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Week 2 Matchups - All for One, One for All!

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Well well, did you all enjoy your first weeks endeavors? Now that we've got the warm up round out of the way and you've had a chance to look over a wide variety of your Pokemon, it's time we put this into more traditional use. This weeks challenge is quite straightforward. All for one, one for all. Every Pokemon on your team must carry the same item. This can be -any- item, but they must all be the same. The tiers in which each matchup will be fought were discussed amongst the committee members in attempts to make the battles on as even footing as possible.

Also, do not forget to submit your teams to your Nation's committee representative (or another if yours is not available) before starting your battle, failure to do so will result in the battle being deemed no contest. We don't even need to technically be here, leave it for us on Skype or via forum PM if you need to.

The matchups will be as follows:

(2-0) Kingdom of Avalon Phantom Vulcan (1-1)

(4 - 3) (OU)

Hoehe vsReignited'Light

TimTim vsSimon

Spineblade vsBagel

TRHStatement vsJelly

Arkhidon vsDJWongTong

Ame Rosa vsExLink

Secundum vsSapphire


Kingdom of Avalon: Void, Acecy, Solerance -- Phantom Vulcan: Azery, YinYang, 2tousent

(1-1) Gaia Nation Amazon Nation (1-1)

(3 - 4) (UU)

NickCrash vs DashingStorm

Sheep vs Huggyboo

ICSW vs Pyrrhon

Vex vs Quinn

Monochrome_Complex vs Sheepish

Taska vs Swampellow

Tartar vs Zumi


Gaia Nation: Shadow Tack, Etesian, Zechs -- Amazon Nation: Rupe, Commander, Spade

(0-2) Nation of Atlantis The Ravenholts (1-1)

(2 - 5) (NU)

Cowtao vs Hukuna

Sonic vs Jacobliterator

Xiri vs Red_Chaos

Inno vs Cobalt996

Ace_Trainer_Vince vs Odybld

DragonMasterKrim vs Cronos5010

Sinikuro vs Captain Breakfast


Nation of Atlantis: mde2001, DerogatoryTrainer, Tizara -- The Ravenholts: Ikaru, Kaito, Sumaru

LEADERS: Please send me your SEVEN participants and THREE substitutes as soon as you are able. Once I have the contestants for all 6 nations, matchups will be randomized and posted here. To Victory!


1. Yes, Megas are technically permitted, but only if you wish to give the same mega stone to every Pokemon on your team.

2. NO ITEM, counts as a specification, so if you wanted to use no item for say Acrobatics, you'd have to go no item on all Pokemon.
(Continue to check here, more may arise)

*Thanks Zumi for awesome logo!

Have Questions? Please leave them in green below and we'll answer them to the best of our abilities.

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Question:Whats the rules on trick and switcharoo banned or some gimmick at the same time fling consuble items thief and so on?

Yea as of this point we've not really decided to ban any of these moves. usually you'll get a somewhat marginal advantage from them since you either have to run bad gimmicky items to swap them onto your opponents or trick them something that is good item in some situations. Basically it's not really crazy powerful but... if the need arises we may reassess.

Do we 'have' to have an item?

Read the post, not only does it cover this, it also says to post questions in green. WHich is further proof you didn't read the whole of the post.

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Oh boy this is already getting


A humble prediction came to me just now. Nations will be destroyed as this little war of ours escalates. "May we witness something truly spectacular these coming weeks."

Edited by Tartar
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For the matchups and tiers designated to each matchup, are we to only use that tier in brackets for our teams or can we use below tiers too such as NU and RU and PU for UU or OU matchups?

My nation is currently unsure about this so a confirmation of what's legal would be appreciated.

Thanks. :)

Edited by pbood2
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I can confirm (from Jericho) that you can use everything in your tiers and downwards.

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For the matchups and tiers designated to each matchup, are we to only use that tier in brackets for our teams or can we use below tiers too such as NU and RU and PU for UU or OU matchups?

My nation is currently unsure about this so a confirmation of what's legal would be appreciated.

Thanks. :)

It's like any other tier, all Pokemon below said tier are legal. Seeing as your match up is UU Phood, you can use things from UU or below ((including things in the BLs below it as well!)) It's always been that way. It's jsut mons in lower tiers can struggle against those in a higher tier. However, there's always been stuff that has kinda floated tiers. ((Cobalion used to be RU and floated between RU UU and OU pretty regularly because it brings a unique strength in being a great pivot for teams that can set SR while using Volt Switch to keep up momentum or threaten certain mons with a fast and solidly strong Close Combat. As a note it's UU now, but it's still used in OU for the same purpose.)) So, yes, you can use mons that are below a tier within a tier.

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Won v ICSW, and before you get mad about OU let me explain.

Reborn is doing bad updating itself. Officially at this point in time, Celebi and Conk are UU, but Reborn has not registered this yet. As such we had to fight in OU.

ICSW, I thank you for cooperating and being a good sport. Great work out there today.

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