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Week 1 Matchups - Calling All Soldiers

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remember when i predicted us to win 6-1... yeah. as expected, that's exactly what happened. like i said, totally unbiased, just facts.


tch tch tch true your predictions were a 6-1 but unfortunately your predictions went invalid the second dobby droped out skeleton lost to swapellow and infernape88 dropped out as i clearly recall your prediction was to each individual match thus making the results of the actual match up going up either way,you could say the end reults justify the means but your predictions were of each end match not the final tally thus making that argument against it invalid so


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tch tch tch true your predictions were a 6-1 but unfortunately your predictions went invalid the second dobby droped out skeleton lost to swapellow and infernape88 dropped out as i clearly recall your prediction was to each individual match thus making the results of the actual match up going up either way,you could say the end reults justify the means but your predictions were of each end match not the final tally thus making that argument against it invalid so


All his prediction concerning our team were right with exception of the ones where participants were swapped out :>

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Subbed in for Fink and beat Tacos. Good game, even if i was unprepared and only won due to insane luck.

I wouldn't really call it "insane luck" when were talking about Will 'o' Wisp missing once out of 2 times. That's a 64% chance to miss at least once, or in other words it was a 36% chance to hit twice. And you only needed Garchomp to set-up for 1 turn to win the game.

Thus it wasn't really luck but the unpreparedness of your opponents team to handle Garchomp. Don't undermine your own efforts, you made the Gaia nation proud out there!

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That's actually a 72.25% chance to hit both times. Regardless, yes, I was unprepared. Had it hit, I would have absolutely won though.

Oh, sorry. I was for some reason under the impression that Will 'o' Wisp had a 60% accuracy and not 85%. Still, 30% aren't the worst odds, though it does make the it more likely that you would have won had RNG gone your way.

Well, here's the consolation prize:


Good luck in your battle versus Atlantis. May your loss today harden you in upcoming fights versus Avalon and Vulcan.

Edited by Tartar
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