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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Rejuvenation: Part 3 Finale: Remember, I Wuv You (05/12/23)

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The Rejuv League is even less organized than the Reborn one, does no one really wonder where are all the missing Gym Leaders?

September 2018? Sometimes i forget how many years it's been...and will be....how many badges you're still missing?

Okami....is it that game about a wolf spirit fighting demons? It's fine but the art style is not my thing and you really consider it a great RPG? Have you played some of the old ones like Planescape Torment?

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why would venam care about type match ups in casual relationships that shits never mattered



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theres an important reason she followed that letter sean!

jan needed the plot to move forward and ouldnt think of a better reason for her to be there




Guess what comes up when you try and Google Image that name?


newspaper articles in different langues cira 1913?


god I wish rejuvenation was a long set up for a rom of chrono trigger

then maybe I'd play it longer then goldenleaf!


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Maybe someday you'll get some solid answers, but it is not this day. 

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  On 8/28/2021 at 2:47 AM, Gaunt said:

The Rejuv League is even less organized than the Reborn one, does no one really wonder where are all the missing Gym Leaders?

September 2018? Sometimes i forget how many years it's been...and will be....how many badges you're still missing?

Okami....is it that game about a wolf spirit fighting demons? It's fine but the art style is not my thing and you really consider it a great RPG? Have you played some of the old ones like Planescape Torment?


They explain it in the story, how the Amanda bot resulted in the missing Gym Leaders and how all of this is covered up. The story is still good and the art is very well done imo

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Of course.

I won't be evil when I finally get some authority.

I promise.





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I'd say GDC Arc is more of a series of arcs. It includes stuff like the Tournament, the Player's Route of V13, etc. Basically all the times when you're doing stuff in GDC. I just like the place.


The baby Volcanion's still in there. Jeez.


Also don't worry about the fall. You'll survive. Or at least regenerate.


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Hmm... Would you even know you were killed or would you just die & come back to life but still be asleep?

While I appreciate the Pokemon pun name of Amazon, I have a feeling it would take DAYS for your deliveries to get to you. Maybe even weeks!

You are not King Yemma. Please refrain from talking about mahogany anything from now on. Thank you!

You misspell a lot of words. xD Not just that word. HAHAHAHAHA!

I think the people that see you talking to your Pokemon would see that as... worrying. Especially with the language you use with them sometimes.

...It took me about 10 minutes to figure out that knock knock joke... I feel stupid.

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Can't testify? Sean did you perhaps break her fingers as well? If not she can still write

What I'm wondering is why Geara is higher on your list than Madam X

So Madelis and Cassandra knew each other before the Xen stuff....interesting...maybe it's the same for the other admins as well


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  On 9/1/2021 at 11:05 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


I will never be duo.

But if I have to I GUESS she's the most acceptable option for it. God knows it's better than Melia.



You were never not in the friendzone my dude sorry. That's what fanfiction is for!

Think of it like her being the Robin to your Batman. 


  On 9/1/2021 at 11:05 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

Meh. No real point putting it on Switch since it's on Wii, PS3, PS4 AND PC already.

You're basically asking for an underpowered version.

Okamiden suffered because it was on the DS. Okami isn't the type of game that works well as a handheld in my opinion.


Wait it's on the PS4, well I know what I'm going to download when I get the chance.

Yeah on the handheld was a poor idea on Nintendo's part. I love the company but they do things that make me just ask why?

  On 9/1/2021 at 11:05 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

Shortly followed by falling asleep long enough to get through the first act of Chrono Trigger off-screen.

I was thinking about dividing the table of contents into Arcs as well as Parts. Maybe that's not such a bad idea. I like "The Longest Day" name too.



That's actually not a bad idea, especially since Part 3 is really long. Dividing the chapters into Arcs would make it easier on rereading.


Now onto the chapter itself.

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But I don't want any Sinnoh remakes because Gamefreak will fuck it up by doing something stupid.


well good news about those sinnoh remakes!

gamefreak isnt making them!


talking pokemon is just a standard power of nuzlockers

seriously name the last time you saw a nuzlocke were the pokemon didnt talk


I didnt expect rejuvenation to turn into a lezdom hentai but I really should have tbh


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Who's to say they won't try to legalise Pokemon testimony? They already recognize the power of cuteness, who knows what depraved things the cops would try next? How am I supposed to loot, pillage and burn after this? All bastards are cops, I'll tell you. No in between. Beheeyem Looks Matter!...I think that's what it meant?




"Don't follow a letter leading you somewhere remote in the middle of the night."


Or at least bring backup. I thought she did that because she knew it was a trap, but decided to spring it so she can catch the stoning culprit. But come to think of it, why didn't she bring back up? From what she currently know, the culprit have taken down two gym leaders!


...Okay maybe we can disregard Talon. Because he's clearly thinking penis first. But still, the culprit apparently took down a gym leader. Shouldn't that ring an alarm in her head? She could had discussed with her...oh, I don't know, friends?! To formulate a strategy  by using their own counter trap! Your "friends' could shadow you, and when the culprit appears,  jump out, pounce on the culprit and kick him/her/helicopter in the crotch!



You Team Xen list is pretty much perfect. Especially since in v13 rewrite, they are pretty much the same if not worse. So Neved still tortured a teenager for no good reason.


Speaking of Neved, if I recall correctly in rewritten v13, it was mentioned that Madame X was gonna him, but he was spared because he had a unique fighting style? I mena, getting bodied by a homeless dude and a teenager is pretty unique. Although, personally I think Madame X just wants a taste of his sweet, sweet Neved-made beverages. Still a stupid reason though.


Speaking of Team Xen Admin, I could be wrong, but I think Jan is trying to....gulp...redeem them.


I mena, why else would Jan add more scenes of them interacting together like a bunch of buddies, despite the fact they caused confusion and delay chaos and death all over the region. I mean, the game already did something extremely stupid(amongst other stupid things) when in v12:


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Because the floors are your arch nemesis. Especially for your back.

That's... actually believable.

What do you actually consider the halfway point?

Your Tangrowth... is reminding me of Peter Griffin from the Family Guy for some reason... I'm gonna keep calling it Peter from now on.

Sir! I don't think you even own a hat!

Ehhh... Idk. Isn't Swoobat kind of like a flying pig? The face looks like 1 at least.

Her starter is technically Venipede considering the earlier versions of this game.

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. . . .I swear it's eerie how closely you and Pika tend to update. But hey more for me to read, though her update with heartbreaking for the most part. Some of those death's hurt man. God at least she and Scout made up. . . .


  On 9/19/2021 at 4:19 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


I'm going to turn out to be right about that dome, aren't I?

It's such a pointless waste of money to have that it's super suspicious.




Okay real shit spoiler for V13 if you care at this point but:

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That aside onto the chapter and probably the most pointless battle in the entire game:


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forget screenshot, what nuzlocke gets to 116 parts in general

I can only think of two examples and one of them is kynims diamond nuzlocke that basically small comic blocks

the other is also a diamond nuzlocke but that hasnt updated in 5 years so eh


everyone needs holy water in their house what if you're suddenly attacked by vampires


skyscrapers are earthquake resistant now, its fine


poor tusk he didnt deserve dying so melia can look pretty

also poor mammoth pig



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You're really fixated on the idea of conquering this region...but why? Isn't it kinda shitty? Everyone is basically a moron

Your last Ground type died because of an accessory for Melia of all people...that must sting, Vahlen was cool though 

Why not grind a little just in case? At this rate your next fight with someone halfway decent might end badly...as The Ancestor said: remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer 

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God damn weebs. A god damn katana is not enough for you, Bitch X? I can't believe I suggested watching anime several chapters ago. I feel so ashamed.


Modern kid cartoons are still piss though. Most if not all. I think a part of my childhood died when the Thomas reboot came up. How the heck does anyone think this is okay:




It looks generic as hell! Say what you want about the original Thomas series, but at least it's memorable.



Sorry, rant over. Just had to get that off my chest.



Ahah! I knew you would slaughter those two grunts! Trying to harass Aelita, huh? Please slaughter more of them, Derogatory Trainer. If you can't kill the admins(yet) unleash your anger on the grunts. Screw Adam's "no revenge" crap! Damien's path of blood and fire is the only true path! Because there's absolutely nothing wrong with revenge. So long as you don't involve innocents, revenge is 100% okay!


...Actually, yeah. If revenge doesn't hurt innocents, what wrong with revenge anyway? Like, this is a legitimate question. "You'll just be the same as them" ? What a load of nonsense.


A girly Pokemon...yet has the male gender. Huh. Reminds of Wigglytuff from Mystery Dungeon Time/Darkness/Sky. I was absolutely baffled when I saw that Guildmaster Wigglytuff is a dude.


You know, a secret underground police force sounds cool...if they didn't sound so sinister and is used  to suppress and control the population. And have a corrupt city official.


That...third stone theory sounds pretty damn plausible. And awesome. Very sinister, but awesome. Such evilness, how amazing! Too bad it's pretty obvious that's not what happened, following later revelations.


I agree wtih you on the redemption part. If instead, the villain were on the height of power and standing, yet decide to switch to the good guys because he realised how terrible he is, now that is a worthy redemption.


Man, I'm glad the characters decide to spend their precious time buying a birthday present instead of further investigating the crisis. Great work, Venam. 


Honestly, when are Melia and the gang gonna contribute something to the investigation? It seems like only the MC is producing results. Like always. Or are Melia and the gang just gonna wait for the clues to drop at their doorst-




...Of course it is.


Oof. Yeah, Tusk death is definitely your fault. You should be taking things more seriously. 


Boy, that battle has lot of clutch calls. Your Pokemon are pretty tenacious, I give them that. That Shadow ball special defense drop Contrary Sludge Wave moment deserves a special mention. And damn, you're pretty strong Abomination. Maybe I should get one of my own?





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What a complete click-bait of a chapter title.

You'd think something epic would be happening but the most exciting thing this chapter is trading a Masquerain for a Smeargle and my plans crumbling in the face of V13 yet again.

Well whatever. I don't think I get much new viewers anyway. You all know what this shit is about.


Enjoy the chapter.





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That's probably the most interesting way I've ever seen you start 1 of these.

Catch that Plusle & abuse it constantly!

Maybe he's related to Ross Geller! :D ...That will make no sense to you if you haven't watched Friends.

How many Pokemon have a blood thirst right now? I know there's Chiller.

It's prob named that because of it's move probably.

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Ehhh the art style of the first is better imo but the narrator is still there and who knows maybe the gameplay is good? I would be perfectly happy with more of the same but the devs had other plans it seems.

What i like the most in your run is that you find and point out the various flaws and errors in the game (story, plotholes, exc...) with the rants about Meliasue and modern day social craziness a close second, of course the (sometimes bad) jokes are a plus....wait you give free drugs? Why wasn't i informed of this?

Sean pokeabuse is bad you know that right? Especially on your Pokemon....about that have you ever seen an old Nuzlocke called Pokemon: Pitch Black? Kinda disturbing but very interesting.

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That Justice whore! She gets all the fame while Revenge gets the short stick.


"Justice in the streets and Revenge in the sheets is what I say."


Are you saying I should date Justice and then cuck netorare her by sleeping with her sister? 




The girly looking male Pokemon I'm refering...is the Wigglytuff in the previous chapter. Obviously.


Haha. Speaking of Double battles. Remember that Ruined City Help Request? Maybe I just plain suck, because that battle mauled me in the arse. And it's against a bunch of grunts! It's so embarassing...I literally have to reset several times to rearrange my team to get a better chance. And even that, it still ends in a 2 v my last Pokemon.


I'm not sure why exactly I have such a hard time. Maybe because they set up a tailwind and have a God damn Cinderace? Or maybe I just suck? Because that battle...was on casual mode!


The reason I even managed to won was thanks to the help of my Pokemon nicknamed Benteng(Fortress in Malay). His filter ability and giga/mega drain help a lot. 


Three guesses who that Pokemon is. 


So uh, I know I give you crap for being careless...but since you managed to survive this long in the game, any tips for me to suck less...?


That's a nice font colour you used for future Sean. And I'm definitely not saying that because I'm biased towards the colour blue. Please use it more.




Speaking of Volta, I think v13 retconned her to no longer be an gym leader.  Like, I played a new v13 game and I don't recall any mention of Volta as a gym leader. Erick became the defacto gym leader of West Gearen.


Speaking of Erick, would you believe me if I say that v13 made Erick...worse? He literally talks in emoji, is a freaking weaboo, and sends letters to the league in very bad handwriting despite doing livestream of his games or some crap.





Yeah, that artist stuff still confuses me. Mainly because it unfolds in the exact same way in v13. Who's the real thief here? The one who asked you to check out the painting, or the other guy?


Obviously that movie is made by a Kantonese. Those weirdos have this obsesision to make waifus out of everything. Do you know there's at least two games where the main premise is waifu ships? The huge boat ships? And not just any ordinary boats, but literal WWII boats! God damn Kantonese...





...I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish this is an anime. So I could see some hot yuri action hehhcebgeuygeyugeuggeu


Sorry, my nose suddenly bleed and messed up the keyboard. I wonder what caused it...


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