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Story Progression by Episode

Synthetic Rose

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Hi! As you may know, I'm kind of the new girl here. Having only ever played Episode 15, I've been wondering...

Does each new episode add to the end of the story? Or am I missing some story for not having played the previous games?

If the former is the case, will I be able to continue with my current save file from Episode 15? If it's the latter, are there download links available for previous episodes?

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Each episode includes the story of all of the previous episodes, so by just playing the last episode you play the whole story. The difference is that some obtainable pokemon and items get changed from an episode to another, but there is no difference as far as story is concerned.

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Your save file is stored in a different folder from the game files. Because of this, when you download another episode, it automatically continues from your save file. However, due to various bugs, it's generally advisable to avoid saving in particular locations before changing episode. When a new episode is released, you'll be informed of safe places to save.

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Episode 15 contains all the story content of previous episodes. There have been some mechanical changes as the game as progressed; for example, many Episodes ago it was possible to obtain a Magikarp very early on. Due to the awesome pwnage of Gyarados, this was removed and replaced with a giant sidequest, which is not yet completed, to obtain Magikarp. We probably won't see him until around or after the Elite 4. In addition, some TMs which were previously available have been removed and replaced with less potent ones (so you cannot obtain Shadow Ball in E14, unfortunately).

I may be wrong about this next part, but I recall hearing that E16, the upcoming release, mostly consists of map rebuilds and updates (particularly of Reborn City), and although it does include not only a new part of the main story but also new updated sidequests, I believe it stops short of the next Gym. I could be wrong.

There is an entire subforum dedicated to the next episode here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showforum=52

Be warned, however, that spoilers for E15 and some non-story spoilers (such as additions and changes to the mechanics of the game) may be found there.

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Welcome to the forums, Rose.

As people have started on here, episode 15 contains all the story segments from the preivous episodes. But some Pokemon have been removed from the game due to being too powerful. Examples being Magicarp, Magby and Elekid who were all obtainable before the first gym in previous versions. Some TM's are different also and items have been added and removed. But otherwise there is no need to go back to preivous episodes as Episode 15 contains all the content that has been developed so far.

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Lemme try and explain this, it's a pretty difficult concept.

Okay, let's start with episode 1. Imagine the number one. Now take a deep breath, take your time, what number comes after one?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's 2. Now for the complex math, after episode 2, came episode 3.

The next episode was them episode 4, followed by episode 5, which was then succeeded by episode 6.

After that, came episode 7, and the next in the series was episode 8. After 8, we have 9, then 10, followed by 11.

Hang in there, we're almost done.

After 11, it was episode 12, then it was lucky number 13, after which episode 14 was released. Then came episode 15, the current one, and next will be 16 in the year 2069.

Okay sorry, but actually, each new episode adds more content onto the end of the last episode, picking up where it left off, HOWEVER, episode 15 is really just the 15th rendition of the game, it includes episode 15 AND the previous 14. Your save file will be retained when you update to episode 16, but you may need to save in a certain area as some maps may change slightly. Also, some events that occurred previously change with new episodes. Ghastly used to be available from the current event for misdreavus, and misdreavus had a separate event which was removed.

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Episode 15 is simply the full pack of all episodes up to 15, all incorporated into one game. In other words episodes are just different pieces of the same game.

By playing episode 15 from start to finish, you will play all episodes, but you feel like you have played one game,

Now we are waiting for episode 16, which will be just another piece added to the game, kind of like an extension of it.

We will be able to use our current save file, to play the next episode by continuing from where we left.

It is done in pieces, because the game is huge, and if she wanted to deliver the whole game in lets say one year, she would have to go to a different dimension where time flows x10-15 faster than ours, make it there, and then come back.

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Episode 15 contains all the story content of previous episodes. There have been some mechanical changes as the game as progressed; for example, many Episodes ago it was possible to obtain a Magikarp very early on. Due to the awesome pwnage of Gyarados, this was removed and replaced with a giant sidequest, which is not yet completed, to obtain Magikarp. We probably won't see him until around or after the Elite 4. In addition, some TMs which were previously available have been removed and replaced with less potent ones (so you cannot obtain Shadow Ball in E14, unfortunately).

I may be wrong about this next part, but I recall hearing that E16, the upcoming release, mostly consists of map rebuilds and updates (particularly of Reborn City), and although it does include not only a new part of the main story but also new updated sidequests, I believe it stops short of the next Gym. I could be wrong.

There is an entire subforum dedicated to the next episode here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showforum=52

Be warned, however, that spoilers for E15 and some non-story spoilers (such as additions and changes to the mechanics of the game) may be found there.

I want to address a couple of points.

All non-legendaries will be obtainable before the Elite Four, including Magikarp.

Yes, episode 16 will feature an entirely remapped and updated Reborn City.

And yes, each episode thus far concludes with the gym battle within that episode.

All of this information is available in the very subforum that you just linked to.

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