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My Final Team after Blitzing Reborn in 8 days


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It's been an interesting journey. I had originally found this game several years back and quit after playing it for an hour, only to return with renewed zeal late last week to find out how great a game I skipped out on playing. There's been some bumps on the ride, and several team replacements, but this is the team that carried me through this game. So without further ado I present to you, Team Ragnarok.


In-Depth Team description

Phoenix the Blaziken @Black Belt

Abillity: Speed Boost

Quirky Nature

- Flare Blitz

- High Jump Kick

- Brave Bird

- Bulk Up

This was my starter, and it has done good work throughout most of the game. Often it has been too difficult to set-up a sweep with it, but it's incredible coverage has always helped the team. Though I must confess that I didn't find it to be as overpowered as some people claim it to be.

Khonsu the Gyarados @Splash Plate

Abillity: Moxie

Adamant Nature

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Waterfall

- Dragon's Dance

Now this one has put in quite a lot of effort. I bought this one when I first played the game, and it helped quite a bit throughout the game. Thankfully it was blessed with an adamant nature and great IV's(21 atk, 26 def, 31, spd and blergh everything else) It's swept quite a lot of bosses, more so than Blaziken, and its bulk has come in handy many times. I wouldn't replace this thing for anything in the world.

Rhea the Roserade@Rose Incense

Abillity: Natural Cure

Modest Nature

- Giga Drain

- Venoshock

- Toxic Spikes

- Petal Dance

Again this one has done a great deal of work. I haven't bothered breeding it, but it's been a great wallbreaker throughout the game. Its petal dance took off 50% of Mega-Altaria's health during the Ciel fight. And it was the main reason I won the PULSE-Swallot fight. Sadly it was often rendered useless due to the typing of gyms, but in the end it has broken through many "walls", even when it was at a type disadvantage.

Summanus the Ampharos @Stone Plate

Abillity: Static

Adamant Quirky

- Thunder Wave

- Cotton Guard

- Discharge

- Power Gem

Ahh yes, Summanus, or otherwise known as the bane of Fern. This thing has great bulk, and it's Discharge and Power Gem helped provide great coverage throughout the game. Sure it never swept any teams, but when I needed a certain Pokemon paralyzed or softened up for another member to take out it always pulled through. This thing together with Roserade single-handedly defeated PULSE Swallot for me.

Tiamat the Azumarill@Splash Plate

Abillity: Adamat! <3

Adamant Nature

- Aqua Jet

- Play Rough

- Superpower

- Waterfall

And here comes the main sweeper of the team. Tiamat the Azumarill has OHKO'd more Pokemon than I can count. It's great coverage made it great in nearly every situation and during every fight it was the one I relied on to take out the opponent's main Pokemon. This thing is simply amazing.

Oberon The Sylveon@Leftovers hopefully at some point...

Abillity: Cute Charm

Adamant Mild

- Moonblast

- Wish

- Protect

- Toxic

And finally I've saved the best for last. I've had many good Pokemon on the team (namely Gyarados, Blaziken and Azumarill) but in the end Sylveon was the thing that carried me throughout the majority of the tougher fights during the later parts of the game. This thing's stall abilities are incredible. I naturally had to go back several episodes to get this move-set through chain-breeding, but in the end it was all worth it. The majority of trainers I faced had no way of dealing with this thing. Majestically it made easy work of Pokemon like Arceus, and the majority of Terra's team.


Thanks for reading this somewhat long wall of text. But I felt this was a good way to gain some closure on my journey throughout the Reborn region. If you have any comments, or ideas as to how I can improve the team, I'd love to hear them. Despite what may look like an invincible team I often lose the majority of the Pokemon during major fights. And Poison and Flying types have given me no end of troubles... Despite this I'm confident in this team's ability to move forward, and I gladly anticipate how it will handle upcoming threats.

- Tartar

Edited by Tartar
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8 days? But gyarados was way back in episode like.. 9? 10? I'm confused.

I first started playing this game 2 years ago. I got 1 hour into the game and quit. By this time I had actually done the original Magicarp event and therefore had one. When I updated the game last week my old save file was still valid and I just continued off of that.

Hopefully this clears up any confusion.

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