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Pokenations 2: Nation E

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You guys hear that... it sounds like... a Heroine arriving to tell you important shit.

Hiyas! Hukuna Sensei here to tell you that it is in fact...important shit, and more improtantly, IT'S TIME FOR WAR! The Wind of Destiny is Howling, and it is our goal to fight and stand on top VICTORIOUS!!! We shall stand against our foes in glorious combat! We shall be those that conquer our own destinies! For they are within our grasp! And we will rip them bloody from the sky. The Sky's Heart, the Moon, shall be ours! For anything is possible. These shall be the warriors that stand with me! We will fight for glory together!

Our Peerless and Fearless Leader: Kaito, a.k.a Kai Guy, a.k.a... other clever names I can't think of right now.

And, our great and wonderful awesomely awesome Member People~:

Captain Breakfast
Cool Girl
Hank Nghiem
Red Chaos


WARNING TECHNICAL BULLSHIT AHEAD!!! PLEASE BE WARNED!!! IT HAS BEEN KNOWN TO CAUSE SEVERE CASES OF BOREDOM((and hives))!!! Really though... it's important so read it. I can't stress that enough. We must pick a leader type person by the 20th by 5pm EST. ((and no it can't be me so you'll have to pick someone else.)) at some point... when I stop beg dumb I'll send you the Details to find our super secret temporary hideout for all things Nation EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! So sit tight until I chuck that your way via PM. ((on here, Reborn!)) anyway, ((if you've read this, please post the above Nation e many caps and all, at the end of your message.)) without further ado... Hukuna Sensei, out~

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It occurs to me I don't paticularly know over half of you. That'll have to change... but it's a pleasure to be aligned regardless. Now let's rock the competition, aye?

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It occurs to me I don't paticularly know over half of you. That'll have to change... but it's a pleasure to be aligned regardless. Now let's rock the competition, aye?

I have my Delaware pal c:

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I'll nominate myself too. I believe I can handle the responsibility and make sure that everything flows smoothly :)

Edit: other than me, I'd like to nominate Kaito and Tacps.

I also nominate Kamina vs Hukuna for the Typos Cup.

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I don't mean to be that kind of person, but I nominate myself. I believe we have the right tools, the right people, and the right necessities to make this nation a kickass nation as great as Mythic. Hell, we even have one of the Mythic LEADERS on our side! With that said, I believe that we as a nation can truly become Mythic once again!

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I think I'm going to do two nominations. Here goes:

First nomination: Odybld, 'cause he has good intuitions and is good at battling skills.

Second nomination: Me, Cool Girl, I believe that by being a leader, I can learn a lot and improve on my battling skills.

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I would be interested in being the leader as well, as I believe I possess the necessary traits and commitment to lead ehile still being able to bow my head whe. I believe that someone is better at something than I am. On that note, I do believe, just by looking at our Nation and who else has nominated themselves, that whoever ends up as the leader will be an excellent choice.

Edit: Almost forgot, thanks for the reminder, Ikaru.


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I'm going to say that I would prefer not to be the leader. I'll gladly participate in battles and fight for the nation, but leading it isn't what I'd prefer to do.

So to follow the words of our squid friend.



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Let's not forget that the job of leader is essentially a glorified deskjob you do for free. Just handlin' paperwork and all that. Not much that can help you improve as a battler there, as far as I can see. Hence why I nominated myself on the grounds that I have no life. Because I have nothing better to be doing anyway.



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Scratch fighting against each other, Jacob, we are in the same nation!!! XD

Hell yeah! We're fighting together Trevore! With us and all these other great members combined, we can't be stopped. Let's do this!

P.S. I nominate Trevore for leader because I know he can get sh*t done.

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