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My Very First Backpacking Experience

Cool Girl

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So, I thought I should write about my experience in case anybody might be doing backpacking for the first time, so here goes. I'll be talking about my experience of backpacking by days. Let me know if you guys have any questions. My trip lasted four days.

Day 1

One of my friends kind of had heat stroke during the car ride, which was scary. Other than that, walking with a heavy backpack was really hard. I would be really tired like 15 minutes into it. Also, it was really hot. Also, well while we were cooking dinner, my friend got her leg burned. Boiling water spilled on her leg. Not just that day, but the rest of the days, so you can imagine carrying someone really heavy while walking hills, plus having to drink tons of water bottles....not fun.

Day 2

Man, it just got hotter than day one. I was sweating like crazy! But, you guys won't believe what I thought I saw. So, there were plants on the sides of the trail and well, I thought it was marijuana, so I freaked out. I started to tell everybody to watch out 'cause there was marijuana on the road. Word got to the teachers. In the end, turns out it wasn't marijuana lol xD. Also, they gave us a challenge: to be on our own in the woods with no food for 24 hours! So, that being said, it was night-time and I heard a RAWR and I freaked out! I was half-naked in my sleeping bag. I literally hopped like crazy in my sleeping bad to the other side 'cause I thought I was going to get eaten by an animal xD.

Day 3

So, they told us to go back to camp after our "solitude". But, man, I was really scared. Not of my "solitude", but of the aftermath. By that, I mean....one of my classmates threatened suicide. She said: "Y'all hate me! That's it! I'm gonna die!" She then ran off, I ran after her, tried to talk her out of it and yeah. Turns out her reason is that her life is horrible. Her mom has breast cancer, her boyfriend just broke up with her because she told him that she's gay, she's constantly bullied because she's gay, her dad wants nothing to do with her (her parents are divorced and her dad doesn't want to raise her or do anything for her, so it's just been her mom and her). Me personally, those are all understandable reasons why you can't take it anymore, but yeah, that happened. Also, I had my friend cut my hair with a pocket knife! You can see the picture here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=90&page=175

Day 4

Nothing much really happened. We packed up our stuff and left to go back to school so our parents can pick us up. But, I will say this, the hike back was really easy. And, I had a horribly embarrassing moment: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20538&page=2

This may sound weird and crazy, but even though I got a lot of sunburns, mosquito bites, and pain, I would do it again. Also, I wish I took pictures, but pictures aren't allowed, so sorry about that.

Let me know what you guys think! If you want, you can even talk about your backpacking experience. I'd love to hear it! :D

Edited by Cool Girl
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Well it certainly sounds like you had an eventful trip. Hopefully you still managed to have a good time despite all the drama!

I've been backpacking quite a lot and it is always fun, so I'm glad that you got to experience it.

Thanks for sharing your story :D

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Well it certainly sounds like you had an eventful trip. Hopefully you still managed to have a good time despite all the drama!

I've been backpacking quite a lot and it is always fun, so I'm glad that you got to experience it.

Thanks for sharing your story :D

Thanks :) Also the best part that I forgot to add is that I tasted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the first time! :D

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I've never been backpacking before, so this sounds all new to me. What was your favourite part of the trip?

Hmm, that's a good question. There's a lot that I liked.

I think my favorite part was just backpacking in general You know, walking up and down while carrying a heavy backpack. Even though it was exhausting.

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Backpacking is fun. I once had a trip for a solid ten days in the mountains in Arizona, and it was phenomenal. The thing that's tricky is that generally around day 5 of trips like this, everyone is tired of each other and there might be conflict (if you ever wanted to do a longer trip in the future). I'm sorry to hear about your friend, and I hope they find something to hold strongly for hope. I'm curious about the solitude and the no-eating for a day if you could go into detail about that. Still, sounds like you had a great time and I'm happy for you.

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Backpacking is fun. I once had a trip for a solid ten days in the mountains in Arizona, and it was phenomenal. The thing that's tricky is that generally around day 5 of trips like this, everyone is tired of each other and there might be conflict (if you ever wanted to do a longer trip in the future). I'm sorry to hear about your friend, and I hope they find something to hold strongly for hope. I'm curious about the solitude and the no-eating for a day if you could go into detail about that. Still, sounds like you had a great time and I'm happy for you.

So to answer your question, the reason we did this trip is because of a book we read called Parzival. The point of us doing solitude and no eating is because the main character in the book, which is Parizival went through that. He goes on a quest and this trip is our quest. Basically, the whole point of this trip was to experience what the main character went through. I hope that answer your question. If not, let me know.

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Glad to hear that you enjoy your trip despite everything that happened in the trip, and you look good in short hair. I myself havent had time for backpacking, but i did visit some cities of historical significance in China for few days trip back in my undergrad days.

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