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What Pokémon would you wish never existed?


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In actuality I'd not delete things things are there for a reason and despite what people think someone out there likes them. (( Hi, I'm the one person who likes Farfetch'd.))

Honestly I hate the pseudo mascots more than I do Pikachu. Like the ones they just repeatedly try and shove down your throat. At least Pikachu was kinda always there and while I don't like it seeing it all the time doesn't really bug me. I jsut hate how hard they are trying to make everyone love Lucario by trying to put it in everything. Like i get Pikachu and Charizard being in Smash, Pikachu is the mascot and Charizard is very popular among the fanbase already. Lucario I even get in Brawl it was to promote the game. But... does he really still need to be in Sm4sh? I suppose some people really would love the character and be upset he's gone but... same can be said about any non-returning character. I dunno... it just feels like GF wants me to love Lucario by how often they shove it unto us ((even in Gen 6, we were forced to learn about Mega Evos by getting a Mega Lucario.)) It's just I find it really annoying when a company does soemthing like that outside of a mascot character. Pikachu I totally get, he's the face and to some extent has to be pushed. ((I'm still allowed to dislike it for this reason by the way, petty or not. I honestly don't hate it that much, but I don't like the thing and being told "you're not a fan of this series" constantly by people that know I don't like it is suuuper annoying. Sue me. LOL)) But do we really need more?

I think my personally most disliked mons are the ones that people do say that I cna't be a fn of the series for disliking. As a result most of them are fan favourites that I jsut so happen to dislike but get crucified for for some reason. Apparently I'm not allwoed to just be non-plused by Charizard. Apparently according to a an old friend of mine I'm not allowed to play the games if I don't like Gardevoir. I really don't get why people have to like... hold people to their mons. I don't ever think someone has bad taste for liking a mon I don't. Yet if I dislike Charizard or another community favourite it's "Oh well he has bad taste." Like... I reeeeeeeeally don't get it. Now, I know the opposite an be lobbed at those that do like those mons "Oh you only like it cause ever one else does." etc etc... but jsut bugs me so much... XD.

Any mon I don't like is my opinion... I don't think lesser of someone for liking soemthing I don't and I don't feel the need to insult them or belittle them over it. WHy people have to get this idea in their head that they will "correct" another's opinion I will never know.


I so agree with you. There are sooooo many overrated Pokémon out there I dislike for getting special treatment for no good reason. I get that these mons are populare and all, but I've never been a fan of favoring anything.

Not only is Lucario a good example, but also Blaziken and Charizard as well. It pisses me off that Pokémon like these gets so much love and attention they do not necessarily deserve.

(Sorry for those who love these pokés, I just need to get this out of my system, because I've been keeping this to myself for quite some time. If you like these Pokémon, that is perfectly fine and I have absolutly nothing against you)

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... what ... in ... the ... world ... is THAT?!

A humanified(kinda), gijinkafied(kinda), sexified(kinda) trubbish. It's more common than you think, and that's probably one of the most vanilla ones I've seen.

As a curious trivia, trubbish and garbodor are generally hard to make into "appealing" artworks by rule 34 artists, since they are gross-looking by design. Similar thing happens in the cases of Jynx, Mr Mime, Muk and other poison types.

And oh boy don't even get me started on how it comes out when artists do it with malamar. Is so weird it's funny.

I put my answer in a spoiler just because.

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A humanified(kinda), gijinkafied(kinda), sexified(kinda) trubbish. It's more common than you think, and that's probably one of the most vanilla ones I've seen.

As a curious trivia, trubbish and garbodor are generally hard to make into "appealing" artworks by rule 34 artists, since they are gross-looking by design. Similar thing happens in the cases of Jynx, Mr Mime, Muk and other poison types.

And oh boy don't even get me started on how it comes out when artists do it with malamar. Is so weird it's funny.

I put my answer in a spoiler just because.

I know it's a gijinka, it was just ... not really a pleasant sight ...

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who can do this with a straight face and say I don't need help. they made a rule 34 gijinka of trubbish. a pokemon that is literally garbage! im not dissing the thing by stats cuz some people im sure can make it work im saying it trash based on its design, but that's not the issue. the issue is someone made a "human","sexy" gijinka of the trash bag pokemon

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Nearly every 5th gen pokemon besides the oshawott, snivy, sandile families, and a few others. Cuz I'm salty like that lolololololololol I hate 5th gen

imo there were a few gen v mons that I liked. the starters were just awful statwise, but honestly you can pick up others so its ok. Scrafty was pretty rad, along with Seismetoad's line, Darmanitan, Ferrothorn, Zoroark, Hydreigon, EXCADRILL...I used to hate Klingklang for being a Magnezone ripoff, but once I discovered its niche with its themed boosting moves and moves, I started to like it more. I just wish that it had gotten a stronger version of Gear Grind later on. A couple of Gen V mons were straight up unnecessary. Basculin was just another lame water type, but Durant and Heatmor were just so dumb. They're terrible single-evo mons that are well past their prime by the time you encounter them, and they feel like a big letdown when you're supposed to be in the final area of the main game (victory road). Honestly, the main thing I hate Gen V for was that whole "USE THE DAMN MONKEYS" debacle. They're really just...ewww.

honestly I used to not care abt woobat/swoobat but simple CM bat is really freaking strong.

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I so agree with you. There are sooooo many overrated Pokémon out there I dislike for getting special treatment for no good reason. I get that these mons are populare and all, but I've never been a fan of favoring anything.

Not only is Lucario a good example, but also Blaziken and Charizard as well. It pisses me off that Pokémon like these gets so much love and attention they do not necessarily deserve.

(Sorry for those who love these pokés, I just need to get this out of my system, because I've been keeping this to myself for quite some time. If you like these Pokémon, that is perfectly fine and I have absolutly nothing against you)

Ohmygodhowcanyounotlikepokéwaifuhowcanyouevensayyoulikepokemonclearlyyoudon'tknowhatyou'retalkingabout. Like that?

Yeah, I agree on this too, their are a lot of overrated pokemon which actually can ruin the pokemon for some people, I mean I actually like a lot of them but no where near as much as the less popular ones where's the love for arcanine gamefreak? I actually never thought of this before though well I did lose interest in a few pokemon over time and now I know why... people don't shut up about them :|

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Honestly I give Gen 1 props for starting the poke craze we know today but COME ON!!! poliwhirl and poliwrath is basically the same pokemon (I love poliwrath i think its a noice pokemon don't kill me hugs and kisses XOXO) but come on look at this

Poliwrathdreamart.pngIT JUST GETS ANGRY!!!

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^ Roid raging poliwhirl :P

I have another Pokemon for my despise list, namely Diggersby. It went from a cute little bunny Pokemon to some weird dwarfish abomination, and just looks plain ugly.

You know what? This. This is my answer, I take back what I said before. I cannot stand this ugly scumbag. Cool typing and concept, but its expression, its cry, it's ugly wife beater aesthetic, that freakin meme, UGH this thing is just another strike against gen 6 and why it's my least favorite gen. I HATE Diggersby and sorry Nations, I'm not using this despicable sack of dirt EVER even if it meant winning against the other team in an decisive match. NO, screw diggersby.

This reminds me of a story I read on another forum where a guy said his daughter was playing X/Y and started crying when her bunnelby evolved due to how utterly repulsive this monstrosity is.

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A while ago I probably would have said Pikachu and the Vanilluxe line. Vanilluxe because of design and Pikachu because of mascot-itis and the ORAS voice. Though thanks to Reborn I'm fonder of Vanilluxe because of its stats and freeze-dry, he'll so useful at the water gym. With Pikachu, vanilla pikachu is still obnoxious but certain variations like Detective Pikachu and Rockerchu from the anime made me hate the species less.

But I'd probably get rid of Aromatisse and maybe Pignite and Emboar. I like Pignite and Emboar but I think these lines could have been so much more. Like Spritzee could have evolved into a flamingo or tropical bird mon rather than a weird vegas dancer looking thing and Emboar line could have been a huge cool Fire/ground Warthog mon with a ridge of fire going down its back or something. Also I'd drop Cherrim's normal look and have its Sunny Day form be its regular form.

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^ Roid raging poliwhirl :P

You know what? This. This is my answer, I take back what I said before. I cannot stand this ugly scumbag. Cool typing and concept, but its expression, its cry, it's ugly wife beater aesthetic, that freakin meme, UGH this thing is just another strike against gen 6 and why it's my least favorite gen. I HATE Diggersby and sorry Nations, I'm not using this despicable sack of dirt EVER even if it meant winning against the other team in an decisive match. NO, screw diggersby.

This reminds me of a story I read on another forum where a guy said his daughter was playing X/Y and started crying when her bunnelby evolved due to how utterly repulsive this monstrosity is.

I do remember being all over the little bunny ...and then it evolved..and then me and my friend were like........... wat? why...? Why would anyone ever do this to the poor bunny??????????????????????????....... Dood.. gamefreak why? :( But yeah, it's horribad

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Friggin Quagsire, man. Quagsire is honestly a great pokemon, but ohmigod I never had a grass type to take care of him and he ate my Luxio alive every dang time.



That hurts :( Poor quaggy, I love quaggy

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