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Yes, you can all relax now, your king of the ducky kingdom is here!


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Hello! The names Psy. PsyDucklan!

Um... So, a little about myself I guess?

Be brave duckman be brave


Too much..?

I enjoy long walks on the beach...

Actually, no, not really! I enjoy long walks around the pond.

Or... Not walking at all...

And staying inside...

And playing video games...


But seriously though, the names Declan, I live in Ireland. I'm into Pokemon if you can't guess, I actually got the name PsyDucklan from a friend calling my "Decky", which I wasn't fond of, which lead to Ducky.

From my enjoyment of Pokemon, my girlfriend noticed my PsyDuck in my team, which lead to the magical realisation!

Ducky -> PsyDuck Declan -> Lan PsyDuck -> Lan = PsyDucklan!

I'm in the middle of playing Battleborn Overwatch, a lot of the souls series, Undertale, THE LEGEND OF ZELDA and I'm pretty hyped for the new Xenoverse too! I'm on PC, PS4 and even a Wii U! No Xbox one

I'm also pretty good at Smash bros Wii U and 3DS

Be gentle.


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Legend of Zelda YASSSSS


ayyy welcome to Reborn Declan! Be sure to check the community rules and all that, which can be found to your left under your avi (which is adorable btw)

Well, I hope you enjoy what Reborn has to offer! ^^

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Hi there! Welcome to Reborn!

You certainly seem to be keen on psyducks and that's cool! It is a nice pokemon!

Enjoy ruling the duck kingdom :D

If you could give the Community Rules to the left a quick read, that'd be fantastic.

Hope to see ya around!

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Since it seems you already lost your sanity, you'll fit in well here.

Also, you should hop on the Showdown server. It's a party, and we don't bite.

Enjoy your stay!

Ignore the rules. They're meant to be broken

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So since you're the ruler of the Ducky Kingdom, do we all get free rubber duckies as gifts?

Also, Welcome to Reborn!!!

Of course you do! They're free from every official entry point into the Ducky Kingdom!

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Welcome to R E B O R N, PsyDucklan!

Yooooooo, you're from Ireland? I've always wanted to go there 'cause my Grandparents were from there.

I hope you have a super super super super super super super fabulous time here at R E B O R N!

Also, have some ducks:


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