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I did a bit of research into Black Luster Soldier and it turns out a lot of the decks featuring him revolved around Envoy of the Beginning

Last time I checked that righteous nightmare was banned but apparently it's been allowed back in and is now limited (I'm assuming to 1 card)

See for yourself:


1 Black Luster Soldier
1 Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
3 Black Luster Soldier – Super Soldier
3 Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight
2 Beginning Knight
2 Evening Twilight Knight
3 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
1 Mathematician
3 Super Soldier Soul
3 Sphere Kuriboh
1 Black Luster Ritual
1 Foolish Burial
3 Gateway to Chaos
1 Instant Fusion
1 Reinforcement of the Army
3 Super Soldier Ritual
1 Terraforming
2 Storming Mirror Force
3 Super Soldier Shield
2 Time-Space Trap Hole

1 Elder Entity Norden

Suggested Cards to fiddle with:
– Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
– Abyss Dweller
– Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Evening Twilight
– More copies of Beginning Knight / Evening Twilight Knight
– The Warrior Returning Alive
– Soul Charge

– Beginning Knight and Evening Twilight Knight being used together grants the monster all 4 effects
– Jerome implies there’s a “Gaia the Fierce Knight” monster in BOSH
– He suggests how to use the Deck against Kozmo for those interested

I feel that I can't really find out any more about the build until I play with it so I'm going to look into getting YGOPro

Like 70% sure one of my friends has it so I'll ask him to send it over skype but if he's deleted it or something I might hit you up BlueMoon

Edited by HughJ
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Is there any particular reason the two are so divided?

I've heard rumors of one side accepting the other from time to time but I don't understand the divide in the first place

Is it because card effect is so critical and can't be verified without the internet?

Edited by HughJ
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who knows wish the releases for japan and usa were closer like the pokemon card game

don't recall seeing you here before so ill just ask about what you think of these archetypes these are my favorite by card type focus

effect geminis,volcanics

fusion lunalight

ritual cyber angel

synchro don't remember

xyz raidraptor,zodiac beasts

pendulum none yet

Edited by nepeta100
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I believe they still have a ban list and two things one do you think the new honest like card for heroes that was revealed is playable and two do you think that this new card that is being printed that supports harpy feather duster could mean harpy feathers duster is coming off the ban list or do you think it will remain at 0

Edited by nepeta100
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Volcanics are a cool archetype, my friend used to use them

Honestly a lot of my interest in the game comes from aesthetically pleasing cards; I'll usually find a card first and then build a deck around it. Cyber angels kind of fall flat in my eyes - the GX-era cards always looked strange to me, but I'm not sure what it is about them... maybe konami employed the same artist across those years?

They fell in a sort of uncanny valley between original cards (which were more blurry and ominous) and 5Ds cards (which were very crisp and detailed)

I also can't tell if you're gunning for the gemini and zodiac decks because of homestuck

And thanks for explaining BlueMoon

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Watch this and tell me cyber angels aren't amazing.

The new neos is kinda neat, it might help with their frail tendencies but it doesn't really do more than what koga does

I WANT HARPIES FEATHER DUSTER BACK and that's coming from me, the backrow champion

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Volcanics are a cool archetype, my friend used to use them

Honestly a lot of my interest in the game comes from aesthetically pleasing cards; I'll usually find a card first and then build a deck around it. Cyber angels kind of fall flat in my eyes - the GX-era cards always looked strange to me, but I'm not sure what it is about them... maybe konami employed the same artist across those years?

They fell in a sort of uncanny valley between original cards (which were more blurry and ominous) and 5Ds cards (which were very crisp and detailed)

I also can't tell if you're gunning for the gemini and zodiac decks because of homestuck

And thanks for explaining BlueMoon

no I just love their design and how they work that's all never even thought about connecting the two lol :3

also yeah the cyber angel archetype like Bluemoon said don't count them out just yet a lot has been done with them since their premiere in the gx era. Also if harpies feather duster comes back at all to some degree all hail artifacts once more

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Well ra sphere mode looks interesting seems more like it will brick then do good. For ydealing with the gods they will get either get mirror forced (all of them) or dark hole/raigeki'd or indeed Utopiad. A shame but maybe a new set of gods is in order. A divine archetype would be cool. Nordics were a disaster on themselves.

Zombies will always hold a place in my heart because they were the structure deck I got with real structure. Even now I would claim zombie is more like an archetype then a monster type. Cards like goblin zombie, zombie master, mezuki, pyramid turtle combined with the revival theme and low defense made zombies extremely cohesive. Uni-zombie made it even better and shiranui give the type some cool extra plays like crystal wing synchro dragon.

Well gemini were a actually a bit handicapped at the start, I mean you need to go out of your way to get their effects which makes them a bit slower. On top of that the effects of a lot of gemini monsters were not that impressive. So you got slow monsters with mediocre effects. I don't know how much support they have received over the year but I'm not convinced of the idea yet. It does not seem fun to me.

Volcanics were cool in the day it was I will do damage either way type of deck which relied heavy on the support of blaze accelator. Shame it became just an engine.

Cyber angels well they have grown a lot in comparison to their anime showing (which was deplorable), they have extra effects and found a great partner into herald of perfection. The sad thing is I'm not that gaga over the two new cyber angel, Vishnu has a good level for cyber angels (2+8=10 and 4+6) the effects scream otk to me but if that fails it has very little protection. Also shuffling cyber angels into the deck is kinda strange with dakini. Nasateiya has an akward level and it's effects are good but it does not advance you forward because no opponnt is going to send it to the graveyard. Also battle protection can be done by honest and idaten.

Oh boy here come zodiac beasts, because xyz summoning is so hard. They don't need 2 or three materials no 1 material. I mean bending is one thing but really this feels like it would be some bullshit thing in zexal where a villain proves how powerfull he is by xyz summoning with just one monster.

Harpies feather duster, please don't. Traps are almost obsolete themselves blease don't make this the final nail in their coffin.

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My main problem with Yugioh is that the majority of the time my favorite archetypes are never viable...

My favorite archetypes mechanically thus far have been Chronomally, Gusto and Raidraptors during my time playing Yugioh. Raidraptors being the closest thing to being viable, though themselves being hard-counters by Pendulum, Monarch and Burning Abyss...

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Harpies feather duster, please don't. Traps are almost obsolete themselves blease don't make this the final nail in their coffin.

Starlight road?

Well ra sphere mode looks interesting seems more like it will brick then do good.

Oh believe me it does kaiju's are definitely a better option but just imagine the look on someone's face when you clear their field and throw mega ultra chicken at them next turn

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Harpies feather duster, please don't. Traps are almost obsolete themselves blease don't make this the final nail in their coffin.

I don't know, despite these past formats not being very trap heavy I always like to at least include 3x Solemn Strike, Bottomless Trap Hole and some other trap, even in decks that don't typically run them. It just catches people off guard and wins games.

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I'm not saying they are bad (most are situational though) but to be fair how much is the ratio between traps and your deck? Mine are in general small something like 5 out of 40. Harpies feather duster will not increase that amount.

Edited by FairFamily
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Well generic traps maybe but not archetype specific ones, it's just the timing that kill traps, especially if you can't activate them until certain conditions are met, for example all mirror forces can't be activated until the opponent attack at least with traps like compulsory evacuation device if it's going to be destroyed you can just activate it instead

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Well ra sphere mode looks interesting seems more like it will brick then do good. For ydealing with the gods they will get either get mirror forced (all of them) or dark hole/raigeki'd or indeed Utopiad. A shame but maybe a new set of gods is in order. A divine archetype would be cool. Nordics were a disaster on themselves.

Zombies will always hold a place in my heart because they were the structure deck I got with real structure. Even now I would claim zombie is more like an archetype then a monster type. Cards like goblin zombie, zombie master, mezuki, pyramid turtle combined with the revival theme and low defense made zombies extremely cohesive. Uni-zombie made it even better and shiranui give the type some cool extra plays like crystal wing synchro dragon.

Well gemini were a actually a bit handicapped at the start, I mean you need to go out of your way to get their effects which makes them a bit slower. On top of that the effects of a lot of gemini monsters were not that impressive. So you got slow monsters with mediocre effects. I don't know how much support they have received over the year but I'm not convinced of the idea yet. It does not seem fun to me.

Volcanics were cool in the day it was I will do damage either way type of deck which relied heavy on the support of blaze accelator. Shame it became just an engine.

Cyber angels well they have grown a lot in comparison to their anime showing (which was deplorable), they have extra effects and found a great partner into herald of perfection. The sad thing is I'm not that gaga over the two new cyber angel, Vishnu has a good level for cyber angels (2+8=10 and 4+6) the effects scream otk to me but if that fails it has very little protection. Also shuffling cyber angels into the deck is kinda strange with dakini. Nasateiya has an akward level and it's effects are good but it does not advance you forward because no opponnt is going to send it to the graveyard. Also battle protection can be done by honest and idaten.

Oh boy here come zodiac beasts, because xyz summoning is so hard. They don't need 2 or three materials no 1 material. I mean bending is one thing but really this feels like it would be some bullshit thing in zexal where a villain proves how powerfull he is by xyz summoning with just one monster.

Harpies feather duster, please don't. Traps are almost obsolete themselves blease don't make this the final nail in their coffin.

there was gemini support last year including a field spell you should check it out

Edited by nepeta100
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