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It's Time for a Death Battlllllllle Discussion Thread!


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This Webseries seems to be pretty popular and initiate a lot of discussion. So I thought "why not start a thread about it?" For those who don't know that this series is, it is a show on Screw Attack's Youtube channel where they settle all the playground arguments of what fictional characters would win in a fight. Goku or Superman? Megaman or Astroboy? Dante or Bayonetta? Chuck Norris or Segata Saturo? The upcoming episode's topic is Batman's Joker, vs Twisted Metal's Sweet Tooth. To be honest, I don't know about this one. Joker is known for knowing how to fight, have a ton of insane but surprisingly practical gadgets, and being a trickster who is always one step ahead of you. Sweet Tooth on the other hand is ridiculously strong, armed with tons of deadly weapons suit for a psycho killer like Shotguns, Machetes, Chainsaws, and lots and lots of Explooooooooosioooooons that would make Mr. Torgue proud. They are also both pretty damn nuts. This battle is a lot less one sided than the previous three match ups, so I am curious as to who will win.

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you know at first I thought they would put Joker against "The Trickster" from Flash (who, ironically, is played by Mark Hamill in the current TV-Show)

I never played Twisted Metal... but since it's all about weaponized cars... is Joker gonna fight the ice cream truck? because that would be... really one sided... hey I'm joker *vrooooooooom* *splat* DONE!

and, oh god I hope they don't bring up "Venom-Joker" from Arkham asylum... that was soooooo out of place and character for Joker in my opinion - but seeing how ST is a hulking Psychopath is with numerous murder-weapons, I guess they have no choice to bring it up to give the ol' clown-prince of crime a chance... as much as I love the Joker...

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Anybody else wanna see popplio vs the world? Because lemme tell you, that little guy has been put down enough to mass murder an entire army in seconds.

In all seriousness however, anybody have an opinion on what would happen if Greninja got a little pissed off at Naruto? I know who would likely win that battle but cmon if you take the limits off the PP on that hydro pump... Hehe

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I don't really know much about Twisted Metal, but we have to realize is that Joker lacks any real powers. The Joker is a threat mainly because he has the charisma to get his lackeys to pull off his insane antics, leaving him physically weak. The Joker doesn't have any enhanced abilities (unless you're counting the Joker for Injustice) meaning he's basically a normal guy with clown make up. I will say he has some fighting experince, but the Joker wasn't trainer by assasins or part of a secret government experiment, leaving him slightly above average. If he has some of his gear though, he could easily take down most foes, as his laughing gas is pretty brutal.

So really it depends on both the version of Joker, and what gear he's given.

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I guess it depends on which version of Joker they use.

Because if they use the Injustice version of The Joker then he'll have access to the 5-U-93-R pills which give people kryptonian-levels of strength. And in that can, can Sweet Tooth really beat Superman? I don't think so.

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It's also worth pointing out that Sweet Tooth's design takes inspiration from a lot of classic Horror Movie Psychos, Jason Vorhees, Leather Face, and of course, the guy from Psycho himself (idr his name.)

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Death Battle is honestly shit not very good. They mix different canons together and their fights are often biased / heavily influenced by the popularity of the characters.

then why did Goku loose to Superman... twice??

Goku was obviously the fan favorite and more popular among the viewers... and still boring old superman won... because Superman ALWAYS wins, because Superman is designed that way!

("Superman is as strong as he needs to be" - Supermans creator whos name I forgot)

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then why did Goku loose to Superman... twice??

Goku was obviously the fan favorite and more popular among the viewers... and still boring old superman won... because Superman ALWAYS wins, because Superman is designed that way!

("Superman is as strong as he needs to be" - Supermans creator whos name I forgot)

Superman should have won. But the Kirby vs Buu fight, was clearly biased. I could go into a million and one reasons why. I'll save my breath because I know how this works and everyone is already dead set on their opinions.

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then why did Goku loose to Superman... twice??

Goku was obviously the fan favorite and more popular among the viewers... and still boring old superman won... because Superman ALWAYS wins, because Superman is designed that way!

("Superman is as strong as he needs to be" - Supermans creator whos name I forgot)

Superman should have won. But the Kirby vs Buu fight, was clearly biased. I could go into a million and one reasons why. I'll save my breath because I know how this works and everyone is already dead set on their opinions.

I agree that Superman was the winner at the time (he no longer is, because Goku too OP now), but their reasoning was complete bullshit. First, Superman has lost many times before, second, the quote applies to any work of fiction. ALL characters have some form of plot armor and plot induced stupidity is extremely common as well.

I's like saying Harry Potter could beat Thanos or Darkseid in a fight because he's a children's book hero and good always triumphs over evil.

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I still remember watching that Kirby vs Buu fight and wondering what the hell I just saw, seeing as when buu got angry at people he literally just turned them into candy, and that savage son of a gun ate them without a second thought. I don't think that hairless jigglypuff could dodge that.

Speaking of Jigglypuff, does anyone actually want to attempt any thought on a Kirby vs Jigglypuff? I think this fight is at least somewhat more fair to some extent than the one against Buu in terms of zero bias and all things considered.

Jigglypuff is going to draw a certain part of a male when he catches Kirby sleeping if he wins this one, 10/10 ending I dare say.

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While Kirby might not be a match for Buu, he would absolutely wreck Jigglypuff, who has absolutely no feats that would put him even anywhere near Kirby.

I guess you could say

Jigglypuff's character really puts people to sleep (it's ok I'll jump off a cliff later for this)

I suppose Kirby could go at it with jiggles until he finally stops missing Sing (how do you even...?) I'm sure the emotional critical hit on Kirby from waking up with stuff drawn all over his face would at least slow him down a little bit, XD.

If Kirby can swallow Jigglypuff's microphone though (likely his first move) it's all over.

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Huh, some of you guys take this too seriously ha ha.

Screw attack and a lot of people affiliated with screw attack are well aware of you guys and your complaints and opinions. Hell, they make fun of it pretty often. Death Battle isn't law, it is a just for fun show that is incredibly popular. If you don't like the show then simply don't post here, you aren't contributing to the topic. This topic was made to speculate and have fun with the idea of who you think should win. Not whine and complain about how this show's personal opinions don't reflect your own.

Also, the Kirby vs Buu video obviously had some troll qualities to it. Just like their Yoshi vs Riptor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the new DeathBattle is online I must say... ... ... it was handed to the winner... the end made it really clear that this one was actually really biased... *sigh*

(at least that's my opinion on the ending)


next DeathBattle combatant #1... ... ... MEWTWO!

who can be Mewtwo's opponent?

I assume it is about some genetically created super-being - so who comes to mind?... ... ... hmmm... Sephiroth, maybe?

and I don't think we'll get another Pokemon vs. Digimon battle... we just recently had one with Charizard vs Greymon

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Mewtwos enemy is confirmed... SHADOW the Hedgehog!

so I was right with genetically created super-being!! muahaha!!

So Psycho-Power vs the Power of Chaos!

god I hope they don't let Shadow use guns... and only rely on his Chaos-Powers... who needs bullets when you have CHAOS-SPEARS?!?!?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well... that Death Battle was really dissappointing...

I was actually hyped to se it and then it is over so quick... boooooo!

the next Death Battle is based on the Halo web-series "red VS blue" (not to be confused with the Pkmn-Trainers Red and Blue)

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  • 4 months later...

Theyre research is sloppy and inconsistent and they make some conclusions sometimes that are easily debunkable and horrible. Torrian is also the only good animator they have left, and after watching omm on hyjns dojo now, those animators' talents were extremely squandered on screwattack.Oh, and I love how Mali and the others quit just because they were mad that Mali exposed them for trolling when its made clear they dont care about their fans.

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