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I don't honestly feel strongly enough about this issue to argue it (I'm very on the fence about it anyway) but it just seems silly to me that in a lot of places, between a minigun and the book Farenheit 451 the latter is the one that's illegal.

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You probably have read it on the front page, but I have to freaking say this... I HATE THE AREA WERE I LIVE!!! I got robbed on the public transport. They snatched my backpack that had 3 expensive books (I had a lot of homework in one of them), some notebooks, a carpet that I had to hand over the wednesday, my F*CKING 3ds, some money and a cheap cellphone... GOD DAMMIT!!

Man that sucks, I remember when I had to live in a rough neighborhood sorta like that. Almost every night someone was getting robbed. My dad had a gun to protect us but damn that sucks. I hope things get better for you.

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Man that sucks, I remember when I had to live in a rough neighborhood sorta like that. Almost every night someone was getting robbed. My dad had a gun to protect us but damn that sucks. I hope things get better for you.

It's another country, not a neighborhood. And the country is Mexico.

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So i don't believe i've ever even posted on this thread but i finally have a thing to rant about so let's get to it.

Last night i hooked up with a girl and everyone gave me shit for it. The reason? The girl i hooked up with is a girl my old roommate had been going for for sometime. Now i can admit, going for a girl when one of your buddies is alright going for her, that's douchey, but honestly it's part my roommates fault as well.

Let me tell you about my friend real quick. He is a douche. Moving past that, his view on girls and shit is, they need to put in ALL the effort to go for HIM and if they don't they are bitches. He's tried to hook up with two girls i know. First one told him she just wanted to be friends. He didn't talk to her for months and only called her a selfish bitch. Second girl, he had a chance and fucked it up. They went on dates, we all thought it would work out, but he never asked her out and he only demanded that she drive 2 hours to hang out or go out with him, but when she asked if he wanted to come to her, he complained or made up excuses. Then once again, she was only a selfish bitch.

So with this girl, she liked him, he liked her, they went on dates, didn't hear any complaining. So they weren't a couple or anything, and he meant to go to the navy so they weren't going to be a thing. Now, he had been complaining about how she wasnt wanting to hang out with him about a week before he was shipping out. I learned that she was actually thinking that she was done with dudes and thinking of just going for girls because of some reason that linked back to jason i think.

Now, she came over to the party and made a lot of moves on me. Me being tipsy, also liking getting laid, wasn't gonna turn down. But since then, half the people that were too drunk to realize, didn't care, some people did and were not pleased with my actions, and my old roommate literally left when he had been planning on staying until monday morning. It made him so mad that he just up and left.

So like i said, it was a dickish thing to, but i feel it's fucked up that i'm getting the shit eye from half my friends for having a good time and enjoying someone who wanted to bone me, especially when they have no relationship ties to anyone.

So sorry friends for fucking someone who's single that my douchey ex roommate happened to like. I should have obviously been aware he called dibs and that women are objects purely for sex, and she was his.

God damn.

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Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about what people say about it. A similar experience happened to me a few years back and I lost a friend from it :/

And if they're giving you shit for having a good time while being a tad bit drunk is their problem not yours. I mean its not like she WAS his girlfriend because if she had been, then that'd make you an asshole but she wasn't so its k. She obviously was interested in you and you were too drunk to care so kudos to you man, don't let them bring you down you didn't do anything wrong.

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