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Ranting ahead.


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It's not THAT you disagree. It's the way in which you disagree. You are thoughtless in the way you word your arguments, implying and outright calling the other side stupid, among other things. In the eyes of others, you too are seen as ignoring the relevance of someone's else response has in regard to points you may have raised.

You can feel that you are being shut down all you want, but inflammatory language whose intent/effect is to put the other side down instead of arguing completely rationally will only get you in trouble, as it has.

You're entirely right, and I thank you for this response. I realize my way of debating isn't nice, respectful, or even at the very least civil. I'm glad you pointed that out, the more people do, the more I might fix that problem. Again, thank you.

I'm not about to explain to you why I am the way I am, I don't want, let alone deserve a pity party, but as everyone else, my experiences in life have shaped my personality. Again, not going into too much detail, but those experiences have formed my hostile and aggressive style of 'debating' (In reference to myself I use that term lightly) with others simply because I've needed to for a very long time. Not saying anything more on that. Also, I'm aware there are others who have had in much worse than me, we can all say that, but let's not try to compare stress and lose, out of respect for everyone.

Sorry if I went on too long, all I'm trying to say is sorry and thanks. Even if you don't realize it or care, you've actually helped me.

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It's not THAT you disagree. It's the way in which you disagree. You are thoughtless in the way you word your arguments, implying and outright calling the other side stupid, among other things. In the eyes of others, you too are seen as ignoring the relevance of someone's else response has in regard to points you may have raised.

You can feel that you are being shut down all you want, but inflammatory language whose intent/effect is to put the other side down instead of arguing completely rationally will only get you in trouble, as it has.

A lesson Mael taught me a while ago.

Thank you based Mael

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Hah, well, the thing about trying to share your honest thoughts on a controversial subject on a forum in which you hold no authority is if you oppose the opinion of a mod/admin/staff member, what ever it may be, they have the power to simply shut you down, which kind of prevents you from defending your argument after the first post that they disagreed with, yes?

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

I don't have much capability of picking my fights unfortunately, when I see something that pisses me off, I speak my mind about it. And in places such as this, I later come to regret it as I am threatened and/or punished, which makes it really hard to continue the debate...

Ah, on the internet, very much like in real life, the big man walks away with nothing against him, and the little guy is left to suffer and take the heat. Tis the nature of the World, I suppose. Yet another reason I wrote that rant...

Perhaps if one were to open their mind a little bit and get over their ego, they might observe and learn something... <<<To the generic TF2/MineCraft Admin -_-

Just a thought. Also, if you punish me for this one you've only further proved my point.

To be honest it's also the ones you disagree with in the way you have- you did your thing to me in that Absol thread and I got over it because I don't really like causing issues (or, well, extending them) and it wasn't a huge deal to me anyway. I think you've got a bit of overgeneralisation going on here and nobody here is explicitly out to get you without being given a reason. This quoted post isn't something worth punishing like you pre-empted, and has already been... hm. I guess "dealt with appropriately" is the only accurate thing I can come up with but it sounds too harsh ;-;

The thing is, it's just that some will jump on smaller reasons quicker than others. With the thing that broke out here and got it locked the first time, I was tempted to jump in and comment how ridiculous it was getting. Four authority-type people all jumping down one person's throat set a terrible example for newer members that we'd been getting and I think the worst part is that I wasn't surprised at all by it. The thing is I always tend to keep the things I want to say to myself unless directly asked, so 9/10 times I sit there watching until someone else takes care of it, or if nobody does I give it a bit before I do anything. When I do respond, it's typically mirroring the tone I'm responding to, i.e. I meet sass with sass, and uh... not-sass with not sass. yes. Most of the time though I like to see if things sort themselves out, as a lot of times they do. I'm passive to a fault.

As a last note, I think Mael is the least likely out of all of us to care if he's helped someone and I worded that terribly WHAT I MEAN IS I'm pretty sure he's happy to help

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Mael just calls things as they are, and is really well worded with things. Despite how quiete and shy he is irl XD

He also doesn'tt take shit from no one.

Our authboard is actually... quite diverse... both personality wise and method wise... but we never do anything major such as banning or permnament mute as a single person, but as an overall decision

@ackalacka: Its nice to hear that we are helping you out... and like ikaru said. It was your way about going over things that irked me...

Ie: instead of saying "I don't agree with your opinion" or "why are you doing this when its not entirely logical". You were a lot... ruder about and were along the lines of "your wrong and don't know anything, I am obviously right here and don't questioning me"

And I don't come off kindly to people who present themselves like that...

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With the thing that broke out here and got it locked the first time, I was tempted to jump in and comment how ridiculous it was getting. Four authority-type people all jumping down one person's throat set a terrible example for newer members that we'd been getting and I think the worst part is that I wasn't surprised at all by it.


Mael just calls things as they are, and is really well worded with things. Despite how quiete and shy he is irl XD

He also doesn'tt take shit from no one.

Our authboard is actually... quite diverse... both personality wise and method wise... but we never do anything major such as banning or permnament mute as a single person, but as an overall decision

@ackalacka: Its nice to hear that we are helping you out... and like ikaru said. It was your way about going over things that irked me...

Ie: instead of saying "I don't agree with your opinion" or "why are you doing this when its not entirely logical". You were a lot... ruder about and were along the lines of "your wrong and don't know anything, I am obviously right here and don't questioning me"

And I don't come off kindly to people who present themselves like that...

Yeah, well, I suppose I will explain a bit I guess... The thing is, 99% of the time, I don't give a damn whether or not I convince the other party(ies) of my case. Most people from my perspective are complete morons (not most of the people here though, hence the reason I've stuck around) who are not worthy or even capable of comprehending what I have to say, so instead of trying to make a friendly debate and listen to what they have to say I just immediatly obliterate whatever they think, then the only opinion left standing is mine. It's kind of like bullying really. I don't mean that I go around picking on people at school, in fact I hardly ever talk to anyone... What I mean is I bring down other people to put myself on top in a debate, rather than working to surpass them. Does that make sense? I hope it does...

Anyway, what's sad is after doing that for so long to just about everyone, including myself some times (not even going to bother trying to elaborating on that), is that I do it by default now, I have no control over it. I honestly don't like to, but when things escalate I just automatically do it. It's like a reflex or an instinct. It does have its situational uses, which is great and all, but most of the time it's simply terrible because it makes it near impossible to have a conversation with anyone, which is why I avoid them. Thankfully I have a group of really nice and understanding friends in real life, but the fact that I don't even deserve them is rather depressing and makes the idea of "hanging out" or whatever you want to call it with them repetitive because I feel like I'll just bring the group down.

To sum up everything I've ever said ever in my entire life (Not really, only some things...): I don't regret what I did, only the way I did it.

Edited by Ackalacka
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Aight, nice to hear that. You'll grow wiser as you age and realize that its not that you don't need to give people your opinions, but they don't deserve them.

Its also good to think of how they would react to them

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And the short answer is that when people have issues with things it's for one of two reasons-

  • They don't like your opinion


  • You went about expressing it the wrong way

When it's the latter, there's something you could probably work on, and when it's the former, it's not your problem. The hard part is knowing which it is.

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Aight, nice to hear that. You'll grow wiser as you age and realize that its not that you don't need to give people your opinions, but they don't deserve them.

Its also good to think of how they would react to them

As I age? You have no idea how old I am. For all you know I could be decades older than you... Don't assume things like that.

Edited by Ackalacka
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I'm going to do this as polite as I can.

You were rude. You have realized that and are moving on, but while others are giving you advice and helping you, you ought to be more nice and accept it. A code of my life is; "If anyone says anything bad about you, it just means there is something else you need to improve on." Also, if your debating skills are to "Bring others down and make myself on top of the argument," you ought to work on that. A debate is a formal, civil, discussion, raising the ups and downs of both things and trying to convince the other side your argument is more valid than theirs - this means you have to accept that their argument is what they think and they are trying to do the same to you. Dragging others down does not work in a debate simply due to the fact that you need to accept their argument and try and show that your side is better - i.e in a debate about, say, how valid (insert pokemon here) is in a (insert team type here) team, both sides are trying to convince their side of the spectrum is better.

For example, let's say "How valid is Infernape in a HO team."

One side would be trying to say yes, another would be saying no. Side a is yes, side b is no. Side A bring out what makes Infernape good in a HO team - good speed, good attack, able to do mixed, et cetera. But the other side would try to counteract this - for example, they could say "Garchomp is better because it can hit blahs." That is a debate. But, if you partake in debates, you must have an open mind and be willing to accept that your side could actually be the losing side. If you simply just believe in your side, not accepting reasonable points, then you are not having a debate at all. Rather just being ignorant.

On the topic of ignorance, can I just quickly say - you don't know his age either. He could be older than you, or even younger. But, age, by no means, is a measure of your intelligence, of your manners, of ANYTHING. I have met fucking respectful, intelligent and sporty kids, but utter idiotic adults who make children but don't even fucking have a roof for them to sleep in. If you ever think of children as just idiotic, Facebook addicts and people who swear 24/7, you're missing out on everything else they can offer. But by far my personal pet peeve and thing I can't stand but see all the time. Boys as mindless, idiotic, swearing brutes. I am pretty much the exact opposite, but I'm constantly teased and bullied and I've actually recently been scolded for punching someone in the face because of it. ..I guess this is my way of saying I hate stereotyping.

Oh, and the rant I came here to make.

..Oh yeah it was about stereotypes. Guess I'm done bye.

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I think what's worth noting is nobody approached anybody as an auth, and responded with Real People Opinions.

I got over it and moved on, but the Shade is Strong here.

Rules aren't decoration, we don't just put them away when they'd clash with a certain guest's views or attitude. That's usually not an issue but whatever.

Yesterday I worked the closing shift again and omg I've never worked up a sweat cleaning before? And then, walking the hour from work to my house, it starts to rain. And then on the final 15 minute stretch, it starts to POUR.

This is where I'd like to formally advocate for hitchhiking. There'd been thunder and lightning since 5 minutes into my walk. I had my thumb out whenever a car passed but nooooo... Skinny kid in a work shirt and khakis= possible threat to safety! So I just got rained on instead. And my clothes were still wet when i went in to work again this afternoon, late x_x

Basically when I get a car you can sure as hell bet I'll make a stranger's day every once in awhile.

On a separate but contextually related note, I can only speak from my own experience, but why is everybody so damn afraid of each other? I try to make a habit of smiling and waving at strangers or offering a "good morning!" because generally it brightens up somebody's day a bit. And you can ask a stranger to borrow a lighter no problem, and generally have a conversation with them while you have a jack. But for some reason, the majority of strangers are... Scared... Of other strangers?? I mean I'm not waving at young people because I don't want to creep them out, I'm an 18 y/o male. But even my best friend is hesitant to hang out with the people I strike up a conversation with and ask to hang "because they might be a rapist". Okay, yeah, those people are out there, but just use common sense rather than shirk a potentially awesome person! Don't go into a secluded area with strangers, a "rapist" can't strike you in broad daylight in the middle of a shopping center, and MOST PEOPLE AREN'T DANGEROUS CRIMINALS.

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I think what's worth noting is nobody approached anybody as an auth, and responded with Real People Opinions.

I got over it and moved on, but the Shade is Strong here.

Rules aren't decoration, we don't just put them away when they'd clash with a certain guest's views or attitude. That's usually not an issue but whatever.

Yesterday I worked the closing shift again and omg I've never worked up a sweat cleaning before? And then, walking the hour from work to my house, it starts to rain. And then on the final 15 minute stretch, it starts to POUR.

This is where I'd like to formally advocate for hitchhiking. There'd been thunder and lightning since 5 minutes into my walk. I had my thumb out whenever a car passed but nooooo... Skinny kid in a work shirt and khakis= possible threat to safety! So I just got rained on instead. And my clothes were still wet when i went in to work again this afternoon, late x_x

Basically when I get a car you can sure as hell bet I'll make a stranger's day every once in awhile.

On a separate but contextually related note, I can only speak from my own experience, but why is everybody so damn afraid of each other? I try to make a habit of smiling and waving at strangers or offering a "good morning!" because generally it brightens up somebody's day a bit. And you can ask a stranger to borrow a lighter no problem, and generally have a conversation with them while you have a jack. But for some reason, the majority of strangers are... Scared... Of other strangers?? I mean I'm not waving at young people because I don't want to creep them out, I'm an 18 y/o male. But even my best friend is hesitant to hang out with the people I strike up a conversation with and ask to hang "because they might be a rapist". Okay, yeah, those people are out there, but just use common sense rather than shirk a potentially awesome person! Don't go into a secluded area with strangers, a "rapist" can't strike you in broad daylight in the middle of a shopping center, and MOST PEOPLE AREN'T DANGEROUS CRIMINALS.

I cannot agree more with this. I try my best to be friends with as much people as I can, talk to new people, but they always run away as if I'm walking over to them with a gun in my hand and telling them to give me their money. And then there are those drivers who don't stop for you - some people do it once in a blue moon, but it feels really nice when a driver stops and lets you go first - something you do not see every day.

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Hah, maybe they're sleepy and had a nightmare about (choose between "shaco", " a monster", "a devil step parent", "a dark figure tasting one's fears", "ghastly event"), so when you say "good morning!" they're like "UWAHH WHAT HAVE I DONE PLEASE HAVE MERCY-uh hello"

Here's my rant. *deep breath*

Alright. I don't get why highschool and middleschool are made easier and easier in France. Most of the time, the post-baccalauréat (post highschool) is more difficult than the pre-baccalauréat, and in some paths it's like easy ==> BAM hell mode (one of which I happen to be following).

Maybe i'm biased because i had an easy time a few years ago, but making things easier early on will not push people to choose the "holy sacred dream of the heaven" paths, instead students are getting scared because they hear echoes of doom and desolation from people who could not adapt as quickly as it's required.

And how can you expect them to do so within a year or two? With competitive exams at the end of those one or two years? Instead they should make things harder (but still interesting) in every path in highschool so that students can choose what they actually prefer and have an easier time later on. So that they can follow a slower-paced but more specialized path and not have to go through hell mode.

I'd also make hell mode feel easier because there is a smoother difficulty scaling. I don't know, I just can't get it, maybe it's the pride of "X% got the baccalauréat this year with 1st try, it's huge, yay!" even if the thing doesn't get you any job at all...

I also feel sad for people who can do great things but require more time and understanding, and are too afraid to try or find it too harsh, or too many things for little interest. But hell mode gives you so much experience in oral/presentation and time management that you feel like everybody should be able to follow it, then be more efficient and less stressed out in society (or alone!)... And then do great things together~!

So here i am, who got a good starting in the 1st year, going to sleep to begin my second year tomorrow, hoping my poor brain can handle the most difficult year of the path i chose, and hopefully getting a high-ranked school (aka elo heaven). And i didn't study much this summer so i'll have to make up for it...But i call worth it, being able to chill out makes your mind much clearer for the events to come!

Edited by Soysauce
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On a separate but contextually related note, I can only speak from my own experience, but why is everybody so damn afraid of each other? I try to make a habit of smiling and waving at strangers or offering a "good morning!" because generally it brightens up somebody's day a bit. And you can ask a stranger to borrow a lighter no problem, and generally have a conversation with them while you have a jack. But for some reason, the majority of strangers are... Scared... Of other strangers?? I mean I'm not waving at young people because I don't want to creep them out, I'm an 18 y/o male. But even my best friend is hesitant to hang out with the people I strike up a conversation with and ask to hang "because they might be a rapist". Okay, yeah, those people are out there, but just use common sense rather than shirk a potentially awesome person! Don't go into a secluded area with strangers, a "rapist" can't strike you in broad daylight in the middle of a shopping center, and MOST PEOPLE AREN'T DANGEROUS CRIMINALS.

This is only relevant to about half of what you're saying, but I'll say it anyway.

The reason why I'M afraid of greeting or talking to strangers is because, well, I know little to nothing about them.

Now, for those of you who are still polite and friendly to them, I have to thank you; there are people like that I see on occasion and around them I feel at more ease because of their openness.

But the reason I'm afraid of doing so is because of what I said earlier, and let me evaluate; since I know nothing, that means almost anything is possible (to a human degree); I'm paranoid of who they might actually be, and this is pretty much just an issue with me, because I have a tendency to consider all possibilities, which means that I assume that the person standing in front of me could be anything from a criminal to a saint. I know it's absolutely ridiculous, but to this day I'm still like that, and it's the reason why I'm very cautious in large crowds or near few people; I'm worried that someone might have some sort of motive by saying hi to me, or that someone in a crowd might try to pickpocket me (reason why I frequently keep hands in pocket).

I'm working on making myself less paranoid, but that's what it's like for me right now.

Now, assuming that, say, other people are worried about who the strangers might be, and a lot of them think like that, then the aura amplifies; because they are as cautious as you are, you feel you have even less of a good reason to greet them.

That's just an assumption on my part, anyway.

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Hypocritical Ikaru incoming, but-

This is only relevant to about half of what you're saying, but I'll say it anyway.

The reason why I'M afraid of greeting or talking to strangers is because, well, I know little to nothing about them.

Now, for those of you who are still polite and friendly to them, I have to thank you; there are people like that I see on occasion and around them I feel at more ease because of their openness.

But the reason I'm afraid of doing so is because of what I said earlier, and let me evaluate; since I know nothing, that means almost anything is possible (to a human degree); I'm paranoid of who they might actually be, and this is pretty much just an issue with me, because I have a tendency to consider all possibilities, which means that I assume that the person standing in front of me could be anything from a criminal to a saint. I know it's absolutely ridiculous, but to this day I'm still like that, and it's the reason why I'm very cautious in large crowds or near few people; I'm worried that someone might have some sort of motive by saying hi to me, or that someone in a crowd might try to pickpocket me (reason why I frequently keep hands in pocket).

I'm working on making myself less paranoid, but that's what it's like for me right now.

Now, assuming that, say, other people are worried about who the strangers might be, and a lot of them think like that, then the aura amplifies; because they are as cautious as you are, you feel you have even less of a good reason to greet them.

That's just an assumption on my part, anyway.

The thing about this sort of attitude is that if you're afraid of them BECAUSE you don't know them, there's no way to logically resolve that without just speaking or interacting in general as it is. It's a legitimate concern, but I'm a pretty big supporter of that whole "if you don't try, you have no chance of success" thing, regardless of how little I follow it myself. Easier to take others' advice than my own and whatnot.


EDIT: I mean, if someone directly approached me and showed no signs of bad...ness, I'd be pretty chill about it, if maybe awkward because I'm terrible at conversation, but because of that I just kind of sit around by myself somewhere until something happens or I have to go. Relevant anecdote- I leave here on the 12th to go back home, and I'll be spending literally three hours in the Philadelphia airport (unless things change or delays or something happen) by myself. I would bet that I'll spend the entirety of that time sitting in one place, silently, at best looking around for attractive people to wonder how to start a conversation with and never actually doing so. If someone was to come up and say something, cool, I'll try and talk, but otherwise zzzzzzzzzzz

I don't mind interaction but you will never catch me actively looking for it.

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Hypocritical Ikaru incoming, but-

The thing about this sort of attitude is that if you're afraid of them BECAUSE you don't know them, there's no way to logically resolve that without just speaking or interacting in general as it is. It's a legitimate concern, but I'm a pretty big supporter of that whole "if you don't try, you have no chance of success" thing, regardless of how little I follow it myself. Easier to take others' advice than my own and whatnot.


EDIT: I mean, if someone directly approached me and showed no signs of bad...ness, I'd be pretty chill about it, if maybe awkward because I'm terrible at conversation, but because of that I just kind of sit around by myself somewhere until something happens or I have to go. Relevant anecdote- I leave here on the 12th to go back home, and I'll be spending literally three hours in the Philadelphia airport (unless things change or delays or something happen) by myself. I would bet that I'll spend the entirety of that time sitting in one place, silently, at best looking around for attractive people to wonder how to start a conversation with and never actually doing so. If someone was to come up and say something, cool, I'll try and talk, but otherwise zzzzzzzzzzz

I don't mind interaction but you will never catch me actively looking for it.

If somebody approaches me and greets me out of friendliness, as I said earlier, my level of cautiousness tends to drop dramatically, since usually the greeter is a naturally friendly person. I'm just not the one to be the greeter.

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This is only relevant to about half of what you're saying, but I'll say it anyway.

The reason why I'M afraid of greeting or talking to strangers is because, well, I know little to nothing about them.

Now, for those of you who are still polite and friendly to them, I have to thank you; there are people like that I see on occasion and around them I feel at more ease because of their openness.

But the reason I'm afraid of doing so is because of what I said earlier, and let me evaluate; since I know nothing, that means almost anything is possible (to a human degree); I'm paranoid of who they might actually be, and this is pretty much just an issue with me, because I have a tendency to consider all possibilities, which means that I assume that the person standing in front of me could be anything from a criminal to a saint. I know it's absolutely ridiculous, but to this day I'm still like that, and it's the reason why I'm very cautious in large crowds or near few people; I'm worried that someone might have some sort of motive by saying hi to me, or that someone in a crowd might try to pickpocket me (reason why I frequently keep hands in pocket).

I'm working on making myself less paranoid, but that's what it's like for me right now.

Now, assuming that, say, other people are worried about who the strangers might be, and a lot of them think like that, then the aura amplifies; because they are as cautious as you are, you feel you have even less of a good reason to greet them.

That's just an assumption on my part, anyway.

Agreed, I don't trust random people who come up to me and greet themselves. Humans are fucked up creatures, and everyone is so different, it's impossible to know their motives. Hence the reason I'm currently in my basement with a tin foil hat on and my double barrel shotgun pointed at the door at the top of the stairs...

That last part was a joke (duh). But seriously, I don't like meeting new people, because the majority of the time I don't like them.

I'm a cynical bastard, as if that was blatantly obvious enough...

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I don't mind interaction but you will never catch me actively looking for it.

Was about to post a paragraph, but this pretty much sums up my opinion.

I feel like ranting about my mistake over the summer that I should forget about and accept my loss, but I just can't.

One of my closest friends, who's this scientific genius that's going places in life, was offered a full scholarship to Caltech, her dream university. She would have been a senior this year but she could graduate early because of her having enough credits. Obviously, nobody would pass up on this offer, but she had to get my opinion of her decision. I was delighted for her, but I couldn't let go. Deep down, I probably have feelings that I don't want to realize myself. So one night, we were hanging out when she put a serious face on and asked me what I thought about her leaving. I was not prepared and ended up sounding like a complete jerk by telling her to do whatever she wanted. She got pissed and started to nag at me about how I was too carefree, being one of her best friends and all. I didn't even get a chance to fix my error in choice of words because she went home after that. I've known her for a while, but that was the first time she was genuinely mad at me and not willing to hear my second thoughts. That was about a month ago and we haven't talked ever since. Now, she's probably working on a research paper or something at home as she prepares to leave for Cali. I've lost all form of contact with her and when I tried to visit, her parents just told me to leave. I know I fucked up hard, but come on, at least give me a second chance.

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Agreed, I don't trust random people who come up to me and greet themselves. Humans are fucked up creatures, and everyone is so different, it's impossible to know their motives. Hence the reason I'm currently in my basement with a tin foil hat on and my double barrel shotgun pointed at the door at the top of the stairs...

That last part was a joke (duh). But seriously, I don't like meeting new people, because the majority of the time I don't like them.

I'm a cynical bastard, as if that was blatantly obvious enough...

Agreed, I don't trust random people who come up to me and greet themselves.

I never said that I don't trust them myself :I

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Was about to post a paragraph, but this pretty much sums up my opinion.

I feel like ranting about my mistake over the summer that I should forget about and accept my loss, but I just can't.

One of my closest friends, who's this scientific genius that's going places in life, was offered a full scholarship to Caltech, her dream university. She would have been a senior this year but she could graduate early because of her having enough credits. Obviously, nobody would pass up on this offer, but she had to get my opinion of her decision. I was delighted for her, but I couldn't let go. Deep down, I probably have feelings that I don't want to realize myself. So one night, we were hanging out when she put a serious face on and asked me what I thought about her leaving. I was not prepared and ended up sounding like a complete jerk by telling her to do whatever she wanted. She got pissed and started to nag at me about how I was too carefree, being one of her best friends and all. I didn't even get a chance to fix my error in choice of words because she went home after that. I've known her for a while, but that was the first time she was genuinely mad at me and not willing to hear my second thoughts. That was about a month ago and we haven't talked ever since. Now, she's probably working on a research paper or something at home as she prepares to leave for Cali. I've lost all form of contact with her and when I tried to visit, her parents just told me to leave. I know I fucked up hard, but come on, at least give me a second chance.

I always believe that people deserve a second chance. No matter who the person is, we will fuck up and we all deserve our fair chance to do the right thing. People are strange, you don't know exactly what they want from an answer from you rather you be careless or extremely picky. She just probably snapped but it may be a fault on both parties. You'll be alright Rycast. This will probably just take time. When both sides have calmed down and you can be fully honest with her and make up. I really hope you two makeup and become great friends again. She'll probably realized that she did something stupid and you will confess and then hopefully you two will get over what happened and you'll cheer her on in her Dream University.

As for me. School sucks. Shoot me neow. ;w; It's so bad.

Edited by Cowtao
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This is only relevant to about half of what you're saying, but I'll say it anyway.

The reason why I'M afraid of greeting or talking to strangers is because, well, I know little to nothing about them.

Now, for those of you who are still polite and friendly to them, I have to thank you; there are people like that I see on occasion and around them I feel at more ease because of their openness.

But the reason I'm afraid of doing so is because of what I said earlier, and let me evaluate; since I know nothing, that means almost anything is possible (to a human degree); I'm paranoid of who they might actually be, and this is pretty much just an issue with me, because I have a tendency to consider all possibilities, which means that I assume that the person standing in front of me could be anything from a criminal to a saint. I know it's absolutely ridiculous, but to this day I'm still like that, and it's the reason why I'm very cautious in large crowds or near few people; I'm worried that someone might have some sort of motive by saying hi to me, or that someone in a crowd might try to pickpocket me (reason why I frequently keep hands in pocket).

I'm working on making myself less paranoid, but that's what it's like for me right now.

Now, assuming that, say, other people are worried about who the strangers might be, and a lot of them think like that, then the aura amplifies; because they are as cautious as you are, you feel you have even less of a good reason to greet them.

That's just an assumption on my part, anyway.

I never said that I don't trust them myself :I

Hah, you certainly implied it...

*Waits to get flamed for using someone's words against them again, God forbid I expect people to stay true to what they say any more...*

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