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PokeNations2: Type Draft


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Welcome one and all to the PokeNations2 Type Draft!

This week, you've spent getting to know your teammates and deciding amongst yourselves who would be selected as your fearless leader. Well, those results are in, and the leaders are as followed:

Nation A: Secundum
Nation B: Dark Desire
Nation C: Xiri
Nation D: Reignited'Light
Nation E: Kaito
Nation F: Bazaro

Take a minute and give these guys a round of applause for all of the hard work that they will be doing for your nations.


And now it's time to begin the PokeNations2 Type Draft! For those of you that have not read the initial announcement post (or have just forgotten), the Type Draft is how TWO of your Nation's three types will be decided. Before we start, let's set up some ground rules.

  • Nation leaders and committee members are the only people allowed to post in this thread. All other responses will be swiftly removed. We do, however, encourage you to make any commentary that you would like in the General Discussion thread.
  • Please try to be swift with your type choices; we would like to not have to enforce a time limit.
  • Leaders should follow the Nation order when posting to claim types.

Time for the moment you've all been waiting for! The order that leaders will be able to claim their types is as followed.

C -> D -> F -> B -> E -> A -> A -> E -> B -> F -> D -> C

Start strategizing now, Nations! Leaders, claim your types quickly!

Once this phase is over, the committee will convene once more to issue each Nation their third and final type. After that, the games will begin!

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Alright - looks like we are kicking things off. That's a great start! Congratulations to the other Nation leaders too

As for the pick, Nation C would like to claim 'Water' please.

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Apologies for the wait, had to deal with family issues. Now then, for our pick, Ody has something special to say:

  On 5/20/2016 at 5:01 PM, Odybld said:

~This pick is brought to you by love~

A love down dirty and mean, brewed in a dungeon under the ground, walls moist and covered in mould... A love flowing from syringe, through the bloodstream, straight into the heart of witch...

I met you in the road to redemption... I would love to hold your lovely hands, kiss your lips and taste your blood like Dracula... lala! Yes, Poison is the cure to my Dark fixations.

Me and you together would be strong like a Sinister hand of cards, Spades and Diamonds... so while you're away in your dungeon I'll go for a night out in the city or in the Opera and think about you...

You found strength where noone expected it, and I shall not underestimate it further. Touch my body... Grant me your dirty and evil mind full of tricks, your sleight of a hand and your mean streak of killing your victims oh so smoothly and silently...

Venus, you've shown me a new light...

~The light of Poison~

So our pick is poison.
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  On 5/20/2016 at 6:05 PM, Xiri said:


We'll pick 'Bug' as our second type.

I feel your pain.

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