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Find a song for the situation described above you!


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The rules are simple; The person gives a situation, and the person next to post posts a song that they think is fitting for that person in said situation. After that, you can put down a prompt yourself and see what people reply with!

A few examples for situations you could use for this little game:

  • What do you think would be final boss battle music for a battle between you and me?
  • Everyone at the party is drunk except you, what music would fit the situation?
  • What song would describe your mood if you would have to stay up till 3 AM to study for something?
  • What music would be playing if the fire alarm suddenly went off?

There are plenty of situations you could think of. Don't be afraid to be creative either! There's plenty of situations you can use for this. They can be situations other people have proposed as well, but don't keep it the same all the time. You can be as silly or as serious as you want with your answer, but it's fun if you also explain why you chose the song (although this obviously isn't necessary.)

Make sure to post a Youtube video, or embed the soundcloud link when replying!

With that out of the way... Let's start small.

What do you think would be a fitting theme song for me?

Edit: Also, If you don't know a lot about the person above you, try imagining the situation using the user's avatar instead! Maybe it'll give some inspiration :]

Have fun!

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what a lovely thread! and i got ninja'd twice writing a reply 'cause people keeps calling me so sry for lenght

so starting with Arkhi: the ocean breathes salty with modest mouse i think would suit... in a passive-aggressive way, hah

Sr.F... "Myself" as in you, or me?

as for you, honestly, i tried to do a little stalking to find out something to base an impression on, but you don't even seem to have an introduction post! so i'm gonna go with the who's 'who are you' 'cause seriously, make an intro post dude so we can get to know you! tempest made one with over 2000 posts under his belt, or mountain of gold or whatever. it's not too late

also, happy belated birthday!

and Zumi. did you know that the blonde elite four member in X/Y is named Zumi in the jp version? anyway

i don't know much about you. you were kind of the first member who's name i remembered 'cause you do 3d, and your "what you like about yourself" post stood out to me and... you like haikyuu!! but honestly i'd have to suffer from memento-style memory loss not to notice.

but you seem very approachable and sweet and i'll probably always associate you with the land of the rising sun 'cause anime, so

earth is doomed and you're being shot out in space in a solo capsule! while you're waiting for the mothership to beam you up and you're just kinda floating around in space, watching the barren earth, what would you want to play?

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for Weenie's

Definitely this

and let's think. a Scenario for me. I know!

It's been a long day and I just have had enough for the day and feel like listening to something to unwind and jsut kick back and have fun, what would I listen to?

and my god if your post Spear of Justice or Battle Against a True Hero cause of my avvie... you'd not actually be wrong... you'd just not be original. : P

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This is one of my favourite relaxing songs from also one of my favourite artists, so I think you'd like it :]

You suddenly gained a random superpower! What's your response to the power you gained?

(Make sure to mention the super power you randomly got from clicking the link. No retries either, first one counts only!)

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Musical... Movement? this seem oddly appropriate. naturally, the tetris song 'cause i'd wanna know what that would look like

you're in a small cave, more like a crack through the mountain than an actual cave, there's barely enough space to sit, and you wish you could light a fire 'cause it's cold and getting dark. but you can't. because there's fucking dinosaurs outside that cave. appropriate music?

and ninja'd again... sigh.

for arkhi's

'cause, nope. alt tom petty's free falling, that's a pretty song

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Good old MGS3 never fails me with this one.

You're traversing a frigid cave cloaked with ice on all sides. You then hear loud crash and a wave of heat rushes over you. What song would fit this situation?

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For some reason I can imagine that there's a bunch of icicles crashing down from the ceiling from the crash and the sudden heat and you're being chased through the cavern in order to avoid getting impaled, so I immediately thought of this song:

hahaha this is so self indulgent but What would be a fitting boss battle theme for me?

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i think you'd either be like, the second boss, before the game just utterly turns to shit and slaughters you at every turn, and it'd be one of those kinda easy but quite gimmicky battles, in which case lm.c's boys&girls. i used to love this band when i was like, 15, haha. hopefully you can be recruited after the fight, too

or you'd be the like happy-go-lucky companion/healer that at the end, surprise! turned out to be evil all along.

is it cheating to use music that's already from a game? 'cause

what would be the theme song of your hometown?

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I feel like Arrival of the birds + Transformation fits for my hometown because?? Idk how to describe it but it has this incredible feeling to it because it's kind of a bland looking town but there's so much more to it than what it looks like. There's a LOT to do each year, especially during the summer with the flower parade building season and whatnot, not to mention that it's the birthplace of Vincent van Gogh, so... I feel like a song that sounds calm but builds up to something beautiful is what would describe my town best;

Once you know what ACTUALLY is some of the stuff that has happened (and still happens) in the town, the town suddenly becomes a lot more beautiful, despite that it doesn't look all that special at first glance.

it's also the reason why i literally refuse to move away from this town LOL

Try finding a song that fits this picture best! :]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup, a slightly serene and a bit janky melody for a picture like that... Instantly got me thinking of Magicant from Earthbound

If Zorua was the main character from a 90's TV Show, what would be its title song?

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