to play on a team with your friends or complete strangers so why do I see people bitching about your teammate just because you lost ONE game. If you dont like playing with strangers the just play with your friends that you consider good.

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About Amanda Todd...

I do honestly have three words to describe her:

  • National
  • Fucking
  • Disgrace

Sure, she's portrayed as a sweet, little angel, but let's remember that when she was 12 years old, she was so desperate for attention that she made a blog just so she could post videos of herself masturbating and make it near-viral for pedophiles to find. Three years later, she claims she's harassed by these people, and makes a YouTube video of her depressed...only to make another video of herself masturbating and again post it for these pedophiles to get a hold of. So not only is this attention whore making everyone's life around her miserable, it's fuel for the perverts' fire.

And then she kills herself. Through the perspective of my friends and I, it's the best and worst thing that could happen at the same time; there was no more of this to put up with, but people had such an inaccurate perspective that I would compare this to Kony slacktivism in terms of being among one of the worst things to ever happen to the internet society.

Where were you when people around the world were paying respects for this Amanda Todd? I, funny enough, was at the school library, with a friend texting me why I wasn't at the school's service which they were holding for Amanda Todd.

15 minutes after she calls me from outside the service, forcing me to justify my opinion, she arrives, asking me whether going to this really makes a difference.

"It does," I said to her in a voice that showed I was ashamed of society. "It means more of this is bound to happen."

"Yeah, you're right," she said. "I wasted a year on giving a fuck."

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About Amanda Todd...

I do honestly have three words to describe her:

  • National
  • Fucking
  • Disgrace

Sure, she's portrayed as a sweet, little angel, but let's remember that when she was 12 years old, she was so desperate for attention that she made a blog just so she could post videos of herself masturbating and make it near-viral for pedophiles to find. Three years later, she claims she's harassed by these people, and makes a YouTube video of her depressed...only to make another video of herself masturbating and again post it for these pedophiles to get a hold of. So not only is this attention whore making everyone's life around her miserable, it's fuel for the perverts' fire.

And then she kills herself. Through the perspective of my friends and I, it's the best and worst thing that could happen at the same time; there was no more of this to put up with, but people had such an inaccurate perspective that I would compare this to Kony slacktivism in terms of being among one of the worst things to ever happen to the internet society.

Where were you when people around the world were paying respects for this Amanda Todd? I, funny enough, was at the school library, with a friend texting me why I wasn't at the school's service which they were holding for Amanda Todd.

15 minutes after she calls me from outside the service, forcing me to justify my opinion, she arrives, asking me whether going to this really makes a difference.

"It does," I said to her in a voice that showed I was ashamed of society. "It means more of this is bound to happen."

"Yeah, you're right," she said. "I wasted a year on giving a fuck."

What the hell?

So your reasoning for not liking her is that she did what she wanted with her body, and then was harassed for it? ._.

How does what SHE does with HER body directly effect YOU in ANY way?

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The problem is, it affected everyone. Everyone was talking about it. Hell, even my sister called her a role model after her death. Essentially, this was (in retrospect) an aggresive message against the loving public that this is not a kind of person who anyone should admire, look up to, or otherwise be tolerant of.

That and what she did was so incredibly illegal that it's not funny.

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“If when calling someone a slut… if you had to in the same breath explain what it could mean… that you aren’t worthy or deserving of equal rights or protections, you deserve to be harassed for years and have your life go off course, you should probably be raped and I don’t have to care because I don’t like what you did. If you had to say that, would you still say it? Would you let others say it?”

- Heather Jarvis

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