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I shall sum this up nicely and simply:

What is it that compels people to spend all their time worrying about their appearance? What makes them think that it's the only thing that counts in their social status? Why can they not realize that they are people anyway, each with their own personalities in problems, and that you can do much more than try to look pretty that can easily make friends and meet new people?

It's rarely about social status so much as a tangible shred of self-worth some people rely on to keep from feeling shitty about themselves... Any form of superficiality is often coupled with something much deeper than you'd assume.

Not all the time though, obviously.

Man, I would've thrown a rock at their window and about what said in the post before most people have a habit to imitate/copy and are influenced what they see on tv, thus they act like morons in public. More or less, that's why in the where I live NYC, you see plenty of examples of "going with the trends or trying to be cool". One would be guys with tattoos on their wrist, shoulder, and chest. My bad to anyone on here that has a tattoo on those specific parts of their bodies, I honestly think tattoos are cool but not cheesy ones. When I mean cheesy tattoos I mean them as being really common and chances are you're a douche of a person and some wannabe hotshot tough guy. Starting off with a star tattooed on the shoulder, every time I've seen that tattoo on someone it literally reminds me of Black Star from Soul Eater that its not even funny anymore. The next one is the quote going across the upper chest/collarbone, like yes you are oh so cool for having a quote/lyric that you probably got from a second rate song that's played on the radio frequently. I'm mean you literally managed to turn yourself into a human snapple cap of idiocy. The last one is having their name tattooed on their left/right wrist. I don't even need to explain this; but if I forget your name, show me your tattooed wrist so I can remember your name. No wait never mind I don't want to remember it because you've already proven how much of a fool you are by tattooing your own name on your own wrist. I like tattoos as long as they have some sort of meaning to them but it seems that people just get a tattoo for any reason like "oh I had jury duty, I'm go get a tatted" (I live in Queens so this I common for me to hear).

Also I'm tired of seeing so many girls with too much damn make up on. I don't know much about that crap, nor do I want to know about it. But, if you're walking with your face looking like you got flour smacked by the muffin man, you got too much damn make up on. You guys don't know how many times I've been required to do the obligatory hug to a friend's girlfriend and ended up with a streak of make up going down my shirt. I got so tired of having to go to the locker room to change my shirt when I was in high school, that I refused to give anyone a hug. Guy, girl, infant, or pregnant lady the only thing people got out of me was a handshake. The only exception would be obaa-chan cause she always makes good food when my sister and I visit.

But, the one of the two things I can't stand is that you can't talk to a girl in NYC or in general without getting the defensive reply "Oh I have a boyfriend", like bitch I'm not looking/trying to do anything ecchi with you, shit I only want to know if the bus passed by yet or not. *Though it would be rather nice to have a girlfriend, but that's not the point and I don't even have the time to be with anyone.

The other is that I can't stand stand all these kids trying to be hotshots when they're in high school. Skipping class/school just so that they can't smoke right across the street from the school they go to. Where is the god damn logic in doing something like that, what you are achieving in doing something idiotic like that. The thing that pissed me off was that I saw that happen all the time when I was in high school because the school I went was well known for three reasons: first we had metal detectors, second there was a nursery on the second floor next to the library, and three the school was nicknamed Hoecrest. Which makes a lot of perfect sense. I honestly hated going there for a lot of reasons, but I was too lazy to transfer and refused to was up any earlier than 8:30 in the morning. Plus, it was only a 10 minute walk from my house.

This made me really upset.

I operate on the principle that what other people do doesn't concern me as long as it doesn't impact me directly.

I can't even summon the judgmental tendencies to care if I wanted to past acknowledging that it's "mainstream", which seems to be your only real complaint... which isn't a very valid one in the first place.

If I wanted to go redo my wardrobe to all tank-jerseys, cargo shorts, snapbacks, and Osiris shoes, and then go ahead and grab myself some cool tat I saw somebody else sporting, I should be able to do just that without "Oh somebody's going to think I'm a crowd-following douchenozzle and get really irritated about it" in the back of my head. Because it doesn't have anything the fuck to do with them. This mindset is very far down the line from "People shouldn't make vast generalizations and blanket assumptions about me because I'm gay", but from the same vine nonetheless.

Just because a song's overplayed doesn't mean it has less of a chance to resonate with people on a deeper level.

Why do tattoos have to have some sort of meaning? It's art. On your body. You wouldn't get it if you didn't think it looked nice. So what's the issue with getting it BECAUSE it looks nice?

I can't... fathom a single one. If you don't play it off as if it was some deep meaningful permanent mark on your person, you shouldn't be judged as if you are.

Back to other people's choices not being something you need concern yourself with?

And how concerning yourself with them in the first place makes it more of a problem for you when it was originally a problem for no party involved in the first place. You're choosing to let something somebody else did to make themselves feel more confident/comfortable/attractive/just because (valid reason!) something you find issue with.

I don't think it looks nice either. But unless my opinion was asked I'd never give one because they're obviously feeling good about it and the only thing I should do is let them go about their business without casting judgement on them.

The boyfriend thing is a valid complaint because you're being assumed of having some sort of ulterior motive when you're really not but you need to understand that the defensive reply is just that-- a defensive one-- from a group of people CONSTANTLY objectified, bothered after telling people they weren't interested, the list goes on... and when it's in such abundance and frequency, it's only natural somebody would opt to just avoid the entire ordeal, despite the fact that everybody deserves a fair pass...

... but this is exactly what I'M complaining about... blanket generalizations and assumptions based on what somebody looks like...

Don't like it? Don't do it. They don't have the life experience or wisdom to see how this may effect them negatively. But they're not negatively impacting anyone else with their own actions (be they childish, independent, what-have-you) so who's *god damn* place is it to go and get up in arms about the entire damn activity? Not mine, not yours, not anybody's. They want to blacken their lungs before third block? They'll have to deal with it when it finally catches up to them.

Logic? They want to. Consequence? Their own. Party involved? Themselves. People who should be mad about it? Themselves, when they end up addicted.

TL;DR Nobody needs to validate their actions or choices to anybody else, because they are their own.

Nobody has the right to get mad at somebody for something that casts a grand total of zilch negative light on others. If they're not involving unwilling participants or doing things to emotionally/physically harm someone else, WHERE IS THE HARM OR ISSUE?

If you can't afford a smidgeon of patience for the people around you you're going to be angry with a lot of things for a long time.

This, here too. Nobody, nobody at all other than my friends can comprehend the fact that you can actually talk to girls without implying flirting or lechery. I have a few friends who're girls, and every time I'm seen chatting or walking home with them casually there's always at least one or two people who whistle or shout out something about a girlfriend. It sickens me entirely, and sometimes it goes to the point whenever I see it as some kind of sexism.

That IS sexism.

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You guys remeber when animal planet had show actually involving animals? You know, ones that dont involve pets or fishing.


I mean I enjoy my pets, but I wouldnt want to make every other show about them. Though this insn't nearly as bad as the fishing shows. Oh god the fishing shows. Its like Animal Planet is telling us that it has no respect for the animals anymore. Because unlike River Monsters (a show where the guy actually has respect for what he catches ) all these other shows have rednecks fishing for cat fish while acting like total idiots! Heck in one of the promos for a new fishing show, it has the main guy in a thong in what i assume is some kind of strip club.

Though all these pale in comparison to a show about tree houses.....

Remember JFK and that grassy knoll?

Remember Steve Irwin and that cheeky stingray?

Animal Planet totally lost their minds after that. Maybe they're still in their grieving period?

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The thing about harming someone, if you're on a bus going to wherever you need to go and you're keeping to yourself and the person in the seat adjacent to the one you're sittin in kicks you not once but several times without apologizing. You would get a little irritated and when you turn to them and tell me that you were kicked by them and ask them to politely to stop or keep mind to their surroundings. And all in return youvet a fuck you or a oh you're not my dad/mom, you would get the urge to punch them for pulling a dick of a move like that. I won't say that I've never acted like an idiot in public when I did go out to have a good time with my friends.

On the subject about things being mainstream, it's not that things like brands or music becomes viral and popular. An example would be Mackelmore, I listen to him a lot and last year when people who listen to what's played on the radio virtually never heard of him until his debut album released and that Can't Hold Us was played frequently on radio stations here. When it comes to tattoos, yeah it's going to be on your skin for a long time and it's more common to find a place that does a lot of bad tattoos in terms of quality. But when it comes to just getting the same tattoo that you thought looked cool, why not just take the foundation/inspiration of the idea and put your own twist on it. It works more or less when it comes to clothing and music, borrowing the idea and putting your own perspective on it.

However, if I see something that doesn't make any sense or have any point to it from what I see, it's not like I openly go out of my way and say "What the hell is the point to that" or "That looks absolutely idiotic/moronic".

The thing about animal planet that could be their grieving period because if you watched animal planet back then Steve Irwin was pretty much a rock star among conservationists. And if someone that's an icon or a channel's biggest rating puller just goes and dies, of course it's going to leave a somewhat rather negative impact after the dust settles.

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It's rarely about social status so much as a tangible shred of self-worth some people rely on to keep from feeling shitty about themselves... Any form of superficiality is often coupled with something much deeper than you'd assume.

Not all the time though, obviously.

I often intertwine how others feel about their self-worth with how they regard their social status; I've come to think that it's social status that makes them think about self worth, and not much else. I understand that you can feel self-worth with looks, but isn't that in turn used by them to get friends, and in turn, feel more self-worth?

Or, if I sound like an idiot, can you elaborate on your opinion? I'm honestly curious.

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Being the kid that has an idea/dream and plan to get actually do what they want in life. Though even knowing what you want to do in life, there is a high chance of being criticized about what you want to do. I do get this since I want to be a mechanic. People tend to state why I want to be a mechanic, simple I like cars, I grew up around cars, and I enjoy watching Motorsport. Also for people that act all smug because they drive a Toyota Prius it actually does more damage to the environment just to make one of those things than a 1950's Chevy pickup (I could get into this but I'll choose not to). However, what always follows up the why a mechanic confused look. It forces me to explain in detail that not only do I want to be a mechanic, I want to own my own business. It tends to make people shut up, but then they feel the need to ask where and throw the stupid question when you open up I hope you'll give me a discount. I mean I'll pay for the plane ticket since they're going to have to ship their car to Japan to get it repaired because that's where I want to live cause I'm honesty sick and tired of 'Merica.

It's a well thought out career choice with a bit of bat-shit craziness because someone who grew up in NY moving to Japan. It would be more logical in an outsider's perspective to stay local. But, NY is pretty much a piece of overrated shit state. It really is, since the MTA and most businesses try to siphon every dollar they can from you. I have a lot of reasons why I would and am going work and live in Japan. And the wanting to live in Japan was influenced by my cousin who lives in China, so when I heard he got married I though "why the hell can't I do that". If my cousin could do it, then I can and I'll make it as bat-shit crazy as I want. However, the thing about people questioning an stating that you're lazy because you haven't figured out what you want to do yet in life. Most people don't know what they want to for the rest of their lives, like a good 25 percent of people that go to the college I attend don't know what they want to do. Also, the people that complain or give you lip, probably are in all likeliness the people whose lives didn't turn out the way they wanted it to turn out and are butt hurt about it.

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Thanks. It's just...eh. :/ I hear in some countries they have generalish courses for if you still don't know wtf you want to do (there is a girl in my year from Connecticut who's moving back to go to college because she says the colleges there are much more forgiving for people who are still undecided), but they don't here, you're required to be very specific, which sucks. You have to fill out the form with your choices before you even do the exams and there's all these complications, like you can be denied a course for doing TOO WELL and be forced into something with higher points that you don't want to do, which is...yeah. The lack of general courses means there's this mentality if, this February, if you pick the wrong thing then sucks to be you, because you're screwed.

I dunno. Yeah, I have no clue what I want in terms of a career, but it's not like I don't have goals, aspirations. I'll be on top of the world if I can become fluent in Japanese. Okay, that's a personal goal, but it is still kind of related to my future. Every new skill I pick up is in one way or another, isn't it?

Language studies, perhaps? Or do anthropology with a major in Asian/Japanese stuff.

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Man, I would've thrown a rock at their window and about what said in the post before most people have a habit to imitate/copy and are influenced what they see on tv, thus they act like morons in public. More or less, that's why in the where I live NYC, you see plenty of examples of "going with the trends or trying to be cool". One would be guys with tattoos on their wrist, shoulder, and chest. My bad to anyone on here that has a tattoo on those specific parts of their bodies, I honestly think tattoos are cool but not cheesy ones. When I mean cheesy tattoos I mean them as being really common and chances are you're a douche of a person and some wannabe hotshot tough guy. Starting off with a star tattooed on the shoulder, every time I've seen that tattoo on someone it literally reminds me of Black Star from Soul Eater that its not even funny anymore. The next one is the quote going across the upper chest/collarbone, like yes you are oh so cool for having a quote/lyric that you probably got from a second rate song that's played on the radio frequently. I'm mean you literally managed to turn yourself into a human snapple cap of idiocy. The last one is having their name tattooed on their left/right wrist. I don't even need to explain this; but if I forget your name, show me your tattooed wrist so I can remember your name. No wait never mind I don't want to remember it because you've already proven how much of a fool you are by tattooing your own name on your own wrist. I like tattoos as long as they have some sort of meaning to them but it seems that people just get a tattoo for any reason like "oh I had jury duty, I'm go get a tatted" (I live in Queens so this I common for me to hear).

But, the one of the two things I can't stand is that you can't talk to a girl in NYC or in general without getting the defensive reply "Oh I have a boyfriend", like bitch I'm not looking/trying to do anything ecchi with you, shit I only want to know if the bus passed by yet or not. *Though it would be rather nice to have a girlfriend, but that's not the point and I don't even have the time to be with anyone.

Just for the record, I have a KH/FF inspired one on my back :P

The main reply I wanted to make was about the girl/boyfriend thing: are people that desperate for an other half these days?

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I guess it's because some of the biggest human needs are companionship and the urge for coitus and all that sort of stuff. Though some people can suppress that urge better than others, but regardless most, if not every person has the urge "to do it". However, I can only speak for myself about saying it would be nice to have a girlfriend since it has been quite sometime since I had a girlfriend, back when I was 16. That's mainly due to the lack of free time I have in general, my unreasonable standards and my habit of being quiet and indifferent around females in general.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You know why Wargaming never listens to the NA server? Because you respect no one but yourselves, you never stop crying until you get what you want, and as a result, you then post needless amounts of anti-Russian shit on the forums even though WG isn't in Russia but in Belarus, which only contributes to your ruining of the reputation of the NA server. I don't know about you, but maybe you should at least attempt to be intelligent? Or is that too difficult for you stupid American trash.

And WoT isn't???

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Being the kid that has an idea/dream and plan to get actually do what they want in life. Though even knowing what you want to do in life, there is a high chance of being criticized about what you want to do. I do get this since I want to be a mechanic. People tend to state why I want to be a mechanic, simple I like cars, I grew up around cars, and I enjoy watching Motorsport. Also for people that act all smug because they drive a Toyota Prius it actually does more damage to the environment just to make one of those things than a 1950's Chevy pickup (I could get into this but I'll choose not to). However, what always follows up the why a mechanic confused look. It forces me to explain in detail that not only do I want to be a mechanic, I want to own my own business. It tends to make people shut up, but then they feel the need to ask where and throw the stupid question when you open up I hope you'll give me a discount. I mean I'll pay for the plane ticket since they're going to have to ship their car to Japan to get it repaired because that's where I want to live cause I'm honesty sick and tired of 'Merica.

It's a well thought out career choice with a bit of bat-shit craziness because someone who grew up in NY moving to Japan. It would be more logical in an outsider's perspective to stay local. But, NY is pretty much a piece of overrated shit state. It really is, since the MTA and most businesses try to siphon every dollar they can from you. I have a lot of reasons why I would and am going work and live in Japan. And the wanting to live in Japan was influenced by my cousin who lives in China, so when I heard he got married I though "why the hell can't I do that". If my cousin could do it, then I can and I'll make it as bat-shit crazy as I want. However, the thing about people questioning an stating that you're lazy because you haven't figured out what you want to do yet in life. Most people don't know what they want to for the rest of their lives, like a good 25 percent of people that go to the college I attend don't know what they want to do. Also, the people that complain or give you lip, probably are in all likeliness the people whose lives didn't turn out the way they wanted it to turn out and are butt hurt about it.

Ha... We're similar then. I wanna live in Japan, and I want to be an engineer. Not the same thing, I could really care less about cars, I mean I'm glad they're here, but, I don't need to be all specific about it. I want to be an engineer cause it feels good to fix stuff. I mean, I don't really have any kind of reason for moving to Japan. I just, kind of... want to. I mean, it's not like I'm moving cause I think lots of people in Japan watch tons of anime, that's an ignorant think to say, but I know I don't like it in America much myself. I mean, it's my place of residence, but I can't move out for another three years at BEST, but I'm definitely not gonna have that much money once I turn 18.

That's not even what I came to rant about.

It's about my dad. He's only got a few more years to live, unless he gets his shit together. But I know he won't. He doesn't make a conscious effort. He thinks it's funny, that he's scraped death three times. It's hilarious, right? Ha ha ha! No. I can't even say anything to him. Where could I start? He has to get a surgery, and we have enough money to get it. Even though it's 90% covered by insurance, we'd still have to pay 1500, but we can do it in payments, every month, and I'd have a father until my kids are born. But at this rate... I won't be able to let my children see their granddad, save for pictures. We won't be able to take anymore family pictures. My mother's also got problems, but it's heart problems, she was born with them. But she's doing things. My dad is just cruising, the very thing he told me not to do. What am I supposed to tell him? "If you keep this up, you won't be able to see your grandchildren"? "I don't know how I would cope with your death"?

I'm not that kid. I'm not the kid who's gone through harsh things. I'm not the one who's missing a parent. I'm not the one who's been abused, or has emotional scars or trauma. But this worries me. I usually don't have anything to complain about, but dammit, I feel so helpless! I can't even do anything to save my own father's life! I can't help him, and neither can anyone else! My mother's given up on forcing him to do anything, cause he'd do things at his own pace, no matter what we told him, and...

I'm powerless. There's nothing I can do. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. My mom even said that if he does get his shit in order, there'd be no reason for her to say. "It'd be a miracle from God if I stayed." I'm not even a christian. I don't really believe in God/s, but I also don't think it's impossible there is one out there. I can't pray that something good will happen, cause even if I do, it wouldn't be sincere, and I probably wouldn't believe in it. The only thing I could do is make things work my way, but how? What can I do? I'm fifteen. I can't do anything. This isn't like me at all but... It just hurts to know that I'll be fatherless in a few years.

I'm helpless to whatever happens next. There won't have been a thing I could have done to change it. That's what hurts the most. I watched it all unfold since I was born, and I can watch it end, but only silently. I can only watch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When you feel sad and feeble, but you have no reason why.

I'm drowning in a glass of water... and it's all because I was shanghai'd into watching Evangelion. I'm afraid of sadness! I don't want to have anything to do with sadness again. So why?

Depression sucks, man.

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When you feel sad and feeble, but you have no reason why.

I'm drowning in a glass of water... and it's all because I was shanghai'd into watching Evangelion. I'm afraid of sadness! I don't want to have anything to do with sadness again. So why?

Depression sucks, man.

that episode 22 tho

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Welp...Since this is the ranting place i'll rant.

...I've just been frankly drained down because of so many of my others friends fighting and bickering at each other that it's driving me insane to help them sometimes. It's even worse since I have been fighting a cold. I mean, I love my friends dear and everything but can I at least have one day without fighting? Is it really that hard? Can I just have one god damn day where there is no yelling, no fighting, no threatening, no anything negative at all? I've been dealing with this kinda stuff when I joined up with my friends together since day one and the load hasn't stopped. I guess this is better this way though. Because they have come back for me before and I am no longer lonely or fearing being bullied. I'm just kinda in one of those moments....

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That sounds really draining.

Also, I have a... sort of misogynistic streak. Like, "Maybe they're right and women really are dumber." It's even more of a problem than it should be since 1) I'm the only female in all the groups I'm in, and 2) I have a learning disability that lends credence to it.

I had been under the impression that Ame was also female. "Finally", I thought, "Someone whose pastime throws that doubt right out the window!" Then I see the first page of this thread. So my question is: "Now what?" My group has a staggering male-to-female ratio of 25:2. Guess how many people are in there. (Hint: I did no math whatsoever for this ratio.)

I wish I had never met that misogynist asshole that convinced me that women are less than men.

Edited by RisingManes
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I am female. It's probably better just to disregard the antics on the first page.

Nonetheless, there are countless talented and brilliant women- although society likes to do us the disfavor of obscuring our gender's accomplishments.

Tell me about this asshole. How did he convince you?

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One of the things in the world I hate the most are double standards; pieces of crap that stereotypically seperate race, religion and gender. Particularly the last one.

It was on a low profile for a while, but recently it's really starting to irk me how people suddenly act as these things are Word Of God; granted, they don't outright state it or are fully aware of it, but you'd think people would actually be smart enough to avoid these things like the plague, but alas, I take our kind for granted.

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He did so under the pretense of helping me become a better person, then told me that women aren't hired for their accomplishments, but because of the law. And said something about women being content with not having a place in history until recently.

Him showing me a coding site "for women" didn't help much either. As if we couldn't learn to code with the materials on hand.

...wait, what do the antics on the first page mean, anyway?

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