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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Rejuvenation: Part 3 Finale: Remember, I Wuv You (05/12/23)

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clearly spacea and timepa revived him without working equipment so they couldnt get it on because of reasons

that or they just forbade it like the asian tigermoms they so clearly want to be


but an ugly pokemon is an exp punching bad!

jan just didnt want to use blisseys for whatever reason


who the fuck just tells someone the person they thought was their dad was actually their husband in a past life

god no wonder aelita freaks the fuck out



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  • 1 month later...


'Ey Up.

Hope you're not all too busy playing V13.5 to come check out the latest (and heavily outdated) chapter of my Nuzlocke!

Only one more to go until the finale!










On 9/30/2023 at 4:49 PM, SoulN7 said:
On 9/3/2023 at 6:03 AM, Bluedude said:

Okay no more time travel right? We’re gonna stay in the present and deal with the problems there for some time? Cause I wanna see what Xen’s whole plan is and how they got so many to join. It can’t be about money or taking over the region if they got soul stealing powers.

You wished!

It's oblivious we had to return there multiple times again: you know, how the heck Marianette got her memory wiped out, what the heck meant the prologue in that house where you place the portrait, why Nim called you when she was "born", where Meloetta went and list goes on. Plus there is a chance that the "final boss" is there instead in the present.

I also have to get Zira back at some point. That's pretty crucial too.
We likely won't get any answers to the others EVER.
Also wtf does Meloetta have to do with anything? That's that Gen V Mythical, right?





On 10/1/2023 at 12:43 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:
On 9/30/2023 at 9:17 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:
On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:
On 9/15/2023 at 10:38 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

Fr fr no cap you filthy fucking youngster.

I'd be surprised if we're more than one year apart. How do you feel about approaching 30?



It'll be a year away in two weeks.
I don't relish the thought.


You're about a week or two younger than me then.

Best not think about it too much.

What a fucking mess the quotations on this site are.

Neat though.


On 10/1/2023 at 12:43 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:


On 9/30/2023 at 9:17 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:


On 9/15/2023 at 6:40 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



Dancing is a free action Dancer does not use up a Pokémon's turn. Quiver Dance is the best move to copy, there was a bit of niche strategy in Doubles for a while with Mega Alakazam using Roleplay to copy Dancer then setting up Quiver Dance with Volcarona.

See that's what I didn't know.
It sounds pretty good if you use it right.

Niche because the opponent would do anything to kill a Mega Alakazam on the field?


Pretty much.

High priority target, in Doubles, and Oricorio's not doing much unless it starts dancing.

DEFINITELY going to catch an Oricorio now.

On 10/1/2023 at 12:43 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:


On 9/30/2023 at 9:17 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

You'd think with the amount of remakes Gen 1 gets they could fucking IMPROVE some of the Pokemon, no?

Can't mess with the originals too much or people will cry "Ruined". A lot of the Gen V mons pretty much were improved versions of Gen I mons.

Not Unfezant though. Definitely not Unfezant.

Who cares? Like how will that even affect them in any way? All the abysmal mistakes they've made so far haven't.
Unfezant is better than Pidgeot at least.
Both have SHOCKINGLY bad movepools but Unfezant has a higher attack and Super Luck.

On 10/1/2023 at 12:43 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:



Can I like...go home?

Wherever that is?

Even if you had a home

your mom's dead, remember?


Rifts are actually very simple. They just work however the fuck the plot needs them to work at the moment, duh.

Ah yes.
The mother who was in about two-three scenes then jumped in front of a sword for me.
How will I EVER cope with her loss as a 29 year old man?

Gee thanks, Jaggi.


On 11/5/2023 at 6:46 PM, Z.. said:

Hey @DerogatoryTrainer you probably want to read this. image.thumb.png.206d6e0b34956052a8956fe705240f04.png

He's ruined everything.
There's no hope for this Nuzlocke now, Z.
Also this game's story has gotten downright incomprehensible.

On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

Oh no his harem is growing. Well with how much female character it throws at you ig I shouldn't be surprised.

At this point, I have no choice to have a harem.
The male to female population ratio is INCREDIBLY skewed in Aevium.
Why it's basically my civic DUTY to have one!

On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:





I don't really see it as much darker then something like the litwick line trying to send you to the afterlife or something.

It's darker because it's too fucking real. It's something that could easily happen to anyone.
I could literally do it right now!
Just ring a random family's doorbell, stab them when they answer and move through the house killing as I go.
Ghosts and ghoulies are tame compared to actually real horrors like that.

On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:





Make sure to pick your jaw up from the floor due to that shocking revelation.

Hopefully the doctors can reattach it 😔

On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

Hell, if Jan introduced it early on as some humans just being naturally more aligned with certain types than others it could have been downright feasible.

So like actual people in the game? So far we have psychics, and the people Zina come from, not counting the marital arts trainer because they aren't really born with that.

Exactly! Like minor stuff would be fine like Tesla is heat resistant or Valarie can hold her breath for very long time.

Some of the less elemental types would be a bit of a struggle to come up with things though. Like Normal, Dragon or Fairy.

On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

Yeah, I'm still annoyed at how Usagi Drop's manga ended


Was a cute little anime about single parenting where a single guy raised his (aunt) grandfather's six-year old bastard daughter.

On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:








But unlike Batman you don't have a kill rule just have Chiller freeze her and problem solved.

I have a "kill who deserve it rule" and I don't think Aelita cursed with being a psycho deserves it.
Plus this is Aevium. Freezing her doesn't seem to actually KILL them if all those saved by Angie's frost count.

On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

Well he has Erin now Narrator but it was a valiant effort by Eldest

She couldn't stop the raw power infused in my loins that compel me to flirt so badly.

On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

Only your pokemon huh? Fair ig.

Well pretty much everyone else I know is a bride/wouldn't get an invite.
Could have invited Dylan and Ana though now that I think about it. Hope they're well.


On 10/1/2023 at 1:38 AM, Z.. said:

Also now that V13.5 has been released you can finally get the Beedrillite you always wanted. Its still stupidly late but better late then never, also if you are going to try and get it make sure you have a really good plan/team for double battles.

I could always hack it in earlier if I wanted, I suppose? But maybe I should limit that to the Crests for my specific Pokemon?




On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

As someone who doesn't really like Erin, poor her.  What the heck, Souta? 

Souta: I'm gonna make Erin hate me so much, so that she doesn't miss me when I'm gone.

Is that the angle you're going here, Souta? Or am I spouting a baseless theory?

It sure feels like that at least.
But it honestly seems more like he barely gave a shit.

On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

On a sidenote, I've seen that "make my loved ones despise me so they won't miss me" stuff in fiction, but I'm kinda curious if anybody has tried that brain dead idea in real life.

I doubt it.
People want to know they'll be missed when they die.

For ten years at least.

On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


...Dang. Once again, you're a few steps ahead of future plot reveals. Sorta. Kinda. Although to be fair, who would expect Erin's hair to be dyed? 

Honestly? I should have.
This game has been NOTHING but slapping me in the face with everyone's hair colour isn't their natural and I missed that.

On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

As someone who doesn't really like Erin, damn, she's smoking! 

Also, I just find out what a tube top means. 


Honestly she's probably the most attractive one to me specifically but Aelita's personality beats her out.


On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


Not gonna lie, a Pokemon game where the trainers can bend their own elements sounds kinda fun. A little bit ridiculous, and very anime, but stills sounds fun.

It doesn't even have to be as egregious as that though. Just little things like Grass oriented trainers being extremely good with plants or Steel type trainers never getting paper cuts or bruises.

On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


"Looking to finally end your life once and for all" Eldest's not kidding on that part. Just look at what actually happen to Keta's daughter! The kid's soul is gone! Sheesh!

IS it though?
I wonder if Nora has some other purpose going forward. You never know with this game and it's love of adding unnecessary characters.

On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


I'm no expert, but I thought panic attacks have people going "hah...hah...hah..." i.e, rapid breathing?

It's probably different for superpowered people.

On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:



Hah! I knew you're gonna be very surprised! Just like I did. For once, the exclamation point is accurate!

So on a scale of 11-20, how shocked are you?

Because how many times now has Aelita been broken to pieces before me?

I'm slowly growing numb to it all...

On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

Auw, your wedding with...that, is so adorable...I always love weddings scene in any fiction. 

Amber, Adrian...who else is gonna join your glorious harem?

That was just the Aelita themed wedding. They all get their own unique one.
That's the mystery~ Why else would I leave out nearly every other female character in the game besides Eldest?


On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


Okay, but for real though, the first time I played v10, this whole scene finally open my naive eyes to how bonkers Rejuvenation is. And it's only going downhill from here on...or sideways. Whichever fits.

It was manageable up until V12 but something happened in V13 where it took a massive nosedive into the realm of genuine nonsense.

On 10/1/2023 at 3:03 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

I'll be amazed if Jan can make even more insaner Dimensional Rifts than Angie and Aelita's. The weirdest Jan could go is probably rift Arceus, but that's kinda predictable.

Unless Jan's gonna turn buildings into Dimensional Rifts? Vehicles? A whole continent into a Dimensional Rift?

I won't be. The one thing I will say in favour of all the madness this game introduced, is that it's nearly always an escalation.





On 10/1/2023 at 7:01 AM, Bluedude said:

I’m not personally a big fan of Erin, she just comes across as that stereotypical character in fiction that always complains about how stupid everyone is while not offering better solutions. You know it just gets to the pin y where you wonder why this person keeps hanging around people that they don’t even seem to like. I mean Erin does have good moments, but she comes across pretty strong with her attitude.

Erin ticks far too many of my boxes for me to give an unbiased opinion here...
But I do understand where you're coming from.
Although... "a character always complaining how stupid everyone is and you wonder why he hangs around people he doesn't even seem to like?"
Wonder where we've met someone like that before, eh?


On 10/1/2023 at 7:01 AM, Bluedude said:

I was hoping that wedding scene would be followed up with a picture of a bunch of demon kids running around playing, and you with demon Aleita watching from the back porch.


On 10/1/2023 at 7:01 AM, Bluedude said:

Crazy how many characters just don’t have parents or any family, personally I think it would add to the stakes if one of the main cast did have parents that were still alive and well. Could see that character start off as a kind, good natured person that slowly becomes more ruthless and cruel to the villains in an effort to keep their family safe. 

It's probably the same canon reason most Pokemon protags don't have a dad. They're authority figures that would probably hamper the character's journey in some way. Like I wouldn't let MY fucking children fight terrorists. I'd rather do it myself so they DON'T have to.
Mothers are still in the games because they are WEAK and PASSIVE like an HONOURABLE Japanese housewife should be.


On 10/1/2023 at 7:01 AM, Bluedude said:

Now I do find it ridiculous that killing considered below for a lot of characters in this game. Especially when the most of the villains are murders who kill without remorse and are trying end the world. I mean I don’t want it to be Reborn level of angst with Melia going, “I’m going to skin you alive Geara.” As she sharpens a knife, but just something as small and simple as not saving a villain from falling off a cliff or something.

It hasn't happened that much in this game yet. Only case I can think of is Saki accidentally saving Sharon after Crescent pushed her off a cliff.





On 10/1/2023 at 6:20 PM, trickroom said:

Finally managed to get through the whole series so far

Congratulations! Even I haven't read back on it all yet!
Hope you enjoyed my long-winded blathering!

On 10/1/2023 at 6:20 PM, trickroom said:


Cant believe you beat Souta first try with no deaths, that fight had me stumped for a while. Really thought that could have been the end of the nuzlocke but he just got wrecked. Guess those buffs he got at some point really make a difference, huh?

Ah yeah this was a while back so I think I missed any of the major buffs he got.
But then again, my team was pretty stacked against him too.

On 10/1/2023 at 6:20 PM, trickroom said:


Also I fully expect Macross to die to the Rift Aelita fight. He's been getting too much screen time, plus the mention of switching to galvanized from sturdy, which would be great foreshadowing for a situation where not having sturdy gets you killed by something stupid, like attempting to switch in on a rock slide and getting smacked by Earthquake.

Well consider your expectations, subverted!
I didn't even use him at all!
You got a favourite character then?


On 10/1/2023 at 6:20 PM, trickroom said:

also teach trick room to Zaius you fool 

Ah yes, I've been meaning too.
Y'see this was all played back in like late 2018-early 2019 before I started getting a little into competitive battling.





On 10/1/2023 at 11:36 PM, VMeemes said:

I think its kinda funny how on the nuzlocke forums you're just a happy little gnome looking thing. But you're still the sour trainer we know and like deep down.

It's mostly because a manga/character I liked ended, that's usually what prompts these profile changes.
I kinda forgot to change it here but Floch is fine enough.

On 10/1/2023 at 11:36 PM, VMeemes said:


This part of the story will be interesting to see. Since V13 changed the fights to be more SwSh like it was only against Rift Aelita and nothing else. Just you and a tag team battle with Erin. The wiki showed what the fight was before hand since it was out of date at the time and I think you might or might not have an easy time with it. Think being the keyword here.

Rift Aelita was a genuine disappointment.
The fucking Contrary Golems she brought with her though...they were another story...


On 10/1/2023 at 11:36 PM, VMeemes said:

Souta being cleaned up so easily makes me jealous if only because why couldn't my fight with him be as easy? He was considered along with Angie to be some of the hardest gym battles in the game, though I don't know which update earned him that title for sure. V13 had him nerfed apparently a bit but its been awhile.

To be fair, I was coming at him with a rather stacked team but yeah. I don't know when he was nerfed or buffed but I seem to have missed both of those.


On 10/3/2023 at 3:00 AM, YinYang9705 said:

clearly spacea and timepa revived him without working equipment so they couldnt get it on because of reasons

that or they just forbade it like the asian tigermoms they so clearly want to be

I hope it's the latter. That's funnier.
Everyone in the StormChasers is an incel.

On 10/3/2023 at 3:00 AM, YinYang9705 said:


but an ugly pokemon is an exp punching bag!

jan just didnt want to use blisseys for whatever reason

Blissey's aren't ugly!
They're adorable!

On 10/3/2023 at 3:00 AM, YinYang9705 said:


who the fuck just tells someone the person they thought was their dad was actually their husband in a past life

god no wonder aelita freaks the fuck out

This game's creator apparently.
At the very least, he made it so there's no "OMG DID AELITA FUCK KENNETH" shit with how it's a memory-wiped soul in a different body or whatever the fuck is going on with it.


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I hate when you step into a hell portal everything turns out to be crayon drawings

sometimes you can be too artsy


I cant imagine getting your dad bonded to your very soul to be a comforting experiance

oh its just a delusion fair enough


I thought you become popular by nuzlocking niche fangames and showing people in a regular forum what these games are like


favorite fma opening huh



probably not most peoples first choice but I just find it neat


oh rip zolt losing a magnazone at any point sucks so much

and nova too ah man what an unfortunate situation when you have to use the self sacrifice move






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Damn two long standing allies down for the count. That sucks. Wonder who'll take their place.


And I have a strong feeling with the whole announcement of 'please replace your saves with v13.5 ones, the converted saves will break despite our best efforts' you'll still go through with your current save for as long as you can. After all Rose doesn't exist in future updates anymore, not as a starter. Stubborn to the end (even if the reason is understandable).

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10 hours ago, DerogatoryTrainer said:

He's ruined everything.
There's no hope for this Nuzlocke now, Z.
Also this game's story has gotten downright incomprehensible.

You could always just start a save file in v13.5, cheat in all your items and pokemon with like rpgmaker or debug mode.
Also if you think the story has gotten incomprehensible now just wait until you see the stuff in this new version, they somehow one upped them selves on the incomprehensible scale.


10 hours ago, DerogatoryTrainer said:

I could always hack it in earlier if I wanted, I suppose? But maybe I should limit that to the Crests for my specific Pokemon?

Custom made crests sound dope, I approve of that.

Also v13.5 added a side-quest that expands upon and deals with Aelita curse and I think you can even catch Regirock so I recommend doing that. Just prepare for the story to get even more insane.

I... Wow man.



Guess she's not coming to the Open Mic night at Mika's Cafe then.

Huh you know that got me thinking, would anyone like your comedy in your team/friend group.




Why is that a bad thing?

Gods knows enough of this rag-tag cast have lost their homes and/or loved ones already.

I think Veronica is the best off out of everyone.

She has two parents that still love each other and a home to go back to after all this is over.

I think she means having an unhealthy obsession with the past, living in it and not being able to move on from tragedies in her life. Although she worded that REALLY badly, also that is very funny coming from someone like her.



You're right, Nova.

Thinking about that stuff hurts me so...



Well the 4th wall is that one in front of me where the readers are, munching on their Pocky and Doritos like the ill-bred MONGRELS that they are.

I break that by talking directly to them and mocking them for their tastes in pretty much everything.





The 5th wall is the ceiling, which I break by making jokes about how none of this is actually real and I'm just sitting in my room spending FAR too much time on a hobby with what might as well be my fucking imaginary Poke-Friends.






And the 6th wall is the floor which is basically the same except instead of what's happening outside the computer I go on about what's in it and how all of you are basically just bits of 1s and 0s on a machine I barely understand the inner workings of.












No, it is not.

But if that infinite alternate realities theory actually turns out to be true then in some plane of existence, all of this is really happening somewhere out there and that gives me some small comfort to think of it as such.





Well then your scanners would be correct.

What I'm actually feeling is SEETHING JEALOUSY.

I'd kill and replace the Sean of that reality in a heartbeat if I could!

I'm going to be honest with you here. I do not understand what you are talking about at all, especially that list bit with the multiverse theory.



Which in our time, has been turned into a frat house because Cella decided to suddenly become senile and let the League install some prep kid as Sensei of their village.

Which also let Jan add ANOTHER tertiary character to this game's increasingly bloated cast.

Oh yeah speaking of Texan even he gets some screentime in the new version.

They then proceed to not help at all









I did not expect that reaction AT ALL, that caught me off guard and how you thirst over Erin later in this chapter too.



Or for a more relatable topic to the audience, when you question someone's "OTP"!

Yeah I think shippers are kinda insane, some people literally harass authors over it. I think I even remember reading somewhere on this forum that Jan had to deal with shippers but I don't think they ever went as far as to harass him and more annoy him so thank God.


Think the writers were going for some cool one liner but she comes off as a person no one wants to be friends with.



She's always been more of a Monopoly kind of gal, you see.

I.E a completely boring monster.

How disgusting.



But not being able to.


Yeah don't get it either but I will take a shot at this. What I think the game is trying to say is that she always wanted to have a normal family life with her 2 parents but never got that chance or something.



Also sadly, yes. Pokémon and all of our beloved characters are not real

Beloved? So Aelita and maybe Erin?



And yet me making stupid faces at a cheap laptop camera is somehow eclipsing them?

Give your self some credit. You are for sure very creative never seen someone else photoshoping a whole yu-gi-oh duel, I tried reading those other nuzlocke comics but honestly their personality just wasn't very interesting to me, no offence to them.



And I don't want Aelita out of the story for ages again.

Lol. At least it won't be as long as before.




I skip every opening whenever I watch an anime.



I mean they're all bangers but mine is the one from the Conqueror of Shamballa movie like twenty years ago.

I didn't know the original FMA had a continuation after the final episode I always thought it just ended on a cliffhanger. Im also more of a brotherhood fan myself.

Don't let the intrusive thoughts win. I believe in you!



(Okay, there are multiple ways for me to end this joke but none of them paint me in a very good light.)

(Even if I just remained silent it'd be terrifyingly ambiguous.)

(Please comment your own endings to this scene, audience.)


Yeah I don't really understand the setup you are going with here. My ending is that Sean looked at her beat the intrusive thoughts and carried on fighting.



Sadly, I can't communicate any of this to Erin which is what really makes these "team-ups" a pain in the ass.

I feel like this game and all the other fangames as well as the mainline official game should let you take control of an npc if you are battling along side them in a double battle.


Maybe I should give that Transform Eevee I got from the Kimono Girls a chance next time I need Jitto?

Might even do what someone in the comments suggested a while back and evolve it into Vaporeon for the high HP...

It got protect too so you can do some toxic stall nonsense before transforming.

So you can upload your Magnezone on some massive computer and have it assist you like some Brother eye from DC?

Man losing both Zolt and Nova sucked but I don't think there was really any other way. I mean what the hell can deal with contrary spamming both superpower and overheat.



Nice that Keta's horrible lava and chains statue is gone and replaced with him and Taelia embracing at least.

But that new statue is...less nice.

Just what the fuck is the significance of these things?

They seem to be entwined with Aelita's personal storyline...


Three more empty plinths too...for the other Sailor Scouts, maybe?

I'm guessing when you unlock them all that circular bit in the middle opens up and...let's you go down?

Or let's something out?

Who can say...?

Shouldn't you know since you played a bit of v13?





Who knew you would act like a vampire in the face of it.

Why would a grown man give themselves a superhero naming referring to kid, wouldn't it be Unkillable Man?



That was a very strange thing to do, Melia.

The stranger part is how she set it on fire, although with all her powers that would be the least strange part about it.

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I'll be getting my own "Somehow, Derogatory Trainer has returned" in 36 years, just you wait!

Whoah, did Jan tell you when the final version will release?



We're only up against one of the worst Legendaries out there!

They're weaker than the pseudos for crying out loud!


Does baby Volcanion count?


Two mainstays of the team down to a weird-ass gimmick battle, rough.

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Alright this chapter has shown that you need to be kept far away from these teenage girls, heck stay away from the boys too. These are already traumatized enough without you adding to it. 

Look I get it man, Erin and heck dang near every woman in this game has no flaws but you got to reign it in before you get cancelled.


I don’t know if you’ve seen the new renegade route that’s been added in this update, and I won’t spoil it here, but I will say it’s my favorite route as you become the biggest threat to everyone, and you’re treated like it too.


Heck this new update got me to play the game myself, and I’m liking it a lot. Now it’s a little hard for me since I don’t know a thing about Ivs or natures, but I’m gonna brute force my way into the bad ending no matter what.

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1 hour ago, Z.. said:

Who is he gonna get cancelled by?

It’s the internet, cancellation is always a possibility. No one is safe from it, not even me. But nah I was joking, just a little goof and gaf from me.

  • Hmm 1
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So I’m going through the renegade route, picking all the mean and evil options and dang it’s making me feel bad. No matter mean things I say poor Alelita keeps trying to make excuses for me and stands up for me. Just dang even in the evil run Alelita is still the best girl.

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1 hour ago, Bluedude said:

So I’m going through the renegade route, picking all the mean and evil options and dang it’s making me feel bad. No matter mean things I say poor Alelita keeps trying to make excuses for me and stands up for me. Just dang even in the evil run Alelita is still the best girl.

Couldn't be me honestly.
I'm too heroic and nice to do that mean girl shit 😌.

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I feel obligated to mention that this is at least the second time you've alluded to rocks as being sexually attractive. The first of course being this gem of an image from way back when:image.thumb.jpeg.48132f2a1eb684803ec74b343362b9a4.jpeg



What subject would you even teach? Intro to bullshit 101? Battling skills for morons? 



By choice, right? RIGHT??



Fun fact! the average number of baby teeth is 20, and most adults have 32. The implications this joke creates are numerous and horrible.



1: I'm not completely boring, only mostly.

2: Monopoliwag. I rest my case.



Do- do those boots have heels?????



why of course, since you so kindly asked for it! *Ahem*: Whoops! Guess I gotta leave the region for good now!

of course, accompanied by an image such as: image.thumb.png.a2c92a7eca8505c880022b8dc5ff8225.png



Considering I had to look up what a UMD disc actually is... probably low. This also proves that the entirety of Zolts personality and extra programs are at max, 1.8 Gigabytes. Knowing this, the machine on the SS Paradise makes much more sense. It's probably just a glorified midrange tower PC from Bestow Buy.



minor word error, whole runs invalid.



What a godamn legend.



Be honest... at this point can you really expect anything else?



if a cowboy shows up at any point in this game im quitting the internet forever.



Alas, we can only wish it was Adrian...


Very clever of you from many years ago to not bring Macross to this battle, thereby subverting my expectations... and yes. I have a special place in my heart for all rock types. first monotype run I ever completed was a rock type one. Golem-A happened to be a mainstay member to counter slow, bulky water types with Galvanize Double-Edge and Explosion. Good times...


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/11/2023 at 2:47 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

Honestly she's probably the most attractive one to me specifically but Aelita's personality beats her out.

Clearly, you need to extract both Erin's and Aelita's gene to engineer the best girl, with the best qualities from both.


What do you mean that's morally questionable?


On 11/11/2023 at 2:47 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

IS it though?
I wonder if Nora has some other purpose going forward. You never know with this game and it's love of adding unnecessary characters.

I hope so. It would be pretty neat if Nora gets revived. Somehow. Then Aelita would have a cute little sister! Yay~ Unless Nora turns out to be Madame X or something. This game already has Melanie for one...


On 11/11/2023 at 2:47 AM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

It was manageable up until V12 but something happened in V13 where it took a massive nosedive into the realm of genuine nonsense.

Very, very true-wait, v13. You know V13's plot? Does that mean you know that the Puppet Master


is indeed Huey's Sister?

That Nim


apparently eat souls??? That's like...huh????

That the MC's


body is kinda sorta like a corpse? Like, the original soul is long, long, long dead? And rejects the offer to be revived....which in my opinion, is kinda stupid. Like, why would I reject a second chance at life?

That Texen's sister,


Is actually dead. And living as an AI. Kinda. 

That the Stone Incident perpetrators'


the original ones, before those visor wearing psychos came into the picture, who are what's-his-name and what's-her-name, are two of the most idiotic petty villains I've ever seen.


Like, your targets are people with the same CGPA as Saki? Hah???? Like, if their target are smart students, that would have made sense. Eliminate the competition and all. But no, they target people that specifically matches Saki's CGPA. 


Is this why none of the cops could figure this crime out? Because the criminals' modus operandi is so stupid? Like, if you hated the Blakeory family(which is fair), why didn't you aim for the Blakeory's family members? Or Saki herself?


I'm not saying all the Blakeory's members deserve to get stoned....although I won't exactly mind...It's just that when a family wronged you, a typical victim takes revenge on that family. Not on people that have nothing to do  with that family. Not aiming for people with the same CGPA!


I'm so, so, so glad those morons are dead. Like the garbage they are.


This ain't my first Rift rodeo, Erin.

I know what the score is.


But it is your first Rift Rodeo so who are you to tell me shit like this?


This isn't limited to Erin, but why do other characters tend to act like know better about Dimensional Rifts? Like, they don't. They literally don't. Maybe this dialogue got patched up in v13+, who knows?



Same, man. Same...


Reminds me of that Chalkzone cartoon.




Vivian: Like how long were you staring at my chest while I was bathing in the Purification ppol?


Well, you know what they say. Boys will be b-neeever mind, I'll take back what I said. That line would not go well in today's social climate.


Which in our time, has been turned into a frat house because Cella decided to suddenly become senile and let the League install some prep kid as Sensei of their village.


Agreed. Like, literally anyone else would have worked.


Urgh...must contain...the hrgh...can't falter...in front of....Baby Aelita...HRGGGHHHH....*faints*


Live in a bubble, my rear butthole. Clearly Erin doesn't know much of Aelita. Yet, she's the one giving the big whole speech about how Aelita should wake up. I feel like other characters would be much better suited to give that speech. Like the Player Character-oh wait, the PC is a stupid numbskull who barely speaks.


Funnily enough, he only gets more talkative in the edgelord route. The route where almost everything gone wrong. Where the characters who you all know and....know suffer horrible routes.


And as someone who dislikes edgy stuff...I love it! It's meant to be an ending route. Just go all out with it. Be an absolute scumbag and watch in delight as the PC's formers allies despair over getting betrayed. And maybe, just maybe, the PC gets to horrifically torture Neved.


Because he manages to sour the revamped Terajuma arc for me.


Look, I want to enjoy the revamped Terajuma arc. There's a tons of things that have been improved, the player gets to spend more time with Aelita, the new maps are beautiful, and I get to catch an overworld Aevian Snorunt, who looks so cool. And Aevian Glalie(Grassy Glide Grass setter) and Aevian Froslass(Adaptability Water Spout) are pretty good, in my opinion.


But for some reason, Jan adds several Neved battles in that arc. Of course, he gets absolutely floored like the absolute loser he is. I mean, I barely remember his team. His memorable Pokemon is the Igloo Palossand, who is waaay too cool for him.


Normally, I would love establishing my superior over inferiors, but Neved.





"Uuu, I oNLy cArE aBOuT mY daUgTer!"

"Uuu, Melia yU LiEd to mE, uuu!"

"uuu, eVeRytHinG yOu dO iS wOrThLeSs, uuu, sUrEnDeR aLreDy, uuu!"


Shut up, Neved! Keta should have neutered you. It's not like Neved is putting it into good use. Maman deserves a better husband, especially for a woman as amazing as her.


Like, dang. Her new sprite is so gorgeous. And she's so, so kind, despite probably being retconned as a  Garufan descendant. Clearly, she's one of the few(only) good one.


Like, argh, I want to marry her. I want to marry her so much! I want more animes where the MC stops being a coward and actually marries the waifus! I want my wish fulfilment marriage in my wish fulfilment anime! I demand more marriages in anime, dang it! 


Sorry. I, err, got off-track.


Huey's fine, sure.

But he's not the type of character I expect to follow our group around once we leave GDC behind for good, you know?


Funny you should say that. Because in v13.5, Huey


decides to ditch the region with Lavender *wink wink* and Reina, and head to Hoeen. Which is the smartest decision he has ever made. Screw Aevium. 


Speaking of Vivian, in v13.5 it's revealed that...well, to be honest, I'm not really sure, I could be wrong, but apparently,


Vivian isn't the first to be reincarnated? or something? This has been going for a long, long, long time.

All I would say is if, somehow, through some plot BullCrap, Aelita dies and gets reincarnated, it's...not gonna end well for Aelita's soul. 


So, yeah. Try to stop Aelita from dying.



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On 12/3/2023 at 9:54 PM, ClaraTheCriminal said:

Damn, if I knew this was the MC x Main Cast shipping thread I'd have gotten here sooner

Nothing strange, don't worry about it. You arrived here in time.

"""Shipping""" exists from like earth ages...you can't stop the Internet (and the people)


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18 hours ago, ClaraTheCriminal said:

Damn, if I knew this was the MC x Main Cast shipping thread I'd have gotten here sooner

I'd say this thread is more a bunch of idiots watching another idiot play a blind nuzlocke of pretty brutal unforgiving game, but that isn't very far off either.

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So here we are.

Part 3 has finally ended.

And so has...this Nuzlocke?!


Guess you'll have to read to find out more!








On 11/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, YinYang9705 said:

I hate when you step into a hell portal everything turns out to be crayon drawings

sometimes you can be too artsy

I thought it was neat myself.
Far better than having to walk through Aelita's innards like some old sci-fi movie with a shrinking ray and submarine.

On 11/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, YinYang9705 said:


I cant imagine getting your dad bonded to your very soul to be a comforting experience

oh its just a delusion fair enough

Yeah I was confused why he was there at all.
And then he appears in a vision later?
There's ONE link I can think of but I'd rather not consider it.

On 11/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, YinYang9705 said:

I thought you become popular by nuzlocking niche fangames and showing people in a regular forum what these games are like

All behind the scenes shenanigans, I'm afraid.
Just like real popularity.


On 11/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, YinYang9705 said:


favorite fma opening huh

  Reveal hidden contents


probably not most peoples first choice but I just find it neat

There's always ONE maniac who likes this one.
That being said, it's still alright just definitely one of my least favourites.

On 11/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, YinYang9705 said:


oh rip zolt losing a magnazone at any point sucks so much

and nova too ah man what an unfortunate situation when you have to use the self sacrifice move



On 11/11/2023 at 1:56 AM, VMeemes said:

Damn two long standing allies down for the count. That sucks. Wonder who'll take their place.


And I have a strong feeling with the whole announcement of 'please replace your saves with v13.5 ones, the converted saves will break despite our best efforts' you'll still go through with your current save for as long as you can. After all Rose doesn't exist in future updates anymore, not as a starter. Stubborn to the end (even if the reason is understandable).

Well it's up in the air at the moment.


That whole thing fucking sucks.

I have played through what would be Part 4 but there's not a small part of me thinking I should restart and play up to this point as a non-Nuzlocke then I delete all those Pokemon and move my original ones in. 
Or I just start with all my already strong Pokemon and blast through the game.
Probably the second one.


On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:
On 11/10/2023 at 6:47 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

He's ruined everything.
There's no hope for this Nuzlocke now, Z.
Also this game's story has gotten downright incomprehensible.

You could always just start a save file in v13.5, cheat in all your items and pokemon with like rpgmaker or debug mode.
Also if you think the story has gotten incomprehensible now just wait until you see the stuff in this new version, they somehow one upped them selves on the incomprehensible scale.

That seems to be the best option I have atm. REALLY don't want to deal with anymore area changes than I have to.
I've seen and been told bits and pieces.
Two specific ones is that there are way too many Deltarune and Danganronpa references and the dialogue is a lot more "memey" I think the word was?
So yeah, my expectations are lower than ever before.


On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:


On 11/10/2023 at 6:47 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

I could always hack it in earlier if I wanted, I suppose? But maybe I should limit that to the Crests for my specific Pokemon?

Custom made crests sound dope, I approve of that.

Yep! I just have to come up with some reasonably balanced ones.
Maybe have Tangrowth's Sp.Def be swapped with it's Attack?


On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

Also v13.5 added a side-quest that expands upon and deals with Aelita curse and I think you can even catch Regirock so I recommend doing that. Just prepare for the story to get even more insane.

Wait, what?
I thought the curse was gone!?
Dammit, did Zolt and Nova die for NOTHING!?

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

I... Wow man.

Look, when you're immortal like I am, you've got a LOT of leeway on how risky something is.
And when you're an egomaniac like I am, you've got a LOT of voices in your head telling you that you could "totally tame her with your sexual prowess"
It's a very toxic combination tbh.

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



Guess she's not coming to the Open Mic night at Mika's Cafe then.

Huh you know that got me thinking, would anyone like your comedy in your team/friend group.

Well now that's got ME thinking and I don't like the idea that they might not think I'm funny!
I suppose they would? Like considering that it'd be in-game content I'd use for my material, they'd probably find it relatable?


On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:




Why is that a bad thing?

Gods knows enough of this rag-tag cast have lost their homes and/or loved ones already.

I think Veronica is the best off out of everyone.

She has two parents that still love each other and a home to go back to after all this is over.


I think she means having an unhealthy obsession with the past, living in it and not being able to move on from tragedies in her life. Although she worded that REALLY badly, also that is very funny coming from someone like her.

This entire fucking game has an unhealthy obsession with the past. Considering we always go to the ONE SPECIFIC past instead of something fun like fighting Dino Pokemon.
I know, right? Fucking hell, Erin...
The whole thing with those four blonde kids is confusing because there's never a scene where they explicitly get their memories back, they just apparently have them now?

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



You're right, Nova.

Thinking about that stuff hurts me so...



Well the 4th wall is that one in front of me where the readers are, munching on their Pocky and Doritos like the ill-bred MONGRELS that they are.

I break that by talking directly to them and mocking them for their tastes in pretty much everything.





The 5th wall is the ceiling, which I break by making jokes about how none of this is actually real and I'm just sitting in my room spending FAR too much time on a hobby with what might as well be my fucking imaginary Poke-Friends.






And the 6th wall is the floor which is basically the same except instead of what's happening outside the computer I go on about what's in it and how all of you are basically just bits of 1s and 0s on a machine I barely understand the inner workings of.












No, it is not.

But if that infinite alternate realities theory actually turns out to be true then in some plane of existence, all of this is really happening somewhere out there and that gives me some small comfort to think of it as such.





Well then your scanners would be correct.

What I'm actually feeling is SEETHING JEALOUSY.

I'd kill and replace the Sean of that reality in a heartbeat if I could!


I'm going to be honest with you here. I do not understand what you are talking about at all, especially that list bit with the multiverse theory.

Well I was only going on a nonsense tangent really. 
If that multiverse theory people go on about is true, then somewhere out there is a universe where Rejuvenation Sean actually exists along with Rose and all other Pokemon on the same level of reality as you and I do now.
And if it does exist I fucking HATE that Sean for getting drawing the lucky straw and getting to be a Pokemon trainer while I have to sit here and have a boring real job.

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



Which in our time, has been turned into a frat house because Cella decided to suddenly become senile and let the League install some prep kid as Sensei of their village.

Which also let Jan add ANOTHER tertiary character to this game's increasingly bloated cast.

Oh yeah speaking of Texan even he gets some screentime in the new version.

Oh joy.
I am *yawn* so excited that Texen will be making a comeback...

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:


They then proceed to not help at all

Classic Rejuvenation NPCs.


On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:










I did not expect that reaction AT ALL, that caught me off guard and how you thirst over Erin later in this chapter too.

For all my sleazeballiness, I do genuinely like children and they seem to like me.

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



Or for a more relatable topic to the audience, when you question someone's "OTP"!

Yeah I think shippers are kinda insane, some people literally harass authors over it. I think I even remember reading somewhere on this forum that Jan had to deal with shippers but I don't think they ever went as far as to harass him and more annoy him so thank God.

Man. that's a bit wild. I suppose they wanted actual romance options in the game?
I remember the Rejuv team having to clarify there won't be any which is fair enough. Too many games get bogged down by it.
However, the Derogatory Timeline is exempt from such things.
SeanXAnyWomanThatCatchesHisFancy is the only true ship in this universe.


On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:


Think the writers were going for some cool one liner but she comes off as a person no one wants to be friends with.

Haha if it was intentional in making her seem like a douche it explains why she had no friends before now.
Hell I don't even know why we're friends with her.
Like really, what the fuck has Erin actually DONE for anyone in this group bar Aelita? And even then it was to keep a leash on her.


On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



She's always been more of a Monopoly kind of gal, you see.

I.E a completely boring monster.

How disgusting.

Mousetrap chads all the way.

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



But not being able to.


Yeah don't get it either but I will take a shot at this. What I think the game is trying to say is that she always wanted to have a normal family life with her 2 parents but never got that chance or something.

The dream of many a Pokemon protagonist...
Only the Gen 3 protags have both and even then Norman works too much.
(Why didn't he move to Petalburg like in the anime anyway?)

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



Also sadly, yes. Pokémon and all of our beloved characters are not real

Beloved? So Aelita and maybe Erin?

Whoa now.
Erin's not that close to being beloved.
Also it was meant to be more sarcastic sounding than that.



On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



And yet me making stupid faces at a cheap laptop camera is somehow eclipsing them?

Give your self some credit. You are for sure very creative never seen someone else photoshoping a whole yu-gi-oh duel, I tried reading those other nuzlocke comics but honestly their personality just wasn't very interesting to me, no offence to them.

I think I was just in one of those moods when I wrote that joke honestly.
I'd probably prefer if I could draw than be good at whatever it is this is.

Yeah I can understand that, they're either too wishy-washy and sad or too cookie cutter.
Everyone knows you have to be an outrageous lunatic to bring in the views.

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



And I don't want Aelita out of the story for ages again.

Lol. At least it won't be as long as before.

It'll still be a while sadly...
At least Part 4 has less Melia in it.

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:




I skip every opening whenever I watch an anime.

Actual fucking psycho right here.

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



I mean they're all bangers but mine is the one from the Conqueror of Shamballa movie like twenty years ago.

I didn't know the original FMA had a continuation after the final episode I always thought it just ended on a cliffhanger. Im also more of a brotherhood fan myself.

Oh yeah it was wild. Hitler himself makes an appearance and everything.
For sure. Brotherhood is the superior anime but I was a young teen back then so I'll always have nostalgia for the original where Rose got raped, had to raise the rape baby and also Edward's mother was one of the homunculi.

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

Don't let the intrusive thoughts win. I believe in you!



On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



(Okay, there are multiple ways for me to end this joke but none of them paint me in a very good light.)

(Even if I just remained silent it'd be terrifyingly ambiguous.)

(Please comment your own endings to this scene, audience.)


Yeah I don't really understand the setup you are going with here. My ending is that Sean looked at her beat the intrusive thoughts and carried on fighting.

There were a few alternatives, one was singing some of that Hellfire song under my breath but that was also a bit alarming as it seemed like I was BARELY resisting the dark urges, another was me saying "It'd be worth it." which is also awful and I think another was me leaning in to sniff her hair, which while visually funny made me seem a bit TOO creepy.
So this is what we ended up with.
I'm glad you picked a good ending.


On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



Sadly, I can't communicate any of this to Erin which is what really makes these "team-ups" a pain in the ass.

I feel like this game and all the other fangames as well as the mainline official game should let you take control of an npc if you are battling along side them in a double battle.

Yep. Would be very handy.
Does run the risk of making a Nuzlocke TOO easy though because you've basically got six free Pokemon to kill off with no consequences.

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

So you can upload your Magnezone on some massive computer and have it assist you like some Brother eye from DC?

That is an option I hadn't considered but...it doesn't seem like my style to have it. Besides do any computers play UMD discs?
I have DO a Pokemon in mind for Zolt in the future anyway. Just don't know when it's available.


On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

Man losing both Zolt and Nova sucked but I don't think there was really any other way. I mean what the hell can deal with contrary spamming both superpower and overheat.

I could have MAYBE worked out something with my Malamar Vahlen and Topsy Turvy but as I've said, it's a blind run so I couldn't have known about it.
Probably going to throw that shit out for future bosses at some point.

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



Nice that Keta's horrible lava and chains statue is gone and replaced with him and Taelia embracing at least.

But that new statue is...less nice.

Just what the fuck is the significance of these things?

They seem to be entwined with Aelita's personal storyline...


Three more empty plinths too...for the other Sailor Scouts, maybe?

I'm guessing when you unlock them all that circular bit in the middle opens up and...let's you go down?

Or let's something out?

Who can say...?

Shouldn't you know since you played a bit of v13?

Most of that chapter was written in 2020.
I, replying to you now know the significance.


I think.
I dunno, something about a universe reboot button or some stupid shit like that?

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:





Who knew you would act like a vampire in the face of it.

Everyone knew.
Just like everyone knows it's me trying to cope with how I don't hate Melia anymore by overreacting.


On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:

Why would a grown man give themselves a superhero naming referring to kid, wouldn't it be Unkillable Man?

Well for one, it sounds better when you say it due to both words having a k sound in them.
And for two, it's more of a cowboy reference than a child reference. You know? Billy the Kid and all that?

On 11/11/2023 at 5:45 AM, Z.. said:



That was a very strange thing to do, Melia.

The stranger part is how she set it on fire, although with all her powers that would be the least strange part about it.

Uh...Girl power?
That's how she did it.
Either that or she has a smoking problem and carries a lighter around with her.

4 hours ago, Z.. said:
23 hours ago, ClaraTheCriminal said:

Damn, if I knew this was the MC x Main Cast shipping thread I'd have gotten here sooner

I'd say this thread is more a bunch of idiots watching another idiot play a blind nuzlocke of pretty brutal unforgiving game, but that isn't very far off either.

How rude.
It's a bunch of idiots watching a delusional GENIUS play a blind Nuzlocke of a unforgiving game.

Gentleman Jaggi:

On 11/11/2023 at 4:36 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

I'll be getting my own "Somehow, Derogatory Trainer has returned" in 36 years, just you wait!

Whoah, did Jan tell you when the final version will release?

He did!

He also said that every version henceforth will require the players to start a new fucking save file!

On 11/11/2023 at 4:36 PM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

We're only up against one of the worst Legendaries out there!

They're weaker than the pseudos for crying out loud!


Does baby Volcanion count?


Two mainstays of the team down to a weird-ass gimmick battle, rough.

I'll be honest, I don't think it should?
It was very weak and barely even a threat.
Besides, it's TECHNICALLY a mythical Pokémon so my statement is still correct!

That's how the chips fall sometimes.
Actually that's how the always fucking fall it seems. Gimmick battles are the ones that fuck me over the most.
Like that Kimono Girl Gauntlet.


On 11/11/2023 at 8:25 PM, Bluedude said:

Alright this chapter has shown that you need to be kept far away from these teenage girls, heck stay away from the boys too. These are already traumatized enough without you adding to it. 

Ah but that's the beauty of it Bluedude...
Nothing CAN keep me away.


On 11/11/2023 at 8:25 PM, Bluedude said:

Look I get it man, Erin and heck dang near every woman in this game has no flaws but you got to reign it in before you get cancelled.

Oh god that would be sweet relief at this point.
I wouldn't have the stigma of being a quitter if I got cancelled!


On 11/11/2023 at 8:25 PM, Bluedude said:

I don’t know if you’ve seen the new renegade route that’s been added in this update, and I won’t spoil it here, but I will say it’s my favorite route as you become the biggest threat to everyone, and you’re treated like it too.

I haven't. But I remain skeptical of it being good.
I don't like much of what happens in this game's story afterEclypsia Pyramid .


On 11/11/2023 at 8:25 PM, Bluedude said:

Heck this new update got me to play the game myself, and I’m liking it a lot. Now it’s a little hard for me since I don’t know a thing about Ivs or natures, but I’m gonna brute force my way into the bad ending no matter what.

Oh wow, you're actually playing it now? Good luck. I too did not know jack shit about those things when I started either.
I think you have to be a dick to everyone to get it.



On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


  Hide contents


I feel obligated to mention that this is at least the second time you've alluded to rocks as being sexually attractive. The first of course being this gem of an image from way back when:image.thumb.jpeg.48132f2a1eb684803ec74b343362b9a4.jpeg


My greatest weakness back to bite me again.
Forgetting the dumb shit I've already said.
Guess I have no choice but to become a rocksexual.


On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


What subject would you even teach? Intro to bullshit 101? Battling skills for morons? 


On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


By choice, right? RIGHT??

It was more a dig at how I just generally look like I'm up to something.
Besides, twenty feet is fucking nothing in sex offender terms. I could stand twenty feet away and STILL spit in a child's face.

On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


Fun fact! the average number of baby teeth is 20, and most adults have 32. The implications this joke creates are numerous and horrible.

Well I'm sure you knew it was a reference to the 40 Thieves but if you THINK about it, Aelita's had 40 baby teeth in the past lives she's had!

On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


1: I'm not completely boring, only mostly.

2: Monopoliwag. I rest my case.

There's just more fun board-games out there, man.
Monopoly is fucking maths and property taxes.

On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


Do- do those boots have heels?????

They're dress shoes soooo yes?
What shoes do you wear that DON'T have heels on them?

On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


why of course, since you so kindly asked for it! *Ahem*: Whoops! Guess I gotta leave the region for good now!

of course, accompanied by an image such as: image.thumb.png.a2c92a7eca8505c880022b8dc5ff8225.png

I'm fucking taking Erin with me if that's the case.
Always with the red fucking hair...my hair is bloody brown!
I WISH it was red because that shit's rare but I'm not.
I'm the most common white person genotype. Blue eyes and brown hair.


On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


Considering I had to look up what a UMD disc actually is... probably low. This also proves that the entirety of Zolts personality and extra programs are at max, 1.8 Gigabytes. Knowing this, the machine on the SS Paradise makes much more sense. It's probably just a glorified midrange tower PC from Bestow Buy.

Ah but it's only Zolt's memory. The SS Paradise has to have data on their entire body to 3-D print them out.
Annoyingly, now you've got me wondering how the fuck does that machine work with personalities? Like Pokemon aren't mindless animals how would mass-printed Pokemon even behave?

On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


minor word error, whole runs invalid.

Oh thank god, I can quit now.
AND TECHNICALLY Brave Bird does have a stat drop. It makes your HP lower.

On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


What a godamn legend.

Went out fighting and fell into her grave on fire like a true badass.

On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


Be honest... at this point can you really expect anything else?

I've become resigned to it all now...
But hey, Melia gave it right back so that's better than Part 2 at least!

On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


if a cowboy shows up at any point in this game im quitting the internet forever.

Well gosh pardner. That'd be mighty sore of ya.
Honestly, I wish that's the direction this game went with time travel instead of this multiverse nonsense.
I miss FUN time travel like running from dinosaurs or sword fighting George Washington.

On 11/14/2023 at 12:57 AM, trickroom said:


Alas, we can only wish it was Adrian...

I'm glad people still remember her and it's not just me ranting like a lunatic about someone nobody remembers.


Very clever of you from many years ago to not bring Macross to this battle, thereby subverting my expectations... and yes. I have a special place in my heart for all rock types. first monotype run I ever completed was a rock type one. Golem-A happened to be a mainstay member to counter slow, bulky water types with Galvanize Double-Edge and Explosion. Good times...


Someone had to be swapped with Jitto and he wouldn't have been much help with what I THOUGHT was going to be a Fighting type Rift.
I want to try out Galvanize sometime but the risk in games like this is a bit too high.



On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:
On 11/10/2023 at 6:47 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

Honestly she's probably the most attractive one to me specifically but Aelita's personality beats her out.

Clearly, you need to extract both Erin's and Aelita's gene to engineer the best girl, with the best qualities from both.


What do you mean that's morally questionable?

It's also limiting.
Why combine when I can have both?

On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


On 11/10/2023 at 6:47 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

IS it though?
I wonder if Nora has some other purpose going forward. You never know with this game and it's love of adding unnecessary characters.

I hope so. It would be pretty neat if Nora gets revived. Somehow. Then Aelita would have a cute little sister! Yay~ Unless Nora turns out to be Madame X or something. This game already has Melanie for one...

Now that I think about it, Nora should just have her soul saved.
I wouldn't want her having to suffer through more of this game and Jan's intense hatred for Vivian's bloodline.

On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


On 11/10/2023 at 6:47 PM, DerogatoryTrainer said:

It was manageable up until V12 but something happened in V13 where it took a massive nosedive into the realm of genuine nonsense.

Very, very true-wait, v13. You know V13's plot? Does that mean you know that the Puppet Master

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is indeed Huey's Sister?

That Nim

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apparently eat souls??? That's like...huh????

That the MC's

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body is kinda sorta like a corpse? Like, the original soul is long, long, long dead? And rejects the offer to be revived....which in my opinion, is kinda stupid. Like, why would I reject a second chance at life?

That Texen's sister,

  Reveal hidden contents

Is actually dead. And living as an AI. Kinda. 

That the Stone Incident perpetrators'

  Reveal hidden contents

the original ones, before those visor wearing psychos came into the picture, who are what's-his-name and what's-her-name, are two of the most idiotic petty villains I've ever seen.


Like, your targets are people with the same CGPA as Saki? Hah???? Like, if their target are smart students, that would have made sense. Eliminate the competition and all. But no, they target people that specifically matches Saki's CGPA. 


Is this why none of the cops could figure this crime out? Because the criminals' modus operandi is so stupid? Like, if you hated the Blakeory family(which is fair), why didn't you aim for the Blakeory's family members? Or Saki herself?


I'm not saying all the Blakeory's members deserve to get stoned....although I won't exactly mind...It's just that when a family wronged you, a typical victim takes revenge on that family. Not on people that have nothing to do  with that family. Not aiming for people with the same CGPA!


I'm so, so, so glad those morons are dead. Like the garbage they are.

Probably, I didn't read them just in case.
But it's fairly likely I know about them. But we're nowhere near that content so shush.

On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

This ain't my first Rift rodeo, Erin.

I know what the score is.


But it is your first Rift Rodeo so who are you to tell me shit like this?


This isn't limited to Erin, but why do other characters tend to act like know better about Dimensional Rifts? Like, they don't. They literally don't. Maybe this dialogue got patched up in v13+, who knows?


On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


Same, man. Same...


Reminds me of that Chalkzone cartoon.




Vivian: Like how long were you staring at my chest while I was bathing in the Purification ppol?

Well, you know what they say. Boys will be b-neeever mind, I'll take back what I said. That line would not go well in today's social climate.


Best counter is to just not give a shit.
"Were you staring at my chest!?"

"Yeah, nice tits."

On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


Live in a bubble, my rear butthole. Clearly Erin doesn't know much of Aelita. Yet, she's the one giving the big whole speech about how Aelita should wake up. I feel like other characters would be much better suited to give that speech. Like the Player Character-oh wait, the PC is a stupid numbskull who barely speaks.

To be fair, she's only ever known of Bitchy Aelita.
Who's still good, isn't AS good as Regular Aelita.

On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


Funnily enough, he only gets more talkative in the edgelord route. The route where almost everything gone wrong. Where the characters who you all know and....know suffer horrible routes.


And as someone who dislikes edgy stuff...I love it! It's meant to be an ending route. Just go all out with it. Be an absolute scumbag and watch in delight as the PC's formers allies despair over getting betrayed. And maybe, just maybe, the PC gets to horrifically torture Neved.

Yeah, I've heard of that.
Don't like it. Don't wanna do it.
Especially once I learned that you need the help of a Renegade timeline version of yourself to do...something?
Fuck that gay shit. I don't need to destroy one timeline to save another. I'll save all the fucking timelines if I damn well please!

On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:


Because he manages to sour the revamped Terajuma arc for me.


Look, I want to enjoy the revamped Terajuma arc. There's a tons of things that have been improved, the player gets to spend more time with Aelita, the new maps are beautiful, and I get to catch an overworld Aevian Snorunt, who looks so cool. And Aevian Glalie(Grassy Glide Grass setter) and Aevian Froslass(Adaptability Water Spout) are pretty good, in my opinion.


But for some reason, Jan adds several Neved battles in that arc. Of course, he gets absolutely floored like the absolute loser he is. I mean, I barely remember his team. His memorable Pokemon is the Igloo Palossand, who is waaay too cool for him.


Normally, I would love establishing my superior over inferiors, but Neved.





"Uuu, I oNLy cArE aBOuT mY daUgTer!"

"Uuu, Melia yU LiEd to mE, uuu!"

"uuu, eVeRytHinG yOu dO iS wOrThLeSs, uuu, sUrEnDeR aLreDy, uuu!"


Shut up, Neved! Keta should have neutered you. It's not like Neved is putting it into good use. Maman deserves a better husband, especially for a woman as amazing as her.


Like, dang. Her new sprite is so gorgeous. And she's so, so kind, despite probably being retconned as a  Garufan descendant. Clearly, she's one of the few(only) good one.


Like, argh, I want to marry her. I want to marry her so much! I want more animes where the MC stops being a coward and actually marries the waifus! I want my wish fulfilment marriage in my wish fulfilment anime! I demand more marriages in anime, dang it! 

I read all of that and it changed nothing about my opinion of Neved in any way. I still hate him but I'm glad to see Jan's not making him redeeming at all.
Maman being retconned as a Garufan descendent is news to me however.

On 12/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

Sorry. I, err, got off-track.


Huey's fine, sure.

But he's not the type of character I expect to follow our group around once we leave GDC behind for good, you know?


Funny you should say that. Because in v13.5

I ain't reading those spoilers. I already got spoiled on some of what goes on in broad terms. Enough to dislike it.

Clara the Criminal:

23 hours ago, ClaraTheCriminal said:

Damn, if I knew this was the MC x Main Cast shipping thread I'd have gotten here sooner

Welcome to the adventures of a very delusional man who thinks he's actually going to get the harem ending he wants.
And then slowly realise in horror that he CAN get the harem ending he wants.
That he can do ANYTHING he wants to Jan's beloved characters and nobody can stop him but his own shaky moral fiber.
It's a pretty fun time.


22 hours ago, SoulN7 said:
23 hours ago, ClaraTheCriminal said:

Damn, if I knew this was the MC x Main Cast shipping thread I'd have gotten here sooner

Nothing strange, don't worry about it. You arrived here in time.

"""Shipping""" exists from like earth ages...you can't stop the Internet (and the people), Jan...and by the way, I should seriously stop staring at Erin...and Crescent.

Ah yes. Right on time as I close up shop.
Alas, I feel for Jan on this one.
I wouldn't like my creations lusted after by rogues like myself.

So anyway the 4 chapter long sex scene should be up in a few days.


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If this is the last update you make to TTNPR, then I thank you for doing what you have. WHile I may not have been the most vocal commentor, I have enjoyed reading the project up to and including this update. And I get the frustration with .Karma files all but requiring you to replay the entire game due to the shennanigans, having lost a years-old save file myself.


Selfishly, I hope you continue and/or restart the run, because I enjoy reading it and your other works, but in the end, it's up to you if you want to or not. So, if this is the last time you update this run, it's been a good one, and I toast to a good ending. If not, then I toast to it's glorious return or rebirth.

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Honestly, I'd fully understand if you couldn't be arsed to contine this thing with how irritating the game can be, and I haven't even seen all that more recent stuff that's apparently even worse.

I fell off the game back after V11 or 12 I think, the one where you get yeeted off to the desert because plot and since then your nuzlocke has been the only thing that's prevented Rejuv from being banished to the dark recesses of my memory. Why do you torment me such

I do hope you'll continue with some sort of project since you're a funny guy, good luck for whatever your next endeavors will be!

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17 hours ago, DerogatoryTrainer said:


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Ah yes. Right on time as I close up shop.
Alas, I feel for Jan on this one.
I wouldn't like my creations lusted after by rogues like myself.

So anyway the 4 chapter long sex scene should be up in a few days.


Unfortunatelly, when a character is published on Internet, it remains on it for the eternity. Ask this to the old Overwatch developers...they have created monsters. Especially the feminine ones.

Other than that, I understand why people would be mad for the ruined old files' situation. Especially when older and, sometimes, fun mechanics were removed and you can't return to them. And about the critics for the future.... since I'm a sort of "game theorist", I'm patient and have hopes for the future instead, but...at the same time, I don't want Rejuv to become that meta.

If this is truly the end for your works on Rejuv, good luck for your other endeavors!

Oh, right, about Melotta in some posts ago:


I can say it's a retcon? I saw so many retcons on previous retcons between just two updates. Meloetta was added as a mention in the main story back in the first time we travelled to the past.


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And do you mind telling me why we're back focusing on this nonsense during the finale chapter?

Yeah this whole Madelis section is all pointless.



There was something stupid about him being the Dragonborn despite getting his Salamence killed, right?

Yeah pretty sure that whole thing was never brought up again, poor dude just got lied too.



Because 90% of characters in this region ARE girls.

90% of the important characters are, yes.



"I'm going to be conveniently interrupted so nobody else can call out what a horrendously idiotic idea this was."

Or because the writers didn't want her to say it out loud so she never realizes how stupid she is.


If so, please shoot yourself in the stomach with this Melia-fingerprint covered gun and send me the stream link so I can watch you die slowly for your comedic crimes against humanity.

Why is her fingerprints on it




N-no, I succeeded!

It's the game that failed me.

Actually true for once, apparently having max revives as your sole food lets Giratina never faint. The real question left is where did Geara get all those max revives from.


(Is it just me or does this attack seem really easy to dodge?)

(Just walk two steps to the left or right.)

Not to mention the long setup time



Bit of an underreaction there, Melia.

Thought you'd be like "*GASP*! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" or "No...Nim did this? But...why?"

Seems to me her sheer rage is overcoming any other emotion



This game CONSTANTLY defies basic logic and human understanding so there's almost a 100% chance my reasonable deduction will instead be some nonsensical shit like: "Vitus was actually an evil AI that Jan himself sealed in a video game file and the only way to defeat it and save the world was to make a fan-game and have thousands of people beat him over and over again until every remnant of Vitus is destroyed".

Funny you mention evil AI




Almost everyone in your gang is a freakshow as well



More we learn, the more hair I rip out in frustration.

And the more I facepalm at some of craziness

You can pounce like a cat as well






Not as bad as Ren though, poor guy got it the roughest out of all the important characters literally just dips for pretty much the entirety of the mid game



Huh...explains why you could never do that spirit sensing stuff.

But...a new power?

What the fuck could that be?

Good question, I never played any of the revamped content in v13.5 so maybe they changed something but I am pretty sure those new powers are not brought up again.



Have there actually been any Shadow Pokémon this whole season?

Yeah shadow pokemon became irrelevant really fast specifically after your stealing device gets fried too, meaning the whole trip to Akuwa and getting captured was totally pointless. Hahahahaha (kill me).

Ok have fun being shoved to the backlines like most of our allies. Honestly the only useful ones will be Crescent and Player Character and Melia will probably get a seat in the frontlines too not cause she is useful but cause MC power.




Except masters 8 but I guess that wasn't a thing when you wrote that. Also you live on a Island archipelago like Alola where Ash won.



Shit, I thought Blaziken was your favourite?


I am glad I am not the only one who thought Blaziken was her ace and starter

That's adorable



She would probably be happy to hear that



And doesn't "pan" meaning "all" in Latin or something?

So she's attracted to EVERYTHING?




And that is somehow still the least craziest thing in this game

This might be your best edit yet. Its that or
But the worst is still the Veronica and Puma fusion. Nightmare fuel.



I'll be honest with you, gang.

I DON'T like where this game is heading story-wise.

Enough that it's really killing off any interest I have in continuing to play it.

Ever since V13 released I've grown a LOT less enthused about this game and it's story.

I think something must have happened to Jan after V12 was released and he went insane (Or he played way too much Deltarune/Persona 5/Danganronpa which is basically the same thing) because that's the best way I can describe what a genuine mess the game's plot becomes after that point.

Honestly fair. I don't feel like playing the new revamped content myself for how crazy everything has been, half of the stuff just feels so unnecessary like was their really any real purpose in making the mother of the orphanage a grafuan with magic power, so I totally get just not feeling up to playing this game. Better to stop now then forcefully drag your feet through the mud and have the your own mental health and content suffer greatly because of it. The only reason I am still going through this game is because the gameplay is still fun and I like being able to use so many Pokemon can pretty much recreate my dream team across all regions with how long this game is and how much content it has.



While you do get dialogue options to select in later versions, the fucking character you play as actually makes plans and schemes that you, the player, have no fucking clue about.

Yeah the player character might as well be an actual character with some personality and not a bit of a blank slate, cause it doesn't really feel like a character that you are.


Either I continue on from here into V11, 12 and 13 or I start over in a more modern version to stay up-to-date with the new mechanics, Crests, Regional Pokémon (with the downside being dealing with the ever-worsening story and ever increasing character bloat that absolutely did not need to exist.)

Yeah I think you should just do the latter and maybe write some quick thoughts on the new stuff and continue on from there. This could also be a good time to start playing on the current version of 13.5 since your screenshots corrupted. Or just quit.



Wait, what?
I thought the curse was gone!?
Dammit, did Zolt and Nova die for NOTHING!?

Also I never said the curse was gone, truth is idk. I only got some info on this quest from another member on this forums, when it comes to v13.5 I pretty much only played the new story and didn't really touch the new revamped stuff for reasons I have already listed.

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yeah jans constant updates to the game kinda fucks over old savefiles and makes people who dont replay lose out on a lot of content, its been kinda an issue for a while but hopefully its done after v13.5


as for you continuing the run, well thats entirely up to you, hopefully you find the energy to continue it but if not well the past 8 years was a fun ride regardless and the end of a version is a pretty good place to end it as a nice time capsule of what the game was like if nothing else

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Man I’m gonna miss reading this run, I’ve been here watching this thing go on for years, ever since high-school, now I’m in college getting close to graduating and going out into the real world, but you shouldn’t have to keep playing this game if you’re not enjoying it.  

Yeah the plot has gotten crazy since V13, even more crazy than before. I think one of the issues that plagues the story and the stories of a lot of these fan-games is that the writers think bigger stakes means the story will be more impactful. It did at one point in time but so much media these days from movies to tv shows (Namely Marvel) has really made the end of all reality not the important or outstanding anymore. 

Guess it’s from how overdone it is and how the end of all multiverses is not as comprehensible as something as small like some old deactivate trying to find out who the killer is in a small town. Vastly different stakes but the Murder Mystery story can get more care from the audience. 

I just hope the game doesn’t keep adding more and more mysterious and powerful characters that apparently have control of reality since the days of the cosmos existing.

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Then there's the fact that in .karma files it drops the plot point that the updates that Rejuv goes through are canon. Because in the new 13.5 update there's a new character, that if you answer his questions correctly will tell you that he's an anomaly and that the world 'resets' itself every time there's an update. Example? He mentions places that existed in the version your playing in but no longer exist in the new update.


So Sean (the character) has been timeline/dimension hopping the whole time and its only brought up at the end game of .karma files.

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