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One day I won't be the same old guy who couldn't post a piece of art for the world. One day people are gonna know who I am. I don't expect anyone here to know me when the time comes but that day will come. I'll prove to everyone that I'm not some depressed loser. That I'm not some quitter. Mark my words I'll prove to everyone that I can make it in this world even if I have to do it alone. I'm sick and tired of being scared of making mistakes and revealing my weaknesses. I'm not gonna stay quiet any longer.

I'm still breathing darn it and that's more than enough of a reason for me to keep going. I will be a game designer, artist and a programmer. Even if I'm not the best I'll still prove that I can make something great. You don't think I can do it? Just watch and you'll see. I'm not listening to anyone but myself from now on. I'm the only one I can trust in this dark and lonely world. Well, that's fine with me. Who needs friends anyway. I don't and I could care less about having some. People should just stay the heck away from me. Jerks.

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I haven't really revealed much of my actual personality on here in all the time I've been here, but I decided I would open up a bit.

So nothing in particular sparked this, but just life in general. I am sick of all the judgement that pours down upon me for thinga I cannot control. I am not an oppressed minority, I am no singled out person who has done something to paint a target on their forehead, no, I'm a simple teenage white boy. Only, in many ways. that's just as bad. Despite everything I do, despite all the effort I put into helping people, being constantly cheery and optimistic, despite always being there to comfort people, regardless of if they are my friend or my foe, I am always seen as the typical sleezy, drug ingesting,nude swapping, cat calling sterotype until people understand ne. Which they never do. I help a child in the street, brighten their day, and crack a joke and a smile and the only thabks I get are a scolding glare and the kid gets jerked away from me. I try to assist random people I encounter on the streets with their heavy boxes or opening doors or the like and I am refused while those I offered my services to glare at me and ponder what game I could be playing.The other day, I saw I woman removed a poster which had been taped around a pole using packaging tape. She was clearly having trouble so I helped her get it off the pole. She gave me a puzzled glance and asked what my name was and what was I doing and what was in it for me. I simply sighed, pulled up the cuffs of my jacket, and walked on.

I want people to stop seeing who I am and watch what the hell I'm doing. I am not like the others and I just wish others would understand that before suspecting nefarious intent. There are good people in this world and it's not their fault that some of them happen to be adolescent male members of the white race. So stop just taking a single look and passing your judgement.

That was all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if it's alright to rant here, then...

it's just really infuriating when you feel like someone only likes you when you are useful to them. Like, when you listen to them talk and when caring about you makes them seem like a nice person, they're great, but the second that they can't get anything by being good to you they go back to treating you badly...and they deny that they're doing it at all! I mean, it's not subtle.

Ugh. One more year until I go off to college and leave this place.

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You know when you have teamwork to do, and you end up having to do almost everything in the last week...twice.
Needless to say, I didn't sleep that much those days, and I was too tired to get angry. Urgh.

Ugh. One more year until I go off to college and leave this place.

This happened to me in college. Don't worry, it's still much better than high school.

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Friendly warning to all anti-vaxxer's.

If I ever. EVER catch you preaching why you shouldn't get vaccines on a buss ever again, I will personally shove a tiny cask of mercury down your throat and heartfully enjoy taking in the knowledge that I made the world a healthier place.

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I don't usually blow up at telemarketers/phishing attempts on the phone, but when the same bloody number calls us twice in the period of an hour trying to tell us that our MORE THAN SECURE computers have viruses in them, it's kinda hard not to say very callous things to them. The best part is when they hang up without saying another word. Bloody cowards. If they do it again, I'm gonna take things to a legal level.

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I don't usually blow up at telemarketers/phishing attempts on the phone, but when the same bloody number calls us twice in the period of an hour trying to tell us that our MORE THAN SECURE computers have viruses in them, it's kinda hard not to say very callous things to them. The best part is when they hang up without saying another word. Bloody cowards. If they do it again, I'm gonna take things to a legal level.

Sounds like a scam to me.

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I don't usually blow up at telemarketers/phishing attempts on the phone, but when the same bloody number calls us twice in the period of an hour trying to tell us that our MORE THAN SECURE computers have viruses in them, it's kinda hard not to say very callous things to them. The best part is when they hang up without saying another word. Bloody cowards. If they do it again, I'm gonna take things to a legal level.

"Do not call this residence again"

Instead of berating people who are doing their jobs, you could try to solve things w/o resorting to being a dick.

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I'm pretty sure when someone is attempting to tell us that our FOUR computers (which we only have two lol) have more than 30 viruses on it on a number all the way from Lyons, New York, and asking directly for credit card information for his services IS not telemarketing. That rings as PHISHING in my book. Turns out this dickhead has called us in the past, saying exactly the same thing. As in, exact same number, exact same voice, exact same PERSON. God help him if I pick up the phone when he calls again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been ranting about this since my fiance dragged me to go see it on Valentine's Day...50 Shades of Grey.

This is the perfect example of bad writing. The dialogue sounds like it was taken from a bad 80s porn movie. There is absolutely no character development. The only way the plot exists is due to the main protagonist created conflict herself. Also its relationship to the Twilight Series which birthed it is disgustingly obvious. Pretty sure the author ripped direct quotes from that story of glittering fairies with fangs (I will never call them vampires).

Now let us move past the plot and look at the two dimensional characters. Christian Grey is the textbook definition of abusive boyfriend. He is controlling from where she goes to what she eats and drinks. Not to mention he secludes her in a room over the weekend so he can "play with her" whenever he wants. He also flat-out says he has no romantic attachment to her, treating her more or less like a sack of meat. While he claims she is changing him, there is no indication in teh story that he does (Of course this could be just bad writing). Any time he does harm her (emotional or physical), he immediately makes it up with some sort of gift. Putting all the S&M aside, he is the kind of guy that all women should avoid. If you removed all the money, the book would end with him in jail.

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I've been ranting about this since my fiance dragged me to go see it on Valentine's Day...50 Shades of Grey.

This is the perfect example of bad writing. The dialogue sounds like it was taken from a bad 80s porn movie. There is absolutely no character development. The only way the plot exists is due to the main protagonist created conflict herself. Also its relationship to the Twilight Series which birthed it is disgustingly obvious. Pretty sure the author ripped direct quotes from that story of glittering fairies with fangs (I will never call them vampires).

Now let us move past the plot and look at the two dimensional characters. Christian Grey is the textbook definition of abusive boyfriend. He is controlling from where she goes to what she eats and drinks. Not to mention he secludes her in a room over the weekend so he can "play with her" whenever he wants. He also flat-out says he has no romantic attachment to her, treating her more or less like a sack of meat. While he claims she is changing him, there is no indication in teh story that he does (Of course this could be just bad writing). Any time he does harm her (emotional or physical), he immediately makes it up with some sort of gift. Putting all the S&M aside, he is the kind of guy that all women should avoid. If you removed all the money, the book would end with him in jail.

it was made for 40 yo housewives who feel ashamed of watching porn and don't actually care about a mans personality as long as he's hot enough, controversially

plus, being based off of twilight, even worse writing was to be expected

and with 50 shades of grey, we've learned that tumblr fanfics should always stay where they are and never make it any further than that

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  • 1 month later...

Questions for first world feminists from third world women:

1. Have you ever had acid thrown in your face for having the audacity to seek an education?

2. Have you ever been denied ANY sort of health care that you might require as a woman?

3. Have you ever been sold as a child bride to a much older man?

4. Have you ever been stoned to death for having the audacity to marry the man you love rather than the one your father picked for you?

5. Have you ever been sold into prostitution/sex slavery as a child or teen?

6. Have you ever been killed right after your birth or aborted solely because of your gender?

7. Have you ever been beheaded for committing adultery?

8. Have you ever been punished for leaving your house without a male escort?

9. Have you ever received numerous lashings for not putting on a head-to-toe garment before walking out into the blistering heat?

10. Have you ever had your genitals mutilated in a non-sterile environment without anesthesia by a shard of glass to prevent you from ever experiencing any sexual arousal or to make you more attractive to men?

11. Have you ever had to choose between marrying your rapist or going to prison?

12. Have you ever been murdered because you had the audacity to allow someone to rape you?

13. Have you ever been injured or killed because you gave birth to a daughter and not a son?

Please. If you are a first world feminist, stop obsessing over first world issues like "Manspreading" and "Manslamming" or which video game character is sexually attractive and focus on the women that have real problems that are actually oppressive, usually in third world countries that are a matter of life and death. Nowadays, your ideology revolves around man hating and social engineering and it needs to change. You are not oppressed.

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"Man-hating" is not feminism. Feminism is support for gender equality. Don't mistake misandry for feminism.

But regarding actual feminism, fixing the issues those questions are about is not mutually exclusive to solving social issues in the west. In fact, creating a healthier social environment helps issues in third world countries as well by increasing awareness and support for solving those problems. This is especially true in regards to the internet which is increasingly a global social environment. Attitudes of the west and east influence each other, and there are still problems to be solved on both sides of the coin.

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50 shades of NOPE.....

anyway, yeah i might as well rant here.... no one might like it, but it pisses me off when someone on devientart tries to defend themselves when they do something rule breaking! see, i used to have another account on there where i helped out a group called thief-busters that has been there for years that report thieves and those that treat their gallery like it is photobucket or similar... there are rules DA has... and to the rule breakers, I AM THE BADGUY.... i may not be a co-founder to that group anymore but i do see why the founders left in the first place... DA is filled with little brats that refuse to understand they cannot just upload work that is not rightfully theirs and will do anything to defend themselves by playing hurt so they can be coddled by their watchers... yes i have seen this act before! too many times to count.... idk... i am almost thinking about just.... leaving that group and stop reporting thieves now... it is not worth it to be looked so far down upon just cuz one little kid ruins your whole name.... on my last account... i had melanie to blame.... kat was a good person but i could not stay friends with her since she always took melanie's side! what happened? melanie went a bit insane in the head, letting her inner demon come out and got all her little friends to parade her a pity party.... we had one little fight about tumblr... i was goin to leave tumblr! and she blew up in my face about it... she and god knows how many thieves got word out there that i was a horrible person that needed to grow up, even if i feel invisible and just deal with it....

my diagnose of autism and anxiety never seems to click in those ppls heads.... but i found out... i dont need them in my life... they refuse to understand differences in others and what is really hard to kill off and what is IMPOSSIBLE to kill off for someone who has aspergers and anxiety attacks!

i am not going to leave DA. i still need a place to post my artwork... and already someone loves how i do pixel work and they are willing to pay me for a few commissions.... and NO i am not going to tumblr! i left that place for a reason! social justice shit bothers the HELL out of me.... my friend melanie was all for them and tried to convert us.... if i never did join, i was apparently a nobody.... then again i forget... she was nothing but an online bully....

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i originally posted this on tumblr but I felt like I could share this here.

So, I’ve sort of been having this pent up, annoyed feeling that I just wanna get out there. Warning, opinions are gonna be EVERYWHERE on this post, so if you get triggered easily don’t continue reading this.

First and foremost, I’m a gay 19 year old male who clings to his furry persona like a person hanging off a cliff above a pit of angry, starving crocodiles that haven’t eaten in a week. However, I don’t act like this in the general internet outside gaming, tumblr, and I sure as hell do not show this part of me in public. My family and friends know, and fully supports me and my thoughts, and I have more than I ever could wish for with this support. In comparison, I have it pretty fucking good in comparison to a lot of other LGBT people, which leads me to my first subject in this long philosophical shitpost.

Leelah Alcorn. That name carries a lot of weight here in Tumblr, and I’m not gonna use it lightly. My views on her are both criticism and supportive. I know what you’re thinking, why would any LGBT person criticize Alcorn’s death? She was ending her pain and making a statement doing so. When she came out, her parents rejected her for who she is, and forced her to do things which I don’t even want to think about Conversion therapy, some religious bullshit treatment that thank goodness is being called out by President Obama this week even. That made me really happy, because the entire LGBT community and many supporters who are not combined their voices and made themselves KNOWN. That I can 100% and heartfully approve of. I really want to see more of it.

Leelah’s suicide caused a media shitstorm. Fingers and labels were everywhere. There was anti-this, anti-that, “gay person commits suicide” headlines, mass outrage both for and against. I know. I was there. I was in the middle of it all. My friends were in flames. I had people who knew I was gay saying “You’re one of them right so aren't you like really depressed as well?” That just didn’t feel right at all. I was actually pretty upset, because I was being labeled along side countless hundreds of thousands of others of being something I wasn’t. I wasn’t depressed at all back in the January. well, not as much as I was 3 years ago. I really dislike being labeled as something I’m not. I’m not some depressed suicidal. I’d actually like to build a happy-go-lucky human-dragon hybrid that just wants to make people smile; and hell let me tell you, I love it when I get called “Gay furry scum” on games because that’s exactly what I am. I don’t have any qualms with that. Leelah’s suicide sort of pushed this unwanted attention on me that I just shook off, and over time it ended.

What I don’t approve of is how it started. I think Alcorn’s suicide was just stupid and pathetic. Yea, I said it. But here’s why I think this way. I was once very close to suicide myself, though I was not gay at the time, I felt like there was nothing I could accomplish in my life. And sure a lot of us felt that way in one point or another. My ordeal wasn’t helped by the loss of two teachers, my grand mother, and two of my best friends. I actually remember that day, and I constantly wonder why the hell I came so close. It’s because I realized that my voice doesn’t matter. And it never will. Not by itself. And that’s one of the reasons why I am still here. That, and my own grim obedience to Life’s rules and fear of death.

In this day and age, I’ve sort of learned that your average every day person doesn’t really have the power to speak alone. They want things to happen, and sure they speak out about it but until they get support, it’s not easy. It starts in a 1 vs 1-quadzillionbillionmilliontrillionsrillion scenario. That one person, assuming there’s nothing special about him, much like myself, isn’t gonna get much from speaking out by himself. Instead, that one person needs to get support from one person. That two becomes four, four becomes 10. The challenge is getting started, and I can’t agree at all with how Leelah started the movement, even if it resulted

in something I am very favorable of.

Changing subjects slightly, but this leads to another thing I have a huge issue with in my life. Ever sense I joined tumblr, I got this really heavy anti-government vibe and while I can understand and relate, certainly I want anti-everything-positive shitlords in pinstripe suits gone and removed from office, the answer is not getting angry and spouting words over the internet, which seems to be the case with all the recent tension with the police shootings that have received so much attention. Yes, its terrible, it’s abhorrent, I think the officers who do it should get the death penalty, but that’s not the point I want to make. The best way to get change in this country is by banding together and pushing for change. Together, we can push for better police policy, for better treatment of LGBT, for better everything. The best way to make it happen is by voting.

Voting! Elections! Political bullshit! Hallelujah! Talking heads on TV yadda yadda yadda. who gives a fuck? I do, and you should too. America was founded on the principle that the people have the power to change the countries laws through voting and election. It goes on every day, in the Senate, the House, even the common workplace of the average person. My gripe with tumblr is that people feel so anti-government they don’t vote because they think the country’s going to shit. Which it probably will if nobody cares to raise their voice with others to bring attention to all the issues at hand! We, the people vote for who gets to sit on those chairs in DC, if we don’t like them, we have the power to kick them out in the next election term. But only if we get up and actually vote. The mere fact that people of my age group (18-21) are throwing away the constitutional right we have to vote and thus possibly change America is disheartening to me. You can’t change the rules by refusing to play by them. It’s like a game in that sense.

I compare life and living to a game. There’s cause and effect EVERYWHERE. And just like in games, there are rules to life which can’t be broken. However, that does not simply mean they can’t be changed in some way. We’re constantly finding ways to improve our life through scientific, social and many ways. 20 years ago, the mere thought of 3D printing was still a fantasy. We have what we have today because we worked for it. We progressed through life’s never ending puzzles and games to get to where we are today, and we ain’t ever gonna reach the end, because there is no end. That’s one of those silent little rules that everyone knows is there but can’t really change because it’s simple blatant fact.

But one of the big rules in life is that you only got one foreseeable lifetime to do things. If you kill yourself, you break that rule, and you’re out. No coming back ever. Leelah broke this rule of life without even attempting to see what rules she could have otherwise sought to change. Breaking rules is a big no-no. Changing them is the key, but the trick is taking the necessary steps to do so. You get what I’m saying kind of? Part of me see’s Alcorn's suicide as a sort of cheating way to get out of actually working for that change, and that is why I can not respect her suicide 100%. But the change is happening right now as I am typing this. But we shouldn’t stop here.

We need to rise up just like how the previous generation did to get the 26th Amendment of the United States Constitution. We need to oust the opposition legally, and that means getting up and out of the internet warrior mode and into the real world, making our voices known. I can promise you that when the big push for true Liberty and Justice for ALL people is in full swing, I will be there adding my own voice to the many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people calling for a change to the rules. If our parents could do it, we sure as hell can do it too.

I agreed what you said. Even through that i felt a bit sad for her, i felt more sad for the truck driver. Getting maybe almost doxxed and death threats when he shouldn't get the blame. He gotta live with that thing rest of his life.

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Alright alright here we go.

I am still angry at these people who did me wrong and I have reason to, but it's been and on and off thing. At the very least they have not been doing shit to provoke me anymore. But I swear if they fuck up and try to mess with me even ONCE, I will DESTROY them no questions asked. Tired of their shit, and they're at the top of my cut list.

On another note, it's so. Fucking. STUPID. To make a college curriculum with classes that have NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR MAJOR. Fine arts major consists of humanities, social and normal sciences, math, and english. I don't mind english or even social science, but I cannot stand humanities or math. Critical thinking blah blah blah, look I am a maker of the arts; I produce more than I think and that's what I wanna do. The only reason I am in choir is because it keeps me sane and it's not even part of the core curriculum but an ELECTIVE. Hopefully changing my major to music will change my curriculum altogether.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's situations when it is appropriate to criticize someone's diet, and there isn't.

Ranting at your child for preferring white bread over whole-grain when, less than half a year ago, they refused to eat more than what was needed to prevent fainting, is definitely the latter.

So how about I eat what I want, and you mind your own business?

Especially if you start complaining about me being underweight in the next breath.

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Why do people so easily jump to the idea of a complete, incapable cripple when the term "Disabled" comes up?

Is it simply their experiences with the media? Did they learn it in school as they silently watched the one kid with a noticeable disability when they were in school?

I've got a condition called a nystagmus and also short sightedness. This is, apparently, severe enough to where I am considered a disabled person and I need specific help. Apparently. The thing that has me angry is how the school followed a guideline on how to help me and didn't try to consult me in new ways that were better suited to dealing with a child when I was younger. For the past few years teachers have been wasting their time getting specific coloured paper because apparently I was rushed to answer if that colour of paper was easy for me to read. That time could go to helping a student who genuinely needs help for christs sake, even if it takes only a moment. Those moments could have been used to explain a concept to someone who didn't ever get it.

I don't consider myself disabled, stop wasting your time on me. There are two possible consequences of my two eye conditions compounding: Limited sight, as suggested by the whole "Short" sightedness bit, and apparently faster fatigue. The latter is not a thing with me, I've told them time and again, I don't need a bigass sheet of paper, I can read without the 21+ font size, I don't need to carry around what is essentially an easel to elevate the paper, I don't need an exclusive laptop, I don't need a magnifying glass. Hell, I don't need to 25% extra exam time, I have literally never used it, stop treating me like I can't bloody read and stop insisting I take the help because it's there. Would you accept food from someone because they thought you were homeless, just for the free meal? Fuck no, at least I wouldn't all of this effort doesn't have to be wasted on me, go help someone else who needs it, literally all I have to do to fix my issue in the class is to move a seat forward.

In my last ever maths exam, because the government ordered this for every student with sight, I was given physical models of shapes. That's just straight up fucking insulting. It makes me think that not only are they wasting time on me, they aren't even doing things right with the majority of those who genuinely need help.

Despite my eye issues which, according to the school against my protests, I am quite possibly one of the most literate people in my school. I'm at least in the top percentile. So for the love of god stop assuming I can't distinguish V from fucking W.

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I get pretty mad when I'm trying to relate to someone, and somehow, a problem they had ages ago, now done and other with, is far more worse than my current problem and I should be happy with my 'lesser' problem.

Like, gosh, why the heck did I even open up you in the first place?

Also, when people guilt-trip you into doing something. Ugh, that grinds my gears. That stuff's so manipulative and dirty and it makes me want to punch people in their faces when they do that.

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I am totally with you on the guilt tripping thing.

It's something I can not stand. Because, well, you nailed it. So many people have tried to guilt trip me into doing various things. Saying no has cost me a friendship or two, but hell, it was worth it.

People who have to resort to that are not cool.

As for the other, yikes. I'd be grateful someone even took the time of day to talk to me about their stuff. If only everyone else felt the same way...

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Me? I have this pet peeve where some person goes and says for me to do some random stuff, and me being the procrastinator will probably not do the said thing immediately.

The thing i hate about this is (and my mom does this all the time) is that they will repetitively say for me to do the thing over and over again and then saying things like

"why haven't you done *said thing* yet?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!" or

"If you don't do *said thing* then, -insert generic threat here-"

I mean like i know that ill do these things, its just that i like to do these things at my own time. :P

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What a stellar effort by the Montreal Canadiens tonight. I mean, wow. What a show. They definitely showed up to play some playoff hockey tonight. I'm glad they saw fit to give the Lightning every advantage possible by taking a penalty every chance they could. I really think it shows how much of a contender this team is. I mean, they only got what, four powerplay goals? Fuckin' bush league; these all-stars eat powerplays for breakfast. Misconduct penalties are definitely good for the team as well. It shows passion and that "got get 'em!" attitude. It's not like you're a crucial part to the offense or anthing man, go ahead and get tossed. Take the rest of the night off! You deserve it.

Honestly, let's go to Florida and play like that again. Bring the fucking golf clubs with you and save yourselves the round trip.

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