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Ranting ahead.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I got a great rant sorta... I hate wobbufets... so i was doing a pokemon X nuzlocke... got to glittering cave, was doing so good, not lost any pokemon. And i was training my buddy, a rhyhorn named destruction. And i was like "haha wobbufet can't touch this." I used take down, and dealt a little over half damage, The little mothertrucker, used counter... and killed my rhyhorn. I lost it, flipped shit, and started cussing on how he was going to become a rhypherior and beast out, but no he had to die. And another rant... how i run out of cigarettes in one day...

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  • 2 weeks later...

you know when people flip out for no apparent reason? yea that's me and im ranting about myself. im such a piece of shit really. i get mad at people over the internet that dont even fucking realize that they're talking to another person. a REAL person on the other end. and when they start raging like a kid at that person i proceed to treat them like they arent a person and i end up feeling shitty and going back to darker places and idk what im gonna do with myself. like, ive gotten in serious trouble recently and raging at kids on the internet isnt gonna help it. im trying to figure out what to do but im not sure where to look or where to go.

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Strictly speaking, emotions are a habit, even down to a chemical level. Incident by incident, work on restraining yourself-- put logic before anger. It'll become easier and easier to do so as you practice it.

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Okay so I hear that whole losing faith in humanity thing a lot (admittedly not recently) and you know it's actually kind of annoying.

To those guilty, consider the following:

I love these two videos and I think the problem isn't humanity but rather the perspective of those losing faith in it- and you're not helping!

Scratch that "not recently" part because I'm seeing it again and quite frankly,


So there's those two videos again as friendly reminders, and here's a more recent one:

As a part-time pessimist if even I can see this and smile and think "man, life sure doesn't suck as much as people say it does" then y'all can too

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  • 2 weeks later...

Politics v.s. Homosexuality is really... pissing me off. Some politician lady at some convenction claims that the homosexuals are bullying politicians and the american people. She also call it a "dissposition"....uhhh, no,

1) Who's the minority and who's the majority? That should give you an idea of who is being oppresed, and who is the oppresor. You just called the LGBT population of America, not america disspite how long they've lived and contributed to the country, how curtious of you. And since when do people bully politicians, isn't it the other way around?

2) I suggest you look up in a dictionary what the hell a dispossition is, because being homosexual is not. It is merely a sexual orientation or preference, nothing more nothingless. Neither is it by definition a "lifestyle" (sorry if any of you dissagree with that but I don't like the way people use it). Calling it a mental dissorder means that your saying some of the brightest minds, kindest souls, most devout in country and religion, people who should be pitied, helped, shuned away from family and persecuted because of what their heart races for. I think im seeing the logic in that...

Why does sexual orientation and gender have to define us? I've seen plenty of LGBT people thoughout history who have helped shape the world but that must mean nothing because of which sex they prefered to couple with.

My point is that I hate it when good people have suffer and live their lives in fear because society finds them not fit. Not saying that Reborn is like that of course, which is why ive gravitated here because of how accepting you all are(like Mash and Nyri).

So in conclusion I just want the world to be more accepting and empathetic. Because life is too short, and we waste it when we hate and live in fear and persecution.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I get another FUCKING first year metals student asking me to fix a mistake...

just a mo

IF: Student asks to fix a mistake

Then: Ask if subject had written out a plan

  • IF: Answer interprets as negative; Then: smash subjects already doomed project and send it to the instructor and terminate all communications with subject


  • IF Answer interprets as positive; Then: ask what exactly they need help with
  1. IF: subject needs help with a process that has been taught in the first week of school; Then: terminate all communications with subject
  2. IF: subject needs help with a tool that it is unsure how to use; Then: comply with a demonstration of proper use of said tool using a demonstrative sample of material
  3. IF subject asks for help again on the same subject after an immediate demonstration of said tool usage; Then: smash subjects project, and terminate all communications.

I'm not a fucking support guy. I might be the most experienced student, but if you FAIL to have a plan on how to work your project (which you should have even before you are given project material), then I have literally no business with you. If you need help with tool usage, then a one time deal will happen. If you fail to pay attention and require a further demonstration, I will smash your project. I'm not doing your fucking project for you when I have a 1200 degree piece of iron in the forge that needs working and constant attention.

The amount of needy freshmen I have to put up with recently are getting out of hand, and I think I'm about to smash more than just projects...

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  • 1 month later...

Our GCSEs (exams urgh) are incredibly repetitive and redundant; I fail to see how this simple scheme of answering questions one by one for every subject proves that we're full of knowledge. It's tedious, pointless, repetitive and yet the government still uses it as a way to judge your knowledge and chance to get a job despite the fact that not everyone finds these exams the best way to prove their knowledge.

I've also seen people cry over the stress of these godamn things just because parents feel the need to shift heavy amounts of pressure and A* expectations on their children. How is this education system still running?

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Overseeing first years in the forge. 5 of them.

One of them so blindly grabs the tongs and places a 2000 degree piece of steel on the back of my right hand.

My first reaction was to kick the gas cutoff button and reach for the water barrel.

Instructor calls 911 and I'm rushed to the hospital with a nasty second degree burn.

At least this pain will only last for 2-3 weeks. But if I ever see that bloody fool again in the shop, I will have some VERY choice words for him...

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Overseeing first years in the forge. 5 of them.

One of them so blindly grabs the tongs and places a 2000 degree piece of steel on the back of my right hand.

My first reaction was to kick the gas cutoff button and reach for the water barrel.

Instructor calls 911 and I'm rushed to the hospital with a nasty second degree burn.

At least this pain will only last for 2-3 weeks. But if I ever see that bloody fool again in the shop, I will have some VERY choice words for him...

>2000 degrees

I think you need to give them a 2000 degree whirling bitchslap because ain't toleratin' this shit

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Support Squad

Our GCSEs (exams urgh) are incredibly repetitive and redundant; I fail to see how this simple scheme of answering questions one by one for every subject proves that we're full of knowledge. It's tedious, pointless, repetitive and yet the government still uses it as a way to judge your knowledge and chance to get a job despite the fact that not everyone finds these exams the best way to prove their knowledge.

I've also seen people cry over the stress of these godamn things just because parents feel the need to shift heavy amounts of pressure and A* expectations on their children. How is this education system still running?

Just adding abit of a gripe I have with these Exams too, How often are we going to go through this in life and for what reason? If the schools would just ask themselves that maybe they would gear up to actually get some knowledge across than aim to force the kids to get decent grades so the schools look good. For Example, in my maths class throughout the 2 years, all the teacher did was hand out Mock exams. That's it. We had to go out and learn it all ourselves, some of it from scratch because, due to new rules in the UK, if you do not get a C or above in maths or english, you must take them at A level.. I also had personal doubts about whether or not the teacher was actually qualified, as she herself admitted that she focused on History when she was in education not to mention the fact that when someone asks her a question she never properly answered.

What the schools will do to get you those grades is pretty goddamned stupid,

EDIT: Just to clarify, i understand employers look for the high grades, but i Refuse to believe that is the only thing they look for in their candidates

Edited by DobbyTheElf
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take all of my metal shop rants and refute them

I finally had the satisfaction of watching one of my least favorite first years cut himself on a tool he did not have permission or the knowledge to use. (This tool being a vertical band-saw) I literally had to walk away from what I was doing and hide while the teacher called the school nurse because I literally could not stop laughing.

Edited by Noivy
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take all of my metal shop rants and refute them

I finally had the satisfaction of watching one of my least favorite first years cut himself on a tool he did not have permission or the knowledge to use. (This tool being a vertical band-saw) I literally had to walk away from what I was doing and hide while the teacher called the school nurse because I literally could not stop laughing.

Revenge is an addictively sweet dish indeed.

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  • 5 weeks later...

This summer I was chosen to be the first of two high school students to be accepted in this summer opera program(I won this region wide solo singing competition and my friend placed second in state solo acting(now i sound braggy again)). The program is basically and internship with the opera and 11 talented students to aspire to be in the music profession were chosen. My friend and I, along with some college students who I thought just had amazing voices are this years interns. I honestly think they have some of the most beautiful voices out there and have a bright future out there; there's even a guy from the Boston Conservatory(a really really good music school). However the people who have coordinated this are not doing a good job of making use of our talent and moving us closer to our goals.

We're basically everbody's "errand boys" where we're told by different people to help out with this and help out with that. From 12-5pm we're teaching a musical to 50+ elementary kids with extremely short attention spans that they have to learn in a week and then from 6-10pm we're helping with set changes by placing and striking props during blackouts. Apparently the opera didn't have enough money to hire other people to do that stuff; but oh there are these interns who are really on here to do x and y, lets have them do z and make it a requirement. No one thought that just maybe that'd be a bit too much for us, especially the college kids that need to maintain jobs. We do get a pretty nice scholarship thats paid in three instalments of $500, so that's good. But most of this stuff nobody really signed up for. The most we've had to further out careers is a masterclass with some guy who's supposed to be really famous in the opera buisness but I've never heard of him, and a two day class on how to market yourself as an artist. Speaking of that we're also being used as a marketing tool. Everywhere we go we're as to act as banners for the opera company and blah blah blah. Yeah we're promoting this the opera buisness and "inspiring" people to look into it but what about us?! What about our future and career? Work with children and props/sets knowledge is great and all but these college kids need professional things on their resume like performances and accolades, not this stuff.

Why do I see a trend of people using talented people to promote whatever their apart of not doing anything promote the career of these talented people. It's so annoying. I have a long way to go with this stuff, I know. But I rather someone help me along the way in that struggle rather than them wasting my talent and time with stuff that won't get me any farther in my career. I'm in highschool and I've been taking a good, hard look at how I'm gonna surivive in the adult world and what I'm going to do in college. I'll continue the program for the service hours and the scholarship, but I won't be doing this stuff again. 10 hour work days are not good for my acne, my already high stress levels and my mothers gas bill. Yeah, who do you think has to drive me back and forth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At first I was upset at the kids I was teaching. "Why don't they wan to participate? Why don't they want to sing? Why don't they listen to me? What's wrong with them?". Then I realized, its not the kids that are the problem, it's the people that influence them the most, including their parents.

My co-workers and I are spending a week at this YMCA to teach about 40 kids a musical in a week; yeah, sounds tough but we were very succesfull the first two weeks at the other locations and the kids did spectacular. But here, it's as if no one has told these kids no, and no one has told them yes. No one has given them attention and no one has cared for them enough.

Some kids won't participate and just sit there, some kids say their lines, some kids will ignore our directions or talk back to us. We discipline and discipline, but more than we discipline, we do our very best to build them up and tell them that they can do it and encourage them. But they still just won't. We ran the musical for the fist time today and sadly, it was better than I expected. It was still terrible, (talking when people are speaking their lines, fighting while sitting down, attention problems, rudeness etc.) but I honestly expected it to be much worse. What saddens me the most is that they've been put down so much and so often that they don't have the self pride or dignity to do it for themselves. Not for there parents, not for the interns and I, not for the YMCA staff, not for anybody and not even themselves. And everyone around them has just given up on them.

I'm a pretty spoiled child: two parents who'd move mountains and more for me, a stable middle class household, my own room, and tons upon tons of encouragement from friends, family, teachers, and just people in general. I used to get mad a teachers I had that were hard on me and who I thought were torturing me with harder work. Only now do I realize that those teachers were my teachers. Only now do I realize that they cared about each and every one of their students and they had faith them. And I've learned to really appreciate a teacher who cares. Because a child can do amazing things when you, or someone cares. But it seems like no one has cared for some of these children. That they have been viewed as unimportant all their short lives.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's depressing when people don't care. Being hard on your kid and wanting them to be great is one thing, but just not caring or neglecting them is a whole 'nother, and its upsetting. Its not fair to that child. It's not their fault that they weren't planned, or that the parents don't have time, or that they're adopted, or that they have a dissability, or that they live with a single parent. Don't make it their fault, because that's what they think. They have no hope for something better and they have no hope for themselves. It's not fair, and its not right.

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I'll keep this short. Every time I go to an article, after I do so I read the comments just to see ignorant people jabbing at each other and honestly all I see is the pot calling the kettle black. There is literally zero intelligence written within most of it and just each side resorting to name calling and "Nuh-Uh".

Essentially this picture sums it up the best how I feel.


In the end I just close it out thinking to myself, it's fine if people disagree, but can't it at least be done intelligently and civilly?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Revving this topic now because I need it.

I feel that a lot of people I've seen, both on Reborn and outside, are too quick to judge; they draw connotations of others within seconds and jump to conclusions without taking a step back; and that leads to constant shitstorming and arguments that never develop or end because people can't try and see it from another point of view. I feel people can be much more civil in their arguments and debates if they just, for a moment, take a look at someone's argument and see where they're coming from and why they have this point of view, instead of immediately dishing out a reply churned with anger and disdain because the ideals of another differ from their own.

Next time you end up in a discussion with someone, please; don't respond the second you've finished reading the argument. Instead, understand their reasoning and point of view and reply in a manner you think is suitable in the circumstances presented. That way, we can perhaps not break out into circlejerking arguments and judge with an iron fist before you even know what you're punching with it.

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Revving this topic now because I need it.

I feel that a lot of people I've seen, both on Reborn and outside, are too quick to judge; they draw connotations of others within seconds and jump to conclusions without taking a step back; and that leads to constant shitstorming and arguments that never develop or end because people can't try and see it from another point of view. I feel people can be much more civil in their arguments and debates if they just, for a moment, take a look at someone's argument and see where they're coming from and why they have this point of view, instead of immediately dishing out a reply churned with anger and disdain because the ideals of another differ from their own.

Next time you end up in a discussion with someone, please; don't respond the second you've finished reading the argument. Instead, understand their reasoning and point of view and reply in a manner you think is suitable in the circumstances presented. That way, we can perhaps not break out into circlejerking arguments and judge with an iron fist before you even know what you're punching with it.

I myself agree completely with this...

because I've been guilty of it multiple times. (And tend to say some really stupid shit when I get pissed)

but yeah, sometimes debates and conversations tend turn away from being a discussion matter and instead become personal crusades for the people involved, and that's typically when the shitstorms start brewing as each person attempts to prove that they're "right" about things without taking a few seconds and actually thinking about why the other side made the argument they did. Just as you said, it's a lack of consideration and understanding.

Edited by Stratos
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  • 2 weeks later...

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