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A (hopefully short) Story of my Team


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I'm new to these forums, so if this post is in the wrong place, please tell me.

I began playing Pokemon Reborn about three weeks ago, after I had seen the playthrough of it by shofu. I started the game, and buzzed through it. I put more than eighty hours into in those three weeks. I experienced all the things that made Reborn great. The deaths, the emotion, and the interesting ield effects.

When I beat the final gym leader, I began to prepare for the whoever would be the next gym leader. All of my pokemon were EV trained, and I felt like they could take on the world. I was specifically proud of my Lucario. When I had first gotten my egg, I decided that I would make a special Lucario with vacuum wave, which can only be recieved from Hitmonchan. Both pokemon were male, so I went through hours of breeding to get a female Lucario. I finally got vacuum wave as an egg move, and as close to perfect IV's as I could hope for. This Lucario was my masterpiece. However, I don't discredit my other pokemon, as all were powerful in their own right. I finally, three days ago, felt that I had done all I could in preparation for the next episode.

Then came the fateful moment. I was bored, and I thought I had heard that Pokemon Reborn could support multiple save files. I though all I had to do was choose new game. I wanted to do a nuzlocke. I began, got my starter...and saved the game. I overwrote all my progress, my hard work, and my team.

I only blame myself for rushing in without doing my research, but I wish there had been some sort of message asking me if I truly wished to overwrite my old save file.

I will attempt to bring back that team, but it won't be the same.

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You might be able to recover your team just go to "C:\Users\User\Saved Games\Pokemon Reborn" or search for game.rxdata and open the folder this file is located, there you will find a lot of .rxdata with a serie numbuer name and play time but also one called game.rxdata. First rename your current save "game.rxdata" and rename it to anything you want. Then look in the other for the one with the latest serienumber copy it and call it game.rxdata. Start up your game. You should have your old team back.

I also advise you too look at this http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20828.

Edited by FairFamily
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Search "Saved Files" (or the equivalent in your language) on your computer and there you'll find a folder called Pokemon Reborn. There is the main save "rxdata" along with many backup saves. You can delete the main "rxdata" save file and replace it with a previous backup save file, and you'll have recovered your save!

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