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If you could learn a Pokemon ability IRL


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Many Pokemon have great abilities that define the way they battle online, but these abilities also have practical uses outside of batling. If you were to make one of these abilities yours, which one would you pick?

I guess I'll start. I'd go for Early Bird, because who sleeping is overrated and having more time to do stuff you like is really practical in most scenarios.

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Wonder guard. I have more than just, y'know, 1HP, and since according to the pokemon test I'm a poison type, as long as I keep my distance with mentalists and miners I should be pretty much indestructible.

Reallistically tho, I would probably like to have cloud nine. I mean I love summer but the heat kills me. Why not enjoy the sun cancelling all other effects of the summer weather, including heat? EXACTLY.

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I literally have Oblivious. Sooooooooo... unfair :P

In seriousness, quite a few would be pretty cool to have if you ask me depends how you interpret them I suppose. Personally, Mold Breaker would be my choice though. The ability to break the expected.

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Being able to recover from any injury or malady by simply repairing whatever limb or organ is affected. Old age will mean nothing, disease will mean nothing. Hell, in theory, I could live indefinitely.

Of course though, immortality could easily become a curse... if you let it be, that is.

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Considering there isn't one that describes "enhanced abilities at night in exchange for decreased abilities in the day", I'd like Water Absorb, Volt Absorb, or Flash Fire.

Just wanted the whole left part since that is a good description of my current state :P

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naural cure - so I can cure myself

flash fire - so I can absorb fire and heat

levitate - in case I fall of building (u never know)

keen eye - so nothing escapes my site

adapdability - to adjust to any situation and be better at it

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