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Week 1 Matchups - Calling All Soldiers

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I'll pretty this post up a bit more later, but I want to get it out ASAP since we're trying to get this show on the road.
Competitors must use 1 Pokemon from each of the following tiers:

  • OU
  • UU
  • RU
  • NU
  • PU
  • NFE/LC (User choice)

The matchups will be as follows:

Kingdom of Avalon Amazon Nation

(6 - 1)

Skeleton vsSwampellow

Void vsRupe

Wendel vsZumi

Jericho vsBazaro

Chimchain vsBluewolf

DavidPWNs vsSparky

Swimming95 vsDrymus


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Gaia Nation The Ravenholts

(5 - 2)

Dark Desire vs Kamina

Marcello vs Tacos

Roswell vs AuthorReborn

DW vs IntSys

pyrromanis vs Cool Girl

pbood2 vs Mikzal

Dragon116 vs Trevo


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Nation of Atlantis Phantom Vulcan

(2 - 5)

99 Losses vs NovaKnight

Lobos vs mar_mar

FraRPetO vs YinYang

Lugruf vs Azery

personthing vs 2tousent

Morshu vs DJWongTong

K_H vs Reiginited'Light


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LEADERS: Please send me your SEVEN participants as soon as you are able. Once I have the contestants for all 6 nations, matchups will be randomized and posted here. To Victory!


1. Please check the showdown tiers for a pokemon listed as LC or NFE. If it is listed as another tier like Pawniard is in NU, it will not be permitted.
2. Ditto is not acceptable as a PU pokemon because it's form alters it to a potentially MUCH better pokemon with no real drawbacks.

*Thanks Zumi for awesome logo!

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  On 5/22/2016 at 12:48 AM, Jericho said:


1. Arceus WILL be permitted, provided it's holding a plate to make it one of your nations types. (Or your nation has Normal)

2. Ditto is not acceptable as a PU pokemon because it's form alters it to a potentially MUCH better pokemon with no real drawbacks.

3. Abilities that create permanent weather effects are not permitted. (Desolate Land, Primordial Sea, Delta Stream)

4. Geomancy is not permitted.


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  On 5/22/2016 at 3:55 AM, Chase said:

Clearly, because I missed sign-ups. :C

No excuse sir.

As said by Jericho on the main post of Signups: Perfect! The initial sign up period will go until Thursday May 19th, but you can still sign up at any time, ohoho. OH and please do remember, should you abandon your teammates, your soul will belong to me. For eternity~

So get on it and have some fun. :)

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  On 5/22/2016 at 5:32 AM, NovaKnight said:

so what the hell is the limitations bordeline tiers or nfe thier

BL = OU aka what tier it can be played in since BL isn't a tier (just shift it up from the BL)

NFE = PU since they are pretty bad and that's as low of a tier as they can go (some NFEs are given a tier iirc)

That's just a logical guess given how tiers work.

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  On 5/22/2016 at 5:46 AM, Commander said:

NFE = PU since they are pretty bad and that's as low of a tier as they can go (some NFEs are given a tier iirc)

Yeah logic dictates if it's something like Piloswine it'd be NU rather than PU, 'cause it's like... in NU.

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  On 5/22/2016 at 5:46 AM, Commander said:

BL = OU aka what tier it can be played in since BL isn't a tier (just shift it up from the BL)

NFE = PU since they are pretty bad and that's as low of a tier as they can go (some NFEs are given a tier iirc)

That's just a logical guess given how tiers work.

Correct on BL

NFE is not allowed unless it's like Fletchinder which is considered RU, or Pawniard which is NU? something to that effect.

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The only Pokemon that aren't fully evolved (NFE) that have tiers outside of PU, where most reside, are Chansey (OU), Pory2 (UU), Doublade (UU), Gligar (UU), Fletchinder (RU), Golbat (RU), Sneasel (RU), Togetic (RU), Combustken (NU), Ferroseed (NU), Piloswine (NU), Rhydon (NU), and Scyther (NU), just in case anyone is wondering.

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Petition to ban all Ubers, gg

Come on, just deal with it. You guys have, like, thrice the amount of Mega-threats that we have here. Drill harder and you'll see plenty of ways to counter M-Gengar.

(Also no I'm not gonna help you beat us.)

Edited by IntSys
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I'd assume the LC tiers are all in PU, unless indicated as being in another tier, as with NFE.

Edit: (In reply to Nick, down below, since I'm too lazy to post again)

As much as I like to make the competition tough, I cannot support P-don coming back in. Simply put, within your competition's available Pokemon, there is no viable counter to P-don aside from Toxic. Forcing (most likely) 2-3 slots of a team to counter just P-don is asking quite a lot. If you were against Flying or Dragon, I would think the ban should be lifted.

Geomancy... I'm on the edge about. Smeargle having it? Sure; even if BP allowed speed/attack to pass, it takes time, and that is penalty enough. Xerneas... still has viable options (LO, Scarf, Belt). The fact it HAS viable options outside of doubling half of its stats is what's frightening. Not that I ever use Geomancy on it in Ubers. Not reliable enough. The problem with Geomancy Xerneas is the segregated typing restrictions, which effectively tell you whether or not specific counters can exist on any given team.

Gengar-M being banned? If the balancing in our favour truly places your nation in such a position that it's... basically the same deal as with P-don, but reversed, then yes, it should be banned. No one Pokemon should force a team to have multiple counters specifically for it. However, if there exists a reliable way to take it out without harming the overall build of the team, it should be left in.

Edited by Cobalt996
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