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Heyo... Heyo...



Hey guys, girls and everyone in beetween~

My name is Raphael, but you can call me Ting, as most people do, I'm from Brazil, dad's from Brazil, mom's from Taiwan, so that makes me something (or not)

I started to play Reborn last year, around September, and stopped because of something (I don't really know why, tho), but I'm back by popular demand for good(or no good :feelsgd: )

So... I actually do nothing with my life, but to play Reborn and dance K-Pop. I was doing Computer Science at UFPE, but I'm a bit discouraged to continue the course and quite bewildered(Idk if I used this word correctly, but it should mean something like without a North, not knowing what to do, lost, etc), which brings me to where I am(sitting on the couch writing this lol)

Anyway, thanks to Reborn I'm back to being a poke-freak I always was when I was a little boy, but I had to stop being because of mom being an Asian mom(STEREOTYPES ARE PARTIALLY REAL) and made me stop playing Pokemon etc etc etc... The last Pokemon played was Leaf Green(and I didn't got to play the Emerald), so I'm quite amused for this game having every generation pokemon <3

I guess that's it...

My favorite poke is Eevee, because he is soooooooo cuuuuuute for me he represents the power of adaptation, cuz he can become quite anything to help him survive but he doesn't lose his cute foxy face essence.

Thaaaaanks for reading and I hope we all get to... I don't know how to say it in English, but it's something like... become friends ^^

P.S.: I'm too lazy to make myself an signature, so I guess I'll do it later.

Edited by raphating
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Welcome to Reborn!

Leave your sanity at the door, and someone will come by and dispose of it later.

Someone will come by and tell you to read the rules... Ignore him

Also come join us on the Showdown server! There's a link up there on the left, and it's a party. I promise... we don't bite crunch is better

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Welcome delicious friend to our humble abode

Dinner has arrived will be served shortly

Just lay back and close your eyes we will devour you shortly cater to your every need

We are canibals graceful folk with but peaceful intentions

Have a "pleasant" stay at this little hideout of ours...

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Hi there Ting! Welcome to Reborn!

Eevee is a great pokemon and I love it too! So it is cool that you like it so much.

Also, I'm glad you decided to come back and give Reborn another go. I'm sure it won't disappoint.

Hope to see you around!

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Well met Ting-a-ring-a-ding

Welcome to Reborn.

Computer Science and discouraged? Close enough to my course, but I know the feel. Am too late to stop though.

Also clever joke is clever. I never been to the Northeast myself, but I know Recife can be quite the heat~

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

I'll be seeing you o/

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welcome to reborn! i love your font color tbh it's kind of blue \o/

eevee is, indeed, very adorable <3

i like your writing style, or what you sound like through your post... yep, no sanity already, you'll fit right in. just lemme baptize you in wololo and you'll be all set o/ that, and your English is pretty good, so don't worry about it! your word usages are very, very accurate c: we're looking forward to becoming friends with you, too. ~

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