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What pokemon is your signature?

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So this Topic we will be discussing signature pokemon. This does not mean pokemon that are in ur signature on the reborn community. What I mean is a pokeon in general. Not a favourite pokemon. Not what pokemon are you? A pokemon that when people see it they will think "oh that reminds of so and so! " its sort of like a tag line? get it? ;) (if u need a better description, think of Pikachu and ash instantly pops up)

The rules so its not so plain for everyone:

1. you must name ur signature pokemon ( if its an evolutionary line its fine) ex: charmander evolutionary line

2. provide a picture of ur signature mon (same thing with an evolutionary line, its fine)

3. give a reason why its ur signature mon.

4. duplicates are fine. ex: two people choose tepig, its fine.

For me my signature mon is the snivy evolutionary line, preferably snivy as it has been since unova was relased


my reason is because I instantly loved this thing from when I saw it. It proved more than itself in game wise abilities, plus its got a calm, cool collected personality. And come on ur telling me u didn't enjoy its sprite in black and white where it crossed its arms and shook its head and tail. I always imagined it saying "Im waiting. its ur turn".

If this is not where this topic belongs please let me know, Thank you.

Other than that enjoy!

Edited by Jmanultrax1
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Do you really need a reason to love this guy? Just look at it!

And competitively speaking, it is the ultimate gimmick Pokemon. Designed to do one thing and one thing only, but boy, is it good at it... Except now its gimmick has been murdered by Smogon <.<

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My signiture pokemon is totally a dragonite, right.... right.

Nah, dedenne is clearly my signiture pokemon. If you need a picture, look to the left.

Dedenne is super cute, has a cool typing and can be quite good in battle. I love it so much :D

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Ha. Haha. Hahahahahaha!

When one thinks VIRI, one thinks of only one Pokémon...



Need I say more?

All right, getting serious:

I have a preference for alien, inorganic, mechanical or otherwise non-bionic Pokémon, such as Metagross, Deoxys, Starmie, Magnezone, Porygon-Z, and so on. I draw a parallel with the idea of unconventional life forms, especially such as these, which to me are the manifestation of advanced intelligence and pure thought without the encumbrances of emotional or sentimental appeals. Consequently, I also like the abilities Analytic, Download, Technician and so on.

I chose Magnezone to be my 'signature' because it meets the most out of the aforementioned conditions, and is also a Steel type, to which type I am partial. With the passage of time, and with my own somewhat dry and rarefied demeanor, Magnezone became synonymous with me.

I do indulge this joke a little (or a lot, depending on the extent to which people get annoyed by the puns I make) and even went so far as to celebrate the Tenth of May as Magnezone Day, so I guess that is now indelible as my 'signature'.

There's also the fact that I have 222 assorted Magnemites, Magnetons and Magnezones in Reborn, a result of my perfectionistic obsession with breeding perfect HP Fire IVs:


There's a good six boxes more.

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I know I like to claim Swanna because of my results from the Reborn type test, but let's be real here:


Noctowl it is. I've always been fond of owls, and if it weren't for the existence of Skarmory, Noct would be my favourite Gen II bird.

I always thought it's cool how owls are associated with intelligence/wisdom (but also death :'3). And you usually won't notice their presence unless they decide to make a noise.

But, y'know... mostly for the Insomnia jokes.

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It may seem contradictory to what my namesake actually is, but my signature mon happens to be my favorite Eeveelution


It was my favorite gen 6 mon and frankly I just like how it looks. I also have about 5 of them, so there is that too

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Ampharos! I liked electric types to begin with,. My fav electric type used to be Luxray (and my overall favourite was Darmanitan), but then Rejuvenation came along, and... Well, let's just say Ampharos haxed everything into oblivion which is why it got shifted to after the 6th gym to become available. Nontheless, the fact that it did so well in one of my runs in Rejuvenation made it my favourite mon and my go-to hax inflicter next to Crobat.

it also looks so happy tbh it's so cute

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If you asked me 3 months ago this question I would have answered my all time favorite Luke Skywalker and its fabulous Mega Evolution!


But now I can't lie that my signature pokemon is definetely the almighty Fire Pig!


Edited by pyrromanis
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Sneasel evo line, Sneasel particularly


regular ol' pic

It was my favorite Pokemon back when I started playing the pokemon games with Crystal. Years later I started using its japanese name (Nyura) as a nickname in online games/mmos/whatnot and it just kinda became my signature Pokemon. It embodies qualities I like and/or would want to have. Its design is lovely and badass+ it resembles some little assassin. Shares a tie with Charmeleon for "spirit pokemon"

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Medicham with or without mega i suppose, it has my favourite typing psychic though i don't usually prefer physical mons it is the few exception and pure power is a great ability, its design is awesome too.

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No one shall ever know. My signature pokemon is the most well guarded secret in this community.

What's that? You won't take no for an answer? Fine...


That's right it's Crustle. Toooootally Crustle.

P.S. It's not Crustle.

P.P.S. It's Heracross.

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Pikachu has been such a big part of my childhood. It used to be my favorite Pokémon and the anime used to be my favorite show. I didn't understand everything, but I just knew I liked it. I know a lot of people are tired of Pikachu because its the mascot and gets "special treatment" because of it, but it is the reason I am here today.

So yeah, my signature Pokémon is this lovely electric mouse.

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Gourgeist. People might not really ever associate me with this thing, mainly because I don't usually talk about it and cuz I only have 1 avatar with it, but it is my fav pokemon and my "signature mon" alrigth.

In any fangame where the thing is actually available, it is GUARANTEED to be a main part of my team for the whole game no matter what. That includes reborn, reju, gaia, insurgence, and basically every game that has it. It is also super duper useful in game! against an AI gourgeist is THE ghost type. Leech seed, will-o-wisp, shadow sneak, destiny bond, phantom force, seed bomb, even goddamn flamethrower although it's SpA is garbage for arceus' sake.... if it is included in its various sizes all the better, because I love the XL one the best, and I'll gladly spend hours if needed to find one. The bigger pumpkin the better!

I also use it in showdown from time to time if I just want to have fun with a team, but since I suck at teambuilding I haven't been able to make a team revolving around gourgeist yet.

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Similar to TimTim, my signature Pokemon is Medicham/Mega Medicham. (Now if only I knew how to add pictures/gifs to these posts like practically everyone else.)

Ever since I caught Medicham in my first run of Pokemon Platinum 7 years ago in Mt. Coronet, it's proved itself useful countless times. It would've been the first Pokemon I got to level 100...had my brother not stolen it from me when it was level 99 and most likely used a Rare Candy on it. After some time, I eventually got it back and then proceeded to wreck everything with it just like old times. Its Mega Evolution was a godsend and it makes me so happy. I'm now normally against reusing Pokemon I've previously used, but when I got the event Meditite in Apophyll Academy in Reborn, I couldn't resist using it again.

As to why I love it so much, it's most likely a case of nostalgia, but Pure Power and its Mega Evolution just proceed to wreck everything.

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(Now if only I knew how to add pictures/gifs to these posts like practically everyone else.)

It's actually quite easy. You just find a picture or a gif, and then you drag it from where you found it and into the "post window" on this forum. And voila, you're posted a picture.

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Darkrai's my signature pokemon.

tumblr_npfy4tdxjP1s20o0yo1_500.png(Gonna source the artist here)

I loved it's design when it first came out and sympathized heavily with it during my middle school years because of it's movie. I was fighting very heavy depression during that time and it didn't really help that I was not only the new kid at the school (I was transferred because my mom worked there and wanted to save money on gas) but being shunned by my classmates and teased about what I liked.

Darkrai really helped me through that time, so while I don't use it often, I consider it my signature because of that.

Edited by IvoryUmi
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A lot of people know me as lilligant lover, but infernape is my signature pokemon in the end.

It's one of few pokemon where it's get good show in pokemon franchise. In games, it's really good and fun both casual and competitivie.

Anime is honestly where infernape got me. I loved the development both ash and infernape as a kid. I was also into super saiyan transforms so infernape's hyper blaze got me so much.

For me through, it's my favourite pokemon by childhood and competitive scene like smogon that i got into recent year.

Infernape will always be my signature no matter what.

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