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Not gonna lie though Yuya's the second most savage protagonist in the yugioh anime series (atem's the king of no chill), not only does he style on you in the most flashy way possible. He makes an entire show about it that gets you involved in it too.

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Of specialized monster types (Ritual, Synchro, XYZ, etc.) do you guys have any personal favorite leanings?

IMO Ritual is underrated (Black Luster Soldier being a personal favorite) and Fusion is chronically overused

Side note I'm looking to get more into the metagame (I'm about a level 5 on a 1-10 depth scale I'd say) so please school me on terminology/vocab when possible

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I can tell you like queen's knight based on your avatar, I'm a huge fan of Arcana knight joker myself and I kinda wish those knights would get more support because they're pretty cool.

I'm a huge fan of synchro's honestly that's probably my favourite summoning method, fusions being a second the rest are just kinda eh to me, I do like that xyz's make a lot of decks that would otherwise be unplayable at least stand a little bit of a chance thanks to dank 4's and their broken access to a lot of non-destruction target removal and effect negation.

What kinda decks do you run I'm curious?

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Yes Queenie is a personal favorite and I have designated her as my signature card

Synchros were sick and so was 5Ds when a sufficient suspension of disbelief was applied

Yusei was a welcome exception to the overly energetic protagonist that has become a standard since Jaden wrought his teenage Slifer apocalypse

Then they tried to make him edgy in one of the later arcs and euggheguh

My excuse for not getting into more advanced sets like XYZ and Cyber Dragon and XYZ Cyber Dragon is that they're broken garbage I'm a big fan of earlier cards that fell out of viability

For a good amount of time I lurked on dueling network and ran a Red-Eyes Black Dragon deck

It was largely dependent on effect monsters and tribute summons (RE Metal Dragon, RE Zombie Dragon, RE Darkness Dragon)

I don't have the spread anymore because the site got busted but I could probably recreate it if I was given a program

Do you run a program for online fighting? A few years ago I had a client for my computer but I forget its name

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I have a copy of YGOPro if you're interested, konami shut down the official download links so you either gotta know a guy or risk virus filled downloads.

It's basically a software that allows you to play yugioh against people online or against a bunch of AI decks which are good for testing.

ALSO red-eyes got a bunch of new support and I have my own version of the deck, it's not tier 1 but it's fun to use and that's all that matters. Two words: BIG BURN

Also Dank magician is my personal favourite archetype especially ever since they gave it new support in fact they are still giving more support for it as we speak, they just announced DMOC support and I'm wondering if I can splash it in and have it work out well enough. Also if you need any help deck building I'm sure people here including myself would be more than willing to give you some suggestions and pointers :3

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This is my favourite card, it just looks so amazing, as soon as I pulled this card in a pack it was love at first sight, one day I plan to make a decent deck around it or even better there might even be an archetype that could support it in the future.

I have no idea if dungeon dice monsters is a thing, I did however have a dungeon dice monsters board game when I was younger it came with monopoly-esque figures I believe but I think that's as close as you'll get.

By the way have you seen the subbed version of any of the yugioh anime? I know it's probably not people's preferred choice considering the voices in the dub are nostalgic but after the original series that kinda doesn't matter anymore in my opinion, though I did watch the original in subbed and I have to say the difference in quality is surprising, I felt like I was watching an entirely new show and it has one of my favourite OST's to date.

(Also I'm going to sleep now so I'll be on to reply later)

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I have not watched any of the anime in sub EXCEPT for Season Zero

Which had even less to do with the current metagame than any of the seasons that followed it but it was so good

Atem actually tortured people instead of just beating them in a card game and lecturing them about the value of friendship, and and Anzu (later Tea) almost got mauled by a tiger

It felt almost like a PG Death Note and I highly recommend

I could see myself watching 5Ds and later in sub no problem but Original and GX would probably throw me off

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Well my favorite summoning type would be pendulum for the fact that it allows multiple types of play while having some inviduality.

Well, ritual is indeed underrated. It is a bit strange but rituals have some consistency issues to be fair. That being said I tested out cyber angels with herald of perfection and that was quite fun.

It is unbelievable how much better her angels are in comparison with gx. But maybe that is me comming from the tag force series.

Dark magician support is quite fun to be honest, it opens a very interesting playstyle where you make your plays during your opponents turn but it has some consistency issues. The OG magician sees quite some play unlike blue-eyes.

I don't think dungeon dice monsters is a thing more like an episodal gimmick. I did play a dungeon dice gameboy (advance?) game and found the game a bit too simplistic.

Season zero in manga/anime are completely different from the rest of the yu gi oh franchise. Very interesting and certainly recommendable.

For the dub versus sub with gx I experienced a more cliché and comical dub in comparison to the sub. It was like the show could not take itself serious in the dub. Also I'm pretty sure the dub removed some episodes from 5D. But Jack Atlas in dub is just awesome.

My favorite card would be one of the Kaiju most likely:


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I tried watching season zero but I found it to be boring so I just forgot about it, I did read up on it a bit though so I got the gist of it

Also another thing about the subbed is that it's uncensored so nothing is left out that should've been there, there's a lot of stupid things too, anything to that might be too "violent" for children is left out because apparently the colour red is too much to handle - _ - I also specifically remember when yugi dueled arcana the other dank magician user there were saw blades that would cut through their legs if they lost, however in the dub they were weird energy saws that if they touched you you would be sent to the shadow realm :|

I actually LOVE 5Ds it's SO good and I'd highly recommend the sub it's so much better in my opinion, I'm going more by the soundtrack than anything. Did they have clear mind in the dub or was it just the sub because that's by far my favourite song of 5D's.

I used to hate pendulums until I seen them in Arc-V, I just thought they were some broken bullshit which too be honest they were but they are fair enough at this point, and I like seeing pendulum summons as well.

I'm not a huge fan of rituals though cyber angels are pretty cool and I wish lack luster soldier had better support because I love that card, but if you can pull off the best play of their archetype you can have a single monster with like 8 different effects which I find hilarious, also if you use chaos for you can throw in chaos max to the build

And no offense but I hate kaijus ;~;

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I have two copies of each, and a playable obelisk that came in the BP02 set, I also have a sphere mode, I used to have a gold ra but I traded it for some cards I needed, I kinda regret trading it though, it looked pretty sweet for a secret gold rare they normally look ugly to me. The closest thing you can get to that are the cards yugi was given to go to duelist kingdom, you get them with yugi's legendary deck collection which is a box with the three decks yugi used throughout the series and includes exodia and non-playable god cards

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Well, censorship is indeed a big thing in the dubs. SilentSaiyan has a serie on youtube on it. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI3rF94s4LodE81NKBv6GgQ) I completely forget about the hot sauce thing in the dubs which now that I think of it makes no sense.

I actually disliked pendulum when I heard of it. I thought hey were broken but after trying it and seeing monarchs without a ban list in the ygpro ai set made me realize that mechanics do not make OP or broken but cards do.

I understand why you hate kaiju's but they are better as an 1-2 addition then a full fletched archetype which is quite sad though. I really wish there was more support though.

Speaking of gods, how good do you think they are? I find them okayish with ra being the weakest, slifer the second weakest and obelisk the strongest. Really needed a anti-destruction clause.

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I agree on Ra being the weakest. The idea of drawing on Life Points and using it as a sort of destructive currency was very cool, but there were three gaping weaknesses:

- Other 3-tribute cards like Great Maju Garzett or The Wicked Avatar could equal Ra's ATK/DEF easily at no cost to the user's life points

- Ra's only effect after being summoned (an act that would presumably draw at least half of your LP) required more LP to activate

- If Ra dies, there go all your life points l0l

- Direct LP damage cards like Ookazi meant certain death

The gap between Ra and Slifer is much bigger than the gap between Slifer and Obelisk. Slifer's tendency to come along later in the game coupled with ATK/DEF dependent on the hand size meant that with an appropriate deck build / playstyle it could be very intimidating. It also had the excellent effect of destroying any of the opponent's weak (<2000 ATK) normal or special summoned monsters which really threw a wrench in their capacity to tribute summon

And yeah Obelisk is just a beast, kind of makes sense why he's considered the king of the trilogy

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Well for Ra it has to be mentioned I read about a deck concept called the winged dragon of friendship. The idea was to summon Ra activate yu-yo friendship while holding unity. Yu-yo friendship makes two players share life points fairly if the opponent aggrees to it however if you reveal unity you can force the opponent to accept it. So you get your powered ra and you a halved his life points hopefully an otk. Still this is gimmick and Ra really needs his sum of tributes back.

For Slifer not only did he just destroy he also lowers attack points so if the monster would survive he still would lose 2000 atk points. There are 2 problems wiith this effect first it does not work with defense position monsters so if slifer can't get over it in defense position then the monster stays with all of it attack points. The second is the hand related atck damage if you're trying to get out slifer you will have to do it fast or the opponent will have a very strong board out which means slifers effect is useless. if you do get him out fast his attack will be low due to emptying out your hand so even the weaker board will get over Slifer.

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That's actually a fascinating system for Ra, but it is gimmicky. Strange how across so many metagames, characters/cards/monsters with lesser overall options/strength come to rely on one or two gimmicks...

And good points about Slifer, I didn't consider the contrast between the changing state of your hand vs. opponents field. That really kind of undermines Slifer, but like you said I guess you just have to get him out fast and protect him while you build up your hand again. You'd probably want to rely more on in-hand quick play spell cards to activate after BP

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While ra may be the weakest you can't deny how useful sphere mode is, it's 3 non-targeting, non-destruction tribute removal, one of the best removal options in the current meta aside from banishing face-down plus when you get it back you get to summon a 4k beat stick that can destroy as many cards as it wants per turn, coupled with mound of the bound this is no joke, while it is in fact the weakest it's definitely the easiest and least detrimental to get out provided you don't use your own resources doing so.

I have a friend who is all about the gods, he wants to make a build around them that actually works but there's just not enough support for triple tribute monsters, you'd have to throw them into another archetype that special summons like there's no tomorrow and can search the gods, so true name and mound of the bound would need to be thrown in there, one example is sylvans because they actually work with true name.

Obelisk is really hard to get over but to be honest all of the gods aren't worth getting out unless you have slifer on 6k because we all know what's going to happen... the nostalgia killer is coming 0-0


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