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Route 1 on single Tauros


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Technically not really a bug but... is it really intended that it's not possible to navigate Route 1 from one end to the other on a single Tauros (not even using the surrounding woods)? There is only one place that is impossible to pass. It also happens to make part of the Tauros/Heracross/Pinsir puzzle a bit annoying - you need to go to one place on Tauros at least 6 times (I counted), always dismount and return for another one. The closest Tauros is pretty far away in this case though. Or there actually is one really close but it's just behind the "tall grass wall" (the one that makes Route 1 impossible to navigate on one Tauros) so its useless.

If it is intended just delete this topic, thanks. :-)

Oh talking about Route 1 almost all of the Heracrosses/Pinsirs are level 49 except for one pair near the Tanzan Mountain that is level 55. Not sure if intended.

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The woods and route 1 are meant to be incredibly hard to navigate, as they are both puzzles, which hide some rather good pokemon. If you could do it on one pokemon it would decrease the challenge.

While this might be frustrating to navigate, this isn't a bug so I'm moving it to Reborn city.

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Actually Route 1 itself (not the woods of course) is fairly easy to navigate on Tauros except of this one place. I love Route 1 and the forest puzzles, just this one place annoys me. I don't question the puzzle difficulity, that's completely fine. What I don't like is that when I want to go for example from the reasearch center to Radomus's castle I take a Tauros near the reaserch center, hop up one ledge, go around a previously moved log and - here comes the annoying part - dismount, move on foot for a bit, find a second Tauros - here the annoying part ends - and ride it all the way to the labyrint.

Unlike the rest of the route this isn't a one-time puzzle but an unnecessary obstacle a player needs to go around every single time.

Thanks for moving the topic. I'll be more careful in the future.

Edited by baldr
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1) There is none near the reasearch center which I often use as a base for Route 1 puzzles.

2) It only goes from one end to the other, can't go just part of the way to Tanzan Mountain or the Pikachu house.

3) They are not present right away, only after beating Radomus I think.

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