Bazaro Posted June 3, 2016 Share Posted June 3, 2016 In short: Fusion-Mons. And no, not the palette/face swap of gen 1 (no disrespect intended for said game, it as actually half of what inspired me with this idea) I mean full-on-fusions of virtually any 2 Pokemon. Ooooh the possibilities (about 260000 last time we checked...) There's no way in hell a game of this could ever be balanced for competitive anyways so may as well screw everything, right? This concept would definitely be angled towards "fun" than "challenging," so here's some more specific ideas to ponder upon: In-Game Fusion Method: Just do the same thing with the DNA Splicer for Kyurem and Zekrom/Reshiram. Heck, the DNA Splicer being used on other Mons is a story in itself. Types: Single, Dual types or even Triple types could work, if you're up to it. Get creative. Taken on a case-by-case basis since there's no real way to efficiently formulate a way to make things even. Abilities: Abilities would be taken on a case-by-case basis, but would more than likely be pick-and-choose from either of the Base Mons. Fusion Mons Base Stat Total: There's tons of ways to do this, but I listed one way below (CAUTION: Math Ahead) Natures: You could pick a random Nature, you could randomly pick one of the Base Mons' Natures, or you could even make some complex chart of fusing any 2 Natures and getting a completely different Nature. (Like Quirky (Base Mon 1) + Sassy (Base Mon 2) could create Modest or something. Adamant + Adamant would create Adamant though.) Effort Values: EV's would be set to 0 every time you Fuse. Separating back into the base Mons (if this feature makes it) keeps their original EV's prior to Fusing. And every time means if you Fuse something, separate it, the Fuse it again, it's still gonna be 0 again. Individual Values: IV's could be calculated by the average of the Base Mons? Higher of the 2? I dunno. Levels: The level of the Fusion Mon upon Fusion could be the average of the 2 Fused Mons (rounded up, because that's how PokeMath works.) Its moveset would be the last 4 moves (if applicable) it learns via Level Up. Movesets: Each Fusion Mon could have a unique level-up moveset based on what they were created from. All TM's and Tutor Moves could carry over from both sides. Fusion Mons cannot breed and do not have an Egg Group. Separating a Fusion Mon: Restoring both of its Base Mons just the way they were before fusing. It'd be ice to pull your favorite Mons into a Fusion, then pull it apart and Fuse it with something else, right? Right. This method has its flaws, and it's probably best leaving things Fused forever. (choose wisely~) Reasons below... Fusion Mon Evolution: This means that your Caterpie/Pidgey Fusion would evolve into a Metapod/Pidgeotto and the a Butterfree/Pidgeot. (Relax, it's just an example) The problem with this is that if your Fusion Mon grew, would your Base Mons grow too? And what of evolution? Caterpie evolves at LV 7 while Pidgey waits all the way until LV 18! Their Fusion could evolve somewhere in the middle of that (LV 13 probably) but what if you were to separate them then? Would you get a Level 13 Pidgeotto who's under his normal evolution level AND a level 13 Metapod who missed his chance to become a Butterfree at his normal level? Separation causes a lot of issues, honestly. Selective Fusions: From a developer's standpoint, it MIIIIGHT seem a little daunting to have a Pokedex spanning over 260000 pages. Plus there's some fusions out there that just... shouldn't... happen. It's up to the developer, really, but it'd be much cleaner if the fusions made sense instead of combining the random-est of things. This would ease up the Fusion Evolution idea above as it'd make more sense to evolve it Caterpie/Pidgey -> Metapod/Pidgeotto -> Butterfree/Pidgeot instead of doing some awkward middle Fusions like Butterfree/Pidgey. Mega Evolution: I don't really want to bring this up but it will be asked sooner or later... A few ideas come to mind, such as Fusing Mons while holding their Mega Stone causes the Fusion to use their Mega instead. But Megas were designed to not hold items which makes this even worse... (but screw balance, amirite?) Another idea was Fusing Mega Stones and making the Fusion Mon hold it. This method restricts Mega Evolution to only Fusions of 2 Mega Evolve-able Pokemon, however. A third option could be to create Fusion-Mega Stones, or just a Universal one that almost any Fusion could hold.......... We all know how that'd turn out. Honestly, the best way would be to just leave Mega Evolutions out of Fusion Mons. It leaves the non-Fused Mons with something unique to do. Oh, and on the topic of holding items while Fusing, held items are returned to the bag immediately after Fusion. Sprites. Oh-hoh boy, sprites. Custom sprites for every individual fusion... my soul hurts NOTE: I have to put this here because people will try: DO NOT FUSE FUSIONS WITH OTHER THINGS ESPECIALLY FUSIONS BECAUSE THE POSSIBILITIES ARE LITERALLY ENDLESS AND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA rip code ALSO NOTE: Making fusions with more than 2 Pokemon is a bad idea. Don't do it, Jack. ANOTHER NOTE: This is NOT a fangame thread, simply an idea for one. I'm doing this for fun. BUT if anyone happens to actually use this idea, credit should be given where credit is deserved. THE NOTES JUST KEEP COMING: These are just some ideas I wanted to share. If you have your own ideas or amendments you'd like to make, please go right ahead. NO MORE NOTES: I promise :] fingers crossed Math Time:There's countless ways to formulate a Fusion Mon's BST, but here's a simple one I found works pretty well: You find the average of each individual Base Stat between both Base Mon and multiply the results by 1.2 (rounding up.) This way, pairing 2 Pokemon sharing a low stat won't get much improvement in that stat, and 2 Pokemon sharing a powerful stat will gain a significant boost to that stat. If a Pokemon with a low value in one stat but the other is higher, depending on the difference, can actually end up hindering the stat on the side of the Mon with the higher value. (Fusing Rampardos with a Chansey won't give you a very high result, sorryreallynotsorry) So here's a test math: Gallade + Bisharp Reveal hidden contents HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe Total Gallade 68 125 65 65 110 80 518 Bisharp 65 125 100 60 70 70 490 Average 66.5 125 82.5 62.5 90 75 504 x1.2 Total 80 150 99 75 108 90 602 Their HP, Special Attack, and Speed were about the same and half-way decent, so they all got slight improvements. Bisharp's high Defense and Gallade's high Special Defense both shined through, resulting in a much improved 80/99/108 bulk. Attack is where the Fusion truly shines, sitting at a monstrous 150 Base. 602 BST puts it just over Pseudo-Legendary level, which seems scary at first, but once you do a few calcs you realize this is far from the scariest. Fuse 2 Pseudo's together and you get 720 BST. Move over, Ubers. Happy Fusing ~ ...Or not! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Posted June 3, 2016 Share Posted June 3, 2016 Baz, I haven't finished my math stuff yet... we'll here's what I've been working on so far. I gotta tweak the numbers for sure, and redo the pairing function, and actually finish the rest of the stats, cause currently it only does BST calculation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guzam Posted June 3, 2016 Share Posted June 3, 2016 Butterfree and Beedrill and then Farfetch'd and Delibird because why not amirite? Not going to go into much detail, just the stats department like you did. Reveal hidden contents HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe Total Butterfree 60 45 50 90 80 70 395 Beedrill 65 90 40 45 80 75 395 Average 62.5 67.5 45 67.5 80 72.5 395 x1.2 Total 75 81 54 81 96 87 474 What happens when you take two shitty bugs and you fuse them together? You get a slightly less shitty bug!! Hooray! In all regards, at least this fusion improves the bulk the two bugs lack and the fusion also gives them decent stats for mixed attacking, and slightly better stats for quiver dancing imo (What with the sp def and speed boost). That doesn't mean it's good at all though. 75/54/96 bulk is honestly atrocious and the speed stat is still less than lando-T's so rip. And speaking of flying types. Up next I'll be doing Delibird and Farfetch'd! HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe Total Farfetch'd 52 65 55 58 62 60 352 Delibird 45 55 45 65 45 75 330 Average 48.5 60 50 61.5 53.5 67.5 341 x1.2 Total 59 72 60 74 65 81 411 Just like the shitty bugs, you get a slightly less shitty bird. 59/60/65 bulk is absolute shit and 72/74/81 offenses are complete and utter garbage, fitting of the garbage duo. I guess with an ability like prankster it could at least get priority spikes and destiny bond. Absolute garbage. You'll get more out of the butterbee. Idk, maybe if i'm not tired I'll post more fusions of shitty mons like these guys here. Until then, bye. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ojama Yellow Posted June 3, 2016 Share Posted June 3, 2016 time to GO Reveal hidden contents HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Total Blastoise 79 83 100 85 105 78 530 Venusaur 80 82 83 100 100 80 525 Average 79.5 82.5 91.5 92.5 102.5 79 525.5 x1.2 Total 96 99 110 111 123 95 634 Oh boy. Venustoise is here, everyone. I never realized how similar Blastoise and Venusaur's stats initially were. Except for Defense and Special Attack, their stats were really close to one another. Anyway. We gonna give Venustoise that Water/Grass-type, seeing as the only other Pokémon that got it so far is Ludicolo. Venustoise can act as utility/tank. Venustoise has good bulk, but it's not that impressive compared to a lot of walls. Especially compared to what fused walls will look like. However, it does get some great support moves, such as Scald, Rapid Spin, Leech Seed and Sleep Powder. Meanwhile, it also has recovery in the form of Giga Drain and Synthesis. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guzam Posted June 3, 2016 Share Posted June 3, 2016 MORE CRAPPY ONES GO! No one ever said i had to fuse fully evolved mons right? Here comes Diglett+Shedinja Reveal hidden contents HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe Total Diglett 10 55 25 35 45 95 265 Shedinja 1 90 45 30 30 40 236 Average 5.5 72.5 35 32.5 37.5 67.5 220.5 x1.2 Total 7 87 42 39 45 81 305 The goal of this fusion was to have the worst amount of HP of any fusion, and I'm pretty sure this is as low as it can get. So ummmmm... How would this benefit either of the two? Well on shedinjas side, he gets more hp, sp atk, sp def and speed, and on Digletts side you get more attack, defense, and sp atk... But like... You lose out on 3 attack, 3 defense and more that you could've had with shedinja and some speed from Diglett, not to mention 7/42/45 is probably some of the worst possible bulk anything will get (I tried with pichu, but at least it gets better HP and that wasn't my goal with this). Ghost+Ground wonder guard honestly isn't the best either. Rip this thing. Will edit soon for the Sunkern+Snorunt fusion. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted June 3, 2016 Share Posted June 3, 2016 WHY DO YOU GIVE ME MORE ART IDEAS THAT I CAN'T POSSIBLY HAVE THE TIME TO EXECUTE? sigh... Metagross and Magnezone (no Megas) because there is no such thing as too much Steel, goddamit! Reveal hidden contents HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe Total Magnezone 70 70 115 130 90 60 =535 Metagross 80 135 130 95 90 70 =600 Average 75 102.5 122.5 112.5 90 70 =572.5 x1.2 Total 90 123 147 135 108 84 =687 Sorry 'bout the spacing, mobile can only do this much in a hurry. But yea, this will be a badass mech. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheep Posted June 3, 2016 Share Posted June 3, 2016 HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe Tyranitar: 100 134 110 95 100 61Heracross: 80 125 75 40 95 85Tyranicross: 108 155 111 81 117 88 Mega Tyranicross: 108 209 159 81 135 88 Behold the greatest pokemon of all time Tyranicross and its mega. The mega was created by fusing the two mega forms together. Even the base form hits like a truck, is faster than Gyarados as a dragon dancer, and has got Tyranitar's bulk with an extra 17 in SpDef, which makes it even tankier in sand. The mega has an utterly absurd 780 bst with significant gains in bulk and an attack stat that is second only to M-Mawile. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cobalt996 Posted June 3, 2016 Share Posted June 3, 2016 (edited) Just going to... y'know. Do the obligatory. Using underscores/zeros, since formatting hates this computer so much. Reveal hidden contents Blissey: 255_010_010_075_135_055 Shuckl: 020_010_230_010_230_005 Averge: 137_010_120_042_182_030 End rst: 164_012_144_050_218_036 Type: Normal/Bug, Normal/Rock, Normal Well, it's decent, I guess. EDIT: Time for an actual one, though. Yes, Formatting hates me so much I made it in MS Paint. Edited June 3, 2016 by Cobalt996 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mde2001 Posted June 4, 2016 Share Posted June 4, 2016 Drapion and Toxicroak. Ended up being a good pokemon without being too OP. Reveal hidden contents HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe Total Drapion 70 90 110 60 75 95 500 Toxicroak 83 106 65 86 65 85 490 Average 76.5 98 87.5 73 70 90 495 x1.2 Total 92 118 105 88 84 108 595 I also was bored and made a weird sprite thing for it. Reveal hidden contents Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bazaro Posted June 4, 2016 Author Share Posted June 4, 2016 I apologize if my first post wasn't clear... These were ideas I had for in-game, but I honestly don't know if I have the patience or even time to pull this off. The Bisharp-Gallade Fusion was just a demo to show how the Fusion stats would work, but I'm glad everyone's excited about making their own Fusions, don't let this message stop you from posting your own. The reason some of the points weren't concrete (Mega Evolutions :x) is because I wanted to hear everyone's thoughts on the different ideas on how this would be implemented in an in-game scenario, not a competitive one such as Showdown. This is Pokemon after all, who needs balance, right? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbood2 Posted June 4, 2016 Share Posted June 4, 2016 maybe make a new thread where people can use your 1.2 formula to make fusions of their own if this is a thread for an in-game idea you have? Just an idea but this concept is really cool. Also Mde that sprite is really good so awesome job. Have a great day/night. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Posted June 4, 2016 Share Posted June 4, 2016 I unno. Baz, Kyo, and I were just spitballing. It wasn't really serious at all. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bazaro Posted June 5, 2016 Author Share Posted June 5, 2016 But it was a really cool spitball! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Posted June 5, 2016 Share Posted June 5, 2016 Yeah it was. I'm still working on my version of the math for it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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