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So I'm gonna answer a bunch of stuff at once before I actually get into a bit of Overwatch right now.

Pharah, Reaper, Tracer


Junkrat, Widowmaker, Torbjorn


D.va, Zarya


Lucio, Ana, Mercy

I'll dip into using Bastion every once in a while, but that's usually done on Hanamura. I'll also go McCree every now and again even though rules dictate once I get a legendary skin I have to main him.

When I got my first PotG, I believe I was playing as Torbjorn? I'm not entirely sure. It's very possible it was Bastion but eh, those two feel like the easiest characters to get PotG with. And for funny names, I personally like Grumpy Santa for Torb. It just fits. I also like Mom for Mercy and Granny Ana for well. Ana.

As for which characters I find are counters for others, Genji and Junkrat seem to be the most used counters for Bastion and Torbjorn. I know a few people consider Widowmaker to be a counter for Pharah. Winston is a counter for Genji as well I believe. Pharah is a counter to Torb's turrets as she can hit them while being out of their firing range thanks to her rockets.

My thoughts on Ana are this: For a healer, she pales in comparison to ones like Mercy and Lucio, because her healing output isn't that high and her mobility is slow. It feels like if you're wanting to actually do some decent healing by using Ana, you'd be best with having two on your team. However, she's more of a jack of all trades as she can do medium heals while also giving the opposing team a difficult time by being able to disrupt their healing and putting them to sleep. I actually got her achievement for putting a McCree to sleep during his Dead-Eye. It felt good. As for her ult, I typically have a difficult time using it since no one wants to tell me their status on their gawt dang ults it hardly ever seems like a time can come up for me to USE her ult to the fullest it can go. Note: this is all coming from one Ana main's experience. While it is incredibly hard for her to get PotG, I have been witness to one.

I'm not even gonna touch Sombra.

The most buggy things I've personally seen in the game is how Roadhog's hook is a load of shit. I was around Mei's Ice wall a good few times and then Roadhog just happens to catch me from underneath the fuckin' thing and pulled me around the Ice wall. I also find it complete bull that when Roadhog grabs Tracer, the chance to recall/blink is literally nonexistent unless they're a bad Roadhog. That and Torbjorn's turrets being able to shoot underneath certain floors if they're on top.

To keep the ball rolling with a bunch of Overwatch stories, what's your funniest moments in Overwatch? I've got a few, my favorites being with Tracer though.
To start; I was doing placement matches for season 1 and no one on my team wanted to be a healer (big surprise there), so I decided to be Lucio. TWO of our members left during the match and we were on attack. My opposing team had a Lucio. We were on Dorado. You know the lower entrance on the right side for attack? I go through there and see another Lucio heading into that room on the side to grab the health pack. I chase him in there and for the rest of the match, he and I just road the wall trying to kill each other while constantly healing from our own heals and the health pack. I ended up getting Play of the Match because a McCree and Tracer tried coming in there to help him and I booped them both over the edge.
Another funny story is one I've done on multiple occasions recently. I bought the Tracer Sitting emote because I thought it was cool, and I decided to dick around with it. In three matches I've done this where we'd be on an escort/hybrid map, and we start to escort the payload. While the payload is moving, I'll just use my emote to sit on the payload and just watch as my team fights off the enemy. I wouldn't do anything unless I was trying to survive or was coming back from being dead. All three times my team actually won the game. Another time I did something like this was on a control map where, again, I was Tracer and I managed to slip past the enemy a lot and got on the first point. For 25 uninterrupted seconds, I sat in one corner on the point, capturing two segments of the point with absolutely NO help from my team. It was just me on the point alone, and then Zarya and a 76 came in and I had to contest for a bit but then I died. We lost that match because no one would get on the point.

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For defense, I love playing as Ana. He damage is pretty decent and keeps their heads down. If you want a good quick heal from Ana, you want to use her canister. The canister just feels wasted if you try to use it offensively. It's basically a stronger, swifter version of 76's healing thing. If you can keep hitting an ally, which isn't THAT hard to do, her healing output is definitely much greater than mercy's. She does suck against roadhogs though. her best bet against him is to tranq him and let someone else take care of him. Her mobility really does suck but when you find a nice perch (which is hard without wall scaling or jumping), she can be pretty devastating. It's actually really nice that her rifle still works well even when you aren't scoped in.

Reaper- reaper is basically easy mode if you wanna go in for attack and kills. Phase in and out and get lots of kills. I rarely find a good opportunity to use his shadestep, but he's great for taking a platform above people then jumping down on 'em in an ambush. Plus, he heals himself with the tears souls of his dead enemies. There was one match where we were getting massacred at the beginning and couldn't even get out of our spawn point, even with myself as Rein. I switched to reaper for the first time in a long time and just started killing them all and pretty much solo captured the point to start the payload rolling. And basically outplayed and killed the two enemy reapers who were a huge part of the reason we were penned in in the first place.

Reinhardt- definitely a must have on most modes, but especially an attack and escort mission. Most times sticking with one of these guys is the key to victory. his projectile is rather lacking, but getting that pin kill with his charge is just satisfying. little punks who stare and you through the shield, thinking you aren't gonna do a thing about it.

McCree- I played him quite a bit a first, cuz I was getting some good accuracy shots and that shit just kills fast, but I feel like his rate of fire is just too low and fanning the pistol feels like you lose a lot of damage output per shot as well as all your accuracy. His ult takes much too long to set up and more often gets me killed than the other way around. And one of his moves is pretty much wasted on a rather lame roll with too long a cooldown. Also, his stun grenade only just lasts long enough to get one shot in, and that's just bad tbh.

Pharah- I didn't like her character design at first but after getting killed by her a few too many times I decided to try her out. And holy shit does experience as Benedict in Battleborn really pay off with her. I've already got her trophies for knocking people off the stage with her little pushing blast and getting 4 kills before touching the ground. Her liftoff is just great for approaches and escapes and a direct hit just does so much damage, while hitting right next to a player doesn't seem to do all that much. While not easy mode like Reaper, she nets me a lot of kills on most maps and often lands me PotG's. Like that time I got boosted by anna and just wiped out the entire team, including torb's turret.

DVa- I played her a lot more in the beta. They definitely changed her shielding move and I'm not entire sure how those new mechanics work. Her suit explosion has ridiculous range to it. I'm just not feeling her this time around.

Soldier 76- just a completely solid character. His primary fire is a bit inaccurate for my tastes though. His primary fire does relatively weak damage and you can't make up for it by getting headshots because the inherent accuracy isn't good enough. Otherwise, he's pretty good. I like his ability to run. everyone else feels slow as balls.

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hooked by Road hog and she shouts NERF THIS!

Feelsbad ;_;

Happened a total of 4 times whenever my Roadhog teammate hooks her. Luckily D.Va's ult can be easily avoided if you can get behind something.

Also, Reaper is definitely my offensive hero to switch to if I'm facing counters to Genji like Winston or Zarya. Reaper is a tank killer and I love it <3

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Played the game throughout most of the day and found myself using and having a lot of success with Reaper, McCree, Junkrat, and Hanzo.

Reaper is a lot more "easy mode" when you learn the health pack spawn points. Was also practicing the teleport to avoid some hallways so people would see me lurking about. I also have been getting used to the ghost mode to avoid the Ults of McCree, Hanzo, D Ava, and Junkrat.

McCree is pretty fun and devastating when you get him down. The stun and roll are pretty weak sauce, but they are still useful in his kit for getting that last hit or messing up people. It also allows decent escape. The roll is also decent for ducking into a corner you are camping that you know a health pack exists in. I also had some decent success with high noon by using it as an assassination tool.

Junkrat is fun. I haven't watch or read about what other people are doing with him at higher levels, but I have been picking up my own tricks and what not. One fun one that I am sure is already a thing I was playing with today is that I would put a bear trap where a Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, or Reaper would bound to try sneaking into, and put a mine on it. And when the trap would be triggered I would blow up the mine and get an easy kill. It was also worth noting that those items don't despawn when you die.

I also getting pretty salty pretty often when I didn't get play of the game. I was getting a lot of double and quadruple kills. But PotG would always go to Bastions mowing down 2-3 people or D Va nerfing 2-3 people =[

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McCree- I played him quite a bit a first, cuz I was getting some good accuracy shots and that shit just kills fast, but I feel like his rate of fire is just too low and fanning the pistol feels like you lose a lot of damage output per shot as well as all your accuracy. His ult takes much too long to set up and more often gets me killed than the other way around. And one of his moves is pretty much wasted on a rather lame roll with too long a cooldown. Also, his stun grenade only just lasts long enough to get one shot in, and that's just bad tbh.

McCree's probably a bit better on PC (since you can aim left and right faster, making pistol spam easier to hit), but there are a few tips that should work for console too if you don't already know them. His stun is almost always better if you immediately follow with Fan the Hammer. It'll kill 200HP heroes and lower in one clip if you land the shots, and you can always roll and fire again if they live. They're also stunned for the full duration if you start it right away after the stun, but if you're a little late they can start shooting before your last 1-2 shots get out. Usually they'll die anyway in that case, but if you're low on health it's something to keep in mind. If you pull down a bit as he fires, you can keep the recoil under control too. I only ever do normal fire after a stun if it's a really squishy hero (like Tracer or Zenyatta) or if they've already lost enough health to where either one or two shots will kill. Aiming a quick headshot works wonders too. As for High Noon, it can be really tricky to get off. I usually try to wait until they're distracted by my teammates or I can sneak behind them to a place where they wouldn't even think to look. I've definitely had my own share of failed ults with him, but I've mostly had success. A lot of it comes from really knowing the maps and where your opponents will look.

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  • 3 weeks later...

McCree's probably a bit better on PC (since you can aim left and right faster, making pistol spam easier to hit), but there are a few tips that should work for console too if you don't already know them. His stun is almost always better if you immediately follow with Fan the Hammer. It'll kill 200HP heroes and lower in one clip if you land the shots, and you can always roll and fire again if they live. They're also stunned for the full duration if you start it right away after the stun, but if you're a little late they can start shooting before your last 1-2 shots get out. Usually they'll die anyway in that case, but if you're low on health it's something to keep in mind. If you pull down a bit as he fires, you can keep the recoil under control too. I only ever do normal fire after a stun if it's a really squishy hero (like Tracer or Zenyatta) or if they've already lost enough health to where either one or two shots will kill. Aiming a quick headshot works wonders too. As for High Noon, it can be really tricky to get off. I usually try to wait until they're distracted by my teammates or I can sneak behind them to a place where they wouldn't even think to look. I've definitely had my own share of failed ults with him, but I've mostly had success. A lot of it comes from really knowing the maps and where your opponents will look.

Sorry, but as soon as I hear High Noon, I actively start looking for the McCree and if I find him, well he's dead.

As for me when it comes to Overwatch right now on who I play a lot of it's Tracer, Pharah, D.Va, Zarya, and I've been practicing all healers.

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Sorry, but as soon as I hear High Noon, I actively start looking for the McCree and if I find him, well he's dead.

As for me when it comes to Overwatch right now on who I play a lot of it's Tracer, Pharah, D.Va, Zarya, and I've been practicing all healers.

As soon as pretty much anyone hears High Noon they should start looking for him. That's why I said the trick is finding the right times and spots to do it. For example, using it from far enough away where most characters' damage falls off or from behind a Reinhardt shield. Otherwise just using it from somewhere where people aren't going to look right away, just to give yourself as much time as possible. I do agree with you though. Against good players, the best you can hope for is usually 1 kill, maaaaybe 2. Anything above that is just a ridiculously rare scenario or pure luck. Sometimes, you might not get anybody. But even one kill is still a success in my book. A free kill for pressing Q? I'll take it. And if you don't get any kills, at least you disrupted their team, potentially setting up for your own team to make a play.

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As soon as pretty much anyone hears High Noon they should start looking for him. That's why I said the trick is finding the right times and spots to do it. For example, using it from far enough away where most characters' damage falls off or from behind a Reinhardt shield. Otherwise just using it from somewhere where people aren't going to look right away, just to give yourself as much time as possible. I do agree with you though. Against good players, the best you can hope for is usually 1 kill, maaaaybe 2. Anything above that is just a ridiculously rare scenario or pure luck. Sometimes, you might not get anybody. But even one kill is still a success in my book. A free kill for pressing Q? I'll take it. And if you don't get any kills, at least you disrupted their team, potentially setting up for your own team to make a play.

Going off of this, at higher levels of play one of the best things to do is actually pop High Noon right before or as a team fight begins, cause it will either do 1 of 2 things. A) The enemy team will back away, trying to duck away into cover, giving your team more time, or B ) one or two of the enemies will spin around, pulling themselves away from the team fight looking for the Mcree, which depending on where he is can be a big deal.

Unless of course you are me and are playing Genji then dash righ up infront of the Mcree and deflect all the shots back at him

Edited by Swampellow
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It's true. Mercy's witch skin is god tier and I want it.

But I'm sure I'll be playing Battleborn much more because overwatch feels way more Grindr despite shorter matches. Also, lives are way too short with ass spawns and snail movement speeds.

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Why is this game allergic to dropping it's Halloween gear? Last night I only bagged a couple quotes and a second RIP Ana.

I have a friend who got three of the Halloween legendaries in his first four crates. Meanwhile, I've only gotten 1 Halloween skin in general out of 7 crates. RNG's a crazy thing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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