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Animals that need to be made into Pokemon


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As the title suggests, what animals would you like to see as a pokemon?

For example, Kyogre is basically a killer whale, but there is no dolphin pokemon yet. Or a whale that isn't a blimp like wailord. Maybe a narwhal or a sperm whale?


Shark- I want something tankier than sharpedo. Like a great white or thresher shark.



Wolf- manectric and luxray really don't count. their designs are too silly

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Luxray isn't even a canine though. It's a lynx/lion hybrid.


DOLPHIN: We need a true bottlenose, narwhal or Beluga. Kyogre is great and all, but it's not quite the first thing that comes to mind when you say dolphin. Besides, its not like dolphins are even remotely unknown.

TIGER: Raikou is a sabertooth and Lando-T is...idk. but neither are actually tigers. Here's to hoping Litten will be one.

PEACOCK: Mega Altaria is biologically one, but it's not vibrant or colourful or anything. I want a bright one with Quiver Dance.

LOBSTER: Crawdaunt is a crayfish, Kingler is a crab, Clawitzer is a shrimp. We don't have an actual lobster yet.

I agree about swordfishes and wolves. I'd also like more dinosaurs.

EDIT: Skullkin, Kyogre is a killer whale. It even has Orca in its name.

And Mael, Ekans is a rattlesnake, but I agree we need a more menacing one. Likewise, Liepard can be construed to be a panther, because it is a black leopard, but it hardly looks like one.

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More food pokemon!!! =D

but food aren't animals rip

Umm. What else?

Oh. We should have more porcupine pokemon. I don't really favor Sandslash very much,,, Shaymin is to my liking but it's a hedgehog.


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We have horse and zebra as Equidae family representatives in pokemon, how about some donkey pokemon eh? New typing as well derp type so that i can name my donkey poke Eeyore, can have mega Stunfisk belonging with the type as well

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But Ho-oh is clearly a roast turkey, ICSW!

Also Aika, we do need a true porcupine Pokemon, but Sandslash isn't one. It's a Pangolin, and Sandshrew is actually not a shrew but an Armadillo. They're both related, but not to porcupines.

Also, how about a Woodpecker Pokemon? Or a Crane? I can't believe we don't have a single wading bird. Imagine the fun we could have of there was a Heron, Egret or Flamingo Pokémon?

A big, pink, flamboyant flamingo.

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Anything based on this fella (The Axototl) and I'd be super happy, though a Narwhal would be super sweet too.

250px-194Wooper.png You're welcome.

A narwhal would be super cool tho. Same for a dolphin, an actual lynx (luxray is cool but eh...), an actual peacock (altaria has nothing to do with a peacock whatsoever), a mosquito, a fly, a flea, an earthworm, leech, penguin outside of empoleon, kangaroo, platypus, etc.

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We have two families of Pokémon: Quagsire and Swampert, that are already based on the Axolotl. Though Mudkip is meant to be a mudskipper, they don't look anything like the fish, and ate clearly Amphibians of the newt variety. The gills that Swampert retains point to Axolotl origin, though Quagsire is the more obvious derivative due to its access to Recover.

How about a sea snake? Water/Poison is awesome, and having a fast, offensive one as opposed to fat things like Quilfish and Tentacruel would be a change.

EDIT: Ninjask'd again. Also, Empoleon is the best and most honourable bird!

And hell no, no mosquitoes or flies or massively deadly disease carrying vectors, thanks very much. I think that's the deliberate rwason why GF has never made such pestilential Pokémon.

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And hell no, no mosquitoes or flies or massively deadly disease carrying vectors, thanks very much. I think that's the deliberate rwason why GF has never made such pestilential Pokémon.

And yet they make a pokemon that is the literal embodiment of pestilence moving around (Muk)? A pokemon like weezing that embodies toxic gases, something that is actually a problem in some cities of japan?

Rats were carriers of the flea that caused the bubonic plague, yet we have a rat pokemon in raticate. In fact by that logic, mosquitoes and flies are no problem at all, considering that, like rats, is something smaller they carry around what actually causes all those diseases. Without even getting started into the fact that many species of fly are harmless.

But well, I can see what you mean if we apply it in the cases of, say, radioactive pokemon, or literal embodiments of plagues (as in, a bacteria or disease pokemon). Gamefreak doesn't want to offend anybody, and yet they still get in trouble because of things like registeel, probopass and the likes.

Ontopic again, a wolf would actually be pretty cool. I'm very surprised we don't have that one yet. We had to wait 6 gens for a lion and a t-rex, so I'd assume GF works slow in that regard.

Capybara, jaguar, aardvark, antilope, actual elephant (considering how donphan came out), etc.would all be cool as well.

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I'd actually like to see sinister-looking vectors to be a Pokemon. Make them Poison/Dark with Levitate.

There should be a Pokemon based on Komodo Dragon. I think it'd would be awesome.

I also want a colibri whether it's real colibri or similar one (aka shrimp moth or colibri robot).

Also, termites complete with their kingdom hierarchy; king, queen, army.

And last but most desired: WOLF. Arctic wolf to be specific. Arctic fox is fine too but i wanf wolf so badly, real wolf or werewolf doesn't matter. I just want wolf pokemon.

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Oh yeah,I have an idea for a termite Pokémon. Bug/Ground, and like Vespiquen only the females can evolve into the higher form. But unlike Combee, the base form isn't utterly useless. I'll call 'em Termine and Terregent. I'll get around to drawing them soon.

Also, Zim, Toxicity =/= viral and bacterial disease of the horrific kind we see irl. Muk and Weezing are pollution, yes, but not disease. And of course, we'll never see a Steel/Poison radiation Pokémon.

Also, all of them, including Raticate, were Gen1. Gen1 was rather more inclusive of the unsavoury parts of life; subsequent generations of Pokémon are much tamer and more dumbed-down. We will not see mosquitoes and flies and roaches in the coming generations, I think. Especially when you consider that after Raticate, not a single rodent introduced is actually a rat. They're all cutesie things like squirrels and dormice and lagomorphs, or things like beavers and stuff. Definitely nothing that makes one think of rabies and pestilence.

Personally, I'd rather it stayed that way. Much as I like the idea of Bug/Poison Mosquitox and Tsefly, I would rather they didn't exist.

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Luxray isn't even a canine though. It's a lynx/lion hybrid.


DOLPHIN: We need a true bottlenose, narwhal or Beluga. Kyogre is great and all, but it's not quite the first thing that comes to mind when you say dolphin. Besides, its not like dolphins are even remotely unknown.

TIGER: Raikou is a sabertooth and Lando-T is...idk. but neither are actually tigers. Here's to hoping Litten will be one.

PEACOCK: Mega Altaria is biologically one, but it's not vibrant or colourful or anything. I want a bright one with Quiver Dance.

LOBSTER: Crawdaunt is a crayfish, Kingler is a crab, Clawitzer is a shrimp. We don't have an actual lobster yet.

I agree about swordfishes and wolves. I'd also like more dinosaurs.

EDIT: Skullkin, Kyogre is a killer whale. It even has Orca in its name.

And Mael, Ekans is a rattlesnake, but I agree we need a more menacing one. Likewise, Liepard can be construed to be a panther, because it is a black leopard, but it hardly looks like one.

All of this^

proper Lynx

Also Wolf, yes. Wolf indeed.

A better representation of cat breeds.. I mean, apart meowth, all other cats look like random patterns slapped onto a cat . Maybe litten is the second cat that represents a breed.. but yea when you look at how we have all these dog breeds represented properly... hound, dobberman, poodle, yorkshire terrier, the next dog is gonna represent a breed as well..and so on, it's just sad

Need more spiders

Need a better shark representation and hedgehog/porcupine representation that doesn't belong to mythical pokemanz


more goats and camels

blue jay

a mantis that looks better than things like scyther

woodpecker which we may get given that unfinished design we saw

haunted brick :ph34r:jk i dont want that

le armored peruvian dragon snake

other stuff i don't know the names of, but there are a bunch of bugs or reptiles id wanna see made into pokemanz

Edited by Masquerain
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The only virus ever created by Game Freak was Pokérus, so I don't think an embodiment of a disease would work well. It's just too tiny, nor even multicellular. Pokemon that use diseases as defense-mechanismm could be cool, but would you need a new type for that (à la Snakewood)?
A mosquito pokemon would be a first (plus part above), and of course a rodent with, for example, Poison Touch or an ability to spread Pokérus would be cool.

We don't have mons based on salmon, haddock, tuna...also, are there any chicken-inspired pokes?
Oh yeah, and a mon lookalike to Sunflora, but with a Mega Stone, based on Flowey would be baller (and traumatizing).

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The only virus ever created by Game Freak was Pokérus, so I don't think an embodiment of a disease would work well. It's just too tiny, nor even multicellular. Pokemon that use diseases as defense-mechanismm could be cool, but would you need a new type for that (à la Snakewood)?

Pokemon that use diseases as a defense mechanism would be Poison, I think.

Also Deoxys's lore says that it was a space virus that turned into a Pokemon after being exposed to a laser beam (which in ORAS was revealed as AZ's ultimate weapon).

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We don't have mons based on salmon, haddock, tuna...also, are there any chicken-inspired pokes?

The already mentioned blaziken, or there's also vullaby, that resembles a hen despite being based on a vulture chick, technically.

A toothed deer or an actual reindeer that doesn't suck ass like stantler would be cool. A moose, a donkey, a whale shark, an anglerfish that looks scarier than lanturn, a viperfish, elephant seal (could be bulky as fuck), porpoise, real scorpion and not whatever drapion is supposed to be, etc.

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