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Recommendations for Mobile Games


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As we all know both the AppStore and Google Play are filled with terrible games beyond counting, but in those bleak pits filled with not but specks of creativity some truly good games exist. This thread is made to make a collection of these games. So if you feel that there is a great game on either the Android or iOS that you simply want others to know of and play, and describe why people should play said game.

I guess I'll start:

Deemo is perhaps the greatest Music game I have ever played. The gameplay is superb requiring great mastery to perfect, while still being incredibly fun to play without investing too much time. The music is likewise simply amazing, and many of the tracks have transcended the game as I listen to some of the songs on a day to day basis. And best of all, it's only 2$ for over 47 songs in the base game with some 100 more songs available for purchase. The game is terrific and I can recommend it to everyone.


Edited by Tartar
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from the same guys who made demo (rayark games) comes Cytus. It's in the same aspect of demo in the sense that it is a Japanese music dance beat thing (idk how to describe it) where you pay 2 something usd for 12 packs of initial songs, along with some extra ones (imo this is a really good deal)

The objective of the game is to get the most accurate score while buttons pop up on the screen that happens to the beat of the music. It can be some really easy pieces, or it can be some notoriously hard ones like freedom dive that require you to have the skills of a professional asian.

The best part of this, is you don't really have to play the game to have the full experience, you can just listen to the really good music made by these artists and that truly is the best part about cytus. If you have the money, I highly recommend this game for you!

Footnote: a good example of what this fame is similar to is osu, as both are games where you use music to tap buttons or something.

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I was gonna say Neko Atsume but someone took the moment of glory already.

Word Bubbles is pretty fun and addictive, just don't be tempted to buy hints, it's not worth it.

I've also recently gotten into Beyond 14, but it isn't as fun as it is when you first download it.

Edited by deathoftheflame
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I'm not sure if qooapp games count, but they're still mobile games.

Miitomo is fun if you like customizing characters and wanting to know the answers to questions you would never bother to ask yourself.

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Voez, made by Rayark (who created Deemo and Cytus) Voez follows the same concept, but is free to play and not all songs are unlocked. Every month 6-8 songs will be unlocked for players to enjoy and they rotate out. Players can obtain keys to buy songs through the in-game story or by buying the keys in a IAP.

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I think its awesome how many people are recommending Rayark games. I thought I was the only one who played them ^_^

And here's another recommendation: Hoplite. It's a fastpaced roguelike on Android and iOS where you move on a hexagonal grid and try to see how far you can get into the dungeon before you're overwhelmed by enemies. It's got incredible strategic depth and you've got lots and lots of interesting content among all the unlockable upgrades, challanges and whatnot. You can even get the basegame for free on Android, and it only costs 3$ on iOS. It's a really fun game that anyone who's into short bursts of roguelike goodness will enjoy.

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A remake of a 2007 DS game gem, The World Ends with you. Really good buy if you have 30 dollars lying around but it is worth since it was a beautiful game. The original version was actually harder because the eye multitasking was real but they made it so it was only the bottom screen with some extra tweaked mechanics

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A remake of a 2007 DS game gem, The World Ends with you. Really good buy if you have 30 dollars lying around but it is worth since it was a beautiful game. The original version was actually harder because the eye multitasking was real but they made it so it was only the bottom screen with some extra tweaked mechanics

I played that one on the DS, it was great. If the port is as good as you say the game is definitely worth getting!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's another recommendation: 80 Days is the pinnacle of what a chose your digital own adventure book can achieve. Every time I play it I get into weird and wacky scenarios... Though most often than not I somehow get stuck in Japan without money in a drugden or on Antarctica slowly starving to death. All in all, good times...

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