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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Rejuvenation: Part 3 Finale: Remember, I Wuv You (05/12/23)

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"optimistic and upbeat attitude"


"optimistic and upbeat attitude"


"optimistic and upbeat attitude"




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We have suffered two great losses today.

Doggle and Seans golden locks will be missed dearly.


I worry that this playthrough will be a short one. But maybe I just lack faith (and skill)


Uh also was I on an old version, or are you? because I don't remember amethyst grotto looking like that...


Edited by DreamblitzX
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Okay first thing first: what happened to your majestic hair? Did you get assaulted by a Scyther or something? 

R.I.P. Doggle dogs don't go to heaven...probably because it doesn't exist but you're a fire type so it'll be fine

It is just me or this episode was full of copypasta from Reborn? Skitty, Corey, gang war.

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This one was funny.

See, Venam is cool, shes just a bitch

How dare you heathen...   You should learn to praise Dunsparce, one of the most useful of the derp mons!  Seems you underestimate the effectiveness of paraflinch! And it has decent bulk too!

Doggie's death was the most unfair so far.   You will forget him fast when you recieve Kamiina's reward tho

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Alas poor Doggle. It would have been cool if you'd managed to make him an Arcanine. But twas not to be...

At least you won't have to worry about him setting his teeth on fire anymore though. That must save loads on dentistry bills.

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hah i was so waiting for the mega ring part ^^      i know of a certain person who stopped playing rejuv after that scene xD

lack of battles, but funny enough.  we also got a free barbie nuzlocke


Also do not despair,  Mothball learns Royal Gust at level 26 so you will finally  have a flying STAB!  AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Hey at least it has Bug Bite, and the species have both good attack and special attack!


You say you dont have water types, so maybe use that rod at least once? you might get something decent!


inb4  Pathetic has Hidden Power  Psychic and sweeps Keta 


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That barbie ice cream nuzlocke was awesome, too bad you lost, well at least next time we'll get the barbie escapes from hungry animals one

I honestly forgot Karen existed...she appeared in episode 4 or 5? Who wants to bet we'll get that mega ring from her bloody dead corpse sooner or later?

I like Chiller he seems nice


...Sean listen to me it's very important...don't forget the CATASTROPHE...that's all

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  On 2/12/2017 at 6:38 AM, Gaunt said:

That barbie ice cream nuzlocke was awesome, too bad you lost, well at least next time we'll get the barbie escapes from hungry animals one

I honestly forgot Karen existed...she appeared in episode 4 or 5? Who wants to bet we'll get that mega ring from her bloody dead corpse sooner or later?

I like Chiller he seems nice


...Sean listen to me it's very important...don't forget the CATASTROPHE...that's all


Remember this Sean...:


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Wow, I can't believe that I missed three updates, my stalking skills must be out of practice... But I'm up to date now at least :D

Also, is that Voltorb's real sprite in the game? If so, that is incredibly depressing, it looks like it's just seen something that can never be unseen.

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I cant really defend the gym invalidation thing that much but maybe the creators have a logical explanation for it maybe ask them about it?

also wanted to say that you usually get a extra reward if you complete all of a help centers requests in an area so I would highly recommend going back and completing the kecleon one when youre a stronger as well as any others you skipped I'm confused in the replies about the hate for melia can you clarify a little more it might due to the fact that the area you might be referring do was changed after I got past it and that's why I don't understand the hate as musch

Edited by nepeta100
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Keta was disappointing to watch (the shiny Lucario was cool though) at least we got Adrienn to make up for it btw Pounce is still the luckiest Liepard i have ever seen

Poor Chiller he only wanted a memento from the fight what's wrong with that? And then you boxed him he'll probably hold a grudge...naaah he's too nice for that 

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If i were you i would be gentle when handling Chiller. Remember, he uses will o wisp to deal with family problems.  And you are as close to a family as can be right now.


Nothing bit that mock fishing attempt :(    Also goldeen is not as bad as you may think. It learns waterfall very early, while in these games u get surf very late. Also being immune to electric attacks is a thing.   I humiliated Blake with Seaking and Pachirisu duo

Edited by DemICE
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Ah yes, I remember the Keta fight, I was pretty surprised when I saw how under-leveled he was too. I was worried for a minute that rejuvenation would pull a Corey/Kiki on me...

But I suppose he does "give" you the badge... eventually.

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It's good to see you making friends with team Xen (it will suck when/if you'll have to kill them in the future but that's a problem for later)

I can't believe you made TNT learn selfdestruct do you not care for his life? No? Me neither (never liked "ball" Pokemon for some reason)



Sorry for misspelling Adrian (the funny thing is i don't even like Adrienn but i get them confused anyways)


Chiller will get you when you least expect it...diabetes can be deadly.

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Yay for aimlessly running about and making friends in a super hot volcano! Isn't it good that all the usual crap that goes along with excess heat doesn't count in Pokemon?

And I really hope Numel makes it out of the box, I want to see more of Prince Ali, Handsome is he, Ali Ababwaaaaaaa~ 

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