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Okay, so I've been wanting to make this for a while because I've noticed a distinct lack of yugioh on this forum and it makes me sad. The point of this thread is to talk about everything yugioh from the card game to the anime, talk about decks you're making/want to make, you're favourite characters, theories, ideas, favourite cards, the tons of new support that's coming in the future and so on. Now I'm not looking to get all competitive up in here I just want to talk to people who have an addiction love for the franchise like I do :3

To start off i would love to talk about what kind of decks are underrated and deserve more support, for example I really like fusion decks in general but recently I've been messing with lunalight's and gem-knights after watching Arc-V and I'm disappointed to say that they aren't viable, they're super fun to use which is what I look for in a deck but they definitely aren't great, in fact fusion decks in general aren't that great excluding heroes but they barely count as fusion honestly, mask change is just a fancy card that special summons monsters that count as fusion, they may as well just special summon from the main deck if it wouldn't clog.

But anyway, what decks do you think are underrated and need more support?

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I'm not sure whether you've been following the upcoming meta, but Metalphose and D/D are topping EVERYTHING in Japan at the moment. Both decks are nearly purely Fusion based. Fusion is incredibly powerful at the moment.

Personally my all time favorite Decks has been Gusto. It was viable for a short moment after Pirika was released. But since then the deck has been outcreeped. But something about summoning a bunch of tiny minions and crashing into your opponents huge minions, and having your opponent take the battle damage instead of you really speaks to me somehow. Hopefully we'll get some more support for the archetype so that it can compete once more.

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I never had a chance to use daigusto, I do have a few synchros on me which made me think of using the deck because I like winged beasts, which is why the two decks I physically own are winged beasts, harpies and blackwings which are both really fun to use :3

I wouldn't exactly say they're under-supported though I just wish blackwings had more protection

I might try using daigustos today at some point, I could throw a deck together on ygopro and see how they play

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I'm all about the Fire Kings!

I try to keep up with all of the upcoming Yu-Gi-Oh metas and what not, but always end up lost!

Thinking about it though, the Monarchs are pretty beastly, how long to do think it'll take for them to end up getting nerfed? Or do you think they'll end up staying like even after newer decks and such get released?

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kozmos are definitely are up there as one of the best and they got even better with fire king island

One of my favorites that I wish there was more support was gemini's that isn't the only one but I would be here all day if I talked about every archtype that I wanted new support

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I'm still a little salty that kozmos got EVEN MORE support even thoughthey REALLY didn't need it I mean c'mon why can't they give other cards more support like king's,queen's and jack's knight, I love those cards and their fusion and with all the new 20th anniversary support flying out I wouldn't be surprised

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Duck Decks were all the rage a few years back, with one topping every major event. So in the end they had to nerf the Duck decks since they were simply too powerful, since they could be splashed into anything and completely dominated the meta. Today Ducks Decks no longer exists due to every single Duck being banned!!!


Am I confusing Ducks with Dragon Rulers? Probably not

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My favorite archetype is Infernity. I've been playing that deck non stop since September 2010. Every format I have a new build to combat the meta. I do well at locals. I used to top every week. It ended up being a good way to make money. The deck has paid for itself many times. I've only entered one regional event. It was an Orlando regional and out of 338 players I got 9th place. It was the format where Mermails were the best deck with Macro Rabbit and Fire Fist being the other top contenders. I was the only one there playing infernities. Everyone thought I wouldn't do well, but I proved them wrong. The deck is actually extremely deep when it gets into the combos, and it plays different than any other deck in my opinion. I feel like you have to be very adept at reading your opponent and thinking ahead. The deck also sacks sometimes, but that's just the nature of the deck :P

I've been playing competitively since September 2008 (Tele-dad format). My other favorite decks are Lightsworns, Zombies, and Destiny Heros probably because I was very influenced by that era (2008-2010). I enjoy Crystal Beast and Naturias even though they've never been good.

Yugioh is a hobby I get in and out of from time to time. Sometimes the game is fun, and sometimes it's meh. Right now it doesn't seem too interesting to me. I haven't played much since last December when the Pendulum Magician structure deck came out. I still have an Magician Infernity deck from then that I was working on. The recent banlist has made it hard for me to use Infernities with Magicians or Pepe and I really don't like the meta decks.

I maintain that yugioh is a good game. I think the mechanics and card interactions are great and make room for incredibly thought provoking plays. However, I think the cards Konami releases (especially lately) are not good for the game. I would much rather play something like Goat Format where card economy actually matters. Pendulum kind of throw card economy out the window which doesn't bode well for the future of the game imo.

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I enjoy spellcasters and spellcaster-themed things. ~nodnod~

I never was able to put together a Spellbook deck due to financial limitations and certain cards being super-spensive, but I did have a very classic deck based on Magician's Valkyria, Secret Village of the Spellcasters, and Sorcerer of Dark Magick.

Then I had my Gravekeeper deck, which made the opponent mill a card for every time they declared an attack, and dealt damage for every card sent to the graveyard to be permanently locked away in the Necrovalley.

And my Endymion deck, with spell counters galore. Breakers, Defenders, and Royal Magickal Libraries abound. Tempest Magician would detonate all the spell counters for direct damage.

I think my favourite card would have to have been Magickal Dimension, though. It was so versatile! It could be used for monster destruction, as a summoning aid, used during the battle phase to declare one more attack than your opponent thought you could, or even chained on an opponent's monster destruction effect to cause it to have an irrelevant target! And because you don't have to choose whether or not to destroy a monster until it resolves, it didn't actually "target" a monster -- not even the one you sacrificed to cast it.

EDIT: Also, given the tags on the thread are already decidedly Abridged, may I suggest also adding "Motorcycles" as a tag? And card games thereupon. ~nodnod~

Edited by Synthetic Rose
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I've only heard the legends about the days of yugioh past, but I've never been a part of it, I mostly steer away from competitive but I did read up on past formats and they sounded so fun i regret missing out on that. Honestly compared to how the game was then and now, it's not even the same game anymore, it just happens to have the same rules, that kinda started when synchros came out bu that's not to say it's not fun anymore it's just ridiculous. Infernity's are another archetype I haven't touched because it was during my hiatus but I would love to try out new archetypes just to see how they work, I need to learn!

I'm not a huge fan of pendulums myself and i think the nerf was definitely necessary I mean c'mon give someone else a chance to play. Now, my newest favourite archetype is dark magician, especially with all the new support coming out soon for it, it's so fun to use, I have quite a few replays and screenshots to show off for that.


Macro Rabbit


I hat that it's limited to one because I made a banishment deck that is just ridiculous on the first turn I can mill 10 cards from my opponent and gain up to 15000 life points and I din't need macro for that but it helps turn that into something more ridiculous.

I enjoy spellcasters and spellcaster-themed things. ~nodnod~

I never was able to put together a Spellbook deck due to financial limitations and certain cards being super-spensive, but I did have a very classic deck based on Magician's Valkyria, Secret Village of the Spellcasters, and Sorcerer of Dark Magick.

Then I had my Gravekeeper deck, which made the opponent mill a card for every time they declared an attack, and dealt damage for every card sent to the graveyard to be permanently locked away in the Necrovalley.

And my Endymion deck, with spell counters galore. Breakers, Defenders, and Royal Magickal Libraries abound. Tempest Magician would detonate all the spell counters for direct damage.

I like you, I really like magician's valkyria, I recently ordered 3 of them and I want to make a tradtional dark magician deck for fun and I'm throwing them in for BLS shennanigans

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Said deck I played was very heavy on Dark Magician/Dark Magician Girl, and the summoning thereof. Magician's Circle could summon Dark Magician Girl (since she doesn't go over 2,000 ATK until she actually hits the field and her effect activates), and Sage's Stone would allow her to summon Dark Magician from pretty much anywhere, as long as she was on the field. I would do silly things like Magickal Dimension a Dark Magician after it attacks, to replace it with a second from my hand, who could then declare his own attack. I had to rely on things like Divine Wrath to plug up the holes in my lockdown where sneaky Effect Monsters could get in and burn my Secret Village, but no deck is perfect :P

A pair of Dark Magicians was my favourite summoning tribute for Sorcerer of Dark Magick, who required a tribute of two Lv. 6 or higher spellcasters to summon -- as the Dark Magicians in the graveyard would increase Dark Magician Girl's ATK. I would often have three or more set spell or trap cards, with my tendency to use Magickal Dimension and Divine Wrath, so my favourite ATK buff was Mage Power.

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Unfortunately I kinda just forgot about sorcerer of dark magic because it's too difficult to get out and could easily end up a dead draw, it would work with the new Dark magician support because you're summoning so many dark magician's it doesn't really matter how you use them.

Also something I've been wondering is how many people have played yugioh duelists of the roses, it's a playstation 2 title and is my favourite PS2 game to date, I decided to play it again recently and it used to be so difficult to me but now I've almost beat it in a day. So did anyone else play it or just me?

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Also something I've been wondering is how many people have played yugioh duelists of the roses, it's a playstation 2 title and is my favourite PS2 game to date, I decided to play it again recently and it used to be so difficult to me but now I've almost beat it in a day. So did anyone else play it or just me?

Oh that is a enjoyable little pearl however when you know the mechanics and actually use them ,the game becomes ridicously easy. The end boss is the only bit of dificulty but that is because he has a single broken card which he has in triples. I used a dragon fusion deck with kaiser dragon as deck leader.

Edited by FairFamily
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I used a harpie deck that was designed to get harpies pet dragon to ridiculous numbers, I once got 2 harpies pet dragons on 9999 Atk and Def, I farmed off mai to get all the cards I needed and the worst part was timing the slots to get harpies pet dragon

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I've only heard the legends about the days of yugioh past, but I've never been a part of it, I mostly steer away from competitive but I did read up on past formats and they sounded so fun i regret missing out on that. Honestly compared to how the game was then and now, it's not even the same game anymore, it just happens to have the same rules, that kinda started when synchros came out bu that's not to say it's not fun anymore it's just ridiculous. Infernity's are another archetype I haven't touched because it was during my hiatus but I would love to try out new archetypes just to see how they work, I need to learn!

I'm not a huge fan of pendulums myself and i think the nerf was definitely necessary I mean c'mon give someone else a chance to play. Now, my newest favourite archetype is dark magician, especially with all the new support coming out soon for it, it's so fun to use, I have quite a few replays and screenshots to show off for that.



I hat that it's limited to one because I made a banishment deck that is just ridiculous on the first turn I can mill 10 cards from my opponent and gain up to 15000 life points and I din't need macro for that but it helps turn that into something more ridiculous.

I like you, I really like magician's valkyria, I recently ordered 3 of them and I want to make a tradtional dark magician deck for fun and I'm throwing them in for BLS shennanigans

Yeah the game used to be better when managing your resources well could literally win you the game. The better player would win more often than not just because they would be more adept at managing their resources and knowing when to make certain moves. Now there's a lot of floaters and unkillable monsters. People just make a huge unbreakable board first turn and the other player loses. Very little card interactions. I still build old decks. I really enjoy perfect circle (2007), and Goat Format (2005-2006). There's a lot of good past formats. You can sometimes find people who still have decks from old formats and you can have throwback duels with them.

It literally makes no sense that Macro Cosmos and Dimensional Fissure are limited. They're fair cards. If your decks needs the graveyard that bad to where you automatically lose to them, then maybe you should play a different deck. There are tons of flood gates cards like that which win match ups easily that aren't limited. Even if those cards were at 3, it would make NO difference on competitive play. They don't make the ban list with balance in mind unfortunately. Only money matters to them. Unlimited those cards wouldn't make them money, and they'd rather make money off graveyard reliant decks like Burning Abyss and Mermails.

When the game started to get bad for me was when Exciton Knight got released (January 2014). A lot of people would say it started getting bad when Duelist Alliance got released (August 2014) because that spun the power creep a bit out of hand, but I think the fact they would even make a card like Exciton that rewards people for unwisely using their resources and gives them a lame come back factor at any time is very bad for the game. At least it got banned (to push pendulums). I always enjoyed the game before then now I just play it occasionally. There were bad formats in the middle (height of dragon rulers/height of Dino Rabbit/Wind-Ups/Inzektors, and height of Six Samurai (short lived). Frog FTK was really stupid too XD.

In case you're wondering. Infernities is a deck where the effects only work if you have no cards in your hand. They have a lot of cards that revive infernties from the graveyard. They special summon often. They can synchro summon and xyz often (pendulum works well to help special summon them). They have some of the craziest combos of any yugioh deck in history and I would argue they can do some of the most devastating things in one turn out of any card game in history. They have some infinite loops which you wouldn't be lucky enough to pull off in a tournament setting, but when you see what they can do it can be quite mind blowing lol.

Unfortunately I kinda just forgot about sorcerer of dark magic because it's too difficult to get out and could easily end up a dead draw, it would work with the new Dark magician support because you're summoning so many dark magician's it doesn't really matter how you use them.

Also something I've been wondering is how many people have played yugioh duelists of the roses, it's a playstation 2 title and is my favourite PS2 game to date, I decided to play it again recently and it used to be so difficult to me but now I've almost beat it in a day. So did anyone else play it or just me?

Yeah I actually enjoyed this game. I obtained every card available. My favorite yugioh game is still Forbidden Memories for the PS1. That games still holds up. There are mods of it sorta similar to how Reborn is a mod of pokemon. This Brazilian team made a Forbidden Memories 2. I enjoyed it thoroughly until I found out you can't compete it 100% >____>

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I used a harpie deck that was designed to get harpies pet dragon to ridiculous numbers, I once got 2 harpies pet dragons on 9999 Atk and Def, I farmed off mai to get all the cards I needed and the worst part was timing the slots to get harpies pet dragon

Wow and here I thought my 5000 atk meteor B dragon was impressive.

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one of my best yugioh game moments was in eternal duelist soul turn one paying 5000 to get blue eyes ultimate dragon with megamorph and then ramming into everything lol

archtype 101 the gemini archtype is a pretty unique archtype where you normal summon a monster twice in order for them to gain a powerful effect they are treated as a normal monster on the field until you do so and while in the grave allowing you to play normal monster based support to the fullest

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As someone who played since early 2013 I can say that I've enjoyed every single format of Yugioh since. Sure there were times when my favorite decks got powercreeped and were less viable than previously (Geargia, Fire Kings) But in the end I've always found new decks that were as fun to play as those that came before them. The main attraction of the game to me is how its constantly in flux and that nothing ever stays the same due to the banlists and new card releases.

Even Pendulum is something I actually love the idea of, compared to most. Heck, Pendulum decks have been super weak since their release. Sure Qliphorts and PePe's were strong, but there were always decks that competed on equal terms or were better.

Yugioh is simply an amazing game, though perhaps my thoughts would be different were I to actually play the physical card game...

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It literally makes no sense that Macro Cosmos and Dimensional Fissure are limited. They're fair cards. If your decks needs the graveyard that bad to where you automatically lose to them, then maybe you should play a different deck. There are tons of flood gates cards like that which win match ups easily that aren't limited. Even if those cards were at 3, it would make NO difference on competitive play.

Thank you, someone finally agrees with me, I'm honestly not a fan of dimensional fissure though it kinda sucks once you draw into macro though.

And I love hearing goat stories and OTK stories and locks and so on like last turn and jowgen the spiritualist OTK, that's genius

archtype 101 the gemini archtype is a pretty unique archtype where you normal summon a monster twice in order for them to gain a powerful effect they are treated as a normal monster on the field until you do so and while in the grave allowing you to play normal monster based support to the fullest

I'm not a huge fan of gemini's honestly, it just seems like too much hassle to normal summon a monster twice just so it can use its effect

And the physical card game is super fun especially doing big group duels with a bunch of people, I've been doing that for a while and it changes the game quite a lot and you have to build your deck to compensate, pro tip though people fear the back row immensly just set 5 mirror force and end your turn, no one will touch you XD

Edited by BlueMoonIceCream
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