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Week 2 Matchups - All for One, One for All!

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For your humor.


You can't say the crit didn't matter because it did.

252+ Atk Dragonite Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Volcarona: 139-164 (44.6 - 52.7%) -- 24.6% chance to 2HKO
He was at 51% when being sent out plus Leftovers, putting him way above the KO threshold

Yes but if the Magnezone hit was not a crit? Did Bagel's Volcarona have Roost or Giga Drain?

I'd appreciate it everyone acted a bit more maturely from here on out, if you have an issue, please PM me or another committee member so we may discuss it.

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Why are we discussing if the match was won cause of hax? The game is over and the winner is already decided by whose mons are still alive at the last turn!
Does Bagel deserved the victory? Yes, he played well and he could have win. But so was Spine!
At the end pokemon is not only a rock-paper-scissors game. Random factors are part of the game.

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