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Memoirs from a Certain Warrior from the Underworld


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Boredom is poison to us all

So, by want and caprice, I wander aimlessly in search of brief respites from the agony people call life

“I will indulge myself for just a bit”

It sounds bittersweet does it not? A world so dazzling as ours relegated to mere vanity

Existence is the driving force behind life, but in the face of eternity even the mightiest bastion of fortitude crumbles

Ashes to ashes. It sounds so bittersweet…

With these words of acknowledgement, I will surely be able to drink my black tea without putting any sugar in it for at least nineteen years

Of course I will enjoy this little show of ours. What kind of play will I see unfold? For it is not often I mingle with brethren

Naturally I will always be betrayed by my hopes as my endeavors end in disappointment

But that time is not yet here

A girl once said that expectations are the same as tea leaves

Without them you can’t ever brew any tea

And you’ll end up with just hot water

… Therefore it is better for hopes to turn to disappointment than hopes turning to apathy

But using too many tea leaves would make the tea unfit for consumption, would it not?

Perhaps hot water without any tea leaves is better after all

That’s why I’ll take my time and temper my tea leaves, and mix and stir in just the right quantity

I can’t drink tea that’s bitter after all…

We all create our own fate and play with it

We fool around in that little microchasm

But life is not a cruel game completely devoid of meaning

If we assume that I am not a traveler from hell, but a survivor from a sunken ship hopelessly defying my fate

In that instance this little theatre of ours would be an excellent block of wood to cling onto, would it not?

Kekeke…………. I guess there is no problem here?

Edited by Tartar
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