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So when shit hits the fan and things do go the way we want them to and get frusturating everybody wants to be pissed at me despite how much I've tried to help the situation. People and their fucking drama. Its no one can put anything in the past and move on and try to do better. No. They have to keep bringing up their disdain and frusturation at you everytime you speak to them and nothing gets accomplished. Now everybody's pissed.

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Just as a warning to ya'll I'm probably gonna be using this thread alot. I've entered the moody teenager stage (for what seems the second time) and getting things off my chest is the only thing that will allow me to keep that sliver of sanity that makes me function properly from being burnt to a sad crisp.

Many a time, when someone is feeling down, hurt and/or depressed we wanna help them out, see if we can cheer them up or fix their problems. But sometimes, fixing their problem isn't necessary. You don't have to tell them what their doing and wrong and give them steps to fix it or come up with an extensive wordy speech or tell them they shouldn't be upset because blahblahblah person has worse problems (seriously, do not do that. It will not work). Just being there as a friend or family member, in my opinion, is one of the best ways to help someone who is maybe going through a rough time or is stressed or depressed. Just, sitting next to them, keeping an open ear, listening to whatever they have to say, nodding to them to let them know you're taking them seriously and saying "I understand", can have a paramount effect. Sometimes we just need someone to say "I understand". That's it. There's a difference between helping someone and trying to be the next Dr. Phil or winning karma points or whatever people "help" others for these days.

Understanding someone and being there for them...I really don't know what else to say. It's some elaborate system of psychology in which one must go through a long list of points and intensely analyze and over think or pass over a situation. It's just understanding, even when you really don't.

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  • 1 month later...

Of all people to piss me off with the whole "vaccinations are bad for you," I never thought one of them would be my former middle school science teacher.

If the first thing that the source says is "the CDC pushes vaccines because the flu can be fatal, but that's not true" I'd advise you to re-evaluate the source. First of all, it was from some trashy tabloid/largely unknown news source. Which is the number one flag. Second of all, there have been a ton of false reports that claim to be backed up by Johns Hopkins University, but many and most of them are false. Just check snopes. This website doesn't even cite any papers or credible sources, other than an "exclusive interview with a professional."

Unless it was published in a peer reviewed journal and the results have been replicated by other studies, you can't assume it's the definite answer to the question. One of the major reasons behind vaccinations is to prevent the spread of disease by susceptible people to others that have compromised immune systems. You know, the people that can't be vaccinated. And that thing about it not possibly being fatal is not true. The way most people know the flu today, they think of it as something that just comes and goes without much harm, but we live in a country with more developed health care. There can be complications that arise from it that can make chronic illnesses worse or actually be life threatening themselves, but since we live in a developed country with better health care than lesser developed countries, it's not something the public ever notices.

I hope she doesn't have similar feelings on the MMR vaccines for children. Seriously, people make me sick with this stuff. We give children the MMR vaccine for a reason, and it's horrible enough that anti-vaccine parents that choose to not give it to them put their child's life at risk. It's a highly studied topic, and not a single study could repeat the results of the paper claiming that vaccines cause autism-- a paper that was retracted, by the way, for falsifying information, having too small of a sample size, and performing a study on children already showing signs of the autism spectrum. UGH so much damage done at the hands of a few influential people.

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I refuse to live in a country where you're allowed to hire someone to stab you in the face with a needle full of the most toxic substance on Earth but you're not allowed to smoke God's Lettuce.

Honestly, it's goddamn ridiculous. How is it that our country (the USA for those of you who don't live in the greatest country ever) went from allowing ownership of other human beings to saying "you can't grow this plant" within a hundred years? Did our government really become such a helicopter parent that we felt the need to allow them to strip away the right to purchase and use certain products as we see fit? And another thing. What the fuck is up with the fact that alcohol, which is responsible for thousands of deaths a year, is legal, but marijuana (which is safe compared to alcohol) can get you up to a month in prison.

Shit's crazy, man. It's not right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem with I have with multi-player online games is that all too often I have a team that seemingly insists on being a bunch of mentally incapable wild crayfish that care nothing about actually beating the objective and instead look at the graphics and fire their weapons/cast spells/use abilities for the sole pathetic purpose of eye-candy.

If you're going to do this, at least have the brains to keep this kind of behavior in a bloody single player game, that way you DON'T ruin the competitive experience for those of us who actually want to play the bloody game.

Edited by Noivy
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Oh thank heavens, I sure was worried that I'd miss it.

You do know television channels have scheduled programs right, and, it's kind of their job to inform their viewers of the program. For example, there was extensive coverage of the severe bush fires here a couple of years ago which cancelled the cricket and everything. I mean they were still playing but until the broadcast had finished they would not show the cricket, but they still said that it will come back after the special report.

Same thing applies here. Company has a schedule. I know what happened in Ferguson was bad and you might feel a certain way about it but they're just doing their job to keep their customers informed. It's not like you can report on Ferguson all night, either...

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Oh thank heavens, I sure was worried that I'd miss it.

REALLY pissed off that they tweeted this. Oh my, I can't miss MY dancing with the stars for a black boy. Oh heavens no.

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I literally just got home after waiting 3 hours for what SHOULD be a fucking 30 minute commute.


Fuck these damn protests. Why the fuck are these people entitled to cause disruptions to people's daily lives. If you're going to protest, keep it to the fucking sidewalks for fucks sake.

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I literally just got home after waiting 3 hours for what SHOULD be a fucking 30 minute commute.


Fuck these damn protests. Why the fuck are these people entitled to cause disruptions to people's daily lives. If you're going to protest, keep it to the fucking sidewalks for fucks sake.

To quote myself from another thread, I can understand the anger in having interruptions in your daily life, but that's not something you should be taking for granted when there are people protesting so that their kind can live their daily life without fear aswell.

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Kindred Oblivion,

Your last post was hidden due to what I perceived as potential flame-bait and disrespect. I do understand the argument you were trying to make, and I appreciate the use of an info-graphic, but the construction of post can be conceivably a firestarter. The argument has been had elsewhere on the forums and in the past already, and from experience it has not rendered fruitful discussion. The brashness of the post warranted it being kept from view.

If you want to present an argument, please do so in a respectful manner, and try not to use anything (language, info-graphics, etc) that could be easily perceived as flame-bait and offensive.


Hilda (Minerva)

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Okay stumbled upon this today my turn i guess

Why do ppl take one look at me and ask if im okay. Do i have something written across my face saying Im not okay be concerned one day i will kill you all or something i try to be nice and shrug it off maybe ppl are just asking me how i am but when complete strangers do it i just wanna kill em i mean how bad do i look that they need to comment. there is a reason i wear my hair over my eyes i dont wanna make eye contact so you think you have to start a conversation with me i mean srsly im not some sorta charity case that needs help i like things the way they are now you ppl asking me if im okay isnt gonna change anything it will still be the same old sh1t every day for the rest of my life do i care ? nope would i change it ? nope just lemme get on with it

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im not that guy i dont smile i doubt i can , im not the friendly type bar here im not friendly i mean

i look really really menacing when i smile like the im gonna kill you smile of a psychopath

Edited by HyperKiller
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First thing's first, I hate it when people ask questions when they have an Internet source. Like, just recently, I had someone ask me what a certain word mean as they were reading an article on the Internet. Their Internet was pretty fast, too, so that's no excuse. I just can't...

Also, people being willfully ignorant in a debate. Similar to the above.

And iPad being stupid. I'm honestly wishing I never updated past iOS7. This thing went to shit passed this point. This thing's become incredibly slow and laggy, and the way they changed it up just sucks. I don't like the new features. I'd rather have my speedy iPad than one with a bunch of crappy new features. EDIT: Figured out how to speed it up a bit. Wow O.o

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  • 4 weeks later...

I get incredibly wound up whenever someone takes what I say COMPLETELY the wrong way because it happens all the godamn time

I feel confidence in the clarity of the statement and then I'm fucking shot down and this hasn't changed at all in the last few years

Like, I know it's silly of me to expect that people are always going to be on the same page as me but I still get needlessly frustrated

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Does anyone get annoyed at people justifying their losses?
Losing is already sad as it is. All these excuses are just pathetic.
Be a good loser. Don't be a whiny brat loser.

Nobody gives a fuck about that low damage roll, critical hits, or team advantage.

Say GG, shut up, and close the battle window.

You should beat a player down though if it was obvious that you got counterteamed or the opponent took five minutes to pick a move.

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I'm not sure what people are going to say... but it's whatever. Came across this thread... and here comes the verbal pincushion... which I say this for a reason. Why is it... people like to turn others who are there for them when they need to vent, into verbal pincushions? Just today... about a half hour ago, me and a buddy were discussing some things... like spirits and the paranormal. Well... I was just listening to him and he made the mention of being left in the dark... not too much sooner than I just told him something he might find interesting. *Sigh* and this is what kind of boils my blood... he just unleashes his torrent of anger upon me like I'm somebody who would spit in his soup or kill his dog... and I wouldn't do either... so I just apologized... and he didn't stop there... but then offers me to come visit him... mind you... that the weather is crap where I live... and if someone is wondering what I said... I was being sarcastic and told him to go find the answers and quit being in the dark... that's all I said... why do people need to be subsidiary assholes after something like that? I don't get it... I'm not mad... but it kills me every time. This is why I don't joke with people... and the main reason I keep to myself... and just linger in the shadows... or just don't leave the house at all. I don't like when people have ominous mood swings... I know he's a friend... but I've been keeping distant for the past few weeks. Oy... it could be me... but I figured I'd just let that one loose... and trust me I've got quite a few things to get out of my head and onto paper... but that was just recent... might just be me... but I hate it. I also know... that there are people who are having much worse days than I... or him... but to each his own... I guess?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so Kirby won his Death Battle like I predicted and expected, but why did they nerf him so hard?

First of all, they had him sucking up random passerby to get his abilities durring the fight animation. I know that the animation has nothing to do with the outcome and is just for fun, but now they're gonna get spammed with accusations of outside help, accusations that they could have easily avoided with one small detail: The Copy Essence Deluxes. They're little copy pedastals that Kirby carries around with him that let him turn into almost every ability he has, whenever he wants, an unlimited amount of times, without having to suck up anything.

They only let him become Buu Kirby when the fight was over, but if they had let him use the deluxe essences he could have used the "copy" copy ability to become Buu Kirby by just looking at Buu.

He also can manifest his own abilities in the form of helpers, which means after becoming Buu Kirby he could have created another Buu, that fights for him.

Also, he has better physical feats than the ones shown in the video. He survived an explosion that eclipsed the whole planet, you say? Well yeah he did, but he also survived a beating from Magalor, who can and did destroy entire galaxies with a single attack (unlike Buu who had to destroy all the planets in a galaxy one by one over time) and whose death collapesed an entire dimension. Cracked a planet in half with a punch? More like completley shattered the same planet with the same punch in a different continuity. And saying the warp star is "faster than light" is a gigantic understatement, since it traveled halfway across the galaxy, a distance of thousands of light years, in a matter of minutes.

I guess they just wanted it to look like Buu had more of a chance, huh?

EDIT: forgot another thing, Kirby can resist the pull of a black hole on foot, doesn't even need his massively ftl warp star for it. And if the lets himself get pulled in, he of course survives.

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