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Idek tbh that was a long time ago and everyone was just kind of joking around

That guy sounds exactly like the kind of person I'd like to punch in the face.

Women have probably never been content with their place in history; but until recently we didn't have adequate ways to express that- at least not without being completely written off. And funny how, we still sometimes are.

If women are hired less, it's not because we're inferior. It's because managers and CEOs are biased. They believe women are worthless, particularly if we're unattractive, and they impose their judgments unfairly onto others.

There's nothing psychologically that differentiates women from men in a significant way. There are some statistically significant differences in areas of preformance- such as, men tend to be better regarding spacial relations, whereas women tend to score higher with linguistics. However, these differences are really quite negligible when meassured, and in themselves can probably be explained by cultural expectations too, rather than neurological ones.

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I'm wondering that myself... How did one douche bag make you believe something ridiculous like that?

Fun fact: Intelligence is not influenced in any way at all by race or gender, cheers. <:3

Edited by Ackalacka
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I'm wondering that myself... How did one douche bag make you believe something ridiculous like that?

Fun fact: Intelligence is not influenced in any way at all by race or gender, cheers. <:3

You've obviously never talked to a lowly reptilianman. They're downright stupid.

And because Ame's post is too long to quote-

They're due to cultural expectations in a way. Men kinda had to to develop the spacial reasoning to hunt. While woman developed the means to see color better so as to distinguish plants while gathering.

Now the actual topic at hand-

Discrimination based on gender is obviously no bueno, but when women themselves do it, their cause to foster equality is made effectively null. i.e Websites/Gyms/Groups etc. They do nothing but further imply any difference other than gender/sex.

I'd go further, but then I'd end up with 4th wave feminism, and I'm in no mood for lunacy.

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"You've obviously never talked to a lowly reptilianman. They're downright stupid."

Um... Ok? I'm not really sure what that is, but I'm going to assume it was just a joke. <;p

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I'm sure I have a clue on what "reptilianman" means, but I was young and dumb at the time. It was a time where my social skills were even more woefully retarded than they are now, and where social structure is based entirely on thinly-veiled hostility. I wanted to have someone---anyone---to look up to. The previous role model resorted to cyber-bullying me. This guy was just as harmful, a skilled manipulator.

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Okay so I get caught shoplifting at Macy's, have a $250 fine and a court date, and decide I'll work that out on my own and get there and do it all, because I made a bad decision, and being an adult, have to reap the adult consequences.

Then my aunt finds the court papers while snooping.

She calls my mom, my uncle, my goddamn grandparents, takes my hookah, cigarettes, phone, and ipod to lock them in her garage, puts locks on all the computers in my grandparents' house, and sets up a manual labor schedule for work that needs doing in my uncle's house, and then won't talk to me about any of it except to scream.

Not having this, I say, "I'm going to sleep out tonight."
"If you don't come inside right now, I'm going to call the police if you try to come back before your parents get here for trespassing."

That's some bullshit. I go for my backpack, "No. You leave with the clothes on your back and nothing else."

"I paid for that backpack." from when I found all the money in the woods. Paid for my iPod too, for the record.

"With money that wasn't yours to begin with." Legally speaking, if you abandon something in a public space, it's yours to take. "Morally speaking, no."

So I leave in a tank and jeans.

It's 9 at night, I walk the 5 miles to a friend's house and get there around 11-something.

Friday, I go on Facebook and see this:




Basically I'm home now and idk what my parents are going to do yet.

Outlook not good

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Okay so I get caught shoplifting at Macy's, have a $250 fine and a court date, and decide I'll work that out on my own and get there and do it all, because I made a bad decision, and being an adult, have to reap the adult consequences.

Then my aunt finds the court papers while snooping.

She calls my mom, my uncle, my goddamn grandparents, takes my hookah, cigarettes, phone, and ipod to lock them in her garage, puts locks on all the computers in my grandparents' house, and sets up a manual labor schedule for work that needs doing in my uncle's house, and then won't talk to me about any of it except to scream.

Not having this, I say, "I'm going to sleep out tonight."

"If you don't come inside right now, I'm going to call the police if you try to come back before your parents get here for trespassing."

That's some bullshit. I go for my backpack, "No. You leave with the clothes on your back and nothing else."

"I paid for that backpack." from when I found all the money in the woods. Paid for my iPod too, for the record.

"With money that wasn't yours to begin with." Legally speaking, if you abandon something in a public space, it's yours to take. "Morally speaking, no."

So I leave in a tank and jeans.

It's 9 at night, I walk the 5 miles to a friend's house and get there around 11-something.

Friday, I go on Facebook and see this:




Basically I'm home now and idk what my parents are going to do yet.

Outlook not good

I'd hug you if your willpower wasn't made out of solid iron

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Okay so I get caught shoplifting at Macy's, have a $250 fine and a court date, and decide I'll work that out on my own and get there and do it all, because I made a bad decision, and being an adult, have to reap the adult consequences.

Then my aunt finds the court papers while snooping.


Basically I'm home now and idk what my parents are going to do yet.

Outlook not good

That's a little... extreme for shoplifting. I wouldn't do any of those things because I'm a boring square, but even then, this seems like borderline abuse.

I get a different kind of abuse. Apparently, I cannot drive because I don't clean up. Do my parents really lack faith in me? They say they don't, but I swear they're lying through their teeth.

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I'd feel sympathetic for you hark, but I don't. Seriously, at what point will you begin to give a fuck? When your relatives go to extremes to limit what you do in an attempt to curb your behavior? Obviously not because that just happened. Seriously dude, you have a problem. Start contemplating that. Because I am the one to say it.

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I'd feel sympathetic for you hark, but I don't. Seriously, at what point will you begin to give a fuck? When your relatives go to extremes to limit what you do in an attempt to curb your behavior? Obviously not because that just happened. Seriously dude, you have a problem. Start contemplating that. Because I am the one to say it.

I'm not seeking sympathy, because you're right, I genuinely find issue caring all too much.

I've never responded well to this sort of thing. Try yo put me under your thumb and I'll wiggle out, thrashing all the while.

It wasn't my aunt's business in the first place, or anyone else she told. If it turns out I can't get a job because of the charges and I'm still living here in 6 months, THEN it would be appropriate to shred any confidentiality the government clearly thinks I'm entitled to and out my actions to the whole world.

In short, what bothers me most about all this is just that.

I really genuinely just want to be left alone while I go about my devices and am pretty much ready mentally to move out. Now's the time to catch up with that mentality physically.

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I hate to be the one to point this out... but I fear for the day you go out into the world. I don't know you well, but not caring about morals does not reflect well. In fact, isn't that... antisocial?

...I fear for the day you go out into the world.

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I really genuinely just want to be left alone while I go about my devices and am pretty much ready mentally to move out. Now's the time to catch up with that mentality physically.

Mentally. That's the key word right there.

But you're getting ahead of yourself. As much as you'd like to isolate yourself from your family (especially your aunt because she seems to be quite the piece of work), your family are also the only people with a true opportunity to help you out of the situation. No one knows you better, no one would be more willing to throw themselves in front of a train for your sake.

Think long-term for a bit here.

EDIT: if I were you I'd make one more serious attempt to talk to your aunt. Still the same reaction? Then you gotta tell her how it is. Her actions have/will only made/make your life an even worse hell. What's the worst that could happen between now and court? Your aunt presses charges against you with trespassing? Seriously, that's a weak, empty threat.

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Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

my family doesn't know jack about me

I've spent the past 5 years of my life keeping everything that goes on a secret from the people I live with and distancing myself from them emotionally

They're not helping me with this at all, which I'm happy for, because I've done nothing to earn it. I prefer not owing anybody anything over being given the things I want when I'm so notoriously terrible at thinking of ways to return the favor. I'll sell some of my stuff for most of the money (old paraphernalia) and do some odd jobs for the rest.

I really don't plan on talking to my aunt because she's heard all I have to say already, regardless of whether she chose to ignore it or not. She was serious about the trespassing charges but that was only until my parents got back, which they have.

All I need to do now is get $$$$

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So I arrive a little behind schedule, but still "on time" for my bus to glenwood springs.

I am told the bus is full and that I must wait for the next one.

When is the next bus?

12:25 AM

So you know what I am going to do now?

Find a king sized bed full of greyhound puppies AND KICK THE CRAP OUT OF EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM.

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And now, for something completely different.

I'm sure it's no secret by now that I'm working on what's possibly my most ambitious project thus far---a sprite mod of the male trainer into the P3 protagonist. Here's the rub. I had help with the trainer sprite (I couldn't really make the torso look right, so an anonymous friend decided to redo the torso for me while I worked on everything else). I had already tweaked the male sprites in the overworld before, so all it took was recoloring and tweaking it some more.

And I can't

for the life of me

come up with a visually acceptable VS sprite.

It's as if everything I thought had known thus far suddenly decided to go "LOL NOPE NO FANARTS KTHX" and abandon me. And honestly, I won't settle for a recolor, and I'm morally bound to not trace anyone else's work. I couldn't, in good conscience, steal Ame's sprite for this.

Not for something this potentially high-profile...

I really bit off more than I can chew. The weird part is that I wouldn't mind editing the back sprite since virtually nothing would be different in it. Sigh.

One weekend of work and this is all I have to show for it:


I'm probably fucked several floors down Hell. And no, that is not my idea of a good afterlife.

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Why is it that the world can't move on. People are still fighting over things and blaming each other for what their ancestors did. If mankind can't get out of the past, we will lose sight of the future, and our society will begin crumble and destroy itself from within.

Edited by Money_Man115
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Okay so I get caught shoplifting at Macy's, have a $250 fine and a court date, and decide I'll work that out on my own and get there and do it all, because I made a bad decision, and being an adult, have to reap the adult consequences.

Then my aunt finds the court papers while snooping.

She calls my mom, my uncle, my goddamn grandparents, takes my hookah, cigarettes, phone, and ipod to lock them in her garage, puts locks on all the computers in my grandparents' house, and sets up a manual labor schedule for work that needs doing in my uncle's house, and then won't talk to me about any of it except to scream.

Not having this, I say, "I'm going to sleep out tonight."

"If you don't come inside right now, I'm going to call the police if you try to come back before your parents get here for trespassing."

That's some bullshit. I go for my backpack, "No. You leave with the clothes on your back and nothing else."

"I paid for that backpack." from when I found all the money in the woods. Paid for my iPod too, for the record.

"With money that wasn't yours to begin with." Legally speaking, if you abandon something in a public space, it's yours to take. "Morally speaking, no."

So I leave in a tank and jeans.

It's 9 at night, I walk the 5 miles to a friend's house and get there around 11-something.

Friday, I go on Facebook and see this:




Basically I'm home now and idk what my parents are going to do yet.

Outlook not good

Well, with all do respect, you and your friend are fucking morons for shop lifting from a store. As if that wasn't bad enough, your friend is even stupider for saying that she did on Face Book... Also, I have to agree with what everyone else is saying, you really need to clean yourself up... Start being responsible and smart, and start actually giving a fuck about life.

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Why is it that the world can't move on. People are still fighting over things and blaming each other for what their ancestors did. If mankind can't get out of the past, we will lose sight of the future, and our society will begin crumble and destroy itself from within.

As if it isn't already? People don't forget, plain and simple. We're all doomed, enjoy life will you can.

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With all due respect, I owe the general market upwards of ~$600 in stolen items. Shoplifting doesn't make me a moron, getting caught does.

If we're already caught, what difference does not saying it over Facebook matter

I mind hearing this a lot more from you because we've never had a conversation and you have no point of reference on my life.

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With all due respect, I owe the general market upwards of ~$600 in stolen items. Shoplifting doesn't make me a moron, getting caught does.

If we're already caught, what difference does not saying it over Facebook matter

I mind hearing this a lot more from you because we've never had a conversation and you have no point of reference on my life.

Frankly, I don't WANT to have a conversation with you... Six-Hundred dollars is what you said, correct? What the hell is wrong with you?

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As if it isn't already? People don't forget, plain and simple. We're all doomed, enjoy life will you can.

Your right we can't forget things. But we could at least forgive one another and move on.

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Your right we can't forget things. But we could at least forgive one another and move on.

I'm sorry, I miss-spoke... What I meant to say is people don't forget or forgive... Do any of you have grandparents who won't buy or nag at you and your parents to not buy German or Japanese cars? (If you live in either of those two countries then this won't apply to you...) Why do you think that is? World War 2 happened, that's why. Germany and Japan (ESPECIALLY Japan) are entirely different Countries now, but do you think your grandparents, who lived through that time (if they're old enough any way) would forgive those Countries? No. In their eyes they're still the same, they're still the enemy. And guess what? You're going to be the exact same way, don't deny it, you are. Fifty years from now Middle Eastern Countries and North Korea could be democracies, producing goods and services that are widely bought by other Countries, they could even have huge tourist attractions (much like Japan now does). Chances are you'll still hate those Countries though. You know why? Because you'll be old, a bigot stuck in their ways, like just about all elders today. And you'll tell your grand kids about it, and they'll tell their kids (or at the very least observe their elders opinions...), and the cycle will continue forever. Stereotypes and prejudices will never cease to exist. Sure, some will eventually die out over the course of many generations, but they'll be replaced by new ones. I don't know how much clearer I can make this, the world is full of hate and criticism. If you don't believe it, you're going to get torn apart by it eventually. Just accept it. Again, we're doomed to this fate.

Edited by Ackalacka
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I'm sorry, I miss-spoke... What I meant to say is people don't forget or forgive... Do any of you have grandparents who won't buy or nag at you and your parents to not buy German or Japanese cars? (If you live in either of those two countries then this won't apply to you...) Why do you think that is? World War 2 happened, that's why. Germany and Japan (ESPECIALLY Japan) are entirely different Countries now, but do you think your grandparents, who lived through that time (if they're old enough any way) would forgive those Countries? No. In their eyes they're still the same, they're still the enemy. And guess what? You're going to be the exact same way, don't deny it, you are. Fifty years from now Middle Eastern Countries and North Korea could be democracies, producing goods and services that are widely bought by other Countries, they could even have huge tourist attractions (much like Japan now does). Chances are you'll still hate those Countries though. You know why? Because you'll be old, a bigot stuck in their ways, like just about all elders today. And you'll tell your grand kids about it, and they'll tell their kids (or at the very least observe their elders opinions...), and the cycle will continue forever. Stereotypes and prejudices will never cease to exist. Sure, some will eventually die out over the course of many generations, but they'll be replaced by new ones. I don't know how much clearer I can make this, the world is full of hate and criticism. If you don't believe it, you're going to get torn apart by it eventually. Just accept it. Again, we're doomed to this fate.

For one thing I don't hate North Korea and I don't hate the Middle East. Secondly, it was my great grandfather who told me to learn forgive and move on and he was a WWII vet. It's that ignorance that people have that will continue to plague our race.Not being able to learn from our mistakes so history will not repeat its self. It's easy to hate one another, but it's a challenge to move on. My opinion is influenced by what I have learned and the things I've been through and I believe that there is still hope for our race. You can say whatever you want, but that won't change what I believe in.

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