Jmanultrax1 Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 (edited) So Im pretty sure people have asked this question to others, or they questioned themselves about it. That question is simple where in the pokemon world would you start you adventure? In this topic you can post on what region you would start in and your pokemon team. There are some restrictions so this can be a bit more fun. 1. Name the region that you start in 2. which starter would you choose form that region 3. your full pokemon team (can be more than 6) 4. The pokemon on your team must be native and originated from that region. you cannot select different mons from another region to be on your team. ex: you pick kanto and have a hoenn pokemon on your team. <-- this is not acceptable 5. It is optional on whether you want ur pokemon fully evolved or not. (very interested in ur team results ) 6. Only one starter per team. 7. traded pokemon are ok as long as their in the region 8. pokemon that show up in two regions is ok. ex oddish in kanto and hoenn. 9. No legendaries. any previous posts with legendaries is ok, but its not allowed any farther. (gender and genderless) 10. evolutionary lines available in other regions is ok ex you pick Johto and have a gligar. gliscor is ok If there is a Topic about this already, please notify me and I'll make my way over to there immediately. Other than that have fun and I eagerly await ur answers! I would start my journey in Unova. my favourite region my starter is obviously snivy (my signature mon) my team would be: 1. Serperior 2. Palpitoad 3. Krookodile 4. Eelektross 5. rufflet 6. Hydreigon additional members: gigalith, Zoroark, Gurrdurr, Scolipede, Archen, Reuniclus, Frillish (male), Volcorona Edited May 27, 2016 by Jmanultrax1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Walpurgis Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 Hoenn. Hoenn is my favorite region. The first pokemon game I played was Sapphire. Torchic: was my first pokemon, the original starter. Also, Blaziken is a very strong pokemon. Mawile: Is a pokemon that got my attention by the first time I saw it. I like it, I like its new typing. Back then it wasn't very strong, but mega Mawile can hit really hard and has got good defenses and a very good defensive typing. It would be my team's mega. Flygon: my first dragon. I catched a trapinch because I liked it, but when it evolved I stopped liking it to LOVE it. I love Flygon and I love its line. Cacturne: While not te best pokemon, I like its design and it has proven to be more useful and versatile that I thought in my Reborn grass monotype. I like it. Milotic: When I first saw Feebas it looked cute to me, so I wasted a lot of time unsuccessfully searching it. Later in the game I eventually discovered Milotic and that it was its evolved form, wich made me to want it even more. Despite all my efforts and the time I wasted looking for it, I never got to have one. It's kind of my impossible pokemon love. Altaria: cute and fluffy. I like it, I don't need more. Tropius: It isn't a very good pokemon, and then it was even worse. Despite this, the first time I saw it, it fascinated me. Cradilly and Armaldo: the region fossil pokemon. I put them together because I don't want to choose between them never again. I love both of them. Shuppet: not banette, shuppet. It's my lil' cute ghost type. Jirachi: Cutest legendary pokemon ever. I love its typing, I love its powers. It makes people dreams come true and it sleeps for thousands of year, they are my pokemon self! I would like to add some pokemon of other regions (kingdra, heracross, skarmorry, lanturn, corsola...) but I suppose that Hoenn has everything I need. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YoshiofRedemption Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 Sounds fun, but I do have a quick question. Are trade evolutions allowed? (For example, Magmar is found in Johto but can evolve into Magmortar (a pokemon originally from Sinnoh) when traded and holding a Magmarizer.) If it's not the case, it's not the end of the world. Thanks for your time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mde2001 Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 This sounds fun Johto: I've always loved the Johto region. I'd pick totodile as it is one of my favourite starters. Pokemon: Totodile Azumarill (I know this is a second water type but I want it anyway) Crobat Ampharos Heracross Tyranitar Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swampellow Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 (edited) On 5/23/2016 at 8:26 PM, Jmanultrax1 said: 4. The pokemon on your team must be native and originated from that region. you cannot select different mons from another region to be on your team. ex: you pick kanto and have a hoenn pokemon on your team. <-- this is not acceptable What about the pokemon not technically from the region but are still native, ex:sandshrew in hoenn or any of the non-gen 6 mons in kalos? EDIT: Hoenn because love. Swampert - First pokemon, my favorite pokemon. best water starter Swellow - My second pokemon and also is my second favorite. Bet you can't tell how I thought of this username Tropius - I fell in love with the banana tree during my first ever time playing pokemon, it for sure has a spot here. Wailord - Just an amazing pokemon for me whenever I have used it in-game. Those four are my original team from my first ever play through of Ruby(Which I still have) For pokemon I would add now: Manectric - I used it during a play of Sapphire and then again in Omega Ruby, fell in love. Sandslash - Sandshrew was my first shiny, it only seems right for him to be a part of my team. Edited May 24, 2016 by Swampellow Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FairFamily Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 (edited) I would start in Kalos because it would be a new area to me. My starter would be fenniken because I like the mage-like look of Delphox. My team would eventually look like:-Delphox-Aegislash -Noivern -Sylveon -Malamar -Clawitzer Edited May 23, 2016 by FairFamily Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheep Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Johto for sure. I'd pick Cyndaquil. TyphlosionNoctowlAmpharosYanma (or Yanmega if that's allowed)Heracross Muk Arcanine Tauros JolteonEspeon Gligar (or Gliscor if that's allowed) Porygon2 (or Porygon-Z if that's allowed) Lapras Venusaur (in reality I would have one but you said only one starter) Tyranitar Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverJakler Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Unova for sure. Oshawott, cuz he's my boy. Be the end of the journey, my team would be: Samurott Darmanitan Braviary Zebstrika Zoroark Reuniclus Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Narckarth Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Unova because Black is my favourite game (also because I could do a mono fire team there) Starter would be Tepig Team would be Emboar Pansear Darmanitan Heatmor Chandelure Volcarona Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Sinnoh. Twinleaf. Magnezone. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Avatar of Grima Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 On 5/24/2016 at 2:41 AM, Viridescent said: Sinnoh. Twinleaf. Magnezone. Viri, that's not adhereing to the rules. However it's nice to know I wouldn't be alone in Sinnoh. Starter would be Turtwig, my team would be: Torterra Lucario Glaceon Magmortar Staraptor And Garchomp Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 All right, all right; Sinnoh. Burd of Honour (Empoleon) POWREFLU SATRAOTIR (Staraptor) Lord Magnet (Magnezone) Luke Skywalker (Lucario) RAAAWR (Garchomp) Mother in law (Hippowdon) Ah, sandstorms. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fumble Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Unova, a place of truth and ideals~ Emboar (tbh if Blaziken and Infernape didn't come before it, I think there would be less hate for this one - but anyway, I really like its shiny Sprite and its huge movepool which even includes Scald, making it one of two Fire types to learn that.) Jellicent (who doesn't love this, tbh. I also was contemplating Chandy, but Emboar's already my Fire type :>) Whimsicott (ploof) Archeops (one of the coolest Flying types in Unova, plus fossils yea!!! ew ability tho) Cinccino (omg so cute omg so skill link + kings rock wee) Scrafty (luv this one too, gimme that moxie + high jump kick) Eelektross (no weaknesses + omg so cool + why does it learn these moves lol) Other Pokemon I like that I would consider: Victini, Chandelure, Stoutland, Braviary, Mandibuzz, Carracoasta, Sawsbuck, Escavalier, Lilligant, Reuniclus, Mienshao, Swanna, Crustle, Emolga, Scolipede, Krookodile, Vanillite Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xiri Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Sinnoh - It has always been my favorite region Starter: Piplup (Not my favorite Water starter, but it'll do) Team: GLACEON FROSLASS MAMOSWINE WEAVILE TOGEKISS EMPOLEON Honorable Mentions: Garchomp, Rotom-Wash, Staraptor and Lucario (Hint Hint) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lilleen Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Region: Originally, I wanted to go with Jotho, but I decided to go with a region I havn't explored at all: Unova Starter: Snivy. Pokémon party: Serperior, Gigalith, Excadrill, Chandelure, Escavalier and Braviary Hounarble mentions: Stoutland (freaking tank of a dog), Zoroark, Klingklang, Cofagrigus and Lilligant. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jmanultrax1 Posted May 24, 2016 Author Share Posted May 24, 2016 (edited) the rules have been adjusted to those who have questions. If you have any other questions regarding mons for ur team setup feel free to post. Edited May 24, 2016 by Jmanultrax1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Masquerain Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 (edited) Kind of a tie between Johto and Unova but I'll go with Unova because. So anyway Would start in Unova Pick Snivy Full team would be.. SerperiorMienshaoGalvantulaZoroarkChandelureScolipede honorable mentions: Krookodile, Jellicent, Excadrill, Hydreigon, Eelektross, Leavanny Edited May 24, 2016 by Masquerain Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shing Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Sinnoh. Because it's a good mix by nature and citizen. Not much nature like Hoenn and much newlike city with technoligies like Unova. Fits perfect for me. Pokemon. 1. Infernape 2. Roserade 3. Dusknoir 4. Staraptor 5. Luxray 6. Floatzel Honorable mentions: Mamoswine, Electrive, Mismagius, Froslass, Honchcrow, Sudowoodo, Spiritomb, Togekiss. A lot of pokemon in sinnoh actually ._. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cepheus Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Region: Kanto [Kalos] Starter: Eevee (it was Blues starter in yellow! - hope that counts...) [Froakie] Team: Eevee Jolteon Vaporeon [Greninja] Flareon Sylveon Glaceon additional: Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon, [Vaporeon] and don't you dare say they aren't native! Eeveelutions could never be caught in the wild, and the only reason they couldn't be native is because of not yet implemented game mechanics! but IF you would say that - there are my 'second opinions' Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sieg12 Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Hoenn. Was the first region I travelled through and despite all the water I loved it. Starter would be treecko and my endgame team would be Sceptile- on my first run I chose this guy and i still love him for the badass he is. Manectric- my faithful companion. Milotic- I like its elegant and mystic design. Exploud- it looks stupid but it looks cool too. Plus it looks like the type that enjoys heavy metal! Flygon- it's a different take on the whole dragon thing and frankly I like it a lot. Absol- dark is my favorite type and absolutely just looks so badass and awesome. I also like how it's hero with bad publicity. It really adds to its character. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tartar Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 (edited) I'll start in Kanto. Rattata will be my starter... And my only Pokemon... It will be called Alexander... Together we will conquer all the known world... Edited May 24, 2016 by Tartar Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jmanultrax1 Posted May 24, 2016 Author Share Posted May 24, 2016 I wish you best of luck on your jounrney. May Alexander bring u many victories and smiles. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halloween Posted May 25, 2016 Share Posted May 25, 2016 johto representing yo less so cause i had to look up how to spell it but still. from the beautiful city i cannot remember the name of 'cause ive drugged myself to amnesia with a combination of physical labour and nsaids. sprout tower is there? i like when im mid-range in games the most, i tend to lose interest towards the end 'cause im hard to entertain, so naturally, mid-range team. id pick cyndaquil and probably have a hunter for a long time but eventually diss it for mismagius cause even thou gengar is great i needed more johto on my team, haha quilava weavile misdreavus jolteon nidorino scyther Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
doombotmecha Posted May 28, 2016 Share Posted May 28, 2016 I love Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova, but Sinnoh's Mon selection early on is literal---actually, the WHOLE DAMN GAME has terrible mons, there's like 3 mons that I like before the 3rd gym Hoenn has really good starters, but Unova has a desert pretty much full of strong mons and also Excadrill hmmm ...remembering crucial facts... HOENN HAS METAGROSS NEVERMIND Let's See... Starting with Torchic, no ifs, ands, or buts. I love soloing half the game with double kick. pick up a Marill because I mean I don't like its design but when I needed the rabbit the rabbit pulled through Sableye for status shenanigans and being immune to brawly Elektrike for lighting doge (also nostalgia) Skarmory for Iron Birb Trapinch and Lileep on the way back...oh no. I LOVE SO MANY MONS FROM THIS GEN Full team: Blaziken (Hoenn Fried Chicken) Metagross (the best pokemon. ever.) Flygon (Pretty wierd, pretty cool) Wailord (its huge I love it) Cradily (sup Rini) (also half of Emerald is water types Magneton (sup Viri) (see cradily) from there i'd probably travel to sinnoh-->unova-->gen 7 and collect up more cool mons Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YoshiofRedemption Posted June 1, 2016 Share Posted June 1, 2016 Like many others who have commented before me, I'd start in the Johto region. I'm nostalgia-blind and proud of it, dangnabbit. I'd start with Cyndaquil because more of me being nostalgia-blind. Final Team: *Noctowl *Ampharos *Kingler *Scizor *Magmortar *Lickilicky *Typholsion (mainly for backup) The first 6 are actually my team from the first game I ever Nuzlocked, HeartGold, and they served me well. now all I gotta do it beat Red in it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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