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Gendered dialogue not recognizing player character gender?

Synthetic Rose

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"Guy" in this context is being used as the gender-neutral colloquial term to address people, generally informally.

Example: "What's up, guys?" The composition of the group being addressed does not matter, but it rather is being used to speak about everyone. This isn't so much an error and is more so just the strangeness of informal language.

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I've never heard it be used gender-neutrally when only referring to one person, though :P You'd say "You're the one who..." instead.

Really enjoying the game so far though, apart from the cringe that one line gave me! I like the idea of a grittier pokémon. It's fun.

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I've never heard it be used gender-neutrally when only referring to one person, though :P You'd say "You're the one who..." instead.

Really enjoying the game so far though, apart from the cringe that one line gave me! I like the idea of a grittier pokémon. It's fun.

English doesn't tend to refer to people as "the one" in informal settings. It's just weird like that.

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I've never heard of singular guy as gender neutral either, just plural guys to refer to a group of people. If someone said something like "Find the guy who stole the Pokemon", I'd assume I'm looking for a male. And I'm a native English speaker.

There are some situations where dialogue is slightly different depending on gender, but I won't spoil them.

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I think it was a character choice for this lil' dude's street dialect.

But changed it right quick because yeah, not worth.

Should've changed it to dude or kid instead of guy.

To be honest, guy is usually referred to as a male figure, but it can be used as a neutral term of slang. It's just used very rarely in singular form which is probably why nobody has really heard of it being used or it might sound a bit jarring.

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Becoming somewhat of an English(and language) nerd, thought I would give some input:

Denotation of guy: a man. OR An expert in a particular field. Example: Need your windows fixed? I know a guy.

Connotation of guy: A man. When used to refer to two or more people, the gender barrier is lifted and "guys" is used to refer to a group of people, regardless of gender. Example(s): You're the guy that bought all the hot dogs yesterday (carries male gender). Hey! It's Alice and Cathrine! What's up guys? (Genderless.)

So basically, yes, in this context, guy would carry the male gender in the language, but guys is a genderless word due to its plurality.

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