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Ranting ahead.


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I know you guys just got out of Middle School, but for the fucking love of god, DO not think you can do or say whatever. The Teachers are being patient with you, but I ever catch you alone, just make sure you have your last will ready.

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You know what really tickse off?


Its bad that you cant spell, but when you make it worse by making people feel bad fpr typing proper sentences, you kmow you dony deserve to lean English. I mean, I do use chatspeak to a certain extemt, but whem you're overdoing it to the point whefe






And tp top it off, calling people retarded for not understanding chatspeak.

Here's an example:

Friend - Hy u wnna ply bball at sch ltr???? :D

Me - Sorry, what?

Friend - Ill tke tht as a no

Seriously. The standard of English is getting bad to worse. Just the other day a classmate asked the History teacher if we could have the essay written in chatpseak.

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You know what really tickse off?


Its bad that you cant spell, but when you make it worse by making people feel bad fpr typing proper sentences, you kmow you dony deserve to lean English. I mean, I do use chatspeak to a certain extemt, but whem you're overdoing it to the point whefe






And tp top it off, calling people retarded for not understanding chatspeak.

Here's an example:

Friend - Hy u wnna ply bball at sch ltr???? :D

Me - Sorry, what?

Friend - Ill tke tht as a no

Seriously. The standard of English is getting bad to worse. Just the other day a classmate asked the History teacher if we could have the essay written in chatpseak.

I won't bother correcting your post to make point, but that text seemed pretty obvious aside from "sch" which probably meant school anyway. It really isn't hard just to answer in a straightforward manner, and it'll do far more good than to take a non-existent intellectual high-ground.

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Fuck that bridge

Fuck that fucking fucker of a bridge

Fuck the Fire Emblem 9/10 Bridge


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That moment when prom is coming up and my friends all want me to be in their group/table thingy but I can't find a date in that group (in my school you go basically wherever the girl tells you unless you get a girl from out of school), so my chances of actually being with my friends for prom are slim to none at this juncture.

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That moment when prom is coming up and my friends all want me to be in their group/table thingy but I can't find a date in that group (in my school you go basically wherever the girl tells you unless you get a girl from out of school), so my chances of actually being with my friends for prom are slim to none at this juncture.

I'll be your prom date :D

Just buy me a dress. And some hair Extensions. And Fake boobs.

Go buy a hooker, they're cheaper.

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I hate it when you have made plans for over a year, A GOD DAMN YEAR, with a group of friends to go an see a certain band and do a certain few things over a weekend and then they all mysteriously cancel on you for different reasons, some sounding genuine while others didn't.

But it turns out they all just went without you and took YOUR ticket to give it to the whore that they don't even like. They just wanna have a god damn orgy while there.

And they take the money YOU saved up, all $500, and blows it upon shite and then asks for more, claiming to have gotten mugged. You don't do it cause you have no money left, they all stole it, and then you get called names under the black and white entity of which should be a rainbow. On top of that they claim to of only of hung out with you through pity and that they were never your friends in the first place and that they also hung out with you to try and fuck your cousin. Who is fourteen and autistic.

Edited by Explosms
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I hate it when you have made plans for over a year, A GOD DAMN YEAR, with a group of friends to go an see a certain band and do a certain few things over a weekend and then they all mysteriously cancel on you for different reasons, some sounding genuine while others didn't.

But it turns out they all just went without you and took YOUR ticket to give it to the whore that they don't even like. They just wanna have a god damn orgy while there.

And they take the money YOU saved up, all $500, and blows it upon shite and then asks for more, claiming to have gotten mugged. You don't do it cause you have no money left, they all stole it, and then you get called names under the black and white entity of which should be a rainbow. On top of that they claim to of only of hung out with you through pity and that they were never your friends in the first place and that they also hung out with you to try and fuck your cousin. Who is fourteen and autistic.

Get me an axe of some sort and get me a plane so I can get to where you are.

I've got some heads to lop off.


hire an assassin, they're cheaper

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That moment when prom is coming up and my friends all want me to be in their group/table thingy but I can't find a date in that group (in my school you go basically wherever the girl tells you unless you get a girl from out of school), so my chances of actually being with my friends for prom are slim to none at this juncture.

I know it sucks, but you have to look at the big picture. Being able to sit with your friends at prom means very little, since you will have ample opportunity to converse with them later.

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I won't bother correcting your post to make point, but that text seemed pretty obvious aside from "sch" which probably meant school anyway. It really isn't hard just to answer in a straightforward manner, and it'll do far more good than to take a non-existent intellectual high-ground.

It was just an example
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Like fuck they are. Charging 1000+ BC and each coin at like $80, that shit ain't cheap.

I say this due to my high demand of a method of transport worthy of me

Aka I want to have paid instant teleportation which would cause a developing of a new age of technology that will have several trillion pounds/dollars/gil invested into it and then when it is created I will find some way to bask in the limelight and then return home and sip a cup of lime squash.

also how would you know are you an assassin Neo :I

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I know it sucks, but you have to look at the big picture. Being able to sit with your friends at prom means very little, since you will have ample opportunity to converse with them later.

I know it sounds cheesy, but prom is kinda special and I'd like to spend it with people I enjoy hanging out with. Wait, I think I hate the majority of my friends because most of them are fake and wouldn't know the meaning of being a friend if it hit them upside the head harder than an eighteen-wheeler with jet boosters with a rabid bull strapped to the front. I suppose I just don't want to be alone for it. Also, this doesn't change the fact that I still lack a date.

Edited by Jory
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not so much angry but it is irksome that someone has beaten my BW2 sun team at school. almost a complete copy as my "Solar Armory".

time to bring in the mono dark with the troll sableye. many people fear my sableye.

but if he is good as he says he is, then only time will tell.

but if he lets the sableye get pranking


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Ok first of all once you realize where the enemies don't go that bridge chapter is a bit easier

So my rage is now for naught

In other news, I hate CCW.

Just in case CCW isn't taught at America, it's basically a vague team for the study of, well... stuff in the community. Crime and punishment, the parliament, etcetera.

But why is it that we have to learn this? If we want to learn about a specific subject that isn't involved in other lessons, say, facts about law, the court and order, then it's easy enough to just study up in your own time. If we want to learn how we can help the community, we can look up posters, or adverts, or organize things ourselves. Basically, why force us to learn stuff which is already naturally either within our grasp of knowledge or potentially doable ourselves?

Our current topic is on choosing an issue in London (e.g knife crime, littering) and once we've done that we're supposed to fill a bunch of complicated shit on a random issue that we just picked ("for what reason do you want to stop this problem?" was one of the questions... we just chose the problem because we could! But no, that doesn't count as an answer), and then organize questionnaires, interview people in seats of power and send petitions to MPs. Okay, making us do questionnaires isn't THAT bad. We've done similar in ICT. But you want us to support this issue and perform tasks on higher levels such as making a request to MPs in the Parliament JUST for the sake of a community issue we randomly picked in a school lesson?

What is it that makes our government so intent on teaching us this stuff? We're forced to do it the second you enter high school all the way to SIXTH FORM (a mandatory long course for a minor subject in the sixth form, where we pick the subjects that will help us with our jobs and determine our lives?)... and just... WHY?

I may sound like I'm just being an unhelpful sod to the community by just not helping it out because I don't want to go through major shit just to solve a problem we picked in a minor school lesson, but seriously, helping the community is something we're perfectly capable of doing ourselves. We don't need schools to help us with that, and we certainly don't need them to shove it in our faces when we're already being pressurized into it by family, protestors and adverts all around us. Let us help out when it comes, not force us to do it in an unhelpful subject in our school.

(Also if you learn CCW and you think it has a good reason for existing, then reply to me on this matter, because I'm seriously curious as to why they want us to do this so badly)

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The only reason that I can think of for doing this is crime reduction, and it's an interesting way to go about it. It's probably keeping you in touch with people in power so that:

  • They can more easily identify you and your actions if you do anything against the law
  • People in power themselves can assure you that the government genuinely cares about its citizens
  • If there you have an idea that the government should listen to, you now have direct connections
  • I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them

However, I'm not going to pretend like I know what I'm talking about. I've heard about CCW-like programs, but the government in Canada does not make them mandatory.

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Oh, also, person who was angry about CCW! Um, in Ireland it's kind of split up into CSPE and SPHE with CSPE focussing more on the environment and rights and stuff and SPHE focussing more on social issues and things, but it's basically the same and I have basically the exact same complaints as you about it. I wouldn't defend it for an instant - I could be using that class to get my homework done! D: Well, that's my opinion. In my old school they did both subjects separately so we missed a lot of school time but fortunately my new school is Catholic, not multi-denominational, so we do Religion and cram them both into that, so it's not as bad. Also in Ireland you only have to do an exam in CSPE because SPHE is more what do you feeeel? We do pretty much the exact same thing as you, we pick something at random and have to write to politicians about it, organise school days dedicated to it and blah, blah, blah...But is sixth form like your last year? We only have to do it until fifth year (the year before the Leaving Cert year, which decides our future), then sh*t gets real and they kind of stop pretending that we were doing anything except sitting on our asses the whole time.

Sixth form is an optional 2 years from our school that we can take, in which we choose the subjects we wish to study, study on those A LOT, and also get a lot of free time with it. It's pretty neat, since you can't do much else after you've finished year 11 when you're 16.

But suddenly they then put a mandatory CCW course in it

What the actual fuck

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Ahh, I see. Well, as I said over here it's compulsory until Transition Year, but most schools carry it on into that year and only stop at fifth year, so most people would do it until they're 16-17. Transition Year is an optional fourth year in most schools but it's compulsory in mine, unfortunately. It's basically a free year where we do nothing. Classes are split up into stuff like Photography and Law, which you wouldn't get to do usually, but you don't get any choice subjects - everyone has to do a little bit of everything, and you don't go any more in-depth in any subject than you would for the Junior Cert. The actual classes are forgone in favour of watching movies, most of the time. I was only just finished chemotherapy at the time, though, so I needed the free time to get better. I can't really complain in my case specifically.

Edited by Ashka
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