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What distracts you?

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We all have something when we are at our computer that draws us away from our task at hand. For me recently it has been that game slither.io. I don't know why, maybe because its so easy to play. I have been trying to edit my novel and am still on chapter 5 out 35 because of that damn game. So what distracts you?

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I would say Reborn was a distraction, but it hasn't really hindered me as much historically as much as it would seem. If my friends on this site knew I had something to do other than be on the forums on with the community, they would tell me to go do it.

Here are things that do distract me though:

  • The Munchies. My schedule is so erratic that that I'll have an urge or in some cases a need to eat something at an otherwise not normal time to eat. This also usually occurs when I'm trying to do something important, such as finishing a school assignment or research for work.
  • The Conmpletion Principle. Essentially - other tasks that I've left unfinished. I can't really make headway on something I'm working on if I'm distracted by not having finished something else.
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Reborn forums, skype chats, discord chats, clips on youtube, flames, my cat, food, my phone, books, my 3DS, the entire population of Venezuela, lego, blu-tack, paper, my DS stylis, the peeling cover of my chair, my thoughts, the voices, photoshop, reddit, overwatch will, dark souls 1-3, pokemon showdown, monty python, http://tehurn.com/index/ and my trampoline

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I always manage to get sidetracked somehow.

For example I'll be drawing, then look up something about the anatomy of whatever I'm drawing, and half an hour later I'm still sitting there, reading up on animal behavior.

There's always the one or other thing that catches my eye and I just /have/ to learn more about it, even if it's completely irrelevant to my task.

Also, people. It seems that whenever I actually have something to work on, suddenly I'll find myself messaged by at least five different people, see three group chats go crazy active, and am called over to a forum/showdown.

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Everything! (if I'm not gaming... *got my priorities straight here*)

espacially the small the things!

I should tidy up my room... ... ... oh, look a butterfly! - hehe... silly Butterfly... hey! come back!

I should really go grocery shopping... ... but first let me check the forums... AND all the other websites for news...

I REALLY NEED TO WRITE THAT JOB APPLICATION - LIKE NOW! - oh hey, that twitch-streamer is online - SWEET! (... ... I eventually managed to write that application in time... soo... lucky me^^)

I should... oh sweet a new episode of <insert Anime title here>!

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