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Ranting ahead.


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Sigh. It's time I post something.

You. You douche. I'm sick of you telling me to kill myself, harassing me because I like some sad songs, and because I can honestly admit I'm a little feminine at times. It's gonna fucking stop. You slam my head into bus windows, throw your food at me, and make my life a living hell. Either it ends, or shit hits the fan and you go down. Reborn Style. It's worse you're my own cousin, and treat me perfectly normal at home. But as soon as we hit the bus, you think it's okay to do all thse things to me in an attempt to look good for somebody who'll never love you. Honestly--get your head out of your ass, face out of the iPad the school lent you, and realize you'll need me.


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What the fuck is with all the qqing about the metagame lately? This isn't fucking Smogon. This isn't fucking Beta. If you want a metagame like that, take your ass over there.

"It's too hard to beat, let's get it banned"

Man the fuck up and deal with it.

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What the hell?

So your reasoning for not liking her is that she did what she wanted with her body, and then was harassed for it? ._.

How does what SHE does with HER body directly effect YOU in ANY way?

The problem is, it affected everyone. Everyone was talking about it. Hell, even my sister called her a role model after her death. Essentially, this was (in retrospect) an aggresive message against the loving public that this is not a kind of person who anyone should admire, look up to, or otherwise be tolerant of.

That and what she did was so incredibly illegal that it's not funny.

Sorry, but both of you are seriously putting my piss into a boil here (which is weird because I'm more angry about how your argument has developed rather than what you've been saying). You're completely looking at it from your own sides and not considering the other's.

Both of you have made valid points. While what she did was attention craving and and illegal to a degree that I've never even considered before, I don't like to take "death" so lightly in this situation.

Yes, Ryan. She craved attention in, personal opinion here, what I think was a really creepy way, but does that mean she deserved death? Really? What, she couldn't realize how selfish she was being and then had a mental breakdown? Your opinion looks more like you're bashing a mindless git who will go to no ends to receive fame. HECK, I didn't like any of what she did, but she could've realized it and tried to develop into a better person. It's. Not. That. Far. Away. Not to mention, she had other reasons for her suicide, say being bullied for a problem that caused her grades to be low.

And Hark, I don't care how you look at things, me, and most others, think that MASTURBATING to gain attention is just... ugh. I'm not taking some bullshit about "doing what she wanted with her body", I'm pissed about how STUPID of a decision that was. As much as I can imagine her situation at her time, the result of not listening to the blackmail would've been better than the result of sending out a masturbation video... really? What's worse for a girl, a picture of a girl with her breasts out, or a video of said girl masturbating and doing a "show"? Oh, and don't forget that dark secrets lurk behind videos everywhere, and I'm talking about the one explaining her story here. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT SHE DID WHAT SHE "WANTED" WITH IT?

I honestly have mixed opinions about her suicide. I'll say I'm mostly sympathizing with her due to the problems that followed the viral pictures and videos, but I do really have to wonder what the hell people are doing these days. Why stick around on social networking when what you've done is so viral and degrading?

I'll say though Hark, I find Ryan's reason to be angry at Amanda Todd rather reasonable, even in the way YOU worded it. Freedom has it's fucking limits. As he said, it affected everyone. When the video first started spreading, teachers and parents had to take their kids away from social networks in fear of that video, and crooks scammed and tried to receive money from donaters by lying and saying "I'm raising money for this kid's family". I will admit though, that I can understand how Todd went into more of a breakdown.

I'm done for tonight, fucking seriously...

Edited by BeaverRoo
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You know what's cowpies? When youve been really liking his guy, but so does a bitch who barely interacts with him, and I interact and hang out with him all the time. And this girl takes her time by dressing like a complete hooker to get his attention.


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The thing is that happens all across the internet every day and had she not killed herself there wouldn't have been any news story or anything -_-

I'm not a fan of anybody telling any-other-body that what they did with themselves is/was disgusting, because they already have to live with it. She obviously had a lot more going on than some need for attention if she was willing to do that kind of thing with herself. I doubt it did much for her self-esteem, if she had any to speak of, which is just so sad...

I'm trying to look at her as an individual, not a camshow-girl-turned-sobstory, because at the end of the day she's both but only one will get you anywhere close to who she is and what she went through. I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuge protester of slutshaming, and you'll notice that's literally the only thing I addressed in responding to Ryan. I'm not doubting the suicide effected others-- it sure as hell did. I don't think anybody has a right to judge her on what led up to it, though. I mean, come on. Masturbation is normal, natural. Yeah, not fond of the idea of underage individuals broadcasting their tributes to that idea on the internet, either. She wasn't old enough to make that decision, or mature enough to predict the follow-ups. I'm simply speaking towards the idea that we don't automatically brand her "toxic" just because she did things contrary to the thick "anti-slut" agenda.

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I'm sure all this happened in the news while I was deployed cuz I've heard the name but know nothing of the story except for whatever you guys put here.

No right to judge? Everyone judges everything. They form opinions. And they like something or they don't, or are simply undecided.

It's her body and she can do whatever, but that doesn't mean all that stuff wasn't stupid as hell. Bad decisions tend to lead to a lack of respect.

Because of who Baka is, he looks at what she's done and how overblown the media reaction is and he's tuned it out. Because of who Hark is, he viewed it as a sexuality issue. She sounds like a tragedy, not a role model. Extreme issues and emotions were at play here.

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I'm sure all this happened in the news while I was deployed cuz I've heard the name but know nothing of the story except for whatever you guys put here.

No right to judge? Everyone judges everything. They form opinions. And they like something or they don't, or are simply undecided.

It's her body and she can do whatever, but that doesn't mean all that stuff wasn't stupid as hell. Bad decisions tend to lead to a lack of respect.

Because of who Baka is, he looks at what she's done and how overblown the media reaction is and he's tuned it out. Because of who Hark is, he viewed it as a sexuality issue. She sounds like a tragedy, not a role model. Extreme issues and emotions were at play here.

I wasn't saying the media was COMPLETELY overblown, nor did I instantly classify her as a slut. Sorry if it may have not been clear, I wasn't in a good mood that day.

I think the problem is more to do with HOW the media is reacting, really. And heck, who wouldn't feel sorry for her after the video spread out? She started taking drugs and cutting herself, a problem of hers caused her school grades to plummet and life essentially went out of the roof. I was more angry at her decisions before this, rather than the results of what happened afterward.

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Fuck you. Get out. Not just you, but those around you. Fuck everything about you. Fuck your very existence. Leave.


Besides that. You've pushed on. It's gotten to the point where people who used to be my FRIENDS tell me I should die, damn it. I know that I'm a nintendo fan. I know that isn't exactly "cool" or anything. Like I give a fuck. If I cared what you douches thought, I wouldn't be who I was today. You forgrt; you're 17. YOU play pokemon at home, yet it isn't okay for me to do it on a bus where nobody sees anyways? Get a fucking life, Tyler. You're 17, and you can't drive. You can't even do simple tasks. Sure, you may be a fucking math genius. But you need to be able to do simple things, you idiot.

Edited by Silver~
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Fen has reappeared! Looking meaner than he usually does, and that's saying something.

Not my issue, but the person who pissed him off has my sympathies. Looks like he may actually go out and maim someone this time - given the fact that his socket wrench is out, I suspect he may go for the knees.

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The one thing I never figured... that you would be mad at me for moving on. I'm not going to just sit there, and wait for you to love me. Fuck no. I'm obviously going to move on, and get on with it. I moved on. That's it. And now you're pissed at me? Seriously, Sapphire? You had your time, in my life. I've moved on, just like you did, and suddenly you're all mad about it.


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All. Of. My. Hate.

UPDATE: I haven't said enough about how much I hate it.

>RD: Part 1, Endgame:

I confront Jarod, he lands a %2 crit chance on Nolan.


Oh, and I didn't have a battle save... so yeah... BACK TO SQUARE 1 OF THE ENDGAME 8D

Edited by Roo The BAKA!
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  • 2 weeks later...

...That's all I wanted. That's all I ever wanted. Stability. Mental clarity. Not confusion, conflicting emotions, any of it. I don't want to be in love with two people. Don't want to have to hide during school, having to see the counseler every other day. It just... one day, it's her. Then it's the other. I feel like I'm tearing apart. I don't want to break her heart, or lose my chance at a SECOND CHANCE. I just... it hurts. I knew I should't have gotten myself into this. It's either losing my chance to be with the one I love, or breaking the one I love's heart. What can I do... it's Saph or Destiny. I just... don't know what to do.

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Fuck you, FUCK YOU, FUCK. YOU.

So if I wear black I'm an emo?

If I act bored I'm a "wasteman"?

If I don't have a set goal/job I'm a retard?

If I use Japanese words, I'm a weeaboo?

If I don't play CoD, I'm not a true video-gamer?

If I don't act like a "G", I'm a stupid idiot?

If I don't play sports, I'm an unfit bastard?

If I don't speak slang, I'm a hipster?

Fuck you, and fuck all your classifications. You're a judge to no one but yourself, and you keep it that fucking way. Let ME decide who I am, or what I am. Don't just classify me into some group of "lame-os", or anything. I have fucking had it. Reflect on yourself every once in a godamn while. Fuck you, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU! The world's better off without people like you!

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Uh.... I know this is kinda a minor thing to rant about, but...

It's so frustrating to me, trying to make a christmas wishlist. For some reason, I don't have anything I want when I first think about it, but then I end up wanting a TON of things, and since there's too many and you want them all, but can't get them all, I get worried about what I SHOULD put on it for the fear of "what if I don't end up getting this?".

Even when I try and sort it into priority, I get rather doubtful about what I REALLY want the most. Then I get worried about putting on some things at all, for fear that others will choose the cheapest options to get for me... which is why last christmas I got about 11 pairs of socks. Yay...

It was not very fun, last Christmas, I can say that for sure... I'm hoping it might be better this year.

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my time-management skills are shiiiit

i meant to do some cleaning around the house so i could have money to pick up tomorrow

and i've put it off until halfway through sunday

i need the money by tomorrow, during school ;~;

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...I'm sick of fighting with you. All of you. I want my life back. Not venomous words thrown, or any of it. True, I don't have much to say, so I'll leave this with some song lyrics that describe it~

"Bottled up inside

This time I'm taking back my life

I'm rising up

I've had enough"

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Waiting for everybody to go to the site we're supposed to head to, and this sub is pretty anal about staying in one tab on the relevant site.

Omgggg I'm literally one of the fastest workers I know what am I supposed to do w/ my idle time? Pretty sure this is in my IEP or something

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>Drawing manga while in tutor group (a.k.a England's homeroom)

>Asshole asks me why I'm drawing little girls

>Everyone else joins in


Oh, and I was practicing how not to make a face look like a teenage boy. So go figure... you can see the type of intelligence I have to deal with daily.

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I have been in this city for 3 years, at least TRYING to get good grades, and what do I have to show for it? These clothes and this haircut! And what do have YOU have to show for your 3 years of immaturity, laziness and ignorance? A ROLE IN A BALLET SHOW, being a skateboarder, getting good grades despite the above mentioned, a normal mom, friends, a social life! Yet you still slash slash slash.

Shouldn't have even told me about how you slit your wrists, I could tell you didn't trust me.

Aaand this is why I have given up making friends with girls at school because either 1) they're annoying 2) you don't see them much or 3) they pretend to like you when they really just want to hurt you.

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