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How do you like it?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your favourite coffee?

  2. 2. What do you put in it?

    • Nothing
    • Milk
    • Sugar
    • Milk and sugar
    • A spirit or liquor
    • Something else
  3. 3. How often do you drink some?

    • Multiple times a day
    • Once per day
    • Couple days every week
    • On rarer occasions

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Here it is, the topic about mine and Zumi's favourite beverage!!! Your best friend in the morning, after lunch, in the evening, when out with friends! The source of power and vitality! Of bitterness and chemical substances that work similar to drugs!



Which ones are your favourites? Note that the first question takes multiple options. And when it's there for you, what do you put inside? Also, other than your preferences, tell us about how often you drink it! (Votes are public anyway, tell me if you mind)

Personally I'm pretty much an espresso drinker. And I've got an affinity for the Nespresso capsules, since they're quick, easy and actually very nice coffee. I also have a stovetop espresso pot, mainly for vacation, and Tomas introduced me this summer to Illy, which was, well, some of the best coffee I've ever drunk in my life. But no motivation to use the stovetop pot at home.

Black. Straight. Whatever you call it. That's coffee for me.

And in the last few months I've become slowly a much, much more regular drinker. I had started out as not liking coffee at all (and still dislike filter coffee, mind you) and then it crept up to me and then suddenly I was having two espresso shots per day and that's my life for now. Whoops.

Coffee is so deep rooted in our culture by now, that in my country we more often than not say "let's go for a coffee" instead of "let's hang out", in the morning and afternoon of course.

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this topic is the best topic i've seen all day

also cappuccino, latte and mocha for me, sometimes with a bit of sugar in it, but that depends on if i want something more sweet or not. usually about two or three cups a day!

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  On 5/13/2016 at 6:53 PM, Tacos said:

I wish coffee tasted good.

I wish Tacos tasted good. No pun intended.

Nah, I understand the sentiment very well man. It took me years to first warm up to actually trying that thing, then mostly disliking it, then liking bit by bit then... "Multiple times a day". So hate it while you still can :P

  On 5/13/2016 at 7:00 PM, Lilleen said:


... Hi everyone ... this is reeeeaaaallly awkward ...

Nah, we're all addicts and crazy people here :P

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Coffee is disgusting. It's bitter and no matter what I put into it it tastes like black mud.

Seriously, though. I can't like coffee no matter how much I try. As such, I have lived a coffee free life.

We all know tea is superior anyway.


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  On 5/13/2016 at 6:53 PM, Tacos said:

I wish coffee tasted good.

I agree.

Coffee is dirt water that tastes terrible and bitter. In America, all coffee is filter, whether it is black or not. The grounds would only work to make coffee more bitter and be annoyingly stuck between customer's teeth.

Even when it is sweetened to tasted like hot chocolate, it still has that terrible, bitter aftertaste.

I drink alcohol, so it is no strange notion to me to drink something for the effects as opposed to the taste. Coffee is not only terrible in taste, but weak in effect as far as caffeination goes. Energy drinks and tea are far more preferable, in an exponential sort of way.

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  On 5/13/2016 at 7:31 PM, Nova said:

We're gonna need a tea topic now, too. This is going to divide the forums in a massive beverage war to decide which is the ultimate drink.

Except that tea is bitter dirt water also, unless copious amounts of sugar is included.

Turd vs turd, tea is clearly the best turd, but that is nothing worth talking about.

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  On 5/13/2016 at 8:36 PM, Eviora said:

Evi has had like 1 sip of coffee in her life. Icky.

tbh, that's all the experience you need. All coffee has the same commonality to it.

Like smoking, it's a pretty common habit but it's also pretty damn disgusting.

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Everyone hates it the first time. It's not a big deal. People who are not regular drinkers are not reliable for surveys, since their taste buds have not adjusted to be able to differentiate among different kinds and decide on quality and way of making it.

Every type of coffee is better than filter coffee, yet not every type needs to taste the same. I personally do not like its bitter taste, but it's usually a fast and efficient way to help me concentrate, and I tend to drink one during my breakfast (which may be something instant like a sandwich, a spinach pie, or something else from the local pastry shop). It is more of a ritual that most people get used to, yet some after a while, claim to enjoy it.

That said, I usually make my own coffee at home. I buy coffee beans, grind them, and then brew them in hot water. This way it tastes much better than what you usually get from your quick-store at campus or those shops around the neighborhood that sell instant coffee to take on your way to work. As I said, I tolerate it because it helps me focus and be more productive. That does not mean I don't appreciate it when it's well-made.

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  On 5/13/2016 at 7:17 PM, Maelstrom said:

I agree.

Coffee is dirt water that tastes terrible and bitter. In America, all coffee is filter, whether it is black or not. The grounds would only work to make coffee more bitter and be annoyingly stuck between customer's teeth.

Even when it is sweetened to tasted like hot chocolate, it still has that terrible, bitter aftertaste.

I drink alcohol, so it is no strange notion to me to drink something for the effects as opposed to the taste. Coffee is not only terrible in taste, but weak in effect as far as caffeination goes. Energy drinks and tea are far more preferable, in an exponential sort of way.

  On 5/13/2016 at 8:42 PM, Maelstrom said:

tbh, that's all the experience you need. All coffee has the same commonality to it.

Like smoking, it's a pretty common habit but it's also pretty damn disgusting.

What is this, Attack on Coffee? Each to their own I suppose, but saying drinking coffee is a disgusting habit is, simply put, an overstatement. An unnecessary one at that.

I personally find energy drinks - by using your words - pretty damn disgusting. Somehow they managed to add ridiculous amount of sugar into water and make it taste horrible.

Speaking of taste, I don't drink alcohol that often and not many kinds of alcohol. I still can't stand wine, especially red wine. To me it already smells god-awful, yet you're supposed to drink it? What do you mean when you say you drink alcohol for the effect and not the taste? I mean, from what I've seen there are two types of people who drink alcohol: those who drink responsibly, and those who don't. The latter ones I cannot understand.

While our tastes differ, I'm not judging you based on what you like to drink. I hope you don't do that either.

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  On 5/13/2016 at 11:33 PM, Zargerth said:

What is this, Attack on Coffee? Each to their own I suppose, but saying drinking coffee is a disgusting habit is, simply put, an overstatement. An unnecessary one at that.

I personally find energy drinks - by using your words - pretty damn disgusting. Somehow they managed to add ridiculous amount of sugar into water and make it taste horrible.

Speaking of taste, I don't drink alcohol that often and not many kinds of alcohol. I still can't stand wine, especially red wine. To me it already smells god-awful, yet you're supposed to drink it? What do you mean when you say you drink alcohol for the effect and not the taste? I mean, from what I've seen there are two types of people who drink alcohol: those who drink responsibly, and those who don't. The latter ones I cannot understand.

While our tastes differ, I'm not judging you based on what you like to drink. I hope you don't do that either.

I'm not a wine drinker either. Supposedly there is a difference between dry wine and other wine. I've tried the dry wine, apparently. It tastes bad and dies out your mouth. Hence the 'dry' part, I'd imagine. It is stronger than the other variety of wine, but it sure as hell isn't strong enough to make up for the poor taste.

I didn't used to like energy drinks before. I'd only tried red bull. Then I joined the army and my buddies had me try Monster. A significantly improved taste. And chemically effective. For a while at my first duty station, monsters kept me up, going, and alive. But that was after spending a year there, then 9 months deployed, and then coming back to a situation where it really helped. The taste is definitely on the strong, citric side but I wouldn't call it bad.

I've tried coffee multiple times in several different forms and could not make myself like it or excuse the taste.

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my best friend drinks a lot of coffee its probably why hes so fucking bitter

my choice is hot chocolate milk in a coffee cup at the train station to make everybody think im cool with my coffee and flanel and shorts even when its fuckin 8 degrees celsius outside

bc i absolutely cant drink coffee i think its super disgusting ill throw up even coffee mocha whatever chocolates fuck me up

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Drinking coffee gained me elo in league. My life was a dull meaningless existence before I tried coffee. If you want to try coffee too please call 1-800-555-8008 or contact coffee's extremely handsome representative Greg Mocha at slaymedaddygreg@gmail.com.

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Cheers to the cup that clears today of past regrets and future fears!

Praise be to coffee. I limit myself to one or two cups per day, usually before breakfast and at half past five in the evening, but those cups are a rigid tradition. If water if the Elixir of Life, coffee is the Elixir of Vitality!

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Everyone is restricted to their own opinion regarding coffee.

I just wanna say that it doesn't usually taste good when trying it out for the first time.



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i don't usually like coffee but a cappuccino is apparently to my tastes, i have to try more though and see if any more coffee tastes good. props to people who do like coffee though, because thinking people are disgusting for liking something you don't is ??? ????

like i don't like jacket/baked potatoes but a lot of people do im not going to go and shame people who do because they're goddamn jacket potatoes and i have the ability to understand that people have different tastes!!

and drinking coffee is as bad as smoking what ???

Edited by Nyalicirno
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There is a fatal flaw in this topic: coffee is not the same thing in southern Europe (where myself and Ody live), northern Europe, and America... Or should I say, the USA. In southern America, particularly in Brazil, the coffee is actually pretty good.

Where I live, coffee is a form of art, it is a ritual that marks the beat of our lives. To the point that Eduardo de Filippo, one of the greatest actors and playwriters of the past century, dedicated an entire scene in a play of his to coffee. I would link this little gem but, well, it is in dialect, not even proper italian (de Filippo was famous for writing his plays in dialect), so I doubt anyone here would understand a single word ;-;

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