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Grimolt Strategies!


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Here we go. The pretty much final phase of Grimolt, RPP I, before it is implemented and we can TEST IT! But before that, let's give us all some ideas on how to use this guy!


Grimolt @ Lefties/Life Orb

252 Special Attack/252 Speed/4 HP TIMID/NAIVE NATURE

~Nasty Plot
~Shadow Ball
~Psychic/Focus Blast
~Flamethrower/Explosion/Fire Blast

Here we go. Definitely the reason this guy was made. Nasty Plot is obvious, to boost that special attack to frightening levels. Shadow ball is STAB. Psychic is the recommended option, seeing as you can run STAB Flamethrower/Fire Blast to get through Steel Types, however, you can run Focus Blast if you are afraid of Tyranitar. The last slot can be either Fire STAB or Explosion to take out Blissey. Blissey will always faint to a non-boosted Explosion, as will most of Grimolt's counters.


Grimolt @ Choice Specs

~Shadow Ball
~Focus Blast
~Fire Blast/Explosion/Trick

Same EVs/Nature

Get in there with Grimolt's pretty good defense and wreak havoc. Shadow Ball, Psychic, and Focus Blast provide coverage, and the last slot is a toss-up between whether you want to get more STAB or kill Blissey. You can also run Trick in that last slot to completely cripple an opponent


Grimolt @ Petaya/Salac Berry

EVs the same, IVs will have to be divisible by four. Nature- Timid/Modest

~Nasty Plot
~Shadow Ball
~Psychic/Focus Blast/Fire Blast

Make sure the field is void of entry hazards, and send this guy in after a KO. Substitute, and if the opponent switches, Nasty Plot. You can get your Special attack completely broken by doing this. Salac is if you want to outspeed Scarftar and others.

PLEASE, post your own strategies! All ideas are welcome!
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May I add

Grim Reaper(Wall Breaker)
Calm nature
252 hp 118 def 140 spdef

Pain Split
Mean Look

This is a Stall Set is uses to take out blissey and powerful walls like Registeel(Without EQ).This is Also A Brenoob Killer.This set is pretty Evil and will only Fail because i skarm Whirlwind or Taunt.Curse is strongly recommended and due to resistance Brenoob >.> you guess it,You can Seek your revenge on it.
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Some Moar:

[b]Spinblocker and Burner[/b]

Grimolt @ Lefties

EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Speed/ 4 Special Attack - TIMID NATURE

~Pain Split
~Shadow Ball
~Psychic/Focus Blast/Flamethrower/Fire Blast

Good for stopping physical sweepers like Swords Dance Lucario and such, as well as blocking things. The only guy you have to watch out for is Starmie, who can 1HKO with super effective STAB. Also be careful of triggering someone's Guts.

[b]Choice Scarf[/b]

Grimolt @ Choice Scarf

252 Special Attack/252 Speed/ 4 HP - MODEST/RASH NATURE

~Shadow Ball
~Focus Blast/Psychic/Fire Blast/Explosion/Trick
~Focus Blast/Psychic/Fire Blast/Explosion/Trick

Probably better at stopping sweepers, as you are now faster than DDance Gyarados and DDance Dragonite. If Gyarados is sent out, instantly switch to this guy on the DDance and burn. Laugh as their attacks now are extremely weak and Gyara is next to useless. Same thing with Dragonite. This guy might actually be better at blocking spins, seeing as it now outspeeds Starmie and can 1HKO with Shadow Ball/WTFBOOM.

EDIT: You can also run Trick to cripple something that switches in.
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A new one:

[b]Curse that damn Parafusion![/b]

Grimolt @ Lefties

EVs: 252 HP/252 Special Defense/4 Defense -IMPISH NATURE

~Confuse Ray
~Thunder Wave
~Mean Look/Moonlight/Pain Split/Substitute

Annoy the living shit out of your opponent by Paralyzing, Confusing, AND Cursing them. Mean Look is probably the best option for the last slot so that they are doomed to fall due to Curse, but you can also run Moonlight or Pain Split for recovery. Your choice.

EDIT: You could ALSO run Substitute in that last slot for scouting and to have a buffer to take a hit for you.

EDIT 2: Pffft, you guys are lame. Let's come up with...

[b]The wolf that leads his pack[/b]

Grimolt @ Focus Sash

252 Speed/ 252 Special Attack/ 4 Attack - NAIVE NATURE

~Shadow Ball
~Fire Blast
~Aura Sphere
~Taunt/Explosion/Destiny Bond

Lead your army to victory by taking out common leads. Infernape and Azelf fall to Shadow Ball, Metagross, Skarmory, and Foretress all are wrecked by Fire Blast, and any rock type is killed by Aura Sphere. Grimolt can make a good lead because you have the unexpected edge. The last slot is a toss-up between whether you want to prevent some leads from getting up Stealth Rock or taking a Poke down with you.

[b]Complete Crippler[/b]

Grimolt @ Choice Band/Scarf/Specs

252 Speed/ 252 HP/ 4 Special Attack -TIMID NATURE

~Will-O-Wisp/Thunder Wave/Fire Blast
~Will-O-Wisp/Thunder Wave/Fire Blast
~Shadow Ball

The goal here is to spread as much status as possible. Trick a choice item or spread burn/paralysis to annoy the living shit out of your opponent, to the point where the majority of the opponent's team is useless. Watch out for Guts. There's a number of other options to run here, as Grimolt has some toys like Pain Split and Mean Look, so you can experiment with those if you'd prefer.

[b]The wolf that traps his prey[/b]

Grimolt @ Lefties

252 HP/ 252 Speed/ 4 Defense - BOLD/TIMID NATURE

~Mean Look
~Confuse Ray
~Moonlight/Protect/Taunt/Shadow Ball

Come in on a physical attacker and trap them. Proceed to confuse and badly poison, and then stall. They can't leave, so there's a number of good options for the last slot. Moonlight is obvious, for recovery. Protect is to make stalling easier. Taunt is to make sure that the Pokemon tries to set up, and Shadow Ball prevents you from being Taunt bait. The only problem with this is that Umbreon would probably run this better, however, Grimolt is much faster, so you have the edge in trapping and confusing your opponent before they kill you.

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The this should've been here first instead of wall breaker but whatever

Grim Reaper(Original)
Evs:52 att 4 def 200 spatt 252 speed
Item:Life orb

Shadow ball
Sucker punch/Extremespeed/Explosion
Fire Blast/Flamethrower
Pain Split

this is mostly a late game sweeper.Its made to finish the opponent off basicly,Pain split is can be use to recover from life orb recoil and weaken the opponent thus enabling an Clean kill or not.sucker punch its just for scarf Gengar,Starmie not much for Rotom Forms. ,Flamethrower is just there cause of accuracy.Extreme speed to take out weaken pokemon.Explosion is there just for kicks and blissey.

This is gotta be one of the best moveset I made so far.

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