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E3 2016 Hype?


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P sure this should be put somewhere since no one has mentioned it, but:

"Edit @ 14:32: It has been confirmed that Pokémon Sun & Moon will be featured on Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 on June 14th 2016 which feature new information and developer stories, while Pokémon GO will have a Q&A on June 15th 2016 and an E3 2016 Pokémon Special on June 16th 2016." -Serebii

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Well, what im the most interested in, is FF15 (like everyone else) and Civilization 6.

This might be a bias from me, being the civ fanatic in this forum, but honestly, they have literally not showed us anything, except that its coming in october, and the art style is going to be a bit cartooish. Possible appearances might be japan, by seeing the borders in one of the screen shots have its current civ 5 colors, and that i am seeing what appears to be a samurai unit in the bottom.



Civ often becomes worth buying once decent DLC is added (Civ IV - beyond the sword, and Brave New World for civ 5, for example), although beyond earth was apparently rather disappointing, even with the expansion.

Not a big fan of the new artstyle, tbh. But maybe other 'skin mods' will be available at some point. Let's hope diplomacy is better this time.

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As of right now I am hyped for News on Persona 5, Final Fantasy 15, FF7 remake, Kingdom Hearts 3, Injustice 2, Destiny's next Expansion, Sun and Moon, and lastly of course Zelda. I am also hyped for the ps show. I keep hearing cool rumors about the next God of War and Sucker Punch Studios game.

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Link has the triforce of courage and his games are action/adventure games, primarily.


Zelda, who has the triforce of wisdom, should have a game based mostly on puzzles, strategy, diplomacy, spirituality, magic, etc.

Ganon, who has the triforce of power, should have a fighting game or something. Or something along the lines of Overlord or Hyrule Warriors.

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Dead Rising 4 is a thing apparently. And it seems like it's going to be exclusive to Xbox and PC? Idk people said they didn't directly say it was exclusive so it might come to ps4 later but I wouldn't count on it. Regardless its Frank West again so it probably won't even be that good lol.

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Well its seems like it will be interesting. It looks like it has a new story line to it. Im kind of interested in that. The persona 5 gameplay is what had me. All those new mechanics. Their bringing back some persona 2 stuff, and we got morgana's voice actor, who I recognized right away, for her previous work in games and dubbed anime.

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I'm excited about the new God of War, Spiderman, ABZÛ release date and Detroit: Become Human.

Only watched Sony show, though. And the new Zelda trailer looks nice, but never really played Zelda games except for A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time.

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So post E3, I'm pretty hyped. We've got a solid release date on the Last Guardian, the new Zelda game looks AWESOME, and I'm also pretty excited for For Honor. I really hope Ubisoft doesn't mess this one up, because the gameplay looks GREAT so far. I also hope the new Zelda game will have a massive open world and more post-game content than it's predecessors. That's always sort of been my main gripe with Zelda games. After I finish the story, there's nothing really inspiring me to keep playing, whereas games like Skyrim and Dark Souls always have more to do, and I end up putting countless hours into them. I could go collect all the Heart Pieces, but there never seems to be a point when I've already defeated the hardest enemies in the game. I am liking how explorable the world looks so far though, with the ability to climb massive mountains and whatnot. I also like how customizeable Link looks in this game. It looks like you can choose from a number of different fighting styles and armor, so that's pretty cool.

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Im not impressed by the Zelda stuff. For what it is, they're years behind the times. The graphics and animation are about what I'd expect for a ps2.

I mean the draw has always been the exploration and level design of the dungeons, right? Figuring out what to do to get to the next portion of the game. Graphics weren't too big a deal, to the point where they felt comfortable messing around with different aesthetics between games, rather than have some consistency.

This E3 didn't have me too hyped. A lot of what Sony showed looked interesting to me, I liked the look of Dead Rising 4, though I'll never get to play it and I guess Skyrim getting a rerelease is cool? May as well get it on pc but w/e.

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I liked seeing Zelda, God of War, and Spiderman... but there was no cool fighting game to get my super hyped or excited. Normally Fighting Game gets me super hyped. Nothing regarding Injustice 2 this e3 got me hyped. I am actually having some difficulty getting hyped for this game despite that I will probably get it and play it. I wasn't as bored as some of you due to the fact that I am a Sony Fan. Sony always does amazingly at e3 and gets me hyped.

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I mean the draw has always been the exploration and level design of the dungeons, right? Figuring out what to do to get to the next portion of the game. Graphics weren't too big a deal, to the point where they felt comfortable messing around with different aesthetics between games, rather than have some consistency.

Naw, I played LoZ games and got bored of the dungeons. I don't even remember any of them at all, tbh. The only ones who broke the basic block pushing puzzle stuff was when they went 3D, so to speak. And other games have done the 3rd person and 1st person... well this doesn't look that much different. the action looks like a bunch of single button presses that do autocombos and I'm already bored.

The fact that fanboys don't acknowledge is that it looks good... for Nintendo.

For Nintendo.


The fact is, other games and franchises have done the wide world exploration better, done 3D world exploration better, done 3D puzzle exploration better than what has been shown so far. The only thing that they see is that it is not a thing Zelda has done that much before, that Nintendo has done before.

In the exhibition, I saw a tree with leaves that were supposed to be blowing in the wind. It rather looked like the tree was having a seizure or the game was straight up glitching. It wasn't natural. The stylization is incredibly basic. The graphics themselves look so low rez, so blocky. The grass looks terrible. It's not what makes a game, but developers have done so much more with a game with much less.

But it is great!

For Nintendo.

And... that's a problem. THE problem, really. Fans are comparing to past games in the franchise... and not to any other games whatsoever.

It looks good... for a Zelda game.

And that is both praise and condemnation at the same time.

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The new The Legend of Zelda looks nice. I mean, if they don't completely botch it up somehow. I guess the development team for the game may be new to RPGs, I don't know if that's the case or if someone is co-developing the game (like Bandai Namco was developing Smash Bros. for Wii U / 3DS). While it might be true that some games did what Breath of the Wild is now doing better, I'm a sucker for RPGs.

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the new Zelda game does look good. I will acknowledge that for a Nintendo Zelda game its looks quite amazing. For story line wise I think it ties in after the skyward sword game. This is my quess, but the view they gave looks somewhat familiar to something from skyward sword. I could be wrong and it may be the newest start in the story.

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