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Grandpa's national holiday

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I just wanted to indulge in a little personal thing, I know it's selfish to use the forum this way, but please forgive me.

See, in just 2 days a very important national festivity will start. Exactly 70 years ago, on june the first, a referendum was held, calling the people of Italy, who had recently been freed from fascism, to decide on the future of the country. It was the first time everyone aged 18 or older could vote, without distinctions of gender and social class. The next day, on june the second, the results came in: as per popular decision, the king (who had made it possible for Mussolini to seize power to begin with) was ousted, and Italy became a full-fledged republic for the first time in its history.

My grandpa, who died today, was among the people who made that fateful day possible. He was exactly my age back then: the retreating nazis and the fascists still loyal to Mussolini were fighting the advancing Allied Forces, who had invaded Sicily and were marching northwards, literally palm by palm, and they had built a fortified line to stop the advance of the Americans literally across my native valley which, given its position in the exact middle of the country, held strategic significance.

My grandpa had seen his dad, a notorious socialist, beaten up by the fascists multiple times, so when the news came in, he knew it was time for action: he went up to the mountains and became part of a guerrilla brigade, which helped the Americans break through the nazi lines. This technically makes him a traitor and a diserter, but considering that the people he betrayed were nazis and fascists, and considering that his actions led directly to my country becoming a republic, I am as proud of him as I could be.

While it is sad that he died just two days short of the national festivity held to remember and honor him and the thousands like him, I like to think that this celebration is for him. Goodbye grandpa, I can only wish I had a tenth of your courage.

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Your grandfather was a noble man, for what he did. He lived a meaningful life and I give my condolences and respects to his passing. Requiescat et pace.

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I have already said this in private but considering how much it took me to actually find the topic before I realised I could just go to your profile and search there...

Yeah. My respects to your grandpa, may he rest in peace.

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Wow, sounds like he did a lot of good, and you're right it's a shame he couldn't enjoy the celebrations but from what you said in your status he died surrounded by people he loved and people that loved him so at least his passing was the best it could be and may he rest in peace.

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Ah, how much a shame it was he couldn't see that day one last time A day to truly honor what he fought for all those years ago.

Also, it's even if it's a selfish act, there's nothing shameful about using this forum in this way. Not a thing. This man, your grandfather meant a lot to you, you want people to know what he meant, the things he did, and for there to be folks that know of his sacrifice. That this man who was very important to you, was someone who fought for his people, and for their freedom. You're telling us about a man that did good in this world, and what this world is now missing from it. There's nothing shameful in telling us what your grandfather meant, what he had done in this world and what this world has lost now that he has passed. We're here in the trainer's journal. A sub-forum for telling us about your life and what's going on in it. Inherently, this entire sub-forum can be called selfish. But, you've lost someone close to you, you're here telling us about a day that is meant to remember him, the people like him that struggled for a cause struggle to make this world better, you're not misusing this forum. You're not at all.

So, here's to a great man, and those that fought alongside him that a country may be as it is today. May they finally find some rest.

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  • Veterans

My condolences go out to you and your family Tomas, from what you've said(Both in this thread and previous status updates)your Grandfather truly was a great person. It's sad that he didn't at least get to see the festivities before he died.

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