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What does Scizor have to do with the sun?

Scizor is a Steel type. Steel is made from iron. The Sun is a Star. Stars do nuclear fusion and keep continuing the process until they make iron, which is the last element which when fused releases energy. After it has made iron, there is no more energy available from nuclear fusion and it will die. So iron is the ultimate fate of the Sun. So Scizor is ultimate by extension. Also I'm obviously taunting. And yes, I deserve everything I get. I also deserve more steel types.

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Scizor is a Steel type. Steel is made from iron. The Sun is a Star. Stars do nuclear fusion and keep continuing the process until they make iron, which is the last element which when fused releases energy. After it has made iron, there is no more energy available from nuclear fusion and it will die. So iron is the ultimate fate of the Sun. So Scizor is ultimate by extension. Also I'm obviously taunting. And yes, I deserve everything I get. I also deserve more steel types.

An upvote for giving more than just "cuz I want more steel types" even if the explanation is a stretch. Pretty clever though and it made me chuckle.

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The problem is that most of the people running the events and different parts of them are of the western hemisphere where these times are ideal. We'd much rather have a party that's run smoothly than one that's just left unsupervised.

Disappoint. This is exactly the reason why people who aren't from the US are somewhat upset. There's a bunch of active members living in Europe, Asia and Australia, who may or may not be able to attend these because of certain timezones, or people who have to work on the Sunday afterwards. Not gonna say that I'm not upset, because I'd like to be able to be a part of this party, but guess what; Europeans don't really benefit from this.

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Disappoint. This is exactly the reason why people who aren't from the US are somewhat upset. There's a bunch of active members living in Europe, Asia and Australia, who may or may not be able to attend these because of certain timezones, or people who have to work on the Sunday afterwards. Not gonna say that I'm not upset, because I'd like to be able to be a part of this party, but guess what; Europeans don't really benefit from this.

The number of active people here from the American time region far outstrips the number of active people from the European time region, which in turn is roughly equal to the number of active people from the Eastern time region. Given that it's physically impossible to set a time that benefits everyone, surely the logical thing to do is aim to cater for the largest group isn't it?

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The number of active people here from the American time region far outstrips the number of active people from the European time region, which in turn is roughly equal to the number of active people from the Eastern time region. Given that it's physically impossible to set a time that benefits everyone, surely the logical thing to do is aim to cater for the largest group isn't it?

Pushing the start of the party 2 hours back really can't do a lot of harm though. If you started the party at 3PM, you'd easily be able to cater to both European and American timezones, not to mention that it's on a saturday, so a lot of people from the US would be able to join anyways, since I don't really think many people have to do anything during the weekend if everyone is on summer break already. Just pushing it back to 3PM would only already make it possible for the European users to join in for a few hours as well (since it would start at 8-9pm for most users), and you know what they say; the more the merrier, right?

And to be fair... I myself would also like to not have to stay up till an ungodly hour to not miss an event I actually really want to attend.

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The problem with pushing the party back is that the event coordinators might not be available earlier. For example, I get off of work right when the party starts, so the trivia event may end up pushed back slightly unless someone else hosts it for a bit

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The problem with pushing the party back is that the event coordinators might not be available earlier. For example, I get off of work right when the party starts, so the trivia event may end up pushed back slightly unless someone else hosts it for a bit

I told on skype that I can help supervising and hosting events if necessary since I'm free on saturday during the entire day, so all I'd need is instructions on what I have to do and I'd be able to hold the fort for a while.

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COuld cater to European times by starting it earlier with more events for them, if there is someone available in that timezone to host.

If not, Zumi should be able to hold fort for until Rose arrives, considering she's offering.

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WOW this sounds like an awesome event.

Odybld brought up some good points if only 3 out of 18 people are from the eastern hemisphere who are authority. I upvoted his post because I do believe that the proportion of western to eastern hemisphere authority should be improved because maybe more events could be accessible to the eastern hemisphere if eastern hemisphere authority was available to help manage and organize events.

I'll be there most likely because a lot of those events especially the trivia sounds fun.

I'll be sure to PM Rose but if the inbox limit is 100 won't her inbox completely fill up?

Thanks for putting this cool event together and have a great day/night. :)

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My inbox won't fill; I've only gotten 10 people whom I'm allowed to make clues about so far. Plus, I'm keeping a hard copy of my trivia list on my computer. Trust me, I've thought several steps ahead, give me a little credit ;)

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24 hours and what feels like a tenth of a pound of parfait later, we've managed to create a European Summer party! Since this was created on short notice and the original party centered about North America, the two Trivia events- Member Trivia and Game Trivia- were omitted from the EU party, as the hosts will be unavailable for the intended time during the EU party. The EU party will begin at 5PM GMT and end at 12:30 AM GMT, meaning that the two parties (EU and NA) will overlap for two and a half hours. In this way, the geographically separated members of Reborn may mingle together during the party, if only for a little while.

This new information is reflected in the original post, along with the following EU Party calendar.


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